Стили музыки
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слухаМузыкальная академия
Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей
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Открытый урок по теме:
«Стили музыки»
Вид урока: Развитие и корректировка произносительных и грамматических умений и навыков
Цель урока:
Образовательная: познакомить студентов с различными музыкальными направлениями.
Развивающая: осознание средств выражения мыслей, развитие чувства языка и языковой догадки, памяти во всех ее видах, логики, умения общаться.
Воспитательная: формирование у учащихся мировоззрения, нравственности, ответственности.
Оснащение урока: В. П. Кузовлев «Английский язык. 9 класс», И.П.Агабекян «Английский для ССУЗов», Е.М.Базанова «600 устных тем, доска, мел, карта, раздаточные грамматические карточки с заданиями, интернет-ресурсы.
Ход урока.
1. Приветствие:
What date/day is it today?
Who is absent today?
2. Сообщение задач урока (настроить на предстоящую работу)
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you like collecting things?
Do you play any sports?
Do you have any hobbies?
Do you like to listen to music?
Now we are going to speak about music and styles of music.
Music occupies an important place in our life. We can’t live without it. People have different musical tastes depending on their age, education and even mood.
Why do we listen to music? (ассоциации, таблица)
To relax
To make friends
To have fun
To learn language
To know culture
To express feelings
To meet people
For pleasure
At the blackboard you can see some phrases about music. Do you agree or disagree?
Music is a common language spoken round the world;
Music builds a bridge between all peoples and all lands;
Music is the link which holds us close together;
Music is the bond of love in which we all clasp hands.
3. Проверка домашнего задания.
Word - Power.
-al (adj) musical
- al, -ly (adv) musically
-ian (noun) musician
-ology (n) musicology
-ist (n) musicist
-al, -ity (n) musicality
un- (adj) unmusical
4. Работа с текстом.
а) ознакомление с новыми ЛЕ (чтение хором и перевод),
subdivision, rhythm, genre, blues, jazz, referred, initiated, version, influence, reggae, guitarist , drum, bass, vocals, tunes, voice.
б) The world of music is rich and varied, isn’t it?
Read and match the musical terms and definitions.
There is a traditional subdivision of music into classical, folk and pop music; young people normally listen to different styles of popular music including rock music, hip hop, rhythm and blues, jazz and so on.
- A musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words
- An American style of music based on variation. Since its beginning in the black community of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA around the turn of the century, it has continuously been involved into many different styles. The constant elements are improvisation and variation.
- A style of music that was popular especially in the 1950s but is still played now. It has a strong, loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.
- Music that is popular in and originated from the southern and western United States. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like.
- A type of music that has its origins in America’s black community. Most songs are about loneliness, sadness or lost love, sometimes the words express a humorous reaction to life’s troubles.
- It often referred to as rap music is made of rapping and DJing and was initiated by city youth.
- This type of music has fast tempos, its instrumentation includes drums, electric guitars, an electric bass, and vocals.
- Jazz
- Country music
- Rock’n’roll
- Blues
- Rap
- Hip hop
- Rock
5. Answer the questions:
- What is your favourite sort of music?
- Do the people you live with and your close friends share the same tastes in music as you?
- Where and when do you listen to music?
- If you could choose one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be?
- How often do you go to concert?
- Do you buy records, cassettes or CD?
- Do you have one or two favourite performers or groups at the moment?
- Do you have an ear for music?
6. Introduce the dialogue.
- What kind of music do you like - classical, popular or chamber?
- That depends. When I come home after a hard day at school I like to listen to some light or pop-music and relax. But if I want to think something over, to solve some problems, then I prefer listening to some pieces of classical or chamber music.
- Who is your favourite composer?
- If you mean a classic, I am very fond of Mozart. The love of life and the sparkling gaiety of most pieces of Mozart have the strongest appeal for me. "The Marriage of Figaro" alone is a wonderful cure for pessimism or low spirits.
- Do you take music lessons?
- Well, I took piano lessons for several years. In fact, I finished a music school some years ago. They say I’m rather good at playing the piano.
- Are you fond of collecting records?
- Of course, I am.
- What records do you have?
- My collection of records is not very large. Records are rather expensive now. But still I regularly buy records of modern pop-groups, singers and orchestras.
7. Match the words and their translation.
- Drum
- Violin
- Piano
- Guitar
- Flute
- Balalaika
- Гитара
- Балалайка
- Флейта
- Скрипка
- Пианино
- Барабан
8. Make words.
Popular, introduce, experiment, mixture, religious, old-fashioned, appeared, cassette.
- Find several words related to music (crossword)
- Дом. зад : подготовить сообщение о своем любимом исполнителе.
11.Выставление оценок. Подведение итогов.
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