Тесты: 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Read the text and choose the correct answer.
“ Marathon “.
What’s the fartherst distance you have ever run at one time? Can you imagine running more than twenty six miles? Marathon runners do this. They perform one of the most difficult tasks in all of sports. The marathon is the longest race in all sports. It is twenty six miles three hundred and eighty five yards (about forty two kilometres). Why that number? This is the exact distance between two ancient Greek cities. The race recalls the run of a messenger from Marathon to Athens to report that the Greeks had won a battle. When he arrived, he fell dead. The marathon is always the last event at the Summer Olympic games. One of the most unusual marathoner was Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia. He won the Olympic marathon in Rome in nineteen sixty – he ran barefoot! Recently the marathon has become one of the most popular events for runners.
- Twenty six miles are nearly equal to …
a) 42 km b) 32 km
2. The Greek messenger reported on …
a) the victory b) the defeat
3. The Olympic Games were held in Rome in …
a) 1916 b) 1960
4. When Bikila won the Olympic marathon in Rome he was …
a) in shoes b) without shoes.
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Fill in the space with an appropriate word.
Football or soccer, which is so popular all over the world, dates back to the Middle Ages. At that 1 -------- it was very different from the game we play today. Any number of players could 2 ------- part and the matches usually developed into a free-for all. In its modern 3 -------- , football is less than two hundred years old.
In 1848, the first rules to govern the game were drawn 4 ------- at Cambridge University. The number of players was 5 ---------- to 11 per side, which made things much more 6 ------- than before. Later in 1863, the Football Association was 7 -------- up to help promote the game in Britain. The game is played on a grass or artificial 8 -------- with a goal net at each end. The 9 ------ is to move the ball around the field, 10 ------- the feet or head, until a player is in a position to put the ball into the net and score a goal.
1. season, time, term, stage
2. play, make, take, do
3. form, shape, fashion, pattern
4. out, away, up, in
5. limited, checked, counted, defined
6. tidy, neat, arranged, orderly
7. put, set, born, called
8. court, pitch, course, track
9. object, reason, focus, purpose
10. by, to, of, with
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