"The ABC of Ecology"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Казбекова Мира Казбековна
В данной разработке урока дается материал как информационного так и развлекательного характера.На уроке обсуждается и решается одна из главных проблем сегодняшнего дня-сохранение чистой окружающей среды.Урок насыщен различными видами работ.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                    “The ABC of Ecology.”


"If you don't think of the future, you will have nothing".

The aims: by the end of the lesson to be able to use the new                     words  in sentences;

                 by the end of the lesson to be able to discuss the              the theme “The ABC of Ecology.”

                  by the end  of the lesson to be able to prove one’s          own  opinion.                        

Providing of the lesson : computer, projector, interactive board (smart board), markers, paper for work.

 Motion of the lesson :

1. Good morning, everyone! As usual I am very glad to see you. Be seated please. Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem.  So, look at the smart board ,you can see pictures, guess what we are going to speak about in our lesson, what  our lesson’s theme is. I think it is not difficult. Thank you very much, you are quite right certainly the theme is  about ecology it is “The ABC of Ecology.”  The motto of the lesson is                                                                                         "If you don't think of the future, you will have nothing".

2.Now I want you to watch video and after you have watched it you’ll answer the questions.( Students watch video under Jack Michael’s song ”Earth Song”.)

Do you agree with me that the impression about this video is terrible. The world is getting so cruel !!! Well, let us discuss the video.

Answer the question:

1)How much toxic chemicals are released into our environment each year?

2)What is the average gallons of polluted air inhaled by people every day?

3)Why is air pollution dangerous?

4)Why is cutting down trees is also dangerous?

5)What is the percent of all trash taken to landfills?

6) What happens when trash gets into the ocean?

7)Haz whaling been made legal?

8)Why people slaughter sharks?

9)What about babies Harp Seals? Why are they Slaughtered?

10)How can we help the Earth? Name some ways, please.

3.Now look at the smart board.

Give English  equivalents of the words and word combinations.

1)чтобы мы могли жить                    to make the soil

2)воздух,чтобы дышать                    as much as we can    

3)формировать почву                       we cut down forests

4)столько, сколько можем                 air to breathe

5)мы вырубаем леса                         we pollute the environment

6)мы загрязняем окружающую среду   pour toxic waste

7)мы производим массу отходов       we need to be able to live

8) выжить                         we dump domestic and industrial waste

9)сливаем ядовитые отходы        we make a lot of waste

10)опасный для дыхания              dangerouse to breathe

11) мы сбрасываем бытовые и промышленные отходы    to survive

4.The next task is to

Put the statement below in the right categories.

Dos                                                                                 Don'ts

               Plant more trees to make your country green

               Cut down trees, which make our air clean.

               Turn the rivers into dump.

               Build factories on river banks.

               Feed animals in cold seasons.

               Help animals to survive.

               Pour toxic waste into the rivers and lakes.

               Dump old cars in forests.

               Clean rivers and lakes.

               Be careful with farm waste.

               Use rivers for washing cars.

               Make Clean Air laws.

               Take lorries out of city or town centers.

               Pay big money if you're a polluter.

               Make laws to control pollution.

    5. It is high time to relax.

                A Role- Play !!!

(The class is divided into two teams for those who are for vegetarians and those who are against).

     Are you a vegetarian?                                       Is it good or bad to be a vegetarian?

6.Listen to the text and say which of the facts are true, false or not mentioned.

Students listen to the text:

(The word around us is changing and not all the changes are for the better. Very often Man himself makes these changes and is responsible for them. The climate is changing- the Earth is growing warmer. Pollution is growing bigger. Air and water pollution have really become dangerous. In summer it is very difficult to breathe especially in big cities because factories and power stations bum oil and coal and a result poisonous gases get into the air/ There is too much traffic in cities- cars< buses> trucks and lorries. They all poison the air. People destroy forests, which give us air to breath. Several hundred years ago a lot of forests. People are quickly destroying the rainforests in Africa, Asia and South America. Now rainforests cover only about 6 per cent of the Earth’s land.

1)Climate all over the world has become hotter.

2)Climate is changing nowadays.

3)Climate influences the life of people more than the life of plants and animals.

4)Climate in Europe has changed recently.

5)Winters in Europe are colder nowadays than in the twentieth century.

6)Summer temperatures in Europe can be more than thirty degrees above zero.

7.Complete the text using the new words.

Everyone knows that life in modern world has become rather d

In big cities there are a lot of f              s and cars that p             the air.

The water is p               because factories and plants p           their w           into the rivers, lakes and seas. In the country the e                      can be also p               People d            the industrial and domestic w             everywhere: in the forests, fields, near the rivers and lakes. The food people eat is not always h              All these are serious e                   problems and we must solve them soon.

8.Dear friends, there are words of the beautiful song “Mother Nature Needs US” by the P.J.Grand Bandon the smart board. So, let’s sing it together.(Students sing the song).


                              “Mother Nature Needs US”

If just one person shines                                                                       others will follow in line                                                                                                     As we board the greenhouse train                                             we’ll say good-bye to acid rain                                                                     as we fight global warming                                                                                  we staid united as one                                                                                                                                         All around the world                                                                             a new day has begun.

We’ve so afraid of pollution                                                                 but we can find a brighter day                                                             let’s work on the solutions                                                                    so our children can play                                                                                                    in pure clean water                                                                                and blue skies above                                                                             its not a fantasy we’ll make it our reality                                                       we’ll got to all come together                                                                                   and state planting the seeds.                                                       Mother Nature needs us                                                                      we were blind but now we see.                                                                                                                                                                  

9.I have found the oath with wonderful words in the internet and I suggest you to swear our Nature.


                  Saving Earth Promise.

The Earth is my home.

I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful.

I will love the land ,the air, the water and all living creatures.

I will be a defender of my planet united with friends.

I will save the Earth.

Dear guys, I hope you have enjoyed your lesson. It is over. Thank you for your work . Good bye.

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