Тексты для аудирования 6 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Тексты для аудирования 6 класс
по теме: «Mr.Brown,s House»
Rooms | Bedroom | Children,s room | Living-room | Dining - room | Hall |
№ | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Points |
Text № 1. This room is not small. It is on the ground floor .The room has two large windows. The Browns like to sit in this room in the evening. John plays chess with his father in this room. Mary plays the piano there.
Text № 2. This room is on the first floor. The room is neither large nor small. There is a large window and a balcony. On the walls you can see some beautiful pictures. There are two beds and a wardrobe in this room. The room is very nice.
Text №3. Here is another room on the first floor. It is neither large nor small. There is a desk, a wardrobe and two beds in this room. There are some bookshelves in it. You can see textbooks and exercise- books there.
T ext№4. This room is on the ground floor. This room is not large. In the middle of the room there is a big table. Round the table we can see some chairs .On the table we can see plates and
cups. The Browns sit in this room in the morning and in the evening.
Text№5. This is not a room. It is on the ground floor. There is no table. There is a h all-stand . We take off our coats and hats and hang them on it. We take off our shoes here too.
Тексты для аудирования в 6 кл.по теме «Working Day and Day Off»»
Day or parts of day | In the morning | At midday | In the afternoon | In the evening | On Sunday |
№ | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
Points |
Text№1. I have done my homework. Now I am reading an interesting book. My father has not come home from work yet. He is going to be late today. My mum has come home already. My
granny and mum have washed the dishes . They are going to watch TV.
Text№2 My parents have not come from work yet. I have already come home. I am doing my homework. I have done English, Russian and Mathematics. I am going to play in the yard.
Text№3. We have had 4 lessons. Now we are having the fifth lesson. My parents are at work. They are not going home yet. They are going to have dinner at work.
Text№4. All the family are still at home .My parents have not gone to work yet. I have dressed. I have had my cup of tea with bread and butter. I am going to say good – bye to my mother.
Text№5. All the family are at home. We got up late today. My parents are not going to work. They are going to walk. I am going to play with my friends and read interesting books.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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