тест для 10 класса
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
тест состоит из лексических (перевод слов, подбор подходящего слова) и грамматических (повторение предлогов) заданий
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тест по английскому языку (10 класс)
1. Complete the story by translating some words from Russian into English.
What is Moscow? There are ...1) (более) than one answer to this question. We can say that it is one of the ...2) (крупнейших) cities in the world. We can ...3) (указать) that it is the capital of Russia. But these answers don t give you the...4)(всю) idea of what Moscow is.
It is a city which...5)(возник) from a small village. Moscow has more theatres and concert halls, museums and places of interest than any... 6)( другой) city in Russia. Тпе...7)(главная) square is Red Square. И...8)(занимает) 27.5 hectares. The oldest archaeological findings...9)(относятся) to 2000 B.C. The first town was built on the ... 10)(территория) of the modern Kremlin in the 11th ... 11 )(веке). Мапу...12)(памятники) to the history of Russia are in the Kremlin, for example, the Tzar Bell or the Tzar Cannon.
A lot of ...13)(иностранных) tourists visit Russia every year and...l4)(no4Tn) every tourist comes to Moscow. Visitors to Moscow ойеп...15)(предпочитают) to travel by bus because they can see so much of the city through the bus windows.
2.Complete the story with the necessary words.
Tverskaya Street
Tverskaya Street is the ...1) street of Moscow. It is ... 2) Tverskaya because it was used as the road to Tver, an old Russian town. We find some of Moscow s ...3) theatres and cinemas, concert halls, most ...4) restaurants and hotels here. The street at ...5) is a ...6) sight!
Famous, called, central, colourful, best-known, night
Near Tverskaya Street there are several underground ...7) where different lines meet.
In the evening the street is ... 8) cars. The pavements are packed with people hurrying to the theatre, to the cinema or the restaurant. Many others come for an evening ... 9); they will ... 10) have a cup of coffee before they go home. In the ... 11) you can see a lot of ...12) visitors. You can ...13) a lot of languages here if you listen... 14).
Stations, crowd, carefully, full of, perhaps, walk, hear, foreign.
3. Insert the prepositions if necessary.
l.Who lives in the house opposite ... yours?
a) with b) to c) from
- The red-brick Kremlin dates back ... the 15th centure.
a) to b) in c) before - Cambridge University consists ... a number of colleges,
a) from b) out c) of - We associate the name of Admiral Nelson ... the victory near Trafalgar,
a) with b) by c)to - A day s excursion to the island was worth ... making. '
a) by b) - c) of - Almost every Russian town has a memorial... the people perished in the wars,
a) for b) to c) of
7.The range ... questions for discussion was wide,
a) of . b)with c)from
- The museum is open every day ... Monday,
a) besides b) except c) but for - Ben shows an interest... learning French,
a) for b) in c) to
10. We get acquainted with new customs and traditions ... going abroad even for a
short time.
a) by b) from c) after
4. Choose the proper words.
Sights of London
- The Houses of Parliament is a remarkable example of Gothic....
a) architecture b) sculpture - They were ... a palace for kings and queens,
a) formely b) recently - Westminster Abbey is a ... shrine where the kings and queens are crowned and
famous people are buried.
a) native b) national
- One of the greatest... of the Abbey is Coronation Chair,
a) values b) treasures - St. Paul s Cathedral has always ... the centre of London,
a) dominated b) donated - It stands on the ... of former Saxon and Norman Churches,
a) side b) site - The present building of St. Paul s Cathedral was ... in 1710.
a) completed b) competed - Londoners have a ... affection for the Cathedral,
a) particular b) peculiar - Trafalgar Square is the ... centre of London,
a) natural b) national
10.The Tower of London was one of the most... castles after the Norman invasion,
a) axpressive b) impressive
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