Ключевые слова для пересказа текста об охранниках Лондонского Тауэра, тест 7 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Рубцова Наталья Алексеевна

Ключевые слова для пересказа текста об охранниках Лондонского Тауэра, тест. Разработаны для учебника "Английский в фокусе" 7 класс.

Наличие ключевых слов для пересказа значительно снижает страх учащихся перед этим сложным видом деятельности. В результате все учащиеся справляются с заданием.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Yeoman Warders

The Tower of London, dates back, the 11-th century, is guarded by,

king Henry VIII, introduced,

used as bodyguards, duties included,

looking after the prisoners, guarding the Crown Jewels, act as

guides for tourists, take care of the ravens,

were in the armed forces,

two uniforms.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Yeoman Warders

Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.

1) The Tower of London dates back (относится к) to the

  1. 12th century
  2. 11th century
  3. 10th century
  4. 9th century

2) The Tower is guarded by (охраняется)

     a) prisoners

     b) the Yeoman Warders

     c) tourists

3) Who first introduced (представил) Beefeaters?

  1. King Henry VIII
  2. Queen Elizabeth II
  3. Mary Tudor
  4. Charles I

4) It was in

  1. 1585
  2. 1267
  3. 1485

5) King Henry VIII used Beefeaters as

  1. soldiers
  2. bodyguards
  3. cooks

6) These days the Yeoman Warders’ main role is

  1. to act as guides for tourists
  2. to take care (заботиться) of the ravens
  3. to live in the Tower

7) There are   …   Yeoman Warders in the Tower.

  1. 35
  2. 33
  3. 36
  4. 46

8) The Yeoman Warders have   …   uniforms.

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4

9) The Yeoman Warders were in the armed forces (вооружённые силы) for

  1. 20 years
  2. 22 years and more
  3. 33 years and more
  4. 35 years and more

10) Beefeaters are

  1. men
  2. women
  3. men and a woman

The Yeoman Warders

Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.

1) The Tower of London dates back (относится к) to the

  1. 12th century
  2. 11th century
  3. 10th century
  4. 9th century

2) The Tower is guarded by (охраняется)

     a) prisoners

     b) the Yeoman Warders

     c) tourists

3) Who first introduced (представил) Beefeaters?

  1. King Henry VIII
  2. Queen Elizabeth II
  3. Mary Tudor
  4. Charles I

4) It was in

  1. 1585
  2. 1267
  3. 1485

5) King Henry VIII used Beefeaters as

  1. soldiers
  2. bodyguards
  3. cooks

6) These days the Yeoman Warders’ main role is

  1. to act as guides for tourists
  2. to take care (заботиться) of the ravens
  3. to live in the Tower

7) There are   …   Yeoman Warders in the Tower.

  1. 35
  2. 33
  3. 36
  4. 46

8) The Yeoman Warders have   …   uniforms.

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 4

9) The Yeoman Warders were in the armed forces (вооружённые силы) for

  1. 20 years
  2. 22 years and more
  3. 33 years and more
  4. 35 years and more

10) Beefeaters are

  1. men
  2. women
  3. men and a woman

Предварительный просмотр:

№ 3 стр. 18

Match the words

  1. Look around
  1. huge
  1. Very big
  1. amazed
  1. Surprised
  1. hide
  1. The first letters of your
  1. discover
  1. An instrument that shows direction
  1. initials
  1. Find smth.
  1. compass
  1. Go somewhere you can’t be seen
  1. explore

№ 3 стр. 18

Match the words

  1. Look around
  1. huge
  1. Very big
  1. amazed
  1. Surprised
  1. hide
  1. The first letters of your
  1. discover
  1. An instrument that shows direction
  1. initials
  1. Find smth.
  1. compass
  1. Go somewhere you can’t be seen
  1. explore

№ 3 стр. 18

Match the words

  1. Look around
  1. huge
  1. Very big
  1. amazed
  1. Surprised
  1. hide
  1. The first letters of your
  1. discover
  1. An instrument that shows direction
  1. initials
  1. Find smth.
  1. compass
  1. Go somewhere you can’t be seen
  1. explore

№ 3 стр. 18

Match the words

  1. Look around
  1. huge
  1. Very big
  1. amazed
  1. Surprised
  1. hide
  1. The first letters of your
  1. discover
  1. An instrument that shows direction
  1. initials
  1. Find smth.
  1. compass
  1. Go somewhere you can’t be seen
  1. explore

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