контрольные работы, тесты по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку по теме
Контроль сформированности знаний, умений и навыков
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Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку 2 класс
1.Отгадай загадку:
Jim has got a pet. It isn`t big. It is yellow, blue and green. It flies. It also can speak. The pet is very smart. It doesn`t like meat, but it likes corn.
1) A rabbit;
2) A monkey;
3) A parrot.
2. Выбери противоположное значение к слову: happy.
1) Bad;
2) Sad;
3) Good.
3. Напишите правильную форму слова в скобках:
My friend is fond of…(to go) to the cinema.
1) go,
2) going
3) gon”t.
4. Выберите правильный вариант: I think it………snow tomorrow.
1) will;
2) were;
3) are going.
5. Какой русский перевод соответствует данному английскому предложению:
My father likes to read
1) Мой папа умеет водить машину.
2) Мой папа любит читать.
3) Мой отец не любит читать книги.
6. Выбери соответствующий ответ: Look! Peter …his new car!
1) drive;
2) drives;
3) is driving.
7. Выберите правильный вариант: Did you buy…cheese in the morning?
1) some;
2) any;
3) a.
8. Выберите правильный вариант: I’m fond of playing …piano.
1) the;
2) a;
3) --.
9. Расставь буквы в нужном порядке и у вас получится слово. Какой перевод ему больше
подходит? i, c, h, e, t, n, k
1) Кухня;
2) Стена;
3) Подвал.
10. Выбери соответствующий ответ: I have already…my homework.
1) do;
2) did;
3) done
11. The elephant is…. (big) than the tiger.
1) big;
2) bigger;
3) biggest.
12 Какие слова приветствия обычно произносят англичане при встрече?
1) I like sweets!;
2) Hello! I am glad to see you!
3) A good boy!
13. Выбери правильный перевод данного выражения: my friend’s computer.
1) Компьютер моих друзей;
2) Компьютеры моего друга;
3) Компьютер моего друга.
14. Выбери соответствующий ответ: We”ll play tennis if the weather… sunny.
1) is;
2) will;
3) will be.
15. Выбери нужную форму глагола to be: Rick's hen _______ red.
1) Are;
2) Am;
3) Is.
16. Выберите правильный вариант: My brother likes playing…football.
1) the;
2) a;
3) --.
17. Выберите правильный ответ: My mother usually….milk oh that farm.
1) buy;
2) buys;
3) is buying.
18. Выбери нужную цифру: Sport, Russian, Art and Nature Study are_____.
1) School subjects;
2) School things; 3) School teachers.
19. Выбери соответствующий ответ: We ….Bob in the park yesterday.
1) didn”t see;
2) didn”t saw;
3) don”t see.
20. Вставь many или much: Miss Chatter has got ______ books.
1 ) –;
2) Many;
3) Much.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Переведите слова на русский язык!
teddy bear
computer games
- Напишите цифру!
- Расставьте месяцы в алфавитном порядке!
March, November, July, October, August, January, May, June, February, April, September, December.
- Cоставьте предложения, отвечая на вопрос: Что бы вы хотели получить в подарок? Начните так:
I would like to have ….
- Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах!
M_nday, Fr_day, Sun_ay, Tues_ay, Wendesd_y, Satu_d_y.
- Напишите по английски своё имя фамилию и имя, фамилию вашего или вашей друга\подруги.
- Переведите слова на русский язык!
- Найдите Past Perfect (давнопрошедшее время), подчерните и переведите одно предложение на русский язык!
1.Misha had met Robin before he met Rob.
2.Agent Cute had sent a letter to Misha before Misha went camping.
- Разгадайте кроссворд по теме :СПОРТ
- Езда на велосипеде -------
- Хоккей ------
- Волейбол ----------
- Бег -------
- Бег трусцой -------
- Катание на лыжах ------
- Плавание --------
- Катание на коньках ----------
- Футбол --------
Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку 3 класс
1. Выбери правильный вариант слова арбуз.
1) water;
2) melon;
3) water-melon.
2. Прочитай письмо и догадайся, кто его автор.
Dear friend!
My name is___. I am 10. I am kind and energetic. My favourite season is summer. I can't swim. I
like milk and cakes. And you? My friend’s name is Fyodor. I live with my friends in the village.
They are nice and funny, but lazy.
P.S. Please write back. Your friend .
1) Karlson;
2) Сrocodile Gena;
3) Matroskin.
3. Выбери правильную форму глагола: I'm Russian. ... English?
1) Are you;
2) You're;
3) Am I.
4. Вставьте в предложение вспомогательный глагол …….there any milk in the cup?
1) is;
2) are;
3) was.
5. Выберите правильный вариант: Where are your parents, Henry? – They…in the garden.
1) are working;
2) work;
3) works.
6. Выберите правильный вариант: This book is… I have ever read.
1) interesting;
2) more interesting;
3) the most interesting.
7. Выберите правильный вариант: Moscow is…Paris.
1) big;
2) bigger;
3) bigger than.
8. Выберите правильный вариант: The Greens will play badminton in the park if it ….windy.
1) will;
2) isn”t;
3) aren”t.
9. Выберите правильный вариант: Have you ever ….to London?
1) been;
2) seen;
3) was.
10. Найди предложение в будущем времени, отметь его.
1) Yesterday I went to school.
2) I will go to school tomorrow.
3) I go to school every day.
11. Выбери ответ на данный вопрос :Where are you from?
1) I live in Canada;
2) I'm a doctor;
3) I like English.
12. Выбери правильный перевод вопроса: What is your favorite subject at school?
1) Тебе нравится учиться в школе?
2) Какой твой любимый предмет в школе?
3) Ты работаешь в школе?
13. Какая это часть речи: sad, boring, happy.
1) Имя существительное;
2) Имя прилагательное;
3) Глагол.
14. Прочитай диалог и выберите правильный ответ:
Victor: Where are you going?
1) To the park,
2) At the cinema,
3) In the Zoo.
15. Выберите правильный вариант: Simon runs….
1) quick;
2) quickly;
3) slow.
16. Выбери нужную форму имени существительного: I have 32 ... . They are white.
1) a tooth;
2) teeths;
3) teeth.
17. Выберите правильный вариант: My grandfather…to visit the doctor once a month.
1) have;
2) has;
3) had.
18. Закончи фразу: Big Ben is a … .
1) Clock;
2) Palace;
3) River.
19. Ответь на вопрос: How long did it ….you to get to the airport?
1) take;
2) takes;
3) took.
20. Реши пример: ten + seven =?
1) Eighteen;
2) Twenty eight;
3) Seventeen.
Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс
1. Выбери неправильный вариант слова база.
1) base;
2) store-house;
3) market.
2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа: This is ….film I’ve ever seen.
1) bad;
2) worse;
3) the worst.
3. Выбери правильный вариант ответа: We”ll go for a walk if it …rain.
1) don’t;
2) doesn”t;
3) will.
4. Выбери правильный вариант ответа: They have already…dinner.
1) have;
2) has;
3) had.
5. Выбери правильный вариант ответа: Kate can speak Russian very…..
1) good;
2) well;
3) goodly.
6. Предлоги. Выбери правильный вариант ответа. It is usually cold ___ winter.
1) In ;
2) At;
3) On.
7. Какое слово можно добавить в строчку? Выбери правильный вариант ответа. rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy,__________.
1) Well;
2) Quickly;
3) Snowy.
8. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
What is the ____ season?
1) Cold;
2) Colder;
3) Coldest.
9. Глаголы to be, to have (got). Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
My dog ____ got two puppies.
1) Has;
2) Have;
3) Is.
10. Оборот There is / There are. Выбери правильный вариант ответа. ______ a mouse under the table.
1) There are;
2) There is;
3) Is there.
11. Прочитай диалог и выберите правильный ответ:
Victor: What are you going to do there?
1) Yes, I am,
2) I like playing tennis,
3) I m going to play tennis.
12. Артикли. Выбери правильный вариант ответа. John lives in ____ London.
1) -;
2) A;
3) The.
13. Настоящее время Present Simple. Выбери правильный вариант ответа. Tom and Bob____ to play chess.
1) Like;
2) Has like;
3) Likes.
14. Напишите правильную форму слова в скобках: This picture is the…(good) in his collection.
1) good;
2) best;
3) -.
15. Выбери правильный вариант ответа: I think it…you 20 minutes to get to the airport by taxi tomorrow.
1) take;
2) took;
3) will take.
16. Выберите правильный вариант: I think this book is….interesting than that one.
1) more;
2) most;
3) much.
17. Напишите правильную форму слова в скобках: My friend is keen on….(to read) books.
1) read;
2) reading;
3) -.
18. Выбери нужное местоимение: Can you help ___?
1) I;
2) My;
3) Me.
19. Местоимения some, any, no. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.Granny has got _______ nice flowers.
1) Some;
2) Any;
3) No.
20. Имя существительное. Выбери правильный вариант ответа. Where is ____ bike?
1) Tom;
2) Toms';
3) Tom's.
Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс
1. Выбери нужное местоимение: Can you help ___?
а) I; б) My; в) Me; г) She.
2.Слово fuse обозначает понятие:
а) запал у лошади,
б) запал у человека,
в) запал у орудия,
г) запал у собрания.
3. Многозначное слово as выражает в предложении «As the ship was coming»:
а) как, б) так как, в) когда, г) так же.
4. Суффикс с окончанием ed образует:
а) причастие II,
б) форму прошедшего времени,
в) прилагательное со значением обладающий чем-либо,
г) все перечисленные.
5. Какое написание шва хирургическое:
а) seam, б) suture, в) joint, г) hfov.
6. Предлог до указывает на конечный пункт движения:
а) to, б) up to, в) as far as, г) все варианты неверны.
7. Сделайте отрицательным предложение «He translated the text yesterday»:
а) He did not translated the text yesterday,
б) He did no translated the text yesterday,
в) He translated not the text yesterday,
г) He translated the text yesterday no.
8. Укажите превосходную степень наречия от других корней:
а) nearest, б) most solidly, в) less, г) best.
9. Переведите на английский язык to the table:
а) за столом, б) под столом, в) на столе, г) к столу.
10. .Когда употребляются артикли:
а) если перед существительным стоит указательное местоимение:
б) с именами существительными собственными,
в) с именами существительными, после которых стоит количественное числительное,
г) при указании на предмет перед существительным.
11. Глагол прошедшего времени should является в предложении I think you should be able to translate
the article:
а) вспомогательным глаголом,
б) советом,
в) вероятностью,
г) менее категоричным тоном.
12. Напишите цифрами дату in eighteen eigty:
а) 1880, б) 880, в) 1800, г) 800.
13. Найдите антоним к слову easy:
а) dug, б) dust, в) difficult, г) duty.
14. Предлог to переводится:
а) в, б) к, в) на, г) все указанные.
15. Где неправильное написание слова:
а) spoon, б) book, в) room, г) boox.
16. Какое местоимение в сочетании с where дает слово куда-нибудь:
а) somewhere, б) anywhere, в) everywhere, г) nowhere.
17. Что такое герундий по определению:
а) неличная форма глагола, б) личная форма глагола, в) отглагольное существительное, г) часть
18. Укажите сравнительную степень наречия от других корней:
а) nearer, б) more solidly, в) badly, г) more.
19. Какие бывают дополнения в предложениях:
а) косвенные без предлога,
б) прямые,
в) косвенные с предлогом,
г) все указанные.
20. У какого нестандартного глагола вторая форма Past Indefinite и третья форма
Participle II по написанию совпадают:
а) see, б) show, в) speak, г) build.
21. В сочетании герундий + существительное речь идет о:
а) свойстве предмета,
б) назначении предмета,
в) действии над предметом,
г) сроке действия предмета
22. Укажите значение слова supreme:
а) высокий, б) наивысший, в) наибольший, г) верховный.
23. Суффикс ish образует:
а) глаголы и прилагательные, б) прилагательные, в) глаголы, г) наречия.
24. Артикль это один из признаков:
а) существительного, б) прилагательного, в) глагола, г) местоимения.
25. Когда употребляются артикли:
а) если перед существительным стоит указательное местоимение:
б) с именами существительными собственными,
в) с именами существительными, после которых стоит количественное числительное,
г) при указании на предмет перед существительным.
26. Суффикс ward образует:
а) наречия, б) прилагательные и наречия, в) глаголы, г) прилагательные.
27. Найдите конверсию в слове wish:
а) желать – желание, б) хотеть - желание, в) захотеть - мечта, г) требовать – мечта.
28. Предлог by соответствует следующему падежу:
а) именительному,
б) родительному,
в) творительному,
г) дательному.
29. Bo strained to ………….sight of her as he was jostled into the doorway.
а) keep, б) hold, в) take, г) give.
30. Какое значение имеет следующее число seven point nine:
а) 7|9, б) 7.9, в) 7*9, г) 7-9.
Предварительный просмотр:
Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс
1. Глагол прошедшего времени should является в предложении You should stop
а) вспомогательным глаголом, б) советом, в) вероятностью, г) менее категоричным тоном.
2. Слово billion означает:
а) миллион, б) миллиард, в) биллион, г) триллион.
3. He ………….. his point of destination and was ready to take on Frank:
а) achieved, б) arrived, в) entered, г) reached.
4. Назовите форму герундия в предложении reading is useful:
а) indefinite Active, б) indefinite Passive, в) perfect Active, г) perfect Passive.
5. Объясните значение слова thin-skinned:
а) без отопления, б) с дровяным отоплением, в) вязанка дров, г) отопление.
6. Предлог from переводится:
а) от, б) из, в) с, г) все указанные.
7. Назовите время группы Continuous для предложения I shall be working:
а) Present, б) Past, в) Future, г) все указанные.
8. Какое местоимение в сочетании с where дает слово куда-нибудь:
а) somewhere, б) anywhere, в) everywhere, г) nowhere.
9. Укажите неверное значение слова across:
а) через, б) по, в) поперек, г) повдоль.
10. Какие бывают дополнения в предложениях:
а) косвенные без предлога,
б) прямые,
в) косвенные с предлогом,
г) все указанные.
11. Многозначное слово as выражает в предложении He is as tall as his brother:
а) как, б) поскольку, в) когда, г) такой же.
12. Для выражения предполагаемого будущего действия употребляется оборот:
а) to be going to, б) to be going, в) be going, г) be going to.
13. Назовите форму герундия в предложении we do not like being laughed at:
а) indefinite Active,
б) indefinite Passive,
в) perfect Active,
г) perfect Passive.
14. Орфографические особенности стандартных глаголов гласят, если глагол
оканчивается на букву у, перед которой стоит согласная,
то у переходит в:
а) i, б) e, в) o, г) a.
15. Предлог by соответствует следующему падежу:
а) именительному,
б) родительному,
в) творительному,
г) дательному.
16. В сочетании герундий + существительное речь идет о:
а) свойстве предмета,
б) назначении предмета,
в) действии над предметом,
г) сроке действия предмета.
17.Где неправильное написание слова:
а) pepper, б) summer, в) buter, г) former.
18. Условное предложение If I were you, I would not speak about it содержит:
а) реальное условие,
б) предположение,
в) нереальное условие в настоящем,
г) нереализованное условие в прошлом.
19. Артикль это один из признаков:
а) существительного, б) прилагательного, в) глагола, г) местоимения.
20. Какое обозначение слова it лишнее:
а) ему, б) него, в) ним, г) их.
21. Причастие в предложении He is a man liked by everybody:
а) определение, б) обстоятельство, в) именная часть сказуемого, г) существительное.
22. Огромное количество слов образуется путем:
а) конверсии, б) словоопределения, в) сложения, г) усложнения.
23. Укажите неверное значение слова office:
а) учреждение, б) канцелярия, в) ведомство, г) холл.
24. У какого нестандартного глагола вторая форма Past Indefinite и третья форма
Participle II по написанию совпадают:
а) do, б) keep, в) blow, г) bite.
25. Прилагательному с суффиксом аnt соответствуют существительные с суффиксом:
а) ance, б) ence, в) ancy, г) все указанные.
26. Сокращение в словарях adv обозначает:
а) союз, б) наречие, в) числительное, г) предлог.
27. Причастие какого времени и залога пишется в предложении A letter written in int:
а) I форма indefinite active,
б) I форма perfect passive,
в) II форма indefinite active,
г) II форма indefinite passive.
28. Перечислите признак наречия away :
а) не всегда переводится отдельно,
б) обозначает отдаленность,
в) обозначает удаление от какого либо места,
г) все перечисленное.
29. Суффикс ward образует:
а) наречия, б) прилагательные и наречия, в) глаголы, г) прилагательные.
30. Чем является инфинитив в предложении to see it was interesting:
а) подлежащее, б) часть сказуемого, в) прямое дополнение, г) определение.
Предварительный просмотр:
Form 5 Lesson 1
1. ….he got a brother?
a) Has b) Does C) Have d) Do e) Is
2. ……….?- I am a teacher.
a) Who are you? b) Where is your job? c) What are you? d) Where are you?
e) How are you?
3. ……is a person who sells sugar, flour, salt , etc..
a) A nurse b) A baker c) A butcher d) A grocer e) A greengrocer
4….is a person who sells meat .
a) A nurse b) A baker c) A butcher d) A grocer e) A greengrocer
5. ……..is a person who works in hospitals and helps doctors.
a) A nurse b) A baker c) A butcher d) A grocer e) A greengrocer
6. Antonym for the word “short” is ……
a) polite b) tall c) bright d) pretty e) lazy
7. Synonym for the word “ clever” is ……
a) polite b) tall c) bright d) lazy e) stupid
8. …….is a person who sells diary products.
a) A driver b) A butcher c) A milkman d) A tailor e) A baker
9. My sister …..fair-haired.
a) has b) have c) is d) are e) am
10. These children……..a very rich imagination.
a) has b) have c) is d) are e) am
11. Boris lives…..number 16 , Lesnaya Road, Petropavlovsk.
a) in b) at c) on d) into e) with
12. Antonym for the word “ugly” is…… .
a) slim b) tall c) beautiful d) short e) dark
13. Synonym for “big” is….. .
a) slim b) large c) short d) fair e) love
14. …….Ann have a car?
a) Do b) Got c) Has d) Does e) Is
15. Choose the right variant of translation: « В этом театре много актеров ».
a) There aren't any actors in this theatre. b) There are actors in this theatre.
c) There are many actors in this theatre. d) This theatre has got actors.
d) There is an actor in this theatre.
16. Choose the right variant of the question to the sentence.
I had no classes on Friday.
a) Have you got any classes today? b) Did you have any classes on Friday?
c) Do you have any classes tomorrow? d) Will you have any classes on Friday?
e) Do you have any classes today?
17. Her surname…..Williams.
a) are b) am c) is d) has e) have
18. They…not married.
a) has b) have c) do d) is e) are
19. Find the odd word.
a) butcher b) tailor c) singer d) driver e) letter
20. Jane ……a round face.
a) is b) are c) am d) has e) have
Form 5 Lesson 2
1. Who is working in the study?-……..
a) I have . b) I do. c) She has. D) I am . e) I is.
2. Summer …………….spring.
a) follows b) follow c) is following d) are following e) am following
3. Pete……..a magazine now.
a) read b) reads c) reading d) is reading e) are reading
4. Sometimes she……new books in this shop.
a) buys b) buy c)is buying d) are buying e) buying
5. I……..him.
a) am not understanding b) don’t understand c) doesn’t understand
d) am not understand e) don’t understanding
6. They….tennis at the moment.
a) play b) are playing c) plays d) is playing e) am playing
7. He…..to speak to you now.
a) is wanting b) want c) wants d) is want e) are wanting
8. What goes round the Earth? – The Moon…. .
a) is b) has c) are d) do e) does
9. Who is working in the garden?- We….. .
a) are b) do c) is d) have e) does
10. Where….my sisters travelling now?
a) have b) do c) are d) is e) has
11. The antonym for the verb “to turn on” is….
a) turn at b) turn in c) turn of d) turn off e) turn into
12. When it is cold in the room, my father turns on….. .
a) gas b) hot water c) washing machine d) central heating e) vacuum cleaner
13. When it is dark outside we turn on……. .
a) electricity b) gas c) cold water d) vacuum cleaner e) washing machine
14. A piece of furniture to sit at and work is a….
a) sink b) table c) chair d) sofa e) cupboard
15. A piece of furniture to wash up in is a…. .
a) sink b) table c) chair d) sofa e) cupboard
16. Things you may hang on the window are…… .
a) lamps b) fires c) pictures d) curtains e) carpets
17. Choose the correct question to the underlined word. (Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.)
They seldom write letters to their friends.
a) What do they write? B) Who writes letters?
c) How often do they write letters to their friends?
d) What do they do? e) When do they write letters to their friends?
18. She is singing my favourite song.
a) What is she doing? B) Who is singing? c) What is she singing?
d) Where is she singing? e) Is she singing my favourite song?
19. She usually comes home late.
a) Who comes home late? b) What does she usually do?
c) When does she usually come home? d) Does she usually come home late?
e) Where does she usually come?
20. Tom and Jane…….to spend this summer in the country.
a) wants b) are wanting c) wanting d) is wanting e) want
Form 5 Lesson 3 “Free Time”
1. Mr. Porter’s hobby is…. .
a) read fiction b) reading fiction c) reads fiction d) to reads fiction e) to reading fiction
2. “to go in for smth.” means ……
a) идти за чем-либо b) идти назад с) заниматься чем-либо d) идти вперед
е) идти куда-либо
3. My sister can play……. .
a) piano b) in the piano c) on the piano d) the piano e) at the piano
4. Every Saturday we go to the chess club and play…. .
a) chess b) in the chess c) on chess d) the chess e) at chess
5. Choose the odd word. ( Выбери лишнее слово)
a) flute b) violin c) exhibition d) guitar e) piano
6. ………… wrote a book about Tom Sawer.
a) Jack London b) William Shakespeare c) James Hadley Chase
d) Agatha Christie e) Mark Twain
7. …….wrote stories about the North .
a) Jack London b) William Shakespeare c) James Hadley Chase
d) Agatha Christie e) Mark Twain
8.You can see……………..in Tretyakov Gallery.
a) paintings and sculptures b) dramas and fiction c) revues and shows
d) classical and folk instruments e) flutes and violins
9. Rob …..a long poem yesterday.
a) wrote b) write c) is writing d) writed e) writes
10. …..they ….tennis every day?
a) Did…played b) Does..play c) Do…play d) Are….playing e) Is …playing
11. Mary…….to London in 1999.
a) goed b) goes c) is going d) go e) went
12. Choose the correct question to the sentence . (Выбери правильный вопрос к предложению).
Mother bought tickets three days ago.
a) Does mother buy tickets three days ago? b) Do mother buy tickets three days ago?
c) Did mother buy tickets three days ago? d) Bought mother tickets three days ago?
e) Is mother buying tickets three days ago?
13. Choose the sentence in Past Simple.
a) He read the newspaper two minutes ago. b) He is reading a newspaper.
c) He often reads newspapers in the morning.
d) He was reading newspapers at 5 . e) He has already read this newspaper.
14. Did you go to the museum last Thursday?-……..
a)Yes, I do. b) Yes, I am. c) Yes, I go. d) Yes, I did. e) Yes, I didn’t.
15. These boys never……their granny.
a) are visiting b) visits c) visiting d) visit e) is visiting
16. We …a lot of stamps last year.
a) collected b) collect c) collects d) collecting e) are collecting
17. ……she……at the moment?
a) Does…paint b) Is…..painting c) Do….paint d) Did….paint e) Did…sang
18. He…….in the theatre last week.
a) was b) is c) were d) are e) am
19. Jane and Kate……at home last night.
a) was b) is c) were d) are e) am
20. Where…….you a month ago?
a) was b) is c) are d) am e) were
Form 5 Lesson 3 “Famous English and American writers”
1. …..wrote the story about Tom Sowyer.
a) Jack London b) Mark Twain c) William Shakespeare
d) Agatha Christie e) James Hadly Chase
2. Jack London wrote stories about……. .
a) the North b) Africa c) the South d) the East e) the West
3. The theatre, where W. Shakespeare played, was called….. .
a) the Earth b) the Venus c) the Globe d) the Sky e) the Heaven
4. Agatha Christi is famous for her……. .
a) stories about animals b) soap operas c) adventure stories
d) detective stories e) stories about wars
5. Mark Twain lived in….. .
a) Texas b) Alaska c) Vermont d) Massachusetts e) Missouri
6. …..wrote a lot of plays and poems.
a) Agatha Christi b) W. Shakespeare c) James Hadly Chase
d) Mark Twain e) Jack London
7. W. Shakespeare worked as….. .
a) a sailor b) a newspaper seller c) a worker d) an actor e) a driver
8. Mark Twain worked as….. .
a) a sailor b) a newspaper seller c) a worker d) an actor e) a driver
9. The native city of W. Shakespeare is….. .
a) Oxford b) Stratford-on-Avon c) Dover d) Brighton e) Bristol
10. Jack London dreamed of becoming….. .
a) sailor b) an actor c) a writer d) a pirate e) a farmer
Form 5 Lesson 4 “Travelling”
1. The antonym for the word “departure “ is the word…..
a) luggage b) arrival c) board d) exhibition e) custom
2. The antonym for the word “cheap” is the word…. .
a) nice b) plane c) expensive d) wonderful e) cold
3. The synonym for the word “trip” is the word….. .
a) train b) flight c) voyage d) weather e) ticket
4. The 3rd form of the verb “drink” is… .
a) drunk b) drank c) drinked d) dronk e) drink
5. The antonym fort the word „ fast“ is the word….. .
a) quick b) brief c) slow d) terrible e) nice
6. Find the odd word.
a) train b) ship c) car d) plane e) luggage
7. …..you ever…..to London?
a) Have….been b) Has….been c) Have….was d) Has…was e) Are….was
8. Find an adjective
a) sun b) sunrise c) sunny d) sunbathe e) sunset
9. You can buy tickets for concerts in…… .
a) the booking-office b) the shop c) the Customs
d) the information-office e) the theatre
10. Find the sentence in Present Perfect.
a) I always visit my Granny on Saturdays. B) They are playing tennis.
c) I have bought the return ticket for Paris.
d) The sky was blue. e) The sun rises in the east.
11. My mother……fair hair.
a) is b) have c) are d) has e) am
12. Ann….a letter to her uncle at the moment.
a) writes b) is writing c) has written d) am writing e) has written
13. They….both pretty and polite.
a) have b) has c) am d) is e) are
14. ….you…..me now?
a) Do/ understand b) Does/understand c) Am/understand
d) is/understanding e) are/understanding
15. We seldom….to the country.
a) have gone b) has gone c) go d) are going e) is going
Form 5
Lesson 5 “So many countries, so many customs”
1. “The Union Jack” is the flag of…. .
a) Russia b) the USA c) England d) Great Britain e) Canada
2. The largest country in the world is…. .
a) Russia b) the USA c) England d) Great Britain e) Canada
3. The Great Fire in London was in …. .
a) 1666 b) 1766 c) 1756 d) 1566 e) 1676
4. The centre of London is….. .
a) the Tower b) the East End c) the City d) the West End e) the South End
5. In Trafalgar Square you can see a monument of…. .
a) Jeorge Washington b) John Kennedy c) William the Conqueror
d) Juri Dolgoruki e) Admiral Nelson
6. The name of the first ship that sailed from England to America was….. .
a) “Roseflower” b) “Mayflower” c) “Octoberflower” d) “ Snowflower”
e) “Sunflower”
7. The first president of the USA was ….. .
a) Bush b) Dixon c) Kennedy d) Washington e) Nixon
8. The capital of the USA is….. .
a) New York b) Washington, D.C. c) Washington d) London e) Brighton
9. The Guy Fawkes day is on the ….of November .
a) 5th b) 6th c) 10th d) 1st e) 12th
10. The traditional food on Maslenitsa is…… .
a) porridge b) roast turkey c) bacon and eggs d) pancakes e) hamburgers
11. ………discovered America in 1492.
a) James Cook b) George Washington c) Admiral Nelson
d) Christopher Columbus e) John Kennedy
12. The symbol of England is….. .
a) a thistle b) a mayflower c) a rose d) a dragon e) a sunflower
13. The capital of Great Britain is….. .
a) Washington b) London c) Cardiff d) Belfast e) Edinburgh
14. The White Tower built….. .
a) William the Conqueror b) Christopher Columbus c) John Kennedy
d) James Cook e) Admiral Nelson
15. George Washington was born in America, state ….. .
a) Washington b) Virginia c) Vermont d) Texas e) Massachusetts
16.James Cook was …. .
a) a writer b) an actor c) a general d) a scientist e) a discoverer
17. Great Britain consists of ….parts.
a) 5 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 e) 3
18. The American flag is often called….. .
a) The Union Jack b) The Red Dragon c) The Stars and Stripes
d) The White Eagle e) The Black Eagle
19. The first colonists started the tradition of…. .
a) Halloween b) Independence Day c) Memorial Day
d) Thanksgiving Day e) New Year’s Day
20. The keepers of the Tower carefully look after……. .
a) ravens b) rats c) mice d) visitors e) crows
Form 5 Lesson 6 “World around us”
1. The Australian speak……
a) English b) American c) French d) Australian e) German
2. My brother can lift the box because of his….. .
a) strong b) stronger c) strength d) strength e) the strongest
3. Is spring a……….season?
a) warmer b) warmth c) warm d) warmest e) more warmer
4. The mountains…….two continents.
a) explore b) set c) continue d) use e) separate
5. The capital of the United States is….
a) New York b) Canberra c) Ottawa d) Washington D.C . e) London
6. The largest country in the world is….. .
a) The USA b) Australia c) China d) Canada e) Russia
7. If a child is……., he always asks questions.
a) curious b) lazy c) clever d) strong e) foreign
8. “……..” means at the present time, in these days.
a) yesterday b) nowadays c) tomorrow d) the day before yesterday
e) the day after tomorrow
9. Antonym for the word “ rise” is
a) get up b) set c) use d) act e) continue
10. ……..travels in unknown lands for the purpose of discovery.
a) A butcher b) A tailor c) A baker d) An explorer e) A grocer
11. Choose the right variant of the translation of this sentence:
She used to have long hair.
a) У нее длинные волосы. b) Она использует накладные волосы.
c) Когда-то у нее были длинные волосы. d) Она хочет иметь длинные волосы.
е) Она отращивает волосы.
12. Robert…….on the phone at 2.45 yesterday.
a) speaks b) is speaking c) was speaking d) has spoken e) will speak
13. Andrew and Ann …….to the music at the moment.
a) are listening b) were listening c) listen d) have listened e) listens
14. They ……football when their mother…… .
a) were playing/were coming b) play/ come c) are playing/ came
d) were playing/came e) was playing/came
15. I…….this book yet.
a) don’t read b) am not reading c) wasn’t reading d) didn’t read e) haven’t read
16. While Nick…….in the mountains, Teddy …..in the ocean.
a) was skiing /was swimming b) was skiing/were swimming c) were skiing/were swimming
d) was skiing/swam e) skied /was swimming.
17. Choose the right question to the underlined word in the sentence:
Cousins were watching a feature film on TV at 17 o’clock yesterday.
a) What do cousins do at 17 o’clock yesterday?
b) What were cousins doing at 17 o’clock yesterday?
c) Who was watching a feature film on TV at 17 o’clock yesterday?
d) What did cousins do at 17 o’clock yesterday? e) When did cousins watch a feature film ?
18. …..most people…. by plane nowadays?
a) Does.. travel b) Has….travelled c) Do….travel d) Were….travelled e) Was…..travelling
19. Was he reading at 5 o’clock yesterday?-……..
a) Yes, he is. b) Yes, he has. c) Yes, he did. d) Yes, he was. e) Yes, he were.
20. Have you bought a new flat?-………….
a) Yes,I am. b) Yes, I have. c) Yes, I do d) Yes, I did. e) Yes, I has.
Form 5 Lesson 8
1. We need……fruit and vegetables.
a) and b) both c) neither d) nor e) or
2. She knows …….Geography nor History.
a) and b) both c) neither d) nor e) or
3. Synonym for the word “high” is…. .
a) deep b) save c) tall d) fresh e) hide
4. I like to be in a……air.
a) deep b) high c) tall d) fresh e) hide
5. My house is …..the shop and the theatre.
a) among b) long c) between d) along e) across
6. I read……adventures…..fiction.
a) neither..or b) neither….nor c) or….either d) either…nor e) or…or
7. The river is 3 metres……. .
a) fresh b) tall c) smart d) high e) deep
8. Paris is….the largest cities in the world.
a) among b) long c) between d) along e) across
9. Do you like to play…..-and-seek?
a) high b) deep c) save d) fresh e) hide
10. The firemen…..the woman from the burning house.
a) saved b) explored c) set d) found e) used
11. They……in new flat three weeks ago.
a) were moving b) moved c) move d) moves e) have moved
12. The boys…..,when their father came in.
a) fight b) fought c) fights d) were fighting e) are fighting
13. While Nelly……..to her cousin, I……a letter.
a) spoke/was writing b) was speaking/was writing c) was speaking/wrote
d) was speaking/write e) speak/was writing
14. They….already…this work.
a) were…exploring b) was…exploring c) have… explored d)has… explored
e) are …exploring
15. When Jane was little she………
a) use to cry b) used to cry c) used crying d) used cry e) used to cried
Form 5 Lessons 9-10-11
1. Find the odd word.
a) daffodil b) daisy c) snowdrop d) blossom e) primrose
2. Those flowers smell…….. .
a) pleasant b) young c) deep d) high e) tall
3. What ……easy text!
a) the b) - c) a d) an
4. What…….. deep snow!
a) the b) ---- c) a d) an
5. A ……..winter is not very cold and snowy.
a) fresh b) deep c) mild d) high e) tall
6. Antonym for the word “possible” is….. .
a) unpossible b) impossible c) dispossible d) mispossible e) inpossible
7. People must………nature.
a) climb b) continue c) breathe d) protect e) hide
8. -What would you like for breakfast? Would you like eggs?
- ………… . I like eggs very much.
a) Certainly. B) Not at all. c) I can’t stand it. d) Here it is. e) No, thanks.
9. Breathe …! Breathe …. !
a) on/out b) at/out c) in/off d) in/out e) in/of
10. In spring many trees are in…….. .
a) smell b) harm c) custom d) fare e) blossom
11. What are three forms of the verb “to give”?
a) give-gived-gived b) give-guve-guven c) give-gove-goven d) give-gave-given
e) give-gave-gived
12. When Fred was little he ………with toy cars.
a) used to play b) used play c) use to play d) used playing e) used to played
13. The book……everywhere.
a) are sold c) is sold d) is sell d) am sold e) are to sell
14. A lot of houses ……in the city every year.
a) is build b) are build c) am build d) is built e) are built
15. America ………in1492.
a) is discovered b) are discovered c) was discovered d) was discover e) were discover
16. The room…….last night.
a) was cleaned b) were cleaned c) is cleaned d) are clean e) was clean
17. Meat ………usually ……for breakfast in England.
a) wasn’t……ate b) aren’t….eaten c) weren’t…eaten d) isn’t…ate e) isn’t ...eaten
18. These letters……..yesterday.
a) was sent b) were sent c) are sent d) is send e) was send
19. English………all over the world.
a) was spoke b) is spoke c) was spoken d) is spoken e) are spoken
20. Nelly likes neither potatoes…..carrots.
a) or b) and c) nor d) either e) both
Form 5 Lesson 12
“The UK. Geography and political outlook.”
1. … is a country ruled by a king or a queen.
a) industry b) state c) kingdom d) saint e) climate
2. Antonym for the word “Careful” is……. .
a) uncareful b) miscareful c) carefulless d) careless e) careness
3. A year consists…..12 months.
a) on b) in c) of d) off e) at
4. Dad is not surprised…..the information.
a) on b) about c) of d) in e) at
5. Do you know any……of the Russian Church?
a) signs b) saints c) states d) harms e) climbs
6. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in…… .
a) the continent b) the British Islands c) the Irish Isles d)the Britain Isles
e) the British Isles.
7. There are ……..countries in the UK .
a) four b) five c) three d) six e) two
8. Great Britain and Northern Ireland are separated by …… .
a) The North Sea b) The Atlantic Ocean c) the English Channel d) The Strait of Dover
e) The Irish Sea
9. The capital of the UK is… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Washington e) Edinburgh
10. The UK is washed by……… in the north.
a) The North Sea b) The English Channel c) The Strait of Dover d) The Atlantic Ocean
e) The Irish Sea
11. The flag of the UK is known as….. .
a) The Union Jack b) The United Jack c) The Common Jack d) The Union John
e) The United John
12. The patron saint of England is …. .
a) St.Patrick b) St. Andrew c) St. George d) St. John e) St. Nick
13. Mr. Brown …. In Scotland when he was a small boy.
a) used to live b) used live c) used to living d) used lived e) use to live
14. Choose the correct variant of the sentence in the reported speech.---Nick: “I like my Granny very much”
a) Nick asks Granny to like very much. B) Nick says (that) he likes my Granny very much.
c) Nick says (that) he likes his Granny very much.
d) Nick say (that) he like his granny very much.
e) Nick tells(that) he like his Granny very much.
15. The teacher: “ Learn this poem by heart!”
a) The teacher says (that) we learn this poem by heart.
b) The teacher asks learn this poem by heart. c) The teacher ask to learn this poem by heart.
d) The teacher asks to learn this poem by heart. e) The teacher says to learn this poem by heart.
16. Jane: “ Don’t speak so loudly!”
a) Jane asks not to speak so loudly. B) Jane says not to speak so loudly.
c) Jane tells not speak so loudly. d) Jane asks to not speak so loudly.
e) Jane tells to not speak so loudly.
17. Granny: “ Help me in the garden, boys!”
a) Granny say boys to help her in the garden. b) Granny ask boys to help her in the garden.
c) Granny asks boys to help them in the garden. d) Granny asks boys to help her in the garden.
e) Granny tell boys to help her in the garden.
18. Susan: “I don’t know French.”
a) Susan says (that) she don’t know French. b) Susan say (that) she doesn’t know French.
c) Susan asks she doesn’t know French. d) Susan tells(that) she doesn’t know French.
e) Susan says (that) she doesn’t know French.
19. Mother: “I am busy”.
a) Mother asks (that) she is busy. b) Mother says (that) she is busy.
c) Mother says (that) I am busy. d) Mother say (that) she is busy.
e) Mother say (that) I am busy.
20. Pat: “Don’t be late, Tom.”
a) Pat asks Tom not to be late. B) Pat ask Tom not to be late.
c) Pat asks Tom to not be late. d) Pat tell Tom not to be late.
e) Pat tells Tom to not to be late.
Form 5 Lesson 13
1. I……..eggs in my shopping list.
a) included b) climbed c) elected d) belonged e) separated
2. They …… the President.
a) included b) climbed c) elected d) belonged e) separated
3. The capital of England is…… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
4. The capital of Scotland is….. .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
5. The capital of Wales is…… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
6. The capital of Northern Ireland is…… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
7. The Parliament consists of …… Houses.
a) three b) four c) two d) four e) five
8. Who is at home now? – My parents….. .
a) is b)did c) have d) do e) are
9. Who went there last night? –We all…. .
a) is b) did c) have d) do e) are
Choose the correct sentence in the reported speech.
10. She: “ Is Wales situated on the British Isles?”
a) She says that Wales is situated on the British Isles.
b) She asks if Wales is situated on the British Isles.
c) She ask if Wales situated on the British Isles.
d) She tells that Wales is situated on the British Isles.
e) She tell that Wales is situated on the British Isles.
11. Jane: “Where is England situated?”
a) Jane want to know where England is situated.
b) Jane wants to know where England is situated.
c) Jane asks to where England is situated. D) Jane asks where England is situated.
e) Jane ask where England is situated.
12. Tom: “I like bananas.”
a) Tom says that he likes bananas. b) Tom say that he likes bananas.
c) Tom says that he like bananas. d) Tom says to like bananas.
e) Tom says that I like bananas.
13. Teacher: “The House of Lords can delay laws.”
a) Teacher asks if the House of Lords can delay laws.
b) Teacher tells The House of Lords to delay laws.
c) Teacher say that the House of Lords can delay laws.
d) Teacher says that the House of Lords can delay laws.
e) Teacher tells that the House of Lords can delay laws.
14. Father: “Don’t open the door!”
a) Father tells to not open the door. B) Father tell to not open the door.
c) Father says not to open the door. d) Father tell not to open the door.
e) Father tells not to open the door.
15. Ann: “Are you going to the park?”
a) Ann asks if we are going to the park. b) Ann ask if we are going to the park.
c) Ann asks if are we going to the park. d) Ann asks to be going to the park.
e) Ann asks if you are going to the park.
16. Mother: “Go to the shop.”
a) Mother asks if I go to the shop. b) Mother ask to go to the shop.
c) Mother asks to go to the shop. d) Mother says to go to the shop.
e) Mother say to go to the shop.
17. Children: “Can you speak French, Mr. White?”
a) Children ask Mr. White if he can speak French.
b) Children asks Mr. White if he can speak French.
c) Children ask Mr. White if they can speak French.
d) Children ask Mr. White if they can speak French.
e) Children tells Mr. White to speak French.
18. John: “ What is your name?”
a) John asks if my name. b) John tells to tell his name.
c) John wants to know what my name is.
d) John want to know what my name is. e) John wants to know what my name are.
19. David: “The Queen doesn’t have real power.”
a) David asks if the Queen has real power. b) David ask if the Queen has real power.
c) David say that the Queen doesn’t have real power.
d) David says that the Queen doesn’t have real power.
e) David says that the Queen don’t have real power.
20. Nelly: “Where have you been?”
a) Nelly ask where I have been. b) Nelly asks where have you been.
c) Nelly asks where you have been. d) Nelly asks where I have been.
e) Nelly asks where have I been.
Form 5 (Revision 1)
Lexical test
1. The antonym for the word “to turn on” is….
a) turn at b) turn in c) turn of d) turn off e) turn into
2. Antonym for the word “careful” is……. .
a) uncareful b) miscareful c) carefulless d) careless e) careness
3. In spring many trees are in…….. .
a) smell b) harm c) custom d) fare e) blossom
4. A ……..winter is not very cold and snowy.
a) fresh b) deep c) mild d) high e) tall
5. The river is 3 metres……. .
a) fresh b) tall c) smart d) high e) deep
6. Choose the odd word. ( Выбери лишнее слово)
a) flute b) violin c) exhibition d) guitar e) piano
7.You can see……………..in Tretyakov Gallery.
a) paintings and sculptures b) dramas and fiction c) revues and shows
8. The antonym for the word “departure”is the word…
a) luggage b) arrival c) board d) exhibition e) custom
9. The capital of Wales is…… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
10.My sister can play……. .
a) violin b) in the violin c) on the violin d) the violin e) at the violin
11. My brother can lift the box because of his….. .
a) strong b) stronger c) strength d) strength e) the strongest
12. I……..eggs in my shopping list.
a) included b) climbed c) elected d) belonged e) separated
13. Do you know any……of the Russian Church?
a) signs b) saints c) states d) harms e) climbs
14. Those flowers smell…….. .
a) pleasant b) young c) deep d) high e) tall
15. “to go in for smth.” means ……
a) идти за чем-либо b) идти назад с) заниматься чем-либо d) идти вперед
16. Mary was not surprised…..the information.
a) on b) about c) of d) in e) at
17. ……is a person who sells sugar, flour, salt e, etc..
a) A nurse b) A baker c) A butcher d) A grocer e) A greengrocer
18. Antonym for the word “ugly” is…… .
a) slim b) tall c) beautiful d) short e) dark
19. The firemen…..the children from the burning house.
a) saved b) explored c) set d) found e) used
20. A piece of furniture to wash up in is a…. .
a) sink b) table c) chair d) sofa e) cupboard
Form 5 (Revision 1)
Grammar test
1. Her surname…..Williams.
a) are b) am c) is d) has e) have
2.. ….he got a brother?
a) Has b) Does C) Have d) Do e) Is
3. Who is working in the study?-……..
a) I have . b) I do. c) She has. D) I am . e) I is.
4. Sometimes she……new books in this shop.
a) buys b) buy c)is buying d) are buying e) buying
5. Rob …..a long poem yesterday.
a) wrote b) write c) is writing d) writed e) writes
6. ……she……at the moment?
a) Does…paint b) Is…..painting c) Do….paint d) Did….paint e) Did…sang
7. . I…….this book yet.
a) don’t read b) am not reading c) wasn’t reading d) didn’t read e) haven’t read
8. The room…….last night.
a) was cleaned b) were cleaned c) is cleaned d) are clean e) was clean
9. Nelly likes neither potatoes…..carrots.
a) or b) and c) nor d) either e) both
10. Choose the right variant of the question to the sentence.
I had no classes on Friday.
a) Have you got any classes today? b) Did you have any classes on Friday?
c) Do you have any classes tomorrow? d) Will you have any classes on Friday?
e) Do you have any classes today?
11. Jane and Kate……at the disco last night.
a) was b) is c) were d) are e) am
12. The books……everywhere.
a) are sold c) is sold d) is sell d) am sold e) are to sell
13. A lot of houses ……in the city every year.
a) is build b) are build c) am build d) is built e) are built
14. I……..him.
a) am not understanding b) don’t understand c) doesn’t understand
d) am not understand e) don’t understanding
15. This letter……..yesterday.
a) was sent b) were sent c) are sent d) is send e) was send
16. Father: “Don’t open the door!”
a) Father tells to not open the door. B) Father tell to not open the door.
c) Father says not to open the door. d) Father tell not to open the door.
e) Father tells not to open the door.
17. Susan: “I don’t know French.”
a) Susan says (that) she don’t know French. b) Susan say (that) she doesn’t know French.
c) Susan asks she doesn’t know French. d) Susan tells(that) she doesn’t know French.
e) Susan says (that) she doesn’t know French.
18. John: “ What is your name?”
a) John asks if my name. b) John tells to tell his name.
c) John wants to know what my name is.
d) John want to know what my name is. e) John wants to know what my name are.
19. Granny: “ Help me in the garden, boys!”
a) Granny say boys to help her in the garden. b) Granny ask boys to help her in the garden.
c) Granny asks boys to help them in the garden. d) Granny asks boys to help her in the garden.
e) Granny tell boys to help her in the garden.
20. Children: “Can you speak French, Mr. White?”
a) Children ask Mr. White if he can speak French.
b) Children asks Mr. White if he can speak French.
c) Children ask Mr. White if they can speak French.
d) Children ask Mr. White if they can speak French.
e) Children tells Mr. White to speak French.
Form 5 (Revision 3)
1. The capital of Wales is…….
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
2. ………… wrote a book about Tom Sawyer.
a) Jack London b) William Shakespeare c) James Hadley Chase
d) Agatha Christie e) Mark Twain
3. …….wrote stories about the North .
a) Jack London b) William Shakespeare c) James Hadley Chase
d) Agatha Christie e) Mark Twain
4. You can see……………..in Tretyakov Gallery.
a) paintings and sculptures b) dramas and fiction c) revues and shows
d) classical and folk instruments e) flutes and violins
5. The Australian speak……
a) English b) American c) French d) Australian e) German
6. The capital of the United States is….
a) New York b) Canberra c) Ottawa d) Washington DC e) London
7. The largest country in the world is….. .
a) The USA b) Australia c) China d) Canada e) Russia
8. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in…… .
a) the continent b) the British Islands c) the Irish Isles d)the Britain Isles
e) the British Isles.
9. There are ……..countries in the UK.
a) four b) five c) three d) six e) two
10. Great Britain and Northern Ireland are separated by …… .
a) The North Sea b) The Atlantic Ocean c) the English Channel d) The Strait of Dover
e) The Irish Sea
11. The capital of the UK is… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Washington e) Edinburgh
12. The flag of the UK is known as….. .
a) The Union Jack b) The United Jack c) The Common Jack d) The Union John
e) The United John
13. The patron saint of England is …. .
a) St. Patrick b) St. Andrew c) St. George d) St. John e) St. Nick
14. The patron saint of Scotland is …. .
a) St. Patrick b) St. Andrew c) St. George d) St. John e) St. Nick
15. The Parliament consists of …… Houses.
a) three b) four c) two d) four e) five
16. The capital of Scotland is….. .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
17. The capital of Northern Ireland is…… .
a) Belfast b) London c) Cardiff d) Edinburgh e) New Castle
18. The patron saint of Ireland is …. .
a) St. Patrick b) St. Andrew c) St. George d) St. John e) St. Nick
19. People select 650 members of the House of Commons every….. years.
a) three b) two c) six d) five e) four
20. The theatre where W. Shakespeare played was called…. .
a) The Earth b) The Venus c) The Globe d) The Sky e) The Star
Form 5 (revision 2)
Lexical test
1. Pete……..a magazine now.
a) read b) reads c) reading d) is reading e) are reading
2. Mr. White’s hobby is…. .
a) read fiction b) reading fiction c) reads fiction d) to reads fiction e) to reading fiction
3. He…..to speak to you now.
a) is wanting b) want c) wants d) is want e) are wanting
4. Antonym for the word “possible” is….. .
a) unpossible b) impossible c) dispossible d) mispossible e) inpossible
5. People must………nature.
a) climb b) continue c) breathe d) protect e) hide
6. …….is a country ruled by a king or a queen.
a) industry b) state c) kingdom d) saint e) climate
7. Dad is not surprised…..the information.
a) on b) about c) of d) in e) at
8. My house is …..the shop and the theatre.
a) among b) long c) between d) along e) across
9. When it is dark outside we turn on……. .
a) electricity b) gas c) cold water d) vacuum cleaner e) washing machine
10. A piece of furniture to sit at and work is a….
a) sink b) table c) chair d) sofa e) cupboard
11. Find the odd word.
a) butcher b) tailor c) singer d) driver e) letter
12. If a child is……., he always asks questions.
a) curious b) lazy c) clever d) strong e) foreign
13. Things you may hang on the window are…… .
a) lamps b) fires c) pictures d) curtains e) carpets
14. The antonym for the word “fast” is….
a) quick b) brief c) slow d) terrible e) nice
15. You can buy tickets for concerts in…
a) the booking-office b) the shop c) the Custom d) the information office
e) the theatre
16. Synonym for the word “high” is…. .
a) deep b) save c) tall d) fresh e) hide
17. ……..is a person who works in hospitals and helps doctors.
a) A nurse b) A baker c) A butcher d) A grocer e) A greengrocer
18. New York is….the largest cities in the world.
a) among b) long c) between d) along e) across
19. Do you like to play…..-and-seek?
a) high b) deep c) save d) fresh e) hide
20. The synonym for the word “trip” is …..
a) train b) flight c) voyage d) weather e) ticket
Form 5 (Revision 2)
Grammar test
1. My mother……fair-haired.
a) is b) have c) are d) has e) am
2. Choose the correct question to the sentence . (Выбери правильный вопрос к предложению).
Mother bought tickets three days ago.
a) Does mother buy tickets three days ago? b) Do mother buy tickets three days ago?
c) Did mother buy tickets three days ago? d) Bought mother tickets three days ago?
e) Is mother buying tickets three days ago?
3. Choose the sentence in Past Simple.
a) He read the newspaper two minutes ago. b) He is reading a newspaper.
c) He often reads newspapers in the morning.
d) He was reading newspapers at 5 . e) He has already read this newspaper.
4. Did you go to the museum last Thursday?-……..
a)Yes, I do. b) Yes, I am. c) Yes, I go. d) Yes, I did. e) Yes, I didn’t.
5. Where…….he a month ago?
a) was b) is c) are d) am e) were
6. Who is at home now? – My sister….. .
a) is b) did c) have d) do e) are
7. These children……..a very rich imagination.
a) has b) have c) is d) are e) am
8. Summer …………….spring.
a) follows b) follow c) is following d) are following e) am following
9. Ann: “Are you going to the park?”
a) Ann asks if we are going to the park. b) Ann ask if we are going to the park.
c) Ann asks if are we going to the park. d) Ann asks to be going to the park.
e) Ann asks if you are going to the park.
10. Choose the right variant of the translation of this sentence:
She used to have long hair.
a) У нее длинные волосы. b) Она использует накладные волосы.
c) Когда-то у нее были длинные волосы. d) Она хочет иметь длинные волосы.
е) Она отращивает волосы.
11. Rose…….on the phone at 14.15 yesterday.
a) speaks b) is speaking c) was speaking d) has spoken e) will speak
12. What goes round the earth? – The Moon…. .
a) is b) has c) are d) do e) does
13. Mary and John …….to the music at the moment.
a) are listening b) were listening c) listen d) have listened e) listens
14. They ……chess when their mother…… .
a) were playing/were coming b) play/ come c) are playing/ came
d) were playing/came e) was playing/came
15. I…….this book yet.
a) don’t read b) am not reading c) wasn’t reading d) didn’t read e) haven’t read
16. Teacher: “The House of Lords can delay laws.”
a) Teacher asks if the House of Lords can delay laws.
b) Teacher tells The House of Lords to delay laws.
c) Teacher say that the House of Lords can delay laws.
d) Teacher says that the House of Lords can delay laws.
e) Teacher tells that the House of Lords can delay laws.
17.Andrew: “Don’t open the window!”
a) Andrew tells to not open the window. b) Andrew tell to not open the window.
c) Andrew says not to open the window. d) Andrew tell not to open the window.
e) Andrew tells not to open the window.
18. Choose the correct question to the underlined word. (Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.)
They seldom write letters to their friends.
a) What do they write? B) Who writes letters?
c) How often do they write letters to their friends?
d) What do they do? e) When do they write letters to their friends?
19. Rice ……in England.
a) is not grown b) are not grow c) are not grown d) is not grew e) are not grew
20. The houses……500 years ago.
a) was build b) were build c) were built d) was built e) are built
1.Test (lesson 1)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
a | c | d | c | a | b | c | c | c | b | b | c | b | d | c | b | c | e | e | d |
2.Test (lesson 2)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
d | a | d | a | b | b | c | e | a | c | d | d | a | b | a | d | c | a | c | e |
3.Test (lesson 3) “Famous English and American writers”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
b | a | c | d | e | b | d | a | b | d |
4.Test (lesson 3) “Free time”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
b | c | d | a | c | e | a | a | a | c | e | c | a | d | d | a | b | a | c | e |
5.Test (lesson 4) “Travelling”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
b | c | c | a | c | e | a | c | a | c | d | b | e | a | c |
6.Test (lesson 5) “So many countries, so many customs”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
d | a | a | c | e | b | d | b | a | d | d | c | b | a | b | e | c | c | d | a |
7.Test (lesson 6) “World around us”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
a | c | c | e | d | e | a | b | b | d | c | c | a | d | e | a | b | c | d | b |
8.Test (Tenses)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
c | a | c | e | a | b | e | c | a | b |
9.Test (lesson 8)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
b | c | c | d | c | b | e | a | e | a | b | d | b | c | b |
10.Test (lessons 1-8)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
a | c | d | b | d | a | c | d | e | d |
11.Test (the 2nd term)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
c | a | b | c | b | a | d | a | a | d | b | d | b | c | a | b | c | b | c | b |
12.Test (grammar test) + (lexical test) (контрольный срез)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
b | e | e | d | a | b | c | c | d | a | a | d | c | a | e | d | c | a | a | c |
13.Test (lessons 9-10-11)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
d | a | d | b | c | b | d | a | d | e | d | a | c | b | c | a | d | b | d | c |
14.Test (lesson 12) “The UK. Geography and political outlook.”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
c | d | c | e | b | e | a | e | b | d | a | c | a | c | d | a | d | e | b | a |
15.Test (lesson 13)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
a | c | b | d | c | a | c | e | b | b | b | a | d | e | a | c | a | c | d | d |
16.Test (Revision 1, grammar test)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
c | a | d | a | a | b | e | a | c | b | c | a | b | b | a | e | e | c | b | a |
17.Test (Revision 1, lexical test))
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
d | d | e | c | e | c | a | b | c | d | c | a | b | a | c | e | d | c | a | a |
18.Test (Revision 2, lexical test)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
d | b | c | b | d | c | e | c | a | b | e | a | d | c | a | c | a | a | e | c |
19.Test (Revision 2, grammar test)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
a | c | a | d | e | a | b | a | a | c | c | e | a | d | e | d | e | c | a | c |
20. Test (Revision 3)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
c | e | a | a | a | d | e | e | a | e | b | a | c | b | c | d | a | a | d | c |
Настоящее пособие представляет собой сборник тестов для 5-х классов, составленных по системе ЕНТ. За основу взяты лексический и грамматический материал учебника “English 5” И. Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой, а также материал учебника «English 5» Аяповой Т. . По содержанию тесты делятся на несколько групп:
1. Тематические тесты , составленные на основе материала разных уроков учебника И.Н.Верещагиной .
2. Грамматические тесты
3. Лексические тесты.
4. Тесты страноведческого характера.
5. Обзорные лексико-грамматические тесты, построенные на материале, пройденном за год.
Тесты можно использовать как на уроках во время прохождения той или иной темы, так и в 6 классе, с целью выявления сформированности ЗУНов по иностранному языку на начало учебного года .
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык (для сильных учеников- переведите полностью предложение)
1в 2в
1. We (говорим) English. 1. Witches (летают) at night.
2. He (помогает) the mother. 2. Jane (работает) in an office.
3. Girls (смотрят) TV. 3. Dad (водит) a car.
2. Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными! (Для сильных учащихся-выполнить перевод)
1в 2в
1. I speak English. 1. We get up at 4a.m.
2. She lives in a hotel. 2. He works at school.
3. They have a nice flat. 3. She has a red dress.
3. Сделайте эти предложения вопросительными! (выполнить перевод)
1в 2в
1. I live near Moscow. 1. She goes to school.
2. We get up at 7 o’clock. 2. They come home.
3. He does homework. 3. I like Russian.
4. Напишите свою фамилию, имя, отчество, посёлок, в котором ты живёшь, улицу, квартиру, дом на английском языке.
To speak- говорить
To help— помогать
To watch- смотреть
To fly- летать
To work- работать
To drive- водить
Предварительный просмотр:
Задание 1
Put in the appropriate form of say, tell or ask.
- Ben_____that the lift is out of order.
- Lucy_____Harris that she couldn’t go to the pictures with him.
- He_____me if I smoked.
- She_____Jane if she could play the violin very well.
- I _____her if she liked children.
- What did she _____you?
- Please, don’t _____Jim what had happened.
- Ann_____she did not like Peter.
- Jack_____me he was ill.
- Why didn’t you_____me the truth?
- Ключи:
- 1.said 2.told 3.asked 4.said 5.asked
6.tell 7.tell 8.said 9.told 10.tell
Предварительный просмотр:
Test for 6 form
1. Translate the words ! (Переведите слова)
1в 2в
1. is rich in.. 1. Is proud of..
2. is tired of.. 2. It is worth listening
3. scientist 3. Teacher
4. sportsman 4. Artist
5. sociable 5. Clever
6. friendly 6. Intelligent
7. pilot 7. Cook
2. Закончите предложения!
1. Charlie Chaplin is famous for …
2. Mark Twain is famous for…
3. Joseph Turner is famous for …
4. William Shakespare is famous for..
3. Вставьте артикль: а или аn ?
… man, … uniform, … friendly pupil, …educational programme, …unusual invitation, …. Loving parent, … international exchange, .. well-known actor, … excellent writer.
4. Переведите предложения на английский язык!
1. Лондон богат музеями, парками.
2. Моя мама гордится мной.
3. Картины стоит купить.
4. Музыку стоит послушать.
5. Моя сестра устаёт от большого города.
5. Вставьте определённый артикль там, где это необходимо!
1. … Anlantic ocean
2. … London
3. …Tower of London
4. …sun
5…. Africa
6. …Baker Street
7. …best pupil
8. …Agatha Christie
9. …Volga
10. …. Alps
11. …moon
12. … Moscow
Предварительный просмотр:
Test №1
for 7form
- Translate the words!
1в 2в
- a top sportsman 1. to take part in
- основательно 2. Стараться упорно
- to star 3. Talented
- to win a competition 4. the number one player
- учёность 5. to do badly
- to set a record 6.быть лучшим
- чемпионат 7. Выиграть чемпионат
- sport game 8. to win a prize
- cheerful 9. Wisely
- brilliantly 10. Carefull
- What made these people famous?
- Lous Armstrong A) plays basketball greatly
- Vivien Leigh B) ate honey quickly
- The Beatles C) trains hard and win championship
- Andre Agassi D) became famous fast
- Oscar Wilde E) wrote fairy-tales wonderfully
- Emily Dickinson F) played the trumpet brilliantly
- Winnie- the – Pooh G) wrote poems beautifully
- Michael Jordan H) acted well, starred in films.
- Translate the sentences!
- My friend has starred in the London theatre ‘Oliver’.
- I have won a medal at the Olympics and want to be the number one player in a team.
- I am good at sport and think I must train harder and get best results.
- She is a good at playing the trumpet and should work more properly.
- He is naturally talented besides he jumps highest.
- Boys run faster than girls but girls study harder.
- Образуйте степени сравнения наречий и имён прилагательных!
Clean, high, properly, wisely.
Fast, quick, attentively, neatly
- Составьте 5-6 предложений на английском языке по изученному разделу.
Предварительный просмотр:
Test№1 for 11form
- Translate the words!
1в 2в
- contribution 1. family credit
- sick people 2. social security
- available 3. entitled to..
- income 4. The employer
- benefits 5. Allowance
- безработные 6. Claim
- пенсионеры 7. Вдовствующие
- massive 8. Детское пособие
- state of adolescence 9. Go private
- National Health Service 10. Acne vulgaris
- Who receives these benefits?
- maternity pay A) a person who is out of work to have a baby
- unemployment benefit B) retired people/ pensioners
- family credit C) disabled people to pay for transport or to buy a special
- mobility allowance D) families with children who have very low incomes;
- child benefit E) a person who is unable to work after a sickness period
- widow's pension F) women whose husbands die before they retire they are
aged 45or over
- state/retirement pension G) each child until he/she leaves school(at 16) or longer if the child
continues education (up to 19)
- invalidity pension H) a person who is out of work for up to a year
- Translate the sentences into Russian!
- Women who leave work to have a baby have a right to ask for a maternity allowance.
- Widows can get payments for their husbands who died.
- Dr. Taylor must be one of those overworked GPs you are always reading about.
- So much for the National Health Service.
- Contributions are also made by the employer and the government.
- A child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid to mothers.
- I will get a paper- round and go private.
- Despite the shortage of money, the system of medical care works well.
IV. Translate!
1в 2в
because of- while-
although/ though- despite/ inspite of-
V. Translate the sentences into English!
- Многие пожилые люди живут скучной жизнью, становятся больными и беспомощными и имеют финансовые проблемы.
- Не все пожилые люди занимаются спортом каждый день.
1. Моя бабушка стала беспомощной и нуждается в регулярном уходе и заботе со стороны своих родных.
2. Я думаю, что все пенсионеры намного мудрее чем молодёжь и имеют больше опыта и возможности помочь
VI. Complete the sentences using the and one of the following adjectives: rich, homeless, blind, old
1. … usually walk slowly.
2. There is a shortage of guide dogs for …
3. A new hostel is to be opened for…
4. … pay a lot of income tax.
Test for 6 form
1. Переведите слова на русский язык!
1в 2в
1. talkative honest
2. Gemini polite
3. tell the truth Taurus
4. bossy to be good at
5. lazy sociable
6. Sagittarius Aries
7. trust gossip
8. curious friendly
9. shy cheerful
10.tease quarrel
11. fight call names
2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Progressive и переведите эти предложения на русский!
1. I (read) the book now.
2. My friend (help) to grandparents on the farm.
3. They (walk) in the park at 6o'clock.
4. You (do) homework in history now.
1. We (fish) in the lake.
2. I (play) a new computer game.
3. She (go) to the shop at the moment.
4. Mike (chat) over the telephone.
3.Задай вопрос по образцу! (5- 6 вопросов), употребляя Present Progressive и переведите их на русский!
What they playing?
Where is he reading?
When are she going?
Who you helping?
Why Mike doing?
How My friends chatting?
4. Найдите предложения в Present Progressive, выпишите и переведите предложения на русский!
She always does her homework. She is chatting now. Besides she is very talkative. He is brave. Are you doing homework? You can trust them. I am reading the book. Ted always tells the truth. Julia is getting on well with all classmates.
5. Найдите 10 слов по изученному разделу: «Чем отличаются мальчики от девочек?» «Знаки зодиака» Выпишите их из квадрата!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b | t | j | l | s | v | i | r | g | o |
f | e | n | c | b | c | t | u | y | f |
a | a | t | a | u | r | u | s | r | i |
o | s | n | n | l | h | t | z | x | g |
v | e | g | c | l | c | h | w | q | h |
e | f | o | e | y | l | p | e | o | t |
g | n | s | r | g | n | r | y | c | u |
l | v | s | n | l | a | r | i | e | s |
e | b | i | n | r | e | l | q | r | x |
o | t | p | a | h | u | r | t | e | w |
Предварительный просмотр:
Test for 10 class
1. Translate the words into Russian !
1в 2в
Huge deep
Plain wood
Desert vast
Severe droughts floods
Toughness self-confidence
Submission patience
2. Insert the article(the) if it is necessary!
___Atlantic ocean
__Great Britain
__Russia Federation
3. Answer the guestions!
a) What climate and landscapes are typical of these countries? (USA, UK, Australia)
b) Describe about Australia using this plan:
- climate;
- capital;
- wildlife;
- Australia’s coat of arms;
4. Make up the presentation of Australia (5-7 slides), using different photos and information!
5. Translate these sentences!
a) Because Australia is cut off from the rest of the world its wildlife is so unique.
b) Americans who prefer various landscapes can easily spend interesting vocations within the country.
6. Write down the English equivalents to the Russian words!
1в 2в
Рядом с океаном; тропический лес;
Богатая растительность; приключенческие каникулы;
Отрезают город от… гостеприимный;
Равнина; очень большой, шумный, жаркий;
Главный коммерческий центр; окружённый полями, лесом;
7. Finish these sentences for theme “My favourite living place”
a) Besides I prefer….
b) I like places where …
c) I hate…
d) It’s great if….
8. Translate these situations!
1. где подростки проводят свои летние каникулы?
2. как добраться до гостиницы?
3. Где вы можете перекусить?
4. сколько стоит билет в кино?
5. когда начинается фильм ?
6. где вы можете купить открытку своему другу на день Рожденья?
Предварительный просмотр:
Test for the 4th form
- Переведите слова на русский язык!
- pencil 8. felt-tip pen
- blackboard 9. dictionary
- textbook 10. pencil shapener
- rubber 11. exercise-book
- ruler 12. computer
- paints 13. pen
- video
- Поставьте глагол во вторую форму, т.е в прошедшее время, не забывайте, что в английском я зыке есть правильные и неправильные глаголы!
go- get-
skate- ski-
be- have-
like- eat-
want- Do-
- Переведите предложения на русский язык в будущем времени!
1. I’ll ride a bike in summer.
2. He shall swim next week.
3. You will dive in a hour.
4. I’ ll toboggan in winter.
5. She shall play tennis tomorrow.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Put in the verbs in the correct form.
1. Yesterday Linda (give) the interview to the youth magazine.
2. Mike (not, get up) at six o’clock.
3. They (read) this book yesterday evening.
4. He (do) his homework tomorrow.
5. She (visit) her Granny every week.
6. Mary (speak) English and French.
7. My parents (watch) TV now.
8. We (not, going) to play football this evening.
2. Use Present Progressive.
1. Where is Mum? - She (to cook).
2. Listen! The girl (to sing) a song.
3. They (to watch) a detective film.
4. What you (to read) at the moment?
5. I (no to write) a letter now.
6. Bob (to sleep) now?
3. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive and open the brackets.
1. They (to play) tennis now.
2. They (to play) tennis every day.
3. Where is Jane? - She (to read) a new book in her room.
4. Sam usually (to read) magazines in the evening.
5. I (to write) a letter to my sister now.
6. I (to write) a letter to my Granny once a month.
4. Put in the missing words
Close sociable humour get on hobby card typical intelligent naughty computer |
Dear Linda, Thank you very much for your nice Christmas _____. You asked me to write about my family. Our family is a _____ Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my little sister and me) and a cat. We are a ______ family and we ____ well each other. My mum is a Science teacher. She is ______. Her _____ is painting. My dad is a ____ programmer. He is _______. He has a good sense of _____.My little sister Ann is funny and sometimes _____. What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend D. Korolev. |
5. Put in prepositions if necessary.
1. What kind ____ music do you like to listen __?
2. Do you speak ___any foreign language?
3. We arrived at the station ____ time.
4. They have arranged to go to the theatre ___ 5 p.m.
5. In Oxford I stayed ___ my friend’s family.
6. It happened ____ April.
7. We are a close family and we get ____ well with each other.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Переведи слова на русский язык!
1. A broadsheet-
2.A weather forecast-
3. A short loan collection-
5. Intriguing-
7. Mass media-
8.A celebrity-
- Найдите верный перевод для каждого глагола!
- To borrow a) сосредотачивать внимание
- To lend b) одолжить что-л кому-л
- To focus on c) делать ссылку
- To make a referencе d) быть в наличии
- To be available e) одолжить что-л у кого-л
- Найдите Passive Voice и переведите предложения на русский язык!
a) Boris was asked to come in time.
b) The cars were made in Japan.
c) The cup was broken by Jack.
d) The windows were shut last night.
e) A new yellow dress was bought for Ann.
f) The children were taken to the theatre.
1. Напиши транскрипцию к следующим словам!
2. Переведите слова на русский язык!
1. never-
2. to go to school-
3. to do homework-
4. to watch Tv-
5. to eat-
6. to have breakfast-
7. often-
8. to get up-
9. to work-
10. to milk-
11. to live-
3. Составьте предложения из этих слов!
1. football, we, play, always
2. they, English, never, speak.
3. breakfast, have, every day, I.
4. Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в 3лицо единственное число!
1. He (have) a cat.
2. She (go) to bed.
3. He (read) the books every day.
4. She (play) tennis every morning.
1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах по теме «SPORT»
P_ay fo_t_all, sk_in_, i_ce sk_t_ng, r_n_ing, hoc_ey, te_ni_, vo_le_ba_l, ba_k_tb_ll, cy_li_g, jo_g_ng.
2. Раскройте скобки, переведите слова на английский язык!
a) I am interested in (бег трусцой).
b) (футбол)is the most popular kind of sport.
c) My brother likes to do (лыжи).
d) She can play (волейбол).
e) My sister likes (езда на велосипеде).
Предварительный просмотр:
Годовая контрольная работа
по английскому языку для 5класса
2009-2010уч. год
1. Переведите слова на русский язык!
1в 2в
1. to like 1. Physical education
2. Monday 2. Friday
3. Russian 3. History
4. swimming 4. Reading
5. animal 5. do homework
6. read the books 6. Play football
2. Как читаются следующие буквы и буквосочетания?
1в 2в
1. ai- 1. kn-
2. alk- 2. or-
3. ou(в середине слова)- 3. a (перед ll)-
4. ey- 4. wh-
5. ch- 5. sh-
3. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык (для сильных учеников- переведите полностью предложение)
1в 2в
1. We (говорим) English. 1. Witches (летают) at night.
2. He (помогает) the mother. 2. Jane (работает) in an office.
3. Girls (смотрят) TV. 3. Dad (водит) a car.
4. Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными! (Для сильных учащихся-выполнить перевод)
1в 2в
1. I speak English. 1. We get up at 4a.m.
2. She lives in a hotel. 2. He works at school.
3. They have a nice flat. 3. She has a red dress.
5. Сделайте эти предложения вопросительными! (выполнить перевод)
1в 2в
1. I live near Moscow. 1. She goes to school.
2. We get up at 7 o’clock. 2. They come home.
3. He does homework. 3. I like Russian.
6. Составьте рассказ из 7-9 предложений на любую изученных тем: «Мой день», «мой любимый (нелюбимый )предмет в школе», «Моя семья», «Мой друг», «Обо мне»
7. Напишите свою фамилию, имя, отчество, посёлок, в котором ты живёшь, улицу, квартиру, дом на английском языке.
Напишите предметы, которые тебе нравятся на английском языке.
Good luck! (желаю удачи)
Годовая контрольная работа
по английскому языку для 6класса
2009-2010уч. год
1. Translate the words into Russian !
1в 2в
1. to build 1. to cost
2. to link 2. to shake hands
3. to listen to 3. to learn
4. to notice 4. yesterday
5. last week 5. last year
6. dangerous 6. catch
2. Образуйте Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) правильных глаголов!
1в 2в
1. play 1. work
2. travell 2. study
3. live 3. want
3. Образуйте Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) неправильных глаголов!
1в 2в
1. speak- 1. meet-
2. do- 2. go-
3. can- 3. be-
4. say- 4. know-
4. Translate the sentences into Russian!
1в 2в
1. I was at school yesterday. 1. We were in London last week.
2. She could speak English. 2. My sister went to the shop.
3. They didn’t work in the shop. 3. I didn’t like to eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream.
5. Образуйте общие вопросы в Past Simple!
1в 2в
1. I did my homework yesterday. 1. The sister ate apples yesterday.
2. The mother worked at school. 2. They played volleyball last week.
6. Составьте предложения на английском языке в простом прошедшем времени
5-6 предложений, отвечая на вопрос: Что ты делал (а) вчера?
Good luck! (желаю удачи)
Годовая контрольная работа
по английскому языку для 7класса
2009-2010уч. год
1. Translate the words into Russian !
1в 2в
1. writer 1. poet
2. traveler 2. manager
3. scientist 3. inventor
4. sportsman 4. sportswomen
5. politician 5. soldgier
6. actor 6. singer
7. teacher 7. pilot
2. Как читаются следующие буквы и буквосочетания?
1в 2в
1. wr- 1. kn-
2. ea- 2. ee-
3. oo- 3. or-
4. ar- 4. ch-
5. sh- 5. u (в закрытом слоге)
3. Найдите Present Perfect в предложении и переведите их на русский язык!
1. I have just gone to school.
2. My sister has already worked in the shop.
3. The mother has cooked a nice cake.
4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Past Perfect (давнопрошедшее время)!
1в 2в
1. I (see) my present before Santa Claus came. 1. You (finish) the letter before friends came.
2. Before she cooked dinner she (buy) some 2. I (help) my mother before I went to the shop.
5. Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах!
Rus_i_, E_gl_nd, the U_A, S_ot_and, En_l_sh, S_ot_ish.
6. Образуйте наречия от имени прилагательного!
1в 2в
1. bad 1. usual
2. sad 2. quick
3. slow 3. loud
7. Переведите предложения из 4 задания на русский язык!
Good luck! (желаю удачи)
Годовая контрольная работа
по английскому языку для 8класса
2009-2010уч. год
1. Translate the words into Russian !
1в 2в
1. to give 1. to pay
2. to send 2. to promise
3. to offer 3. to leave
4. to show 4. to tell
5. to ban 5. to destroy
6. to contain 6. to be worth
2. Найдите Passive Voice и переведите предложения!
1в 2в
1. This work will be finished in March. 1. The letter was written by Jack.
2. The book was published in 1890. 2. The house will be build next year.
3. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги в предложения!
1в 2в
1. He was being laughed … when I came. 1. The doctor has already been sent …
2. The child will be looked … by my sister. 2. They were waited … very long yesterday.
4. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в каждом предложении!
1В 2В
1. Neither my friend nor I like/likes music. 1. Either Kate or Ann was watching/ were watching
2. Both my sister and my brother this film last night.
like/likes football. 2. Either Father or Mother are/is at home now.
5. Составьте предложения с конструкцией would like- ‘d like, употребляя следующие словосочетания, полученные предложения переведите на русский язык! (5 )
Learn English, read books, watch TV, write letters, go for a walk, play computer games.
6. Найдите соответствия между русским и английским переводом!
1. romance a) детектив
2. story b)приключение
3. biography с) научная фантастика
4. history book d) фэнтэзи
5. adventure book e) сказка
6. fantasy f)роман приключенческого или любовного жанра
7. fairy-tale g) ужасы
8. science fiction h) биография (автобиография)
9. horror story i) исторический роман
Good luck! (желаю удачи)
Годовая контрольная работа
по немецкому языку для 9класса
2009-2010уч. год
1. Ubersetzt die Worter !
1в 2в
1. die Macht 1. das Gericht
2. die Verfassung 2. der Bundesrat
3. der Zuschauer 3. die Sendung
4. der Miβstand 4. der Burger
5. beitragen 5. unterstutzen
6. erwrben 6. sich wenden
2. Проспрягайте глагол по лицам!
1в 2в
Spielen arbeiten
3. Переведите предлоги на русский язык!
1в 2в
1. wahrend 1. statt
2. durch 2. entlang
3. ohne 3. fur
4. gegen 4. bis
4. Определите падеж имени существительного!( Genitiv, Akk, Dativ)
1. durch das Fernsehen
2. wegen der Aktualitat
1. trotz der Reaktion
2. vor dem Fernseher
5. Напишите однокоренные слова к слову «SUCHT»
6. Найдите придаточные предложения, подчеркните его!
(доп. Задание- переведите предложение на родной язык)
1в 2в
1.Wenn mir meine Eltern einen Computer 1. Wenn die Kinder zur lange am Fernseher oder
Kaufen, werde ich machen viele im Computer sitzen, leidet darunter ihre Gesundheit
Hausaufgaben mit Hilfe des Computers.
Годовая контрольная работа
по английскому языку для 10класса
2009-2010уч. год
1. Translate the words into Russian !
1в 2в
1. romance 1. fairy-tale
2. horror story 2. history book
3.adventure book 3.science fiction
4.fantasy 4. biography
2. Определите время глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык!
1. She always helps her mother at home. A) Past Simple
2. They worked at school yesterday. B) Passive Voice
3. I have already been in London. C) Present Perfect
4. The letter was written with pen. D) Present Simple
3. Вставьте предлоги, подходящие по смыслу: ON, IN, AT
- _____ 6 o’clock
- _____ night
- _____ Wednesday
- _____ 1987
- _____ November 20th
- _____ winter
- _____ Monday
- _____ the afternoon
- _____ Friday afternoon
- _____ midnight
- _____ Easter
- _____ spring
- _____ Christmas
- _____ Friday
- _____ 1990
4. Найдите Present Perfect, подчеркните и переведите на русский язык!
1в 2в
1. My brother has just met his friends. 1. I have already gone to the shop.
2. We have worked at school. 2. She has just finished to read the books.
5. Образуйте от глаголов имена прилагательные!
1. to bore
2. to thrill
1. to interest
2. to excite
6. Переведите предложения на русский язык!
I love to read books Adventure books make me happy,
It’ s my cup of tea I don’t know why.
Books are full of ideas
Don’t you agree?
Books can teach and excite
Books can comfort and thrill
Books can show you the world
And will make you feel.
Funny books make me laugh,
Romances make me cry
Контрольная работа- 11класс
1.Переведите слова на русский язык!
beobachten, besuchen, beantworten, beschreiben
2.Проспрягайте глагол! ( в наст. времени) sein
3. Проспрягайте глагол ( в прош. врем.) hatte, war, blieben
4. Определите время!
Ich habe gut gearbeitet.
Wir sind schnell gelaufen.
In der Klasse las er das Marchen.
Ihr hattet dabei gespielt.
5.Образуйте PartizipII от следующих глаголов!
sagen, probieren, nehmen, treiben, heiβen, kennen, geben.
6.Образуйте сложное предложение! Обратите внимание на порядок слов!
Ich habe meine Hausaufgaben gemacht. Kurt las das Buch (und).
Mein Freund besucht den Sportsaal. Ich interesiere mich fur auch den Sport.
( deswegen)
7.Переведите предложения на русский язык из задания №6!
8. Напишите Infinitiv от следующих глаголов!
Aufgesagt, beantwortet, gefahren, gesprungen, musiziert, beschrieben.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Образуйте отрицательные предложения в настоящем и прошедшем времени!
Переведите предложения на русский язык!
1. You work in a office. 4. We sing a song.
2. He writes a letter. 5. They read the text
3. I speak English. 6.She play tennis.
2. Переведите предложения на русский язык!
In the evening he likes to stay at home. He watches TV, listens to the radio or reads a book.
He sometimes goes for a walk with his friends. On Sunday he often goes to the club.
He goes to school with his friends. He stays at school till 2 or 3 o′clock. Then he comes home.
His mother waits for him. They have dinner. After dinner he rests a little or helps his mother.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги в предложения!
1в 2в
1. He was being laughed … when I came. 1. The doctor has already been sent …
2. The child will be looked … by my sister. 2. They were waited … very long yesterday.
2. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в каждом предложении!
1В 2В
1. Neither my friend nor I like /likes music. 1. Either Kate or Ann was watching/ were watching
2. Both my sister and my brother this film last night.
like/likes football. 2. Either Father or Mother are/is at home now.
3. Translate the words into Russian!
1. to give 1. to pay
2. to send 2. to promise
3. to offer 3. to leave
4. to show 4. to tell
5. to ban 5. to destroy
6. to contain 6. to be worth
10 clacc
1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах!
1. ro_an_e
2. s_ory
3. bi_grap_y
4. h_st_ry bo_k
5. a_ven_ure b_ok
6. f_nta_y
7. fa_ry-ta_e
8. s_ie_ce fi_tion
9. ho_ror s_ory
2. Translate the sentences into English!
1. Мне нравятся исторические книги.
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку
для 3 класса
1. Переведите слова на русский язык!
1в 2в
1. milk 1. sweets
2. ham 2. cheese
3. corn 3. carrot
4. apple 4. nut
5. rabbit 5. fox
6. dog 6. horse
7. drink 7. eat
2. Как читаются следующие буквы и буквосочетания?
1в 2в
1. ar- 1. or-
2. ee- 2. oo-
3. sh- 3. ch-
4. ir- 4. er-
5. ea- 5. th-
3. Распредели слова на три колонки:
1колонка-запиши слова со звуком [i:]
2 колонка – запиши слова со звуком [a:]
3 колонка- запиши слова со звуком [з:]
Dark, girl, speak, park, car, bird, dirty, meat, cheese, clean
4. Распределите месяцы по временам года:
Spring summer autumn winter
February, June, August, November, July, January, March, September, April, October, May,
5. Составь предложения по таблице (6-7 предложений)
I read Sunday
write fairy-tales on Monday
sing songs Tuesday
play football Wednesday
watch TV Thursday
6. Составленные предложения из 4 задания переведите на русский язык!
7. Напишите примеры цифрами!
1в 2в
1. four plus five is nine. 1. Three plus five is eight.
2. ten minus seven is three. 2. Seven plus four is eleven.
3. sixteen plus four is twenty. 3. Nineteen minus six is thirteen.
8. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:
Sweets, ice-cream, drink, eat, like, cheese, I, milk, would like, juice
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа - 4класс
- Как читаются следующие буквы и буквосочетания?
Iв IIв
Bb Мm
sch ch
Nn U u
Rr P p
Ss G g
2. Переведите слова по теме «Профессии»
Iв IIв
Der Agronom der Musikant
Der Elektriker der Zootechniker
Die Pianistin der Offizier
3.Проспрягайте глагол по лицам!
Iв IIв
malen machen
4.Переведите предложения на русский язык!
1в 2в
Ich spiele. Ihr malt.
Er singt. Wir arbeiten.
5. Решите примеры, ответ запишите прописью. Iiв
zehn+ vier ist… sieben + sieben ist…
dreizehn – acht ist… fünf + fünf ist…
6. Переведите личные местоимения!
ich er
sie wir
du sie
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа №1
для 6 класса
- Переведите слова на русский язык!
1в 2в
- Handsome 1. Beautifull
- Short 2. Big
- Grey 3. Straight
- Shirt 4. Skirt
- Trousers 5. Trainers
- Dress 6. Shoes
- Jacket 7. Black
- Boots 8. Uniform
- Smart 9. Bright
10. Comfortable 10. tall
2. Запиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:
1в 2в
1.tall- 1. dark -
2. short- 2. Smart-
3.interesting- 3. compfortable –
3. Образуйте притяжательный падеж имени существительного!
1в 2в
- Кепка Анны; 1. Зелёное платье Линды;
- Туфли Джейн; 2. Юбка моей сестры;
- Брюки Билла; 3. Блуза Джона;
- Прочитайте и переведите предложения на русский язык!
- She has got a brown jacket and yellow T- shirt, black smart shoes .
- He has got a blue eyes, straight nose, brown short hair. He is tall and handsome boy.
- Опишите картинку, предложенную учителем. Начните со слов: He has got…
She has got…
- Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах!
Ha_r, sm_ll, ta_l, pre_ty, beau_ifu_l, trac_su_t, gr_y, bi_, blo_se, t_p, sk_rt.
Контрольная работа №1
для 7 класса
- Переведите слова на русский язык или на английский язык!
1в 2в
- French 1. Science
- Физика 2. Литература
- Physical education 3. Geography
- Информатика 4. ИЗО
- Lesson 5. Break
- To be worried 6. To be believe
- To think 7. To say
- Timetable 8. Strict
- Sign 9. What form are you in?
- Study 10. wear
- Переведите предложения с союзом because(потому что) на русский язык!
- My favourite subject is history because I'll get a lot of interesting information.
- I think maths is very difficult because there is much Homework in it.
- I don’t like Literature because I learn by heart a lot.
2 вариант
- P.E is very useful because I do different physical exercises and play games.
- I like Russian because I get A's and B's in it.
- Biology is boring because we have a lot of tests, I hate tests.
- Переведите предложения с союзом that!
1 вариант
- She hopes that she'll see her friends every day.
- He is glad that he'll have his favourite subject.
2 вариант
- We are sorry that we'll have to do the homework again.
- She is nervous that the holidays are over.
- Расскажите о своей школе! (5-6 предложений)
- Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах!
to lo_k for_ard, a wa_te of ti_e, te_m, sur_ame, prog_essi_e;
Контрольная работа №1
для 5 класса
- Найдите перевод слова во второй колонке !
- Milk a. яйца
- Sugar б. закуска
- Cereal в. сахар
- Scones г. сосиска
- Coffee д. Кукурузные хлопья
- Juice е. бекон
- Sausage ё. сыр
- Jam ж. булочка
- Fruit з. торт
- Chocolate и. молоко
- Bacon к. варенье
- Eggs л. помидор
- Salad м. мармелад
- Tomato н. фрукт
- Marmalade о. кофе
- Cheese п. сок
- Cake р. шоколад
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Проверочная пятиминутка (5 класс)
1 вариант
Выберите правильную форму множественного числа существительного:
- A school a) schooles b) school c) schools
- A sheep a) sheeps b) sheep c) sheepes
- A child a) childs b)childrens c) children
- A baby a) babies b) babys c)babyes
- A foot a) foots b) feets c) feet
Измените предложение, используя притяжательный падеж:
- The tooth of my little brother______________________________________
- The toys of my sister____________________________________________
- The cars of my father____________________________________________
- The textbook of my friend________________________________________
- The children of my aunt__________________________________________
Проверочная пятиминутка (5 класс)
2 вариант.
Выберите правильную форму множественного числа существительного:
- A cake a) cakes b) cakies c) cakes
- A lamp a) lampes b) lamps c) lampies
- A fish a) fishes b) fishs c) fish
- A man a) mans b)mens c)men
- A box a) boxs b) boxes c)boxies
Измените предложение, используя притяжательный падеж:
- The geese of my Granny________________________________________
- The cap of Mike_______________________________________________
- The books of Denis____________________________________________
- The ball of the cat______________________________________________
- The room of the man____________________________________________
Предварительный просмотр:
Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку
1. Напишите заглавные буквы для каждой строчной.
v - u - i-
w- q- n-
r- s- f-
t- h- j-
2.Подчеркните гласные в словах.
Zoo, west, up, queen, dog, five, see, yes.
3. Впиши недостающие буквы.
Aa, B -, Cc, - d, Ee, F - , - g, H -, Ii, J -, Kk, L -, M -, - n, Oo, Pp, - q, R -, Ss, T -, Uu, Vv, W -, Xx, Y -, - z.
4. Соедини стрелками заглавные и строчные буквы.
v t w r s u
5. Какая буква лишняя? Зачеркни ее.
а) A E U F I O
б) k l m n G q
в) R B r L V J N
6. Составь не менее пяти слов из этих букв. Напиши и прочитай слово, которое ты составил.
f, o, i, d, g, a, b, x, e, t, l, m, с, s, v,
7. Попробуй написать английский алфавит в обратном порядке.
Zz, Yy, …, …,
8. Раздели сочетания букв на слова и прочитай предложение.
9. Впиши недостающие буквы в знакомых тебе словах.
B – g, - ee, - at, re- , z – bra, - ace, do - , - e, b – g, - ad, ca – e, - ike, na – e, f – x,
- ee, si - , - es, - oo.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Контрольные работы к учебнику английского языка Enjoy English 5 класс
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Контрольные работы к учебнику английского языка Enjoy English 7 класс
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Контрольные работы к учебнику английского языка Enjoy English 4 класс.
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Контрольная работа (тестирование) по английскому языку (углублённый курс изучения) по грамматике, лексике и письму по теме: «Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Мир вокруг нас» (II четверть). 5 класс.
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