Make the World Better
материал по английскому языку на тему

Кадиева Лариса Ивановна

Литературно-музыкальная  композиция'' Make the World Better''


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Районное методическое объединение учителей английского языка Алагирского района РСО-Алании


''Make the World Better''

Подготовил:        учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ пос.Мизур       Л.И Кадиева


Литературно-музыкальная композиция


Звучит песня John Lennon” Imagine

  • -Good-afternoon( Good-morning) ladies and gentlemen
  • Hello boys and girls
  • The students of Mizur Secondary School are kindly asking for your attention
  • You have just listened to the song of John Lennon” Imagine”
  • John Lennon was dreaming “ all people living life in peace’’
  • “And the world will be as one”
  • John Lennon was not the ONLY one dreaming of making the world better
  • There have been thousands of fighters for this dream since ancients times
  • Alone we are one, but together we are 1,000,000
  • There is so much you can do by helping your community, your family, your friends, animals, the environment, and the planet!
  •  So here are a couple of suggestions to begin with.
  •  Be nice and helpful to people
  •  Give a smile to everyone you see, no matter who they are or what they do
  • Don't say cruel things about others - ever. There's no need, and you can always do things like say GOOD things about other people to make yourself feel better.
  •  Recycle anything with the recycle label. You can also reuse things, such as refilling a plastic water bottle instead of getting a new one.
  • Save Energy. The more you cut back, the less fossil fuels are burned. Try turning lights off or lowering the house temperature by one, it also saves you money!
  • Give to the needy. So many kids and adults as well, are living poor all over the world! You can help them by donating new, old (but in fair condition) or unwanted goods such as clothes, food, toys, and anything else needed!
  • Conserve water. Use it well because it is a limited resource.

Plant trees. They are the lungs of our planet

  • Save disappearing animals
  • Unfortunately there are a lot of endangered animals in North Ossetia

Among them are the bison , The Dagestan round, the Wild snow leopard, bat  and many, many other ones

  • Smile at someone. Just smile. Saying “Hello” often brightens a day too
  • Pay a random stranger a compliment
  • Take a child to the park or pool.
  • Kiss someone you love.
  •  Learn a new language, and then volunteer as an interpreter.
  • Hug a teacher; let them know how important they are. (Without them, you wouldn’t be reading this... or anything else, for that matter.)
  •  Wave to your neighbors.
  •  Dance with someone.
  • There is no need to know the  language of the country where you are dancing because the language of any  dance is clear to everybody
  • Annually in our school there passes waltz competition. It  passes since 1976. High school students take part in it.
  • The competition passes in 2 rounds. The first round-classical waltz, the second round-any ballroom dance.
  • One of the winners of this year competition are students of 9a form. I hope you will enjoy  not growing old beauty of the waltz.
  • So waltz, ladies and gentlemen(9 form pupils' are dancing)

( танец 9 класса)

  • And one more very necessary thing on our way to make the world better. Its music. Music plays an important role in our life
  • Lots of great singers such as Bob Marley, John Lennon and of course the king of rock Michael Jackson tried to do their best to pay people’s attention to the problems of environment and poverty, racism and starvation of children in Africa.
  • “There comes a time when we heed a certain call
    When the world must come together as one
  • There are people dying
    .Oh, and it’s time to lend a hand to life that is
    the greatest gift of all”, was singing
    Michael Jackson and the best pop singers of the USA in their charity concert “USA for Africa
  • So let’s sing  the song together
  • ( песня ‘’ We are the peace we are the world’’ by Michael Jackson  и шары с надписью  MAKE THE WOLD BETTER)

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