Творческая работа ученика совместно с учителем на тему "Английские заимствования в современном русском языке".
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Материал для научно-практической конференции для секции" Английский язык".
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Предварительный просмотр:
18 городская научно-практическая конференция
Секция английского языка
English Borrowings
in the Modern Russian language
ученица 7б класса
Утяшева Ирида
Научный руководитель:
Сиразетдинова Г.Т.
г. Нефтекамск, МОБУ СОШ №7 2014 год
- Introduction
- The reasons of borrowing English words
- Modern English borrowings in various spheres of people's activity
- Types of English borrowings
- The impact of English borrowings in the language of young people
- English borrowings in the Internet and social nets
- English borrowings on TV
- English borrowings in magazines
- English borrowings in the names of the shops and some goods
- The analysis of the results of the research
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Appendixes
- Introduction
From the ancient times the Russian nation came into cultural, trade, military and political relations with other states that certainly led to the language borrowings. In different epochs words from other languages penetrated into the original Russian vocabulary. However, the national originality of the Russian language did not suffer at all from the penetration of foreign, as the process of borrowing is a natural way to enrich language. So the Russian language preserved its self-sufficiency and just got rich by means of borrowed words.
The process of word-stock formation is very long-drawn-out and complicated. It is also closely connected with the history of a nation. The Russian vocabulary in its modern state did not appear at once.
Our society is developing all the time and so the language changes too. Every year new words appear in languages. Each language has borrowed words and Russian is not an exception.
Russian people have been engaged in political, commercial, scientific and cultural relations with other nations since ancient times. Therefore, the Russian language has been enriched with many words from other languages. Our ancestry used new words to name new things; most of the borrowed words refer to nouns. It is quite clear that different age groups have different attitude for using English borrowings. In fact they are more popular among young people who tend to be more interested in new trends connected to European culture.
Today English is called “the 20th century Latin”. It isn’t surprising, because there are so many words of English origin in all spheres of modern life. We use English borrowings in business, physics, medicine, sport, computing, art (the whole list of these words you can see in Appendix 1).
The aim of the research is to specify the reasons of borrowing English words in the Russian language and in the speech of teenagers in particular. In my research I have made an attempt to classify recent English borrowings and have made a list of the most popular English borrowings used by teenagers.
The subject of the research is to study borrowing English words in modern Russian language in the last decades.
The object of the research is lexical units of English origin and their derivatives.
Hypothesis: English borrowings are found everywhere: in the media, in the names of the shops, in science and technique, etc. and teenagers use them more often than adults.
The novelty of the research lies in the interpretation of the theme. Nowadays, many linguists are highly interested in the Russian-English language contacts. English is called «Latin of the twentieth century»: about ¾ of all borrowings in the Russian language of the late twentieth and twenty- first centuries are English borrowings. Thus, many people, without knowing it, use English borrowings in everyday speech.
The actuality of this research is connected with increased interest in these borrowings for last twenty years.
The tasks of the research: Identify the reasons of borrowing English words in the Russian language;
Analyze theoretical materials related to borrowings; Find out ways of formation of borrowings; Classify the most used borrowings in the spheres of people's activity; Find the use of English vocabulary in the mass media, in the names of shops, in science and technique and among young people; Conduct a survey among teenagers and find out their attitude to the borrowed words. When solving the above tasks the following methods were used: Descriptive method with the methods of observation of linguistic phenomena; Reception of systematics and classification Sociological survey, interviewing, questionnaires; Magazines and TV programmes analyzing; This research work has a very important practical meaning because it helps pupils to get more information about borrowings in all spheres of life, reasons of borrowing English words, so pupils can use it in English and Russian lessons. I have also made a mini-dictionary of English words on spheres of their usage (Appendix 1).
2. The reasons of borrowing English words
The appearance of new words from foreign languages, their rapid consolidation in the Russian language is explained by impetuous changes in social and scientific life. So there are several reasons of borrowing words from the English language in XX-XXI centuries [1]:
- The advent of the Internet;
- The expansion of inter-state and international relations;
- The development of the world market, Economics, Information Technologies;
- Flourishing of the international tourism;
- The participation in Olympiads, international festivals, fashion shows;
- The activation of business, shopping, cultural relations;
- The long-term work of our specialists in institutions of the English-speaking countries;
- Functioning of joint Russian-foreign enterprises on the territory of Russia;
- The desire to hide the real meaning of the word under incomprehensible syllable (second hand, stock);
- The aspiration to show that you are “cool” using unfamiliar words (f. e. outsider, devise).
Nowadays the English language is an international language. This is due to some historical events: the expansion of trade and economic relations, the United States’ dominance in the world economy, development of tourism, the emergence of the Internet. Thus, the interest in English has greatly increased among Russian people. Many people go abroad to spend their holidays. Those people, who can speak English, feel at ease in other countries. I think that in the future some English borrowings will be our native words.
For example, you can hear such phrases as: Это было шоу! (It was a show!); смотреть видики (watch videos); замечательный клип (a wonderful clip); купить бестселлер (buy a bestseller); это был хит (it was a hit); работаю в офисе (I work in the office); покупать пиццу (buy pizza).
3. Modern English borrowings in various spheres of people's activity
Recently there has been an increase in borrowings of English words in the Russian language. It is closely connected with changes in the political, economic, cultural life of our society. We can see the changes in the names of authorities, for example: Верховный Совет – парламент (the Parliament); Совет министров – кабинет министров (the Cabinet of Ministers); председатель - премьер-министр (the Prime Minister); заместитель - вице-премьер (the Vice-Premier). Мэры (mayors) appeared in many cities; Советы have been replaced by администрациями (administrations). Heads of the administrations have their пресс-секретари (press secretaries), who regularly participate in пресс-конференциях (press-conferences), sending пресс-релизы (press releases); organize брифинги (briefings) and эксклюзивные интервью (exclusive interviews) of their шефов (chefs). (Political sphere)
Everyone has heard numerous economic and financial terms, such as бартер (barter), брокер (broker), ваучер (voucher), дилер (dealer), дистрибьютор (distributor), маркетинг (marketing), инвестиция (investment), etc. All these words refer to Business and law sphere.
For those who like sports, there are new kinds of sports: виндсерфинг (Windsurfing), армрестлинг (arm-wrestling), фристайл (freestyle), скейтборд (skateboard), кикбоксинг (kickboxing). With the spread of these games, their names also came to our language. (Sport sphere)
With the development of computers, a great number of words related to computers and the Internet have appeared: компьютер (computer), дисплей (display), файл (file), интерфейс (interface), принтер (printer), сканер (scanner), ноутбук (notebook), браузер (browser), сайт (website) and others.
There are many borrowed words connected with cultural life of our society: презентация (presentation), номинация (nomination), спонсор (sponsor), видео (video) (and its derivatives: видеоклип (video clip), видеокассета (video cassette), видеосалон (video-salon), шоу (show) (and its derivatives: шоу – бизнес (show business), ток - шоу (talk show), шоумен (showman), триллер (Thriller), хит (hit), дискотека (disco), диск-жокей (disc jockey). Many consider foreign vocabulary more attractive, prestigious, «academic» and beautifully sounding. For example: эксклюзивный – исключительный (exclusive), топ-модель – лучшая модель (top-model - best model); прайс-лист – прейскурант (price list); имидж – образ (image) [2]. (Cultural sphere)
There are many borrowed words connected with social sphere of life of people, especially young people: о’кей (OK), вау (Wow!), хай (hi), ес (yes), нэу (no), thanks, sorry, хэппи-энд (happy end). (Social sphere)
4. Types of English borrowings
1. Direct borrowings. The word appears in the Russian language roughly in the same form and at the same meaning as in the language of the original. Such words as уик-энд (weekend); блэк (Negro); мани (money), баскетбол (basketball) are examples of direct borrowings.
2. Hybrids. These words are formed by joining of Russian prefixes and suffixes to English roots. In this case, the meaning of the English word often changes slightly, for example: аскать (to ask), коннектиться (connect), спикать (to speak), бузить (busy – беспокойный, суетливый), гуглить (Google). For example, do you think that the word лайкать is connected to a dog? No, it is not. This is an adaptation of the English word “like”. It means to explain your positive attitude towards photos and other things in social nets. Do we say банить when we want to wash somebody? No way. It means to forbid something. It comes from English “to ban”. Or let’s have one more example: кликать. It has no connection to calling somebody. It means to use a computer mouse.
3. Loan translation. These are the words of foreign origin when their phonetic and graphical appearance is preserved. It occurs when the native language uses an item-for-item native version of the original. In the Russian language the word sounds the same as in English, for example: меню (menu), диск (disc), клуб (club). Here are several words that have no synonyms in the Russian language: problem, factor, concert, office, uniform, credit, sprinter, center, service, reform, farmer, protest, transport, system, object, phone, garage, plastic, business, information, interview, leader, medal, champion, dialogue, company, statistics, maximum, conference, material, conflict, complex, organization, etc. [3]
4. Semi-loan translation. These are the words when the rules of Russian grammar (suffixes) are preserved. For example: драйв – драйва (drive), гейма (game), джинсы (jeans).
5. Exotic words. These words reflect specific national customs of other nations and are used to describe not Russian words. The distinctive feature of these words is the fact that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: чипсы (chips), хот – дог (hot– dog), чизбургер (cheeseburger).
6. Foreign insertions. These words usually have lexical equivalents which are stylistically different from them and are fixed in a particular sphere of communication as a means of expression which makes speech more expressive, for example: о’кей (OK), вау (Wow!), хэппи-энд (happy end).
7. Composite words. These words consist of two English words, for example: сэконд - хенд (second-hand), видео-салон (video-salon), боди - арт (body-art).
8. Slangs. They appeared as a result of misrepresentation of some sounds, for example: крезанутый (crazy), кульный (cool), блинковать (blink- мигать), линковать (link – соединять) [4].
5. The impact of English borrowings on the language of young people
With the development of computer technologies more English words replenish the vocabulary of students because many of the existing professional terms of our native language are bulky, inconvenient in daily use. Therefore, there is a desire to reduce, simplify a word, for example: «мамка » - from Motherboard (материнская плата); «сидюшник» from CD-Rom Drive (накопитель на лазерных дисках); «маус» - from «mouse» - компьютерная мышь («У тебя такой навороченный маус»); («You have such a fancy mouse»);«комп» - from «computer («Опять мой комп завис»); (My comp freezes again »); -«дивидишник» - from «DVD player» («Дай что-нибудь посмотреть по дивидишнику»); («Give me something to watch on DVD player »);
Borrowings from English cover all aspects of school life, for example:
- «инглиш» transfer from jargon of students from «the English language» («На инглиш идешь»);
- «холидей» from «holiday» («В моей жизни все ОК, скоро будет холидей»); («Everything is OK in my life, it will be a holiday soon »);
- «френд, френдиться» from «a friend, make friends» («Он мой лучший френд»); («He's my best friend»);
- «боты» from «boot» («Столько ботов, а бутиться не во что»); («There are so many boots but there is nothing to wear at all»);
- «фейс» from «face» («На уроке главное – фейсом в грязь не упасть»); («The main at the lesson is not to fall in the dirt »);
- «мазер-фазер» from «father», «mother» («Нужно к приходу мазера-фазера прибраться»). («It is necessary to tidy up before my father - father arrives»). [5]
Foreign words in the speech of the young can play a unique role of quotes: the term, belonging to any special sphere, can be cited, consciously be played up and distorted. Sometimes the error becomes so attractive that many young people use it. It is considered that the words: клевый, перенсы, фигнюшка are formed from the English root: клевый from clever; перенсы from parents; фигнюшка from things. [6].
Moreover, there are words that show someone’s mood or attitude towards someone. These words are used by American or British teenagers and now they are used by Russian teenagers too. Modern teenagers use words like bro, cheater to name each other, the whole expressions to show their attitude (kill me please, genius) or words that are used not only by teenagers but are understandable all over the world (OK, hi, yes, like, no, thanks, sorry, Wow). The cry «Wow» expresses the emotion of wonder or admiration.
6. English borrowings in the Internet and social nets
I noticed one more thing which influences teenagers’ lives. It is social nets. All my classmates have their own pages in different social nets. There they connect with each other, with their friends in other cities and countries.
I asked my schoolmates (40 people) to write some English borrowings they use in daily communication. Their answers you can see in Appendix 2.
As you can see, there are many words that are related to the Internet and social nets. Some words are generally used words but some are used only in the Internet (mostly by teenagers). A huge amount of those words that are used in the Internet are English borrowings and Russian users just took them and started to use without any changes, like words facepalm or noob. But some words have been changed like лайкать (from like – in social nets) or гуглить (from the name of one of the famous finders – Google).
By the way, there are so many words which are used nowadays not only in the Internet, but also in our daily speech (like LOL). Moreover, students mentioned words that show someone’s mood or attitude towards someone. These words are used by American or British teenagers and now they are used by Russian teenagers too. Modern teenagers use such words like bro, cheater to name each other, the whole expressions to show their attitude (kill me please, genius) or words that are used not only by teenagers and that are understandable all over the world (like OK, WOW).
7. English borrowings on TV
Teenagers are often influenced by their favourite films and sitcoms, popular music and TV programmes. As for my class, American soap-operas are really popular among my classmates (especially girls). I know that my friends watch such soap-operas as “Pretty Little Liars”, “The Vampire Diaries”, “Gossip Girl”, “Glee”, “90210”, “Make it or break it”. It often happens that after some popular films lots of new expressions appear in teenagers’ vocabulary.
Now a lot of modern pop stars sing in English, many films are shot in this language. So, teenagers adopt the whole phrase, like «poker face», «forever alone», «epic fail». «I'll be back» by А.Schwarzenegger or from «Titanic » «I’m the king of the world! », «Never-ever let me go» by Dima Bilan are famous phrases used by teenagers as slangs. A powerful impetus for the development of the process of borrowing of English words is its use in speech of celebrities during the popular programmes. So, speaking at the game of KVN of the first season of 1999, the head of ORT used the word драйв (drive). «Давно не было такого драйва» - in the meaning «запал, энергетика», «There has not been such a drive for long time» - in the meaning of « passion, energy». After that purely musical term has become widely used among students [7].
We can see and hear a lot of English words on TV and, of course, teenagers swoop up this trend. The biggest part of borrowings comes from the names of some channels, new kinds of programmes invented in the USA and the UK, new types of films, sports and music programmes. The titles of some channels contain English letters or words, for example: Euro sport, National Geographic channel, Mtv, Kino club, Kino hit, Animal planet, A-one, Kids Co TV.
A big part of entertaining programmes were invented in the USA. That’s why the names of some types of programmes are English. We can name capital show, talk show, reality show, paranormal show and they have come into Russian speech from TV. Modern types of some films have also come from the US because the motion picture arts were born there. It is a thriller, a detective, a western, a soap-opera, a love story, a sitcom, a fantasy, an action film.
On channels Sport and Russia 2 we can see an inscription “Кубок мира по биатлону. Live” and often hear a lot of words connected with sports. From TNT we know such programmes as Comedy club, Comedy woman, Cosmopolitan video version, Interns, Nasha Russia.
There is uncountable quantity of English words that young people hear on TV. I want to repeat a few of them which I often hear: TV, show, teenager, model, musical, show business, celebrity, style, fashion, trend, top, super, weekend, test-drive, up-grade, jazz, hip-hop, rap, pop, rock’n’roll, cover, PR-manager, battle, freestyle, casting, comment, Hollywood, designer, track, boyfriend, price-list, exclusive.
Every year there are more English words on TV. Young people watch TV every day and they do not notice how they add English words and phrases to their speech. Can you imagine how we will speak in the future?
8. English borrowings in newspapers and magazines
Lots of people read magazines and newspapers every day. I have noticed that many of them have English names. The most popular magazines among young people are “Cosmopolitan”, “Glamour” and “GEO”. The number of computer magazines with English words in the titles is the biggest among all the magazines because the main computer technologies are developed and adopted in the USA or in the UK. The magazine with the biggest number of English borrowings is “GEO”; maybe the reason is that the biggest part of information in “GEO” is dedicated to the life or the phenomenon that occurs abroad. The most used words in “GEO” are: design, mayor, free diving, the Internet, photo, information and so on.
9. English borrowings in the names of the shops and some goods
Trade is one of the oldest methods of language exchange. There are a lot of sources of borrowings. Among them I can see names of stores, cafes and restaurants, products, household appliances. Young people go shopping every day and find English words everywhere. Firstly, I would like to highlight the names of the stores, cafes in Neftekamsk in the titles of which there are some English words and letters, for example, “SANDWICH CLUB”, “Tempo-pizza”, “Tempo-burger”, “Marco Polo”, “CHICAGO”, etc. (cafes and restaurants); “SELA”, “Concept club”, “INCITY”, “SAMSUNG”, “KAPRICA”, “KAFUTESI”, “SHOES”, “MR.HOUSE”, “HOME STYLE” М.видео, “Second Hand”, etc. (shops). Teenagers know and use them in daily communication.
Every day young people go shopping to buy different goods. We buy food every day and see the words Coca-Cola, Drinks ,Sprite ,Bubble Gum, Ice-Tea, Sandwich, Cracker, Earl Grey, Lipton, Whisky, Nuts, Snickers, Picnic, Mars, Bounty, Red Bull, Effect, beefsteak, grapefruit, Juice ,Juicy fruit and others on them. We use different cleaning products, washing powders. The names of these products are also easily included in our language. Some words related to personal hygiene are also borrowed from the English language: Colgate, Fairy, Tide, Blend-a-med, Ariel, Mister Muskul, Clean, Vanish, Mega fresh, Dove, Head and Shoulders, Cleaning, Active Care, New Active and others. Food for pets also brings its contribution to the borrowing of words: Pedigree, Whiskas, Puppy, Parrot, Royal Canine and others. Household appliances and computer equipment have given us Cannon, Flash, Computer, Notebook, Monitor, Video, Game, Media, Mixer, Toaster, Shaker and others. The names of many brands have become a part of our speech: Topshop, Topman, Stone Island, Polo and others. We can see the inscriptions on audios and videos: Push; Stop; Wind; Low; High; Light; Noise and etc. Inscriptions on the garments contain information about the manufacturer or a service, about handling: Made in Japan; Manufactured in Germany; 100% cotton; Wash 30 - 40 degrees. Other inscriptions are purely «ornamental»: recently, there is the fashion to decorate garments with inscriptions, which consist of advertising, various appeals and sometimes geographical names or humorous sayings.
I noticed that many pupils in my school wear T-shirts with different inscriptions written in the English language. For example, there are such inscriptions on T-shirts: Kiss me!; California; Montana; Cowboy; Milk Is Better than Wine; God Loves Us; Star Wars; Drink Coca-Cola; Star; I love you; let's go shopping, Spirit Kids, I’m fine, Evolution, etc, on caps: Black Hawk, Bad Girl, Spider-man, etc., on tea cups: Winter coming, Born for fighting, etc (Appendix 3). Furthermore there you can see the translation. I asked my schoolmates whether they understand what is written on their T-shirts. Mainly all pupils know the translation of prints.
But why do teenagers use English words instead of Russian ones?
English words influence teenagers and their speech is full of English words. Due to stereotypes, ideals of young people, their passion to English words has become a sort of fashion. It is a stereotype of the idealized image of the American society where living standards are much higher and the high rate of technical progress leads the whole world. And adding English borrowings in their speech, young people approach this stereotype, come closer to the American culture, lifestyle. People of the elder generation are less tolerant to this strange vocabulary than young people.
Young people are more educated and it is easier for them to master new borrowings. The number of people, especially young, who knows the English language increases. Borrowings used by young people certify them in certain circles higher, stress their level of awareness, their superiority over the others.
The main thing in the youth slangs is non-ordinarity, a game, irony and a mask. Youth language tends to withdraw from the boring world of adults, parents and teachers. But they also think that English words are short and simple.
Youth slang is sharp, loud, and brash. It is a peculiar sign of «I am like you». Teenagers do not want « to be like everyone» and at the same time, they want «to be with everyone». And it is slang that helps teenagers with common interests, common territory and common way of life to be what they want.
As we see, most teenagers consciously use English borrowings in their speech. They think that the borrowings can explain their importance. But they use this phenomenon calmly, with humour. Thus, they think they are special; their language in their particular group is not understandable to others.
- Analysis of the results of the research
I have asked some 40 pupils of the 9th form of our school some questions on the topic English borrowings. All the pupils study English, have many friends, consciously use the Internet, listen to music of different modern groups, watch movies, play computer games and sometimes watch world news. Here are the answers to the questions that I asked the pupils.
- Do you use the words of English origin in your daily communication?
I think it is rather impossible not to use words of English origin in daily communication, especially by teenagers. The main reasons are that we, teenagers, study English from the second form and know many English words and that all people use English borrowings because we hear them a lot of times and subconsciously repeat them. 35 of 40 teenagers (88%) have the same thoughts. So, as you can see the majority of interviewees find these words simple and natural.
Maybe we do not notice that we use such words or do not know that the words that we use are not our native Russian words but native English words. Only 2 of 40 (5%) respondents said that they do not use words of English origin at all. 3 of all interviewed (8%) said that they try not to use words of English origin in daily communication and prefer to use Russian words instead of English.
Personally I consider that English borrowings should be used in our language as it means that our language develops and stays alive because those languages that do not change somehow will finally disappear. But on the other hand, nowadays teenagers use too many English borrowings in their speech and they spoil our language, transform it, often replace Russian words with unnecessary foreign ones. In this way they speak neither English, nor Russian (Appendix 4).
- Do you like the fact that so many English borrowings are used nowadays in the Russian language?
22 pupils of 40 (55%) like the fact that so many English words are used in the Russian language nowadays. Of course, it is great that our language develops, becomes more modern. 10 teenagers (25%) do not like that so many English borrowings are used nowadays in our society. And I think it is easy to understand the reasons why they do not like this trend. It is considered that English words can replace the equal Russian words and completely change the Russian language. 8 of 40 interviewed (20%) do not care about our language, about those things that happened to it, about their own speech and speech of their close people (Appendix 5).
As for me, I think that some words that have no equal words in Russian language might be used.
- Does everyone understand you when you use English words?
8 of 40 teenagers (20%) said that everybody understands them, including their parents, friends, teachers. 17 pupils (43%) said that almost all understand them (parents, friends). As a rule, grandparents, younger brothers and sisters do not understand teenagers’ speech. 15 students (38%) complained that not all people understand what they say. However, the majority of this group is proud of the fact. It gives them the feeling of being unique, makes them vain and self- conscious (Appendix 6).
As for me, everyone understands what I say, maybe, because I try not to use too many English borrowings.
- Why do you use words of English origin?
I have got the following results (answers are in descending order):
- I want to make the conversation easier going
- I want to be cooler and more advanced.
- I do not want to be different from others.
- It is fashionable.
- Using such words I can express more emotionally what I feel.
- One word says everything.
- Using English words I can speak to my friends and others (often adults) do not understand what we speak about
- It is so accepted among my friends
- English words sound unusually and using them we seem to be more educated
23 pupils (58%) make the conversation easier going by using English borrowings. They said that some English words are shorter than Russian equal words and it is easier to use English borrowings than Russian words in some cases. 6 teenagers (15%) use English words to be cooler and more advanced. They like using the words that are used by English or American teenagers. 5 pupils (13%) said that they do not want to be different from others. 4 pupils (10%) said that they use words of English origin because it is fashionable. 2 teenagers (5%) told that they use words of English origin for other purposes, for example, because some words have no synonyms in the Russian language or using such words they can express more emotionally what they feel or one word says everything (Appendix 7).
5. Where do you come across English borrowings?
The pupils come across English borrowings mainly in the Internet and social nets (37%), then in music (songs in English) (18%), in everyday communication (18%), TV and media (16%) and advertising (11%) (Appendix 8).
- In what spheres do you use English borrowings?
14 teenagers (36%) of the pupils said that they used English borrowings associated with household sphere. 18 teenagers (45%) said that they used English borrowings in everyday communication with friends. 8 teenagers (19%) said that they used English borrowings when they communicate in social nets (Appendix 9).
- How often do you use them?
All the pupils use borrowed words. The majority of my schoolmates (80%) often uses English borrowings and 20% of teenagers sometimes uses them (Appendix 10).
- I asked my schoolmates to explain the meaning of commonly used English borrowings from different spheres (politics, communication, household sphere, youth slang, and computer technology): саммит, роуминг, чизбургер, драйв, браузер.
Only 29% of the pupils exactly know the meanings of the used English borrowings, 71% do not know them. The most understandable are English borrowings associated with household sphere (food) and the sphere of computer technologies. Less than half of the pupils were able to give at least a rough interpretation of the words connected with communications and policy (Appendix 11).
- The most common used borrowings
I asked my schoolmates to make a list of 10 English borrowings that they often use in their speech. The most common used borrowings are the words which express the agreement or the approval (Ok-43%), (yes- 12%), the greeting (hi-18%), negation (no-7%), thanks and apologies (thanks, sorry - 5%). All these borrowings are connected with the daily life of teenagers (Appendix 13).
- The attitude of teachers and parents of my schoolmates to the fact that they use so many borrowed English words.
I also wanted to know the attitude of teachers and parents of my schoolmates to the fact that they use so many borrowed English words. 28 % of the teachers could easily understand the vocabulary of teenagers. Some admitted that they themselves sometimes use such words in their speech. 37 % of the teachers know about these words but do not take it seriously and believe that when the teenagers become elder, it will pass. 35 % of the teachers know about such words and their attitude to them is negative. They consider that there are a lot of them and teenagers use them unreasonably. Such responses of the teachers can be explained by the fact that they are constantly communicating with teenagers, hear their speech, have an idea of the meaning of these words. And using such words with teenagers, they become closer in an informal atmosphere.
I have done the same experiment with the parents and the results turned out to be absolutely different. 63 % of parents do not know the meaning of the words that sometimes their children use. 25 % of parents know or guess the meaning of the words. 12 % of parents know the value of the borrowed words and consider that later their children will speak «normal» language (Appendix 14).
- Conclusion
Our society is developing all the time and so the Russian language changes too. Every year new English words appear in it. Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways of developing the language. Language always promptly changes in response to the needs of society. Borrowings are the result of ties, relations between the peoples and countries.
Having analyzed a lot of materials about English borrowings in the modern Russian language I came to the following conclusion that English borrowings can be found in various spheres of life, such as economic, political, cultural, sports and social spheres. The usage of English words in the modern Russian language in most cases is justified (this group includes economic, political, sports and computer terms, the names of some household appliances).
While studying English borrowings in the Russian language I found out the following reasons of borrowing English words in the modern Russian language. They are the necessity to name new things, new phenomenon, to differentiate substantially similar, but distinct concepts, to clarify the concepts, the perception of foreign words as more prestigious, «scientific», laconic, «musically sounding». But the main reason of the borrowing of the foreign vocabulary is that there is no right word to describe something in a particular language.
I also classified English borrowings according to their formation.
My hypothesis is right. According to this research work we can see that the modern Russian language can be hardly imagined without English words. The main sources of English borrowings are the Internet and social nets, TV, Magazines, Stores and Friends. There are many names of the magazines with English words in them. Every year there are more English words on TV. Young people watch TV every day and they do not notice how they add English words and phrases to their speech. Can you imagine how we will speak in the future? English words influence teenagers and their speech is full of English words. Language is a living being. Something is born in it, lives its own life, something goes away and something stays forever. Every generation has its vocabulary.
According to the results of this research I can conclude that teenagers always use English borrowings in their speech, often replacing Russian words or phrases with more laconic English ones. Most teenagers have positive attitude towards the use of English words in Russian. Some teenagers consciously use English borrowings in their speech. They think that the borrowings can explain their importance. Some use this phenomenon calmly, with humour. Thus, they think they are special; their language in their particular group is not understandable to others. Teenagers enjoy using slang calling it “usable in all sorts of situations”, though they often do not understand their meaning. In most cases it can be explained by the fact that they do not know English very well or they are not interested in some spheres of life or maybe they do not read a lot. Despite the positive attitude of teenagers towards the use of English borrowings, most teenagers realize that English words are not always used justified and see the reasons of such unnecessary use clearly.
However, I believe it is important to study new borrowings and to adopt them according to grammatical rules of the Russian language or we should preserve our language using Russian equivalents for the words and developing Russian trade, politics, science and culture. It is great that we have an open society and can visit different countries, communicate with different people and read many books. But I would like Russian people to value our mother tongue and avoid unnecessary borrowings.
Thanks to this research I came to the conclusion that the process of borrowing words from English into Russian is increasing at the present time, as the English language is the basis of many professional languages. It is widely used among young people. On the one hand, this process is inevitable, but on the other, there must be a cultural basis of the language. So, I guess that English borrowings should be used only if we cannot do without them in the Russian language; English borrowings should be used correctly and accurately to the meaning which they have in the English language; English borrowings should be clear to those who use them.
- Bibliography:
- Причины интенсивного заимствования англицизмов в современном русском языке/ А.И.Дьяков. - Новосибирск: Язык и культура. - 2003. – С. 15.
- Современный словарь иностранных слов.- «Русский язык», 1992
- Этимологический словарь русского языка для школьников/С.И. Карантиров. – М.: ООО Дом Славянской Книги. - 2004. – 437 с.
- Никитина, Т. Г. Толковый словарь молодёжного сленга. М.: Астрель, 2003
- Новый словарь иностранных слов: 25 000 слов и словосочетаний/ Е.Н. Захаренко, Л.Н. Комарова, И.В. Нечаева. – М.: Азбуковник. - 2003. – 380 с.
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- http://www.erudition.ru/referat/ref/id.46076_1.html
Appendix 1
Dictionary of English words on spheres of their usage
English language | Russian language |
Politics | |
administration | администрация |
inauguration | инаугурация |
mayor | мэр |
press secretary | пресс-секретарь |
speaker | |
Business and law | |
(top-) manager | (топ-)менеджер |
best- seller | |
broker | |
business | |
businessman | |
dealer | |
default | |
distributor | |
holding | |
insider | |
investor | инвестор |
management | |
marketing | |
merchandiser | |
monitoring | мониторинг |
office | |
pricelist | |
promotion | |
realtor | |
resume | Резюме |
service | Сервис |
sponsor | Спонсор |
summit | Саммит |
Sport | |
badminton | |
baseball | |
basketball | |
bowling | боулинг |
champion | чемпион |
cross | |
diving | |
finish | финиш |
football | |
forward | |
game | |
goalkeeper | |
half-back | |
handball | |
jogging | |
knockout | |
match | матч |
offside | |
overtime | |
paintball | |
penalty (наказание) | |
play-off | |
record | рекорд |
recordsman | |
ring | |
rugby (от названия местности Регби) | |
snowboard | |
speedway | |
sport | |
sportsman | |
sprinter | спринтер |
street racing | |
streetball | |
surfing | |
tennis | теннис |
time out | |
training | |
volleyball | |
windsurfing | |
The Internet | |
account | аккаунт |
banner | |
bit | |
blog | |
blogger | |
browser | |
byte | |
cartridge | картридж |
click | |
display | дисплей |
file | |
interactive | интерактивный |
interface | |
Internet | |
internet service provider | |
joystick | джойстик |
laptop | лэптоп (ноутбук) |
limit | лимит |
login | |
monitor | монитор |
multimedia | мультимедийный |
offline, off-line | |
online, on-line | |
pixel (picture element) | пиксель |
plugin (plug in) | |
printer | принтер |
scanner | сканер |
screenshot | |
site | сайт |
slash | |
spam (spiced ham) | |
traffic | |
tuning | тюнинг |
web «world wide web» | |
Art and entertainment | |
body Art | боди- арт |
casting | |
clown | |
design | дизайн |
DJ (disc jockey) | |
flyer | флаер |
folklore | |
hit | |
hobby | хобби |
jazz | джаз |
price list | прайс лист |
remake | |
show | |
soundtrack | |
sponsor | спонсор |
talk-show | |
thriller | триллер |
video clip | видеоклип |
Others | |
(top-)model | (топ-)модель |
baby | |
banner | баннер |
boomerang | |
box | бокс |
boycott | |
boyfriend | |
brand | бренд |
cakes | |
cardigan | кардиган |
cocktail | коктейль |
coffee- house | кофе-хаус |
crossword | |
detector | детектор |
dress- code | дресс-код |
face- control | фейс-контроль |
fashionable | |
fastfood | |
finish | |
firework | фейерверк |
firework | фейерверк |
forward | |
gadget | |
girlfriend | |
hacker | хакер |
hand-made | |
hospice | хоспис |
hot dog | |
hypermarket | гипермаркет |
image | |
jeans | |
jumper | джемпер |
killer | киллер |
leader | |
looser | |
make-up | |
megamall | мегамолл |
mixer | миксер |
outsider | |
piercing | пирсинг |
portfolio | портфолио |
poster | |
presentation | презентация |
producer | продюсер |
promotion | промоушн |
provider | провайдер |
puzzle | пазл |
rating | |
realtor | риелтор |
reception | ресепшен |
sale | сейл |
sandwich | сандвич |
second-hand | сэконд хэнд |
security | секьюрити |
shaker | шейкер |
shop | шоп |
showman | |
slang | |
speech | |
spray | спрей |
teen-ager | |
timer | таймер |
toaster | тостер |
topless | |
town-house | таун-хаус |
volunteer | волонтер |
weekend | |
zombie | зомби |
Appendix 2
The list of the most used English borrowings among pupils of the 9th forms
Russian word | meaning | English equivalent |
бойфренд | Друг, парень | boyfriend |
О’кей | Все в порядке | OK |
уикенд | Выходные | weekend |
хай | привет | hi |
кул | Круто, прикольно | cool |
Вау | Вот это да! | wow |
бай | пока | by |
Мэйк ап | макияж | Make up |
шоппинг | Поход по магазинам | Shopping |
респект | Уважение, уважать | respect |
сорри | Извини, прости | sorry |
флеш | флеш | flash |
компьютер | компьютер | computer |
монитор | монитор | monitor |
супермаркет | магазин | supermarket |
Кока-кола, спрайт, айс-ти | Названия напитков | Coca-cola, sprite, ice-tea |
Триллер, соуп-опера, итд | Названия жанров фильмов | Thriller, soap-opera |
вискас | Корм для кошек | Whiskas |
педигри | Корм для собак | pedigree |
пати | Вечеринка | party |
герла | Девочка, девушка | girl |
ланч | Обед | lunch |
Ай’лл би бэк | Я вернусь | I’ll be back |
форэва | Навсегда | forever |
фейс | Лицо | face |
крейзи | Сумашедший | crazy |
гейм | Игра | game |
беби | Ребенок | baby |
аутсайдер | Стоящий в стороне | outsider |
ди-джей | Диск жокей | DJ |
Фастфуд | Быстрая еда | fast food |
фешенебельный | Модный | fashionable |
Финиш | Конец | finish |
шоу | Представление | show |
Хай-тек | Высокие технологии | hi-tech |
Онлайн | На линии | online |
Ноу проблем | Нет проблем | no problem |
Appendix 3
T-shirts with different inscriptions in English
Original inscription | Translation |
REAL MAN limited edition | НАСТОЯЩИЙ МУЖЧИНА ограниченный выпуск |
Girl princess | принцесса |
Forever young | вечно молодой |
Love Land | земля любви |
Diamonds are girl’s best friends | бриллианты – лучшие друзья девушек |
It’s show time | время для шоу |
Don’t forget me | не забывай меня |
Wanted | разыскивается |
Sorry, I came | простите, я пришел |
Follow me | следуй за мной |
Princesses don’t wash the dishes and take out the garbage | принцессы не моют посуду и не выносят мусор |
Save the earth! | спасите землю |
I have no future | у меня нет будущего |
My boyfriend is out of town | мой парень не в городе |
Boys are nice, but shopping is better! | парни хороши, но я люблю ходить по магазинам |
Don`t look at me! | не смотрите на меня |
Let’s go party | давай пойдем на вечеринку |
Do not copy me | Не копируй меня |
I make it look easy | я заставляю это выглядеть легко |
Freeway | свободный путь |
I was born to be blond | я рождена, чтобы быть блондинкой |
Best friends | лучшие друзья |
Catch me if you can | поймай меня если сможешь |
Hard to handle | трудно справиться |
People like people but I am the queen | все люди как люди, а я королева |
Space for free advertisement | место для вашей рекламы |
Don’t read my T-shirt | не читай с моей футболки |
Touch me | дотронься до меня |
See you | увидимся |
Battle for the Sun | битва за солнце |
Not all those who wander are lost | не все, кто блуждают – потеряны |
I was in Donetsk, now I’m afraid of nothing. (from UEFA 2012) | я был в Донецке, теперь я ничего не боюсь |
Vodka connecting people | водка объединяет людей |
No kangaroos in Austria | в Австрии нет кенгуру |
I love Vienna | я люблю Вену |
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Appendix 10
Appendix 11
Appendix 12
Appendix 13
Appendix 14
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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«Англоязычные заимствования в современном русском языке»
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