ГИА. Задания по говорению: тематические монологические высказывания.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Алексеева Галина Германовна

Работа включает 20 тематических заданий по говорению  для подготовки к  Государственной  (итоговой) аттестации обучающихся, освоивших основные образовательные программы основного общего образования.


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ГИА. Задания по говорению:  тематические монологические высказывания.

Give a  1.5-2 minute talk on (about)…


Home life.

Remember to say:

  • what things  you do to help out at home
  • how you spend your free time at home
  • what you like about your home and why



Remember to say:

  • whether you follow the latest fashions or not
  • what clothes you like to wear when you go out
  • whether clothes are too expensive for teenagers



Remember to say:

  • what tourists can see and do in your country
  • what souvenirs they can buy
  • what country you would like to visit as a tourist and why



Remember to say:

  • whether you prefer reading books or newspapers and why
  • how often you read books and if they are modern or classic literature
  • whether or not people should read more books



Remember to say:

  • how you usually travel to school
  • what public transport is like in your area
  • what problems cars can create


Teenagers using computers.

Remember to say:

  • how often teenagers use computers in your school or at home
  • what they use them for
  • what problems are created by their use



 Remember to say:

  • how you would ideally spend your time on holiday
  • what kinds of holidays are popular in your country
  • what sort of problems you can have when on holiday


Entertainment in your area.

Remember to say:

  • whether there are enough entertainment facilities in your area
  • if you would like to see any improvements to the facilities or not
  • what kinds of entertainment are most popular with young people


Foreign languages.

Remember to say:

  • why it is useful to study foreign languages at school;
  • how many languages you would like to speak; what they would be;
  • what you do to improve your English.



Remember to say:

  • whether you prefer watching TV to other kinds of entertainment, why
  • what programmes are the most popular in your family
  • whether people should watch TV less or not, and why


Your last trip.

Remember to say:

• where you went

• what you enjoyed most of all during your trip

• where you would like to go for a trip in the future and why



Remember to say:

• what we need libraries for

• whether you use your school library, why/why not

• what you prefer: using libraries or Internet resources, why


Life in the city.

 Remember to discuss:

  • why people prefer to live in the city
  • why some people choose to live in the countryside
  • whether it is possible to solve all the problems of big cities, why
  • where would you prefer to live, why


The city/town/village you live in.

Remember to speak about:

  • its geographical position
  • what makes your city/town/village distinctive, why
  • the things that you like most about the place you live in, why
  • the things that you dislike about this place, why


Mobile phones.

Remember to discuss:

  • why people choose to use mobile phones
  • why some people are against mobile phones
  • whether it's a good idea to bring mobile phones to school, why/ why not
  • what other means of communication are popular nowadays, why


  • Communication.
  • Remember to discuss:
  • whether modern communication is easier than a hundred years ago, why
  • whether ordinary letters will disappear in the future, why
  • which is better: written or oral communication, why
  • which ways of communication you prefer, why


Your school.

Remember to speak about:

  • the school building
  • the activities pupils can take part in after classes
  • what you like most about your school, why
  • what you would like to change in your school, why


Great Britain.

 Remember to discuss:

  • what you imagine when you think of Great Britain, why
  • whether Great Britain has a unique climate, why
  • why people travel to Great Britain
  • what places in Great Britain you would like to visit and why


The USA.

 Remember to discuss:

  • what you imagine when you think of the USA
  • whether Americans differ much from Russian people, why
  • why people travel to the USA
  • what cities in America you would like to visit and why



Remember to discuss:

  • why it is important to study
  • pros and cons of traditional systems of education
  • pros and cons of alternative ways of education
  • whether you want to continue your education, why

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