Викторина к неделе иностранных языков
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Данная викторина позволит обучающимся систематизировать и углубить свои знания по английскому языку, а также поможет расширить лингвистический кругозор
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form _________________________
Linguistic-cultural quiz
- How many stars are there on the American flag and what does it (the flag) symbolize?
- It is the centre of the theatre district in New York. The lights from all the theatres and advertisements are very bright. On the New Year’s Eve on the 31 of December crowds of people stand in it and wait for midnight. At midnight everyone shouts, “Happy New Year!” to everyone else and watches the Big Apple Fall. What is this place?
- Is Mark Twain a real name or a pen name? What does it mean?
- It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. This game is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too. What is this sport?
- What means “London”?
- Name the profession of the people who collect the information about weather.
- What animals are found only in Australia?
- What game did the first settlers play on the board of the “Mayflower” in 1620?
- Why are the British not very much interested in skiing and skating?
- What country sends a big Christmas tree to Great Britain as a present each year and why?
- Match the two columns: the literary work with its author:
Literary work | Author | ||
1 | The school for scandal | a. | William Shakespeare |
2 | Jaws | b. | Charles Dickens |
3 | Jane Eyre | c. | Lewis Carroll |
4 | Three men in a boat | d. | Robert Burns |
5 | Robinson Crusoe | e. | Somerset Maugham |
6 | Oliver Twist | f. | Daniel Defoe |
7 | King Lear | g. | Agatha Christie |
8 | Of human bondage | h. | Charlotte Bronte |
9 | Detective stories | i. | Peter Benchley |
10 | Songs and poems about Scotland | j. | J. M. Berrie |
11 | Alice in Wonderland | k. | Richard Sheridan |
12 | Peter Pan | l. | Jerome K. Jerome |
- The first person to introduce paper currency in the USA was……
- Who said «To be born English is to win the lottery of the life»?
- Who are these six serving men according to Joseph Rudyard Kipling?
- Who was the first woman whose portrait was printed on American banknotes?
- The national flag of the UK is called “Union Jack”. What means “Jack” in this name?
- Why do Englishmen drink tea at 5 o’clock?
- What kingdom/country is not represented in the English flag?
- Why does the thistle become the national symbol of Scotland?
- Which animal can look at the Queen?
Good luck!
- How many stars are there on the American flag and what does it symbolize?
- It is the centre of the theatre district in New York. The lights from all the theatres and advertisements are very bright. On the New Year’s Eve on the 31 of December crowds of people stand in it and wait for midnight. At midnight everyone shouts, “Happy New Year!” to everyone else and watches the Big Apple Fall. What is this place?
- Is Mark Twain a real name or a pen name? What does it mean?
- It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. This game is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too. What is this sport?
- Who was the thirty-fifth president of the USA?/What means “London”?
- Name the profession of the people who collect the information about weather.
- What animals are found only in Australia?
- What game did the first settlers play on the board of the “Mayflower” in 1620?
- Why are the British not very much interested in skiing and skating?
- What country sends a big Christmas tree to Great Britain as a present each year and why?
- Match the two columns: the literary work with its author
Literary work | Author | ||
1 | The school for scandal | a. | William Shakespeare |
2 | Jaws | b. | Charles Dickens |
3 | Jane Eyre | c. | Lewis Carroll |
4 | Three men in a boat | d. | Robert Burns |
5 | Robinson Crusoe | e. | Somerset Maugham |
6 | Oliver Twist | f. | Daniel Defoe |
7 | King Lear | g. | Agatha Christie |
8 | Of human bondage | h. | Charlotte Bronte |
9 | Detective stories | i. | Peter Benchley |
10 | Songs and poems about Scotland | j. | J. M. Berrie |
11 | Alice in Wonderland | k. | Richard Sheridan |
12 | Peter Pan | l. | Jerome K. Jerome |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Викторина на неделе иностранного языка.
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