Тренажер по английскому языку 7 класс цикл 2
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Данная презентация- тренажер основана на материалах УМК Enjoy English» М.З. Биболетовой , Н.Н. Трубаневой для применения на уроках грамматических навыков употребления пассивной структуры предложений в простых временах (Present, Past and Future Simple Tenses ), а также дает возможность вспомнитьо случаях употребления артиклей. Презентация содержит много интерактивных упражнений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1 . Complete the sentences with a/an , the or no article. _____ Text One is very difficult. 2. There is ___ new word in ____ second text. 3. There are _____ new words in ______ Text Two. 4. I don't like ___ Lesson Twenty. It is ____ easy lesson. 5. Have you bought _____ Book Two? a the an
1 . Complete the sentences with a/an , the or no article. 6. What is ____ date today? - It's ____ second of ____ May. 7. We had ____ six lessons ____ last Wednesday. 8. Who was ____ first president of ____ United States? 9. When did ____ Jack London write his ____ first book? 10. Is it your ____ fifth visit to ____ British Museum? the the the the the
3 . Complete sentences with a, the or no article. 6. ____ Egypt is to ____ south of ____ Russia. 7.Is it warm in ____ Ukraine now? He wrote ____ lot of ____ books about____ South Pole. 9. ____ Wales is in ____ western part of ____ Great Britain. 10. This kind of____ fish lives in ____Black Sea. the the a the the the
2.Complete the sentences with a, the or no article . Have you been to ____ Urals? - Yes, I have. What ____ fantastic mountains! 2. ___ sun is shining. There are no __ clouds in ____ sky. What ___ fine day! What ____ fine weather! 3.____ Sam's grandfather is __ writer. He is such ___ good writer. What ____ nice stories he writes! 4. What ____ tasty cake! 5. What ____ tasty apples! the The the a a a a
3. Complete sentences with a, the or no article. Have you ever been to _____ Netherlands? 2. _____United Kingdom is washed by_____ Atlantic Ocean in ____ north. 3. Are there any rivers in____ south of _____ Netherlands? 4. _____ Azov Sea is in _____ south of _____Russia. 5. I want to go to____ Netherlands some day. the The the the the the The the the
2.Complete the sentences with a, the or no article . 6. What ____ tasty honey! 7.It's such ____ hot day. 8. I have never heard such ____ terrible music. 9. Have you ever seen such ____ big dog? 10. Have you ever eaten such ____ tasty cakes? a a
4. Fill in the table. V V1 V2 1. carry 2. clean 3. close 4. cook 5. invite carried cleaned closed cooked invited carried cleaned closed cooked invited
V V1 V2 6. translate 7. use 8. visit 9. wash 10.water translated translated used used visited visited washed watered washed watered
V V1 V2 11. break 12. bring 13. buy 14. catch 15. cut broke broken brought brought bought caught bought caught cut cut
V V1 V2 16. draw 17. eat 18. find 19. take 20. build drew ate found took built drawn eaten found taken built
The books are translated. The flowers are watered. The bags are carried. The shoes are cleaned. The theatres are visited. The cars are washed. The men are invited. The computers are used. The apples are cooked. The doors are closed.
The bags are taken. The flowers are given. The presents are shown. The bananas are bought. The hats are worn. The pencils are brought. The apples are eaten. The cakes are made. The tomatoes are cut. The tables are sold.
The windows are broken. The letters are sent. The cats are found. The bananas are cut. The books are brought. The flies are caught. The chairs are taken. The tomatoes are eaten. The houses are built. The stars are drawn. The water-melons are bought.
The window is broken. The ice-cream is taken. The book is brought. The water-melon is bought.
The fly is caught. The banana is cut. The star is drawn. The tomato is eaten. The cat is found. The house is built. The letter is sent.
9 . Write passive sentences as in the example. - Do they wash the toys? - Yes, the toys are washed regularly. - Do they buy newspapers?- Yes, newspapers __________ regularly. 2. - Do they water the flowers?-Yes, the flowers __________ regularly. 3. - Do they use the computers?- Yes, the computers _______ regularly. 4. - Do they wash their bikes?- Yes, their bikes _________ regularly. 5. - Do they translate new books?- Yes, new books ____________ regularly. are bought are watered are used are washed are translated
9. Write passive sentences as in the example. - Do they wash the toys? - Yes, the toys are washed regularly. 6. - Do they buy presents?- Yes, presents ___________ regularly. 7. - Do they discuss the problems?- Yes, the problems ____________ regularly. 8. - Do they clean the rooms?- Yes, the rooms __________ regularly. 9. - Do they bring flowers?- Yes, flowers ____________ regularly. 10. - Do they sell vegetables?- Yes, vegetables ________ regularly. are bought are discussed are cleaned are brought are sold
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