Travelling to the United Kingdom
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Открытый урок по английскому языку для 10 класса
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Открытый урок по английскому языку:
Абдраисова К.К.
Тема: Travelling to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Класс: 10
Урок- путешествие
Цели урока:
-развивать навыки устной речи, навыки диалогического и монологического высказывания.
-учить находить необходимую информацию в прослушанном тексте, организовать контроль речевых навыков учащихся по теме.
-воспитывать культуру речи, интерес к географии, уважение к культуре, истории, традициям изучаемого языка.
Оформление: карта Великобритании, флаг Великобритании, символика всех частей Великобритании; интерактивная доска, слайды и картинки с изображениями достопримечательностей Лондона; раздаточный материал для контроля учащихся, тестовые задания, подставочные таблицы, кроссворд.
Предварительная подготовка: несколько учащихся заранее готовят небольшие исторические справки о некоторых достопримечательностях Лондона.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
-Good morning, dear friends! I’m very glad to see you happy and healthy at our English lesson. Please answer my questions. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today?
II. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
From the very ancient times people wanted to explore other countries. They used primitive transport, they spent much time to get somewhere, and they tried, and tried, and tried.
So, today we are going to make a very enjoyable trip to a wonderful country situated on a wet cold island. We’ll speak about its position and history, rivers and monuments. We’ll have an exciting excursion a rout its beautiful capital and see its wonderful places of interest. What shall we do today?
Pupil 1: We are going to travel.
Teacher: That’s right.
III. Речевая разминка. Let’s read one small but interesting poem. (слайд 1)
Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.
Don’t miss your chance and go to France.
Take your pan and go to Japan.
Buy some cheese and go to Greece.
- Now, please, ask me some questions and try to guess what country we are going to travel to.
Pupil 1: Are there any (mountains, lakes, rivers) in this country?
Pupil 2: Is this country large or small?
Pupil 3: Do people have the Queen or the President? Of course I suggest you to travel to a marvelous country- the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (слайд 2)
What do you know about country? (pupils answer)
IV. Работа с картой.
- Look at the map(слайд 3). There you can see Great Britain. Who can tell us about the situation of this country, its capital?
V. Работа с достопримечательностями страны.
-Let’s continue our travelling and speak about the most marvelous sights of Great Britain. Now each of you will be a guide. At home you prepared some new facts about the most interesting places of London. Let’s listen to it. Who starts? (слайды 4-11)
VI. Работа с текстом. (слайд 12)
Now you will work with a text. Listen to the speaker very attentively. Then you’ll be given some tests.
“Great Britain”
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the north- west coasts of Europe. The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. They are separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait Dover. The West coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. This coast is washed by the North Sea.
The area of the UK is some 244300 square kilometers. Its population is about 60 million people.
English is the official language, but it is not the only language which people speak in the country.
Geographically Great Britain is divided into Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain includes Scotland, Wales and the Lake District. The highest mountain Ben Nevis is in Scotland.
The flora of the British Isles is much varied as the flora is similar to that of the north- west of Europe. The country is not very rich in natural resources.
There are many rivers in Great Britain: the Thames, the Mersey, the Severn. The Severn is the longest river, the Thames is the most important one.
London is the capital of the UK. The largest cities of Great Britain besides London are Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, and Edinburgh.
The Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf stream influence the weather of the British Isles. The summers are cool and rainy, the winter are not very cold.
Test (слайд 13): Answer the question about the United Kingdom. Put “+” next to the correct answer.
I variant.
1. the official name of Great Britain is …
a) the United Kingdom of Great Britain;
b) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
c) Great Britain
2. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as …
a) the Union Jack b) the Jack Union c) the flag of crosses.
3. St. Paul’s Cathedral is …
a) a church b) a park c) a square
4. In what country do men wear skirts?
a) France b) England c) Scotland
5. What is the national symbol of England?
a) Sheep b) red rose c) an eagle
key: 1) b; 2) a; 3) a; 4) c; 5) b
II variant.
1. Great Britain comprises …
a) England, Scotland, Northern Ireland b) England, Scotland c) only England, Scotland and Wales.
2. The official name of the country we usually call England is…
a) Great Britain b) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c) Britain
3. What can you see in Trafalgar square?
a) Nelson statue b) King memorial c) Queen memorial
4. What is the Tower of London now?
a) a house b) a prison c) a museum
5. The longest river in London is…
a) The Severn b) the Thames c) the Avon
key: 1) c; 2) b; 3) a; 4) c; 5 a
VII. Работа над грамматикой (слайд 14)
Teacher: Fill in the blanks with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
- The … (high) mountain in Britain is Ben Nevis (1,343 m).
- The…(wet) place in Britain is the Lake District. It has about 440 cm of rain a year.
- The …(old) university in Britain is Oxford. It was founded in 1167.
- The River Severn is the … (long) river in Britain (354 km).
- The… (great) English writer, William Shakespeare, was born in Stratford-on – Avon in 1564. His… (famous) play is “Hamlet.”
VIII. Работа с кроссвордом. (слайд 15)
Teacher: Now you have the last task. Complete the word search.
T | W | E | R | T | M | W | O | O | L | S | A | C | K | K |
J | E | K | R | T | I | U | I | J | H | G | F | V | D | G |
L | I | A | L | K | L | F | E | E | T | Y | S | T | T | J |
W | H | A | R | O | K | O | R | F | G | R | D | T | H | O |
A | G | E | Y | I | R | O | R | E | G | O | F | G | D | K |
L | D | D | W | E | S | T | M | I | N | S | T | E | R | K |
K | C | G | T | Y | U | B | R | T | Y | E | G | T | U | G |
I | V | F | E | T | T | A | E | G | B | E | T | U | H | L |
N | B | S | R | H | F | L | E | R | L | W | T | H | K | O |
G | N | D | A | D | F | L | D | F | A | W | E | R | Y | B |
E | M | M | A | S | D | F | E | F | C | D | G | J | U | E |
D | E | D | F | G | J | K | J | K | K | E | T | Y | U | U |
S | E | R | Y | P | O | U | N | D | S | D | F | G | J | U |
C | F | G | H | M | R | E | E | R | A | V | E | N | S | R |
F | F | H | S | Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I | O | P | R |
- The Englishmen’s favorite drink.
- Something that the English put into tea.
- The political centre of London.
- The theatre where W. Shakespeare worked as an actor.
- The nickname of London in England.
- The color of taxis in London.
- The birds living in the Tower of London.
- The river on which London is situated.
- The large bag of wool on which the Lord Chancellor sits in the House of Lords.
- 100 pence equal one.
- the major spectators sport in Britain.
- The national emblem of England.
Key: 1. tea; 2.milk; 3.Westminster; 4.Globe; 5.UK;; 7. Ravens; 8.Thames; 9.Woolsack; 10. pound; 11. football; 12. rose.
IX. Самостоятельная творческая работа учащихся.
Make up the lists of places of interests in London with some important facts that you remember from our lessons. Or you can do a small booklet of sights of London. You can work in pairs.
X. Итог урока.
Our lesson is over. I think you liked our travel. Thank you for your wonderful work. You can make up nice and correct sentences. Your marks are good. I hope you have learned more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland! Good bye!
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“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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