Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 2 класса "ABC-Party", УМК Верещагина, Афанасьева
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку на тему
Данное мероприятие рекомендуется проводить во втором полугодии, когда дети уже знают все буквы, умеют читать, писать, рассказывать стихи, диалоги и небольшие тексты. Мероприятие представляет собой концерт, где дети рассказывают стихи, диалоги. Также им предлагается несколько конкурсных заданий. В процессе праздника учащиеся поют песни, разгадывают кроссворд, решают примеры. Мероприятие рекомендуется для повышения мотивации к изучению иностранного языкаРекомендуемые узлы
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Предварительный просмотр:
The English Party. (2-nd form)
Dear friends!
The pupils of the second forms have begun studying English this year but they have already learnt a lot. Today they will show us their knowledge.
1) Let’s begin with a song. (The children sing a song “What is your name?” )
2) Our pupils can greet each other and say good-bye in English. Let’s see how they can do it.
Sam: Hi! I’m from America.
Sally: Hi! What is your name?
Sam: My name is Sam. And what’s your name?
Sally: My name is Sally. I’m from Great Britain. Bye!
Sam: Bye!
John: Hello, Kate!
Kate: Hello, John!
John: How are you?
Kate: I’m fine, thanks. And how are you?
John: I’m fine too, thanks.
Kate: Bye!
John: Bye!
3) Now let’s play a game “Find your pair”. Every pupil has a letter- a capital letter or a small one. You must find your pair. Do, please.
4) Our pupils can tell about themselves and their families. Let’s listen to the monologues ‘I and My Family”. (Two pupils tell about their families.)
Hello! My name is … I’m from Russia. I’ve got a mother, a father and a sister. My mother is a teacher. Her name is… My father is a driver. His name is… My sister is a pupil. Her name is… I love my family.
5) And now let’s sing a song “How is your mother.”
6) Let’s play a game. Look at the blackboard, please. You are to make up two words. There are five letters in one word. They are green. And five letters in another word. They are red. Try to do it as quickly as possible. You are welcome. (the words are: pupil and pilot)
7) Our pupils have learnt a lot of English poems and now they will recite them.
“Hello, Pam!”
Hello, Pam!
Hello, May!
How are you?
Fine! I’m ten today.
“My Family”
I’ve got a mother,
I’ve got a father,
I’ve got a brother Paul.
I’ve got an aunt,
I’ve got an uncle’
How I love them all!
“What Is He?”
One, two, three
Who is he?
He is my father.
One, two three
What is he?
He is a worker.
I’ve got a doll
She’s got a ball
We’ve got toys
We like them all.
“I Like to Play.”
I like to jump
I like to run
I like to play
It’s fun.
This is Jack. This is Al.
And that is Jill. And that is Dot.
This is Bell. This is Pussy.
And that is Bill. And that is Spot.
8) The pupils of the second forms can read rather well. They got two letters from their English friends. They want to read them.
Hello, my friend!
My name is Sam. I’m from Great Britain. I’m a driver. I’ve got a family. I’ve got a friend. His name is Tim. He’s not from Great Britain. He is from America. He’s not a driver. He is a doctor. I like my friend.
Hello, my friend!
My name is Ann. I am from Great Britain. I am a pupil, and you? I’ve got a brother and a sister, and you? My sister is a pupil. Her name is Kitty. My brother is not a pupil. He is a doctor. His name is Dave. I love my family.
9) Let’s sing a song “I am a pupil”
10) We are going to play a game once more. You must make up true sentences from the words. They are on the blackboard. There are five words in the first sentence. They are yellow. There are five words in the second sentence. They are blue. So, you are welcome. (The sentences are: He is from Great Britain.
My mother is a doctor.)
11) Now let’s speak about professions.
- Sam, have you got a brother?
- Yes.
- Is he an engineer?
- No, he isn’t an engineer.
- What is he?
- My brother is a driver. I want to be a driver, too.
- I don’t want to be a driver. I want to be a doctor.
- Is she your mother?
- No, she isn’t.
- Who is she?
- She is my aunt.
- Is she a doctor?
- No, she isn’t a doctor.
- What is she?
- She is a teacher.
- Do you want to be a teacher?
- No, I don’t want to be a teacher.
- What do you want to be?
- I want to be a cosmonaut.
12) All our pupils have learnt to count from one to ten. Let’s see if they can do it well.
3+2= 5+2=
7+1= 9+1=
6+4= 6+3=
(P1: three and two is five etc.)
13) All the children like to play. Today our children will tell us about their toys.
My Toys.
My name is… I’ve got many toys. I’ve got three dolls, two balls and five kittens.
I’ve got one dog and four puppies. They are white, grey, black and brown. I like to play with my toys.
14) Let’s sing a song “Colours”
15) All the pupils like to solve crosswords. Let’s try to do it now.
16) And finishing our party we would like to sing a song “ABC”.
Thank you for your attention. Good-bye.
- Буквы(5 заглавных и 5 строчных) – 10 карточек
Tt Ff Gg Bb Ll
- 2 письма для чтения
- Карточки со словами для построения предложений (2 цвета)
He is from Great Britain.
My mother is a doctor.
- Плакаты с примерами.
- Плакат с кроссвордом.
- Карточки с буквами для составления слов (2 цвета)
Pupil pilot
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