6 класс карточки 9 модуль к учебнику Spotlight 6
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
5 класс контрольная работа по чтению 3 четверть
6 класс 8 модуль
6 класс 9 модуль карточки
6 класс стр.43 аудирование
7 класс чтение 4 модуль 2 четверть
контрольная работа по чтению для 6 класса
онлайн - тест Present Simple
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Предварительный просмотр:
Choose the correct item.
1. Home- made/done puddings are delicious.
2. Do you like dairy/vegetable products?
3. Can I have a chocolate juice/ice cream for dessert, please?
- Dorothy eats a bar/carton of chocolate every day!
- Let's have rice/cake with fish tonight.
- I think I'll put some olive oil/honey on the salad.
- Can you pass me the bottle/box of milk, please?
- Put the jar/carton of orange juice back in the fridge.
9. I'll get a loaf/packet of biscuits while I'm at the shops.
10. Is there some/any yoghurt in the fridge?
Choose the correct item.
- Home- made/done puddings are delicious.
- Do you like dairy/vegetable products?
- Can I have a chocolate juice/ice cream for dessert, please?
- Dorothy eats a bar/carton of chocolate every day!
- Let's have rice/cake with fish tonight.
- I think I'll put some olive oil/honey on the salad.
- Can you pass me the bottle/box of milk, please?
- Put the jar/carton of orange juice back in the fridge.
9. I'll get a loaf/packet of biscuits while I'm at the shops.
10. Is there some/any yoghurt in the fridge?
Choose the correct item.
- Home- made/done puddings are delicious.
- Do you like dairy/vegetable products?
- Can I have a chocolate juice/ice cream for dessert, please?
- Dorothy eats a bar/carton of chocolate every day!
- Let's have rice/cake with fish tonight.
- I think I'll put some olive oil/honey on the salad.
- Can you pass me the bottle/box of milk, please?
- Put the jar/carton of orange juice back in the fridge.
9. I'll get a loaf/packet of biscuits while I'm at the shops.
10. Is there some/any yoghurt in the fridge?
Choose the correct item.
- Home- made/done puddings are delicious.
- Do you like dairy/vegetable products?
- Can I have a chocolate juice/ice cream for dessert, please?
- Dorothy eats a bar/carton of chocolate every day!
- Let's have rice/cake with fish tonight.
- I think I'll put some olive oil/honey on the salad.
- Can you pass me the bottle/box of milk, please?
- Put the jar/carton of orange juice back in the fridge.
9. I'll get a loaf/packet of biscuits while I'm at the shops.
10. Is there some/any yoghurt in the fridge?
Предварительный просмотр:
5 класс Контроль чтения
Read the text.
My neighbour Jason is a baker. He is very busy. When he's not at the bakery, he's out having fun. Every day, Jason wakes up at 5 o'clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the bakery. When he gets there, he starts to make bread. His work is very hard. He works until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Then, he goes back home where he has lunch and rests for a while. In the evenings, he sometimes goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On Wednesdays, he always does the shopping. On Sundays, he always wakes up late and then reads a book or works in the garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock at night.
Answer the questions
e.g. What does Jason do? He's a baker.
1. Where does Jason work?
2. What time does he wake up every day?
3. How does he get to work?
4. What time does he finish work?
5. When does he do the shopping?
6. What does he do on Sundays?
Translate into English
- Мой сосед
- Каждый день
- Ехать на велосипеде
- Печь хлеб
- Встречаться с друзьями
- Просыпаться поздно
True or false
- Every day, Jason wakes up at 7 o'clock.
- He rides his bike to the bakery.
- His work is not very hard.
- In the evenings, he sometimes goes to the theatre.
- On Sundays, he always wakes up early.
- He usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock at night.
Домашнее задание упражнения в рабочей тетради
Предварительный просмотр:
6 КЛАСС 8 модуль 16.03.
Тема систематизация изученных Л.Е. и грамматики
Fill in the correct word.
- Rest_urant • z_o • galler_ • cotta_e • sto_e • pala_e • p_ol • l_brary spo_ts • te_t • pa_k
e.g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.
1. They live in a in the country.
2. There are lots of works of art in the ….
3. This is a really big department They sell everything here!
4. My sister wants to see the animals at the ……..
5. I'm hungry. Can we go to a fast food ……… ?
6. The Queen lives in a big
7. They are staying in a small …. at the campsite.
8. Timothy is keeping fit at the …….centre.
9. I'm taking this book back to the…….
10. Why don't we go swimming in the swimming ……… ?
e.g. What kind of home does Kirsten live in? A flat.
- What kind of home does Amy live in?
- Which home has the biggest rooms?
- Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?
- Which home is in the countryside?
- Which home is peaceful and quiet?
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема Развитие навыков устной речи.
Упр. 1, с. 43 Задача: развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста, ознакомительного чтения.
- Обратите внимание учащихся на название урока и рисунки.
Т: How are the pictures related to the title? SS: The pictures show ways of drawing numbers. T: What do you think the text is about? SS: It might be about graphs and pie charts.
- Обратите внимание учащихся на текст и дайте им время для его прочтения. Проверьте ответы.
Упр. 2, с. 43 Задачи: совершенствование рецептивных лексико-грамматических умений через реконструкцию текста; развитие умений аудирования.
- Обратите внимание учащихся на представленные слова и текст, объясните задание. Дайте учащимся время на выполнение задания.
Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и проверяют ответы.
Ключи: 1 а 2 are 3 we 4 be 5 is 6 which
Упр. 3, 4, с. 43 Задачи: развитие умений поискового чтения; развитие компенсаторных умений в беседе о разных типах диаграмм на основе прочитанного текста. Обратите внимание учащихся на диаграммы в тексте. Получите и проверьте ответы. Ключ:
Т: Which type of graph is best for comparing things?
Ss: The bar graph because the things compared are presented next to each other. T: Why do you think the third chart is called a pie chart? Ss: Because it looks like a pie. T: What can you read in these graphs? Ss: We can read about changes over time, comparisons and preferences.
Обратите внимание учащихся на опоры и объясните значение незнакомых слов. Т: Which chart type would you use to present this kind of information? SS: The pie chart. T. Why?
SS: Because it has got sections and makes the presentation dearer.
Упр. 5, с. 43 Задача: развитие монологической речи на основе прочитанного текста.
- Дайте учащимся время просмотреть текст еще раз.
- Попросите учащихся закрыть книги и рассказать об основных типах диаграмм и их использовании. Учащиеся дополняют ответы друг друга. При необходимости вопросами стимулируйте продолжение разговора.
Т: Why do we use graphs?
Ss: We use graphs to give information about numbers.
T: What are the most important types?
Ss: The most important types are the line graph, the bar graph and the pie chart.
Задачи: практическое использование диаграмм как средства подведения итогов исследования на английском языке; развитый умений проведения опроса и презентация его результатов.
Объясните задание. Помогите учащимся при выборе темы из жизни школы для опроса одноклассников.
- Учащиеся в парах готовят вопросы. Which is your favourite sport? What do you thai of our school meals? Which club do you belong tri
- Учащиеся проводят опрос по выбранный темам и оформляют его результаты в виде диаграмм.
- Организуйте презентацию работ, ответы и вопросы одноклассников.
Развитие навыков аудирования по теме
Friend: What do you do after school each day?
Kenneth: I do different things every day. On Monday, I usually go home after school and watch TV because we usually don't have any homework on Mondays.
Friend: Wow! No homework on Mondays. That's nice. How about the other days?
Kenneth: I have basketball practice every Tuesday evening and on Wednesday I go swimming with friends at the town swimming pool.
Friend: Is the swimming pool nice?
Kenneth: Yes. Maybe you can come with us next week?
Friend: Oh, I'd like that. And what do you do on Thursday and Friday?
Kenneth: Well, on Thursday I go cycling because I am also in the cycling club. You can join if you like ...
Friend: Maybe, but first I need to buy a bicycle.
Kenneth: ... and on Friday night I always go to the cinema with my friends. That's my favourite night.
Friend: I actually prefer Saturdays. No school! I play football in the afternoon. What do you do?
Kenneth: Oh, on Saturday I go shopping with my friends. Sometimes I buy a CD or a book. I like reading on Sunday afternoons when I don't have any homework.
1.Tuesday 2.Wednesday 3. Thursday 4.Friday 5.Saturday | A goes cycling В goes to the cinema С watches TV D goes swimming E plays football F reads G goes shopping H plays basketball |
Домашнее задание упр.7,стр. 43, повторять слова
Предварительный просмотр:
7 класс 4 модуль работа с текстом стр. 41 7 класс 4 модуль работа с текстом стр. 41
1.Половина молодых людей 2.Цветная обложка 3.Сплетни о знаменитостях 4.Вместо 5.Легче понять 6.Решение проблем
14. What’s popular magazine for girls? 15. Have they got beauty and fashion advices? 16. What’ s name of music magazine? 17. Why do young people like shortening? 18. Can teenagers’ magazines help boys and girls? 19. What do you like to read? |
1.Половина молодых людей 2.Цветная обложка 3.Сплетни о знаменитостях 4.Вместо 5.Легче понять 6.Решение проблем
7. Most of British teenagers read teenage newspapers. 8. The covers of magazines are colorful and glossy. 9. The girls buy magazines about music and sport. 10. Teenagers say “ hatter” instead “money”. 11. Modern language like young people. 12. British teenagers can find their solutions to problems in the newspapers. 13. The problem pages are very popular.
14. What’s popular magazine for girls? 15. Have they got beauty and fashion advices? 16. What’s name of music magazine? 17. Why do young people like shortening? 18. Can teenagers’ magazines help boys and girls? 19. What do you like to read? |
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по чтению для 6 класса. His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens, but he is better known by his professional name, Mark Twain. Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. He never finished elementary school. He got his education mainly from his observations of people and events on the western bank of the Mississippi River. In 1871, he married and moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where he wrote his two masterpieces “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. Because of his sense of humor and wit and style with which he wrote about frontier life of the common people in the American West many people feel that Twain' s books marked the beginning of modern American literature. 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When was Mark Twain born? 2. Did he finish elementary school? 3. Where did he get his education? 4. What was Mark Twain' s real name? 5. Where did Mark Twain write his two masterpieces? 2. Определите грамматическое время в выделенном предложении и переведите его. 3. Определите, соответствует предложение содержанию текста или нет (+/-). 1. His real name was Mark Twain. 2. He was born in San Francisco. 3. He never finished elementary school. 4. In Hartford, Connecticut, he wrote his two masterpieces. 5. Mark Twain did not mark the beginning of modern American literature. 4. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний. 1. чувство юмора 2. его образование 3. лучше известен 4. начальная школа 5. Расположите фразы в том порядке, в каком они следуют в тексте. 1. Many people feel that Twain' s books marked the beginning of modern American literature. 2. His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens. 3. Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. 4. In Hartford, Connecticut, he wrote his two masterpieces. a) 2, 3, 4, 1 b) 4, 3, 2, 1 c) 2, 4, 1, 3 mainly – главным образом, observations – наблюдения, bank – берег, masterpiece – шедевр, wit – остроумие, аdventure – приключение, frontier – граница, пограничный, to mark – отмечать, характеризовать | Контрольная работа по чтению для 6 класса. His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens, but he is better known by his professional name, Mark Twain. Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. He never finished elementary school. He got his education mainly from his observations of people and events on the western bank of the Mississippi River. In 1871, he married and moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where he wrote his two masterpieces “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. Because of his sense of humor and wit and style with which he wrote about frontier life of the common people in the American West many people feel that Twain' s books marked the beginning of modern American literature. 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When was Mark Twain born? 2. Did he finish elementary school? 3. Where did he get his education? 4. What was Mark Twain' s real name? 5. Where did Mark Twain write his two masterpieces? 2. Определите грамматическое время в выделенном предложении и переведите его. 3. Определите, соответствует предложение содержанию текста или нет (+/-). 1. His real name was Mark Twain. 2. He was born in San Francisco. 3. He never finished elementary school. 4. In Hartford, Connecticut, he wrote his two masterpieces. 5. Mark Twain did not mark the beginning of modern American literature. 4. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний. 1. чувство юмора 2. его образование 3. лучше известен 4. начальная школа 5. Расположите фразы в том порядке, в каком они следуют в тексте. 1. Many people feel that Twain' s books marked the beginning of modern American literature. 2. His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens. 3. Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. 4. In Hartford, Connecticut, he wrote his two masterpieces. a) 2, 3, 4, 1 b) 4, 3, 2, 1 c) 2, 4, 1, 3 mainly – главным образом, observations – наблюдения, bank – берег, masterpiece – шедевр, wit – остроумие, аdventure – приключение, frontier – граница, пограничный, to mark – отмечать, характеризовать |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
It ( often rain ) in this part of the world.
Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.
Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum cake.
John(still work) in the garden.
My dad and mum (usually work) on Saturdays.
I (want) to see this new film.
Keep silence! He(write) an article about Moscow.
We (see) a lot of people in the street.
That’s all. Are you succesful? Right answers- Your mark-
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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