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план-конспект занятия по английскому языку на тему
Конспект урока по теме "Страна изучаемого языка"
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Цель: Развивать у учащихся способности и желание участвовать в процессе коммуникации на английском языке. Задачи:
Оснащение: Большая карта Лондона; изображение дабл-декера в крупном масштабе; фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона; маршрутный лист водителя автобуса; костюмы и атрибуты для восковых фигур Музея Мадам Тюссо, ширма; на доске высказывание Сэмюэля Джонсона о Лондоне. Подготовительный этап Гости, пришедшие на урок, становятся пассажирами туристического автобуса и занимают места на стульях, поставленных в два ряда вдоль кабинета в центре, как сиденья в автобусе. Это группа туристов из России. Рядом находится ширма с изображением традиционного красного дабл-декера. Экскурсию проводит ученица. Она – менеджер по туризму, представляющая туристическое бюро “Сокровища Лондона”. Ей помогают учащиеся, исполняющие роли гидов, переводчиков и восковых фигур. Перед группой туристов находится водитель дабл-декера (ученик), который объявляет остановки и демонстрирует красочные фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона. Ход урока Вводная часть. Туристы знакомятся с менеджером по туризму, её переводчиком и водителем автобуса. Менеджер начинает экскурсию рассказом о Лондоне, используя карту города. В это время автобус везёт туристов к Трафальгарской площади. Hello, dear Russian friends. Let me introduce myself, my name is Jane Parker. I am a tourist manager. I represent the tourist bureau “London Treasures”. I am happy to greet you on the 14-th of February, a fine holiday of St. Valentine’s Day. Let me give you traditional Valentines from our firm. Today my colleges, guides and interpreters will help me in our trip. I am glad you’ve chosen a bus tour about our capital, as it’s an ideal way for short trips. Here is our bus called double-decker because it has two storeys. It’s a common thing to see double-deckers in London streets. The top of a red double-decker has been hailed as one of the best ways to see the city center. Imagine that you are sitting on the top of it. London is a beautiful place to be. Samuel Johnson, a well-known English writer of the 18-th century, said: ”When you are tired of London you are tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford”. London is situated on the river Thames. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. There are a lot of places to go. I think we’ll begin our excursion from the central square of London – Trafalgar Square. Meet my colleges Alice and David. Основная часть. Остановка “Trafalgar Square”. Входят гид и его переводчик. Они рассказывают гостям столицы о центральной площади Лондона. Вниманию туристов предлагаются две фотографии с видами Трафальгарской площади в дневное время и ночью. По окончании рассказа гид и его партнёр отвечают на вопросы туристов и покидают автобус. Trafalgar Square is a geographical center of London. It’s the largest among London’s squares. Trafalgar Square is the place where mass meetings, demonstrations and celebrations are held. In the center of the square you can see Nelson Column – the monument to the great English admiral who smashed the French Fleet in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The square is named so to honour his victory. The altitude of the column is 160 feet and the statue of the admiral decorates the top of it. Melted cannons of enemies’ ships cover the bottom of the column. The main building of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery with its façade in neo-classical style. As far as entrance to the gallery is free, a great many tourists try to visit the museum twice. Дабл-декер трогается, а экскурсия продолжается знакомством туристов с Вестминстерским дворцом – зданиями Парламента, мимо которых они проезжают, направляясь к Вестминстерскому Аббатству. Now we are going to visit Westminster Abbey, which is situated in the district of Westminster. On our way to the Abbey we can see the Houses of Parliament. British Parliament has been meeting here since the 16-th century till now. The Houses of Parliament known officially as the New Palace of Westminster were built after the fire in 1834. There are two chambers in British Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. St. Stephan’s Tower of the Houses of Parliament contains the famous Big Ben, a huge bell on the top of the Clock Tower, named after Sir Benjamin Hall, under whose direction the clock was built. Westminster Abbey is situated just behind the Houses of Parliament. My friends Irene and Jack will tell you about it. Остановка “Westminster Abbey”. Руководитель экскурсии представляет своих следующих коллег, которые рассказывают об этой знаменитой королевской церкви. Туристы созерцают виды аббатства в прошлом и настоящем. Westminster Abbey was built in the 11-th century. The Abbey is a fine example of Gothic architecture. It still remains one of the symbols of the British Crown. It is the place of coronation and burial of British kings. The first of them was William the Conqueror in 1066. That was the beginning of the tradition. The last monarch coronated in the Abbey was present Queen Elisabeth II. Westminster Abbey is famous for a great number of well-known people buried there. Among them you can find the names of famous writers and poets, political figures and scientists. Of course, you know such names as Charles Dickens, Walter Scott, Rudyard Kipling, Chemberlain, Gladstone and Isaac Newton. There is also a well-known “Poets’ Corner”, where Geoffrey Сhorscer, Robert Burns and other outstanding British poets were buried. In the Abbey you can see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Memorial to Sir Winston Churchill, a beautiful Henry VII Chapel and the Statue of Oliver Cromwell. You can also visit here the Underground Museum where the things and portraits of the people buried in the Abbey are kept. Дальше маршрут пролегает к Букингемскому дворцу мимо парка Св. Джеймса. Экскурсовод даёт информацию о лондонских парках. Now we’ll make our way to Buckingham Palace and pass famous London parks. The special feature that distinguishes London from other capital cities is its many green parks, which have been enjoyed by its citizens since Hyde Park became the first public garden. Five of London’s nine royal parks are in the very heart of the capital. Among the most important parks that bring fresh life and colour to London are St. James’s Park, Green Park, Regent’s Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens that stretch across the West End. Each has its own character. Entrance to the parks is free and you may walk on the grass, lie down to rest on it, if the weather is fine you may even ride horses. The London Zoo is located in St. James’s Park. Hyde Park is known for its Speaker’s Corner, where anyone can stand up and say what he wants. Now let’s listen to Michael and Romeo. Остановка “Buckingham Palace”. Сообщение о нём делают очередные гид и переводчик. Туристам показывают фотографии фронтальной части дворца с памятником королеве Виктории перед ним и традиционной торжественной церемонии смены караула дворца. Buckingham Palace was a red brick country mansion built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1705 and bought by George III in 1762. In 1837 Queen Victoria was the first monarch who began to live in this building. Buckingham Palace became the official residence of Queen Victoria as well. Nowadays when the monarch is in residence the Royal Standard flies on the roof. The Palace is very beautiful but its 600 rooms make it uncomfortable despite reconstruction. The halls of the Palace are used for different ceremonies. In Buckingham Palace about 550 people that hold different posts work. Among them there are keepers of Royal art collections, botanists, keepers of Queen swans, two Ladies of the Court and the stuff of 180 cooks, servants and gardeners. But the life inside the Palace is a mystery. There is a wonderful daily ceremony, which takes place at 11.30. Usually Londoners and a great number of foreign tourists watch Changing the Guards in front of the Palace. It’s a very beautiful parade. There you can also see the Monument to Queen Victoria built in 1911. Tourists are allowed to visit the Picture Gallery of the Palace and Royal stables. If you have time, I recommend you to see the finest collections of the Palace. Затем дабл-декер держит путь на Бейкер стрит к музею восковых фигур Мадам Тюссо, и руководитель экскурсии знакомит туристов с музеями столицы. Well, dear friends, now let’s go to Madam Tussaud’s. Meanwhile I’ll tell you about our art galleries, museums and libraries. Most of them are conducted by the state or by local authorities. We may name the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Army Museum, the London Transport Museum and others. The Tate Gallery is one of the best-known galleries in London. Henry Tate was a sugar manufacturer. He was fond of painting and collected many pictures. The British Museum was founded in 1753. Its library is the largest in Britain. The Victoria and Albert Museum is named after Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert. It grew out of a small collection of objects bought for the Great Exhibition in London in 1851. The excursion to Madam Tussaud’s will be held by my colleges Alex and John. Остановка “Madam Tussaud’s Waxworks”. После рассказа гида об истории музея и его коллекции группа попадает в один из залов музея (открывается ширма), где перед взором туристов оказываются восковые фигуры королевы Елизаветы II, великого английского физика Исаака Ньютона, знаменитого сыщика Шерлока Холмса и трагическая фигура принца Гамлета. После представления каждая фигура оживает, произносит реплику, обращённую к гостям, возвращается в прежнее положение и замирает. The models of this famous waxworks museum have come a long way. Here lifelike effigies of the famous and infamous may be viewed. This is the place “where the people meet the people”: the members of the royal family, film stars, politicians, rock- and pop-music stars. In the Chamber of Horrors you may see the wax figures of notorious criminals and their executioners. Marie Grosholtz, the founder of the museum, was a good hand at making wax figures. Having married to the civil engineer Franςois Tussaud she moved to London. By 1850, when she died at the age of 89, her works had been already known. In 1884, her grandson John Randal Tussaud put the wax figures into museum not far from Baker Street where they still remain for more than a century now. We invite you to visit one of the museum’s halls. Here you can view the wax figure of Queen Elisabeth II in her youth: ”Dear Russian friends, welcome to the capital of Great Britain.” This is the figure of Sherlock Holmes, the main character in the books by a well-known English detective writer Arthur Conan Doyle:” Dear Watson, it’s elementary. You should just use the deductive method of investigating crimes.” Let me introduce you one of the greatest scientists of the world Isaac Newton. He discovered three main laws of physics. Of course, you remember the episode with the apple, which helped Newton to open the fundamental law of gravitation:” Do you know why an apple always falls down on the ground?” I’m sure, you know prince Hamlet from the famous tragedy written by an outstanding English playwright William Shakespeare:” To be or not to be? That’s the question.” После посещения музея туристы направляются в Лондонский Тауэр, проезжая площадь Пикадилли Серкус и Тауэр-бридж. Водитель демонстрирует фотографии этих мест. And now we are going to the Tower of London. Look on the right. We are passing Piccadilly Circus, one of the busiest traffic junctions in London, as it’s a meeting point of six streets. Many distinguished 19-th and 20-th century buildings and garish advertising signs surround it. In the middle of Piccadilly Circus an aluminum Angel of Christian Charity is cast. There is also a large underground station here. Now we are passing one more sight: the river Thames. There are 27 bridges over the Thames in London and 8 tunnels under the river. The most famous bridge is Tower Bridge. Neo-gothic architecture and bright colours make it the most favourite place for the photographs. It became one of the symbols of London of nowadays. You may also visit it if you wish. Here we are at the Tower of London and my friends Geoffrey and Mary are going to tell you about it. Остановка “The Tower of London”. Последняя пара учащихся в роли гида и переводчика рассказывает российским туристам об одной из старейших исторических построек Лондона и традициях, связанных с ней. На фотографии изображён общий вид Тауэра и символы королевской власти, хранящиеся в этом музее. The Tower of London is a very ancient building. It’s more than 900 years old and was built by William the Conqueror in 1066.English kings lived there many years ago. It was a fortress, a Royal palace and later a prison, but now it’s a museum. The Tower is most famous for its former prisoners who were locked up due to their religious beliefs or because of suspected treason – Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII; Sir Raleigh, the honorable navigator who had brought the humble potato to Britain and Elisabeth I, the former queen of England. Nowadays the Tower of London has a different role that of guarding the Crown Jewels, which are kept in the Jewel house at the Tower. The collection includes Saint Edward’s Crown which is used for the coronation ceremony and the scepter that holds the biggest cut diamond in the world named the “Star of Africa”. Visitors can also enjoy the company of ravens that wander about the Tower grounds. They are an impressive sight to see. The legend says that if they fly away, Britain will fall, that’s why ravens’ wings are cut. Besides you can see the so-called “beef-eaters” in traditional costumes who guard the Tower. По завершении экскурсии по Тауэру группу везут во всемирно-известный культурно-торговый центр Лондона Ковент-Гарден, и экскурсовод знакомит туристов с этим привлекательным для них местом. Остановка “Covent Garden”. Руководитель экскурсии проводит туристов в одно из многочисленных кафе Ковент-Гардена, так как время приближается к 17 часам, а значит, пора угостить гостей традиционным английским чаем. Заключительная часть. Гости разворачиваются лицом к столу, который стоит между рядами стульев и, действительно, оказываются в кафе. После короткого рассказа о чайной традиции в Англии следует небольшая реклама английского чая “Ахмад”. Затем, ответив на вопросы туристов, руководитель экскурсии прощается с ними. The last point of our excursion is Covent Garden. It’s the biggest cultural and shopping center in Britain. Covent Garden has been the most important market-place in London for 300 years. It was officially established by King Charles II in 1670. It was called Covent Garden because it was the garden of the monks of Westminster Abbey. At that time it was very small and was used only by Londoners. Nowadays it serves the whole of Britain. Today Covent Garden has been extensively restored and is now a lively shopping area with wine bars, restaurants, cafes, the theatre and covered Central Market. In Britain there is a tradition: so-called “ 5 o’clock tea”. It’s a sociable sort of thing as friends often come in then for a chat while having their cup of tea with milk usually and with a cake or a biscuit. Well, now it’s high time to have a 5 o’clock tea. You may have it just here in some café of Covent Garden. I hope you’ll choose English tea “Ahmad”. There are different kinds of it: “Green Tea”, “Lemon Tea”, “Earl Grey Tea”, “Ceylon Tea” and others. Good strength, a bright colour and a subtle aroma set this tea above the rest. After a cup of tea you may do the shopping here and in the evening I’ll be waiting for you in your hotel for the supper. Have you got any questions? … Have a good time! See you soon. Автобусная экскурсия по Лондону завершена. |
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