Видео-урок по теме "Job interview" 11 класс
видеоурок по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Урок в 11 классе по УМК “New Millennium English 11”
Тема урока: “A job interview”
Тип урока: обобщающий
Цель урока: учиться правильно и успешно вести беседу во время интервью о приеме на работу
- научить слушать и слышать своего собеседника;
- научить высказывать свое мнение;
- развивать критическое и ассоциативное мышление;
- закрепить лексику по изучаемой теме;
- научить правильно вести себя в стрессовых ситуациях (на собеседовании).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок в 11 классе по УМК “New Millennium English 11”
Тема урока: “A job interview”
Тип урока: обобщающий
Цель урока: учиться правильно и успешно вести беседу во время интервью о приеме на работу
- научить слушать и слышать своего собеседника;
- научить высказывать свое мнение;
- развивать критическое и ассоциативное мышление;
- закрепить лексику по изучаемой теме;
- научить правильно вести себя в стрессовых ситуациях (на собеседовании).
План урока
1. Организационный момент и деление учеников на 2 группы (команды).
2. Введение в тему урока.
3. Активизация изученной лексики по теме «Работа и требования к ней».
4. Составление схемы.
5. Работа в группах
6. Просмотр видео о том, как отвечать на вопросы при собеседовании.
7. Выполнение заданий по просмотренным видео.
8. Аудирование диалогов с выполнением заданий
9. Рефлексия урока
10. Веселая пауза
11. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок
I Орг. момент
Good morning, dear students. I say students, not pupils, because you are in the 11th form now and you are old enough to decide what your future will be.
II Введение в тему урока
Look at the screen, please and guess our today’s theme. (слайд 1)
Today we are going to touch such a necessary topic as “A job interview”.
(слайд 2)
We will know some tips on how to prepare for the interview and be a successful and a good candidate for the interviewer.
IV Активизация изученной лексики по теме «Работа и требования к ней».
I am sure that some of you have already decided what they want and have chosen a future profession. But what you employer wants from you? What skills and abilities you need to have for your job? Finish the sentences on the screen.
(слайд 3)
I want to be…
For this job I need…
(слайд 4)
III. Составление ассоциативной схемы
Sometimes people are afraid of job interviews. Let’s make a mind map with your associations. You are already divided into 2 groups. Please fill in the mind map with the phrase “A job interview” in the centre.
Present your ideas. Now look at the screen and add some words to you mind maps.(слайд 5)
IV. Работа в сформированных группах
You see that a job interview causes not happy emotions. Why?
Вариант ответа:
Pupil 1: Because many people don’t know what to do, how to speak, how to behave and how to react. Sometimes interviewers try to check interviewees, their patience and specially try to make them go out of themselves…
And today we will learn how not to be afraid of a job interview and prepare for it in advance.
Every team has a piece of paper. Write on it questions that are usually asked during the interview. I give you three minutes for this work.
Now one member of each team should read aloud the ideas one by one.
V. Просмотр видео
Look at the screen. Now you will watch a video with Liz Banks who will teach you some useful tips of how to answer these questions. Add to your lists of questions.
(Просмотр видео: monster.co.uk and skillstudio.co.uk show you how to answer some of the most common questions you will face at a job interview.)
VI. Задание про просмотренному видеофрагменту
Do the task on your cards: you need to fill in the missing gaps in these sentences for me to check how you understood and remembered the advice Liz Banks has just given to you. (слайд 6,7)
- You should answer the interviewer’s questions with ____confidence____.
- There are four the most ____typical_____ questions.
- Weakness can be your ____strength_____.
- Why should we _____hire_____ you?
- Before your interview you need to check ____the job description______.
- Say that you have a good combination of technical ____skills____ and the __ability____ to build good relationships.
- Say about your biggest ____achievement______.
- Do your ____homework____ on the company.
- Match your ____goals____ with the company ___goals______.
- Never use the phrase that you just ____need a job______.
- It’s important to give a ____ balanced____ answer about yourself. But don’t tell too much ___details____. Up to ___five___ minutes is fine.
- ___Preparation______ is always very important.
- Begin with the notes of your ___highest qualification___.
- Don’t forget to bring your ____resume and a CV_____.
- Focus on the ___areas_____ you most enjoyed.
VII. Просмотр 2ого видеофрагмента
What else is important for a job interview? What can create the first impression about you?
- how you look
- how you behave
- how you are prepared
- how you answer the questions
I want you to watch one more video. It’s a video guide on Dos and Don’ts. You work in two groups again and this time the first group should write only DOS and the second only DON’TS – in other words what we SHOULD DO and SHOULDN”T DO preparing for the interview and during it.
(ученики работаю в группах, и составляют во время просмотра видео 2 списка - ЗА и ПРОТИВ).
Now you are welcome to present your lists of advice you’ve heard and watched.
(слайд 8, 9)
I want you remember this list of possible mistakes and be aware of not making them at your first job interview.
VIII. Прослушивание диалогов «На собеседовании» с заданием – ответить на вопрос «Какое из двух интервью является успешным и почему? »
And at this stage of our lesson your classmates will act out two short extracts from job interviews for the job of a sales-person in Happy Pizza. Interviewees are different and an interviewer is the same. You need to listen and then answer the question: Which candidate is likely to be given the job and why?
(ex. 2A p.48 Textbook – 3 ученика готовили отрывки из этих интервью, заранее выданные мной при планировании данного урока).
Dialogue 1
- Briefly, tell me about yourself, please.
- I am 21, a fourth year student at the University studying English and French. I was born in Vladimir and have lived here all my life with my parents, who are teachers at the University.
- What do you know about our company?
- Your company is the best known supplier of fast food in the world – everyone knows Happy Pizza. Sometimes I go to Moscow and I always like going to Happy Pizza there.
- Why have you applied for this job?
- I just need a job, my parents can’t support me as they would like.
- Can you give me the name of someone we can contact?
- I don’t know who exactly you want but I could ask the senior lecturer in the English Department at the University.
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
- Let me see…Er,um,no…
- Do you have any questions for us?
- I think … Er,um,no.
- Goodbye, we will contact you.
Dialogue 2
- Briefly, tell me about yourself, please.
- So…I am 22, a fifth year student at teacher training college studying English and Spanish. I was born near Suzdal and came to Vladimir to attend college. I live in a student hostel and would like to work part-time to gain experience and to earn money so that I can rent a room or a small flat.
- What do you know about our company?
- The whole world has heard of Happy Pizza when I have visited your restaurants I have been very impressed by the service your stuff provide and the quality of the food. Also, I have been impressed by the way your staff seem to work well together and are polite to both the customers and to each other.
- Why have you applied for this job?
- As I said earlier, I would like to move out of the hostel. Also, I would like to become part of the team and to get experience of working in an organization like yours.
- Can you give me the name of someone we can contact?
- This is the name, address and telephone number of my senior lecturer in English who has known me for three years and has already agreed to speak to you.
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
- Well, let me think... Simply that I am healthy and keen to work for your company.
- Goodbye, we will contact you a bit later.
Варианты ответа:
Pupil 1: I think the second interview is successful because he tries to explain why he needs this job – he wants to be independent from his parents, and the first candidate speaks about her parents.
Pupil 2: The second person is well prepared and doesn’t make pauses.
Pupil 3,4…
What phrases did they use to gain more time to think over the answer?
Возможные варианты ответов:
Pupil 1: Let me see…; Well, let me think…
Pupil 2: Er,um…; So…
(слайд 10)
IX. Рефлексия урока
Did you like our today’s lesson? Was it interesting and necessary for you? (Короткие ответы учеников, делятся впечатлениями)
X. «Веселая пауза»
And to finish our great work I would like with a very famous English saying:
Если есть желание, то найдется и способ его выполнения — Where there's a will there's a way. (слайд 11)
Always try to do your best at a job interview and remember that preparation is the best way to success.
Now watch this funny video of an interview for a management training course and have fun!
XI. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок
Thank you for your work! Your home task will be: SB ex.4 A – prepare for a role play. (слайд 12)
The lesson is over, students. Goodbye! (слайд 13)
Список использованных источников:
- УМК “New Millennium English 11”: О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая
- http://vseposlovici.ru/2011/05/24/anglijskie-poslovicy-e-k/
- Youtube
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
- You should answer the interviewer’s questions with _______________.
- There are four the most _______________ questions.
- Weakness can be your _________________.
- Why should we ____________ you?
- Before your interview you need to check _______________.
- Say that you have a good combination of technical __________ and the ________ to build good relationships.
- Say about your biggest _________________.
- Do your _________________ on the company.
- Match your ____________ with the company _______________.
- Never use the phrase that you just ________________.
- It’s important to give a _______________ answer about yourself. But don’t tell too much _____________. Up to ___________ minutes is fine.
- _______________ is always very important.
- Begin with the notes of your _________________.
- Don’t forget to bring your ______________________.
- Focus on the ______________ you most enjoyed.
- You should answer the interviewer’s questions with _______________.
- There are four the most _______________ questions.
- Weakness can be your _________________.
- Why should we ____________ you?
- Before your interview you need to check _______________.
- Say that you have a good combination of technical __________ and the ________ to build good relationships.
- Say about your biggest _________________.
- Do your _________________ on the company.
- Match your ____________ with the company _______________.
- Never use the phrase that you just ________________.
- It’s important to give a _______________ answer about yourself. But don’t tell too much _____________. Up to ___________ minutes is fine.
- _______________ is always very important.
- Begin with the notes of your _________________.
- Don’t forget to bring your ______________________.
- Focus on the ______________ you most enjoyed.
Предварительный просмотр:
Dialogue 1
- Briefly, tell me about yourself, please.
- I am 21, a fourth year student at the University studying English and French. I was born in Vladimir and have lived here all my life with my parents, who are teachers at the University.
- What do you know about our company?
- Your company is the best known supplier of fast food in the world – everyone knows Happy Pizza. Sometimes I go to Moscow and I always like going to Happy Pizza there.
- Why have you applied for this job?
- I just need a job, my parents can’t support me as they would like.
- Can you give me the name of someone we can contact?
- I don’t know who exactly you want but I could ask the senior lecturer in the English Department at the University.
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
- Let me see…Er,um,no…
- Do you have any questions for us?
- I think … Er,um,no.
- Goodbye, we will contact you.
Dialogue 2
- Briefly, tell me about yourself, please.
- So…I am 22, a fifth year student at teacher training college studying English and Spanish. I was born near Suzdal and came to Vladimir to attend college. I live in a student hostel and would like to work part-time to gain experience and to earn money so that I can rent a room or a small flat.
- What do you know about our company?
- The whole world has heard of Happy Pizza when I have visited your restaurants I have been very impressed by the service your stuff provide and the quality of the food. Also, I have been impressed by the way your staff seem to work well together and are polite to both the customers and to each other.
- Why have you applied for this job?
- As I said earlier, I would like to move out of the hostel. Also, I would like to become part of the team and to get experience of working in an organization like yours.
- Can you give me the name of someone we can contact?
- This is the name, address and telephone number of my senior lecturer in English who has known me for three years and has already agreed to speak to you.
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
- Well, let me think... Simply that I am healthy and keen to work for your company.
- Goodbye, we will contact you a bit later.
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