Викторина для старшеклассников
материал по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Quiz Game
Викторина для старшеклассников
Внеклассная работа является составной частью всего учебно-воспитательного процесса. Она способствует более глубокому овладению иностранным языком. Развитие личности невозможно без развития его творческого потенциала. Поэтому внеклассная работа способствует творческому развитию учащихся. Особенно большую роль играют недели (а в нашей гимназии - декады) иностранного языка, включающие различные вечера, конкурсы, КВН, викторины, аукционы, ярмарки и т.д. Мы заранее составляем расписание мероприятий. Чрезвычайно актуально во время Декады английского языка проводить игры - викторины ("Знаешь ли ты историю и географию Англии?", "Знаешь ли ты литературу и музыку Америки?" и т.д.). Данные игры отражают важнейшую сейчас тему - тему взаимодействия (интегрирования) различных предметов (английский язык и история, английский язык и география и т.д.). КВНы призваны обеспечить умение учащихся применять на практике знания по грамматике и лексике английского языка, активизировать мыслительную деятельность, направленную на правильное употребление лексических и грамматических конструкций в естественных ситуациях общения.
Викторина включает в себя 3 тура - отборочный, "лучший интеллект", финальный. В первом туре участвуют все желающие. Тот, кто не справился с заданием, выбывает. Во втором туре каждый ученик должен ответить правильно на большее количество вопросов за 2 минуты. В третьем туре остаются сильнейшие, из которых выявляется самый умный.
Ведущий: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are going to find out who can better cope with his or her emotions, who is the quickest player in your group and finally who is the cleverest pupil in your class. And now, I ask all participants to introduce themselves. (Pupils introduce themselves)
Thank you. Now we know each other and I think e to start our intellectual game "The t". So let me explain to you some rules. Our quiz consists of 3 rounds. The first is Selection Round, after that 6 participants who gave the right answers will take part in the second J. Then there will be the final third round. And at last we'll find out who is the cleverest! So, are you ready? Let's start.
(Отборочный тур)
Finding the name of the leading person. Choose from the words on the right the name of the person who is in charge of or the leading person in the group, place, etc., on the left
Ученики должны соотнести соответствующие профессии с местом их профессиональной деятельности.
№ | Сфера деятельности | Выбор |
1. | a TV programme | manager |
2. | a shop | headmaster |
3. | a school | principal |
4. | a college | president |
5. | the governing party | conductor |
6. | an orchestra | captain |
7. | a republic | Prime Minister |
8. | a hospital | abbot |
9. | a football team | producer |
10. | a monastery | matron |
Учащимся выдаются чистые бланки, куда они должны внести правильные ответы. Бланк ответов может быть двух вариантов.
Вариант I. где учащемуся надо вписать ответы, глядя на доску.
Или Вариант 2. где учащемуся надо пронумеровать соответствующие ячейки.
Let's now see how you should have done it. The correct order is (новый слайд презентации)
Сфера деятельности | Правильный ответ | |
1. | a TV programme | producer |
2. | a shop | manager |
3. | a school | headmaster |
4. | a college | principal |
5. | the governing party | Prime Minister |
6. | an orchestra | conductor |
7. | a republic | president |
8. | a hospital | matron |
9. | a football team | captain |
10. | a monastery | abbot |
Ведущий: Now let's see who will stay with us and who leave our game.
Жюри выбирает правильно ответивших учеников и называет имена тех, кто проходит во второй тур. По итогам 1-го раунда выбираются 6 участников – те игроки, которые раньше других смогут правильно выполнить задание.
Ведущий: Round No. 2. Each of you will now answer my questions and you will have only 2 minutes to do it. You should give as many correct answers as possible. If you don't know the answer, say "pass". The jury will count the number of correct answers. At the end of this round we'll choose only 3 participants who will take part in the final third round. Is it clear? Let's start.
Каждый из 6 участников по очереди отвечает на вопросы ведущего. За ограниченный период времени – 2 минуты – ему необходимо правильно ответить на максимально возможное число вопросов. По итогам 2-го раунда выбираются 3 финалиста.
1. What is the nickname of the British flag? (Union Jack)
2. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
3. Whose birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon? (W. Shakespeare)
4. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland, a shamrock or a thistle? (A shamrock)
5. What is the official residence of the British Queen? (Buckingham Palace).
6. What is the nickname of Margaret Thatcher the previous Prime-Minister of the UK? (Iron Lady)
7. What river does London stand on? (the Thames)
8. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
9. What is the central square of London? (Trafalgar Square)
10. What holiday is celebrated on the 31 st of October? (Halloween)
11. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)
12. How many parts does the UK consist of? (Four parts)
13. What are the two oldest universities of the UK? (Oxford and Cambridge)
14. In what lake of Scotland does a mysterious monster live? (Loch-Ness)
15. What is the poorest part of London, East End or West End! (East End)
16. What city is the birthplace of the Beatles? (Livepool)
17. What holiday do the British celebrate on the 5th of November? (Guy Fawkes 'Night)
18. What traditional song is performed at a British birthday party? (Happy Birthday)
19. In what park is the so called Speakers' Corner situated? (In Hyde Park)
20. What vegetable is traditional on Halloween? (Pumpkin)
21. What is the symbol of Wales? (A daffodil)
22. Name the degrees of comparison of the adjective "great". (Greater - the greatest)
23. Form the adverb of the adjective "slow". (Slowly)
24. Translate the phrase "cjiesa or crojia". (To the left of the table)
25. What is the auxiliary verb in the Past Simple? (Did)
26. What great historical event happened in 1066? (The Battle of Hastings, Norman Conquest)
27. Name the third form of the verb "teach". (Taught)
28. Where are the British kings crowned? (In Westminster Abbey)
29. Name the plural of the word "mouse". (Mice)
30. Where does The Changing of the Guard take place? (The Forecourt of Buckingham Palace)
31. Form the adjective from the noun "fog". (Foggy)
32. What is the English equivalent of the verb "должен"? (Must)
33. Name the definite article. (The)
34.Translate the phrase "слушать радио". (Listen to the radio)
35. Name a synonym of the word "small". (Little)
36. Is the word "money" countable or uncountable? (Uncountable)
37. Name three forms of the verb "sweep". (Sweep, swept, swept)
38. Name the fifth letter of the English alphabet. (E)
39. Name the degrees of comparison of the adjective "wonderful", (more wonderful; the most wonderful) 40. Name the third form of the verb "find". (Found)
41.Name the plural of the noun "sheep". (Sheep)
42. Form the adjective from the noun "rain". (Rainy)
43. Name the third form of the verb "speak". (Spoken)
44. Name the eighth letter of the English alphabet. (H)
45. What animal is Australia famous for? (Kangaroo)
46. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
47. What are the colours of the national Canadian flag? (White, red)
48. Is Australia situated in the southern or northern hemisphere? (Southern)
49. Name the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world? (Australia)
50. What is the common name of the lakes Ontario, Superior, Erie, Huron, and Michigan? (The Great Lakes)
51.What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)
52. What is depicted on the national Canadian flag? (A maple leaf)
53. How many states does the USA consist of? (50)
54. Who discovered the American continent? (Christopher Columbus)
55. What oceans is the USA washed by? (The Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans)
56. What are the official languages in Canada? (English, French)
57. What is the nickname of New York.? (Big Apple) 53. What is the longest river of the USA? (The Mississippi)
59. What is the name of the island in New York where the Statue of Liberty stands? (Manhattan Island or Liberty Island) ,
60. In what British museum can people see wax copies of famous people? (In Madam TussaucTs Gallery)
61. Name an English poet and writer who wrote beautiful poems called sonnets. (Shakespeare)
62. What was the name of the leader of the group the "Beatles"? (John Lennon)
63. Was Gershwin an American or British composer? (American)
64. Who is the head of state in Scotland? (The Queen of the UK)
65. When did Queen Elizabeth II ascend the throne? = (became Queen of the United Kingdom) (In February, 1952)
66. What British writer is the author of the fantasy tales "The Hobbits", and "The Lord of the Rings? (J.R.R. Tolkien)
67. Name a famous national Scottish musical instrument. (A bagpipe)
68. What do the letters MP stand for? (Member of Parliament)
69. How many wives did Henry VIII have? (Six)
70. In England the English live, in Scotland - ...? (the Scots)
71. How many children did Shakespeare have? (3)
72. Shakespeare's wife's name was... (Anne Hathaway)
73. The creator of Mickey Mouse is... (Disney)
74. This famous admiral won the battle of Trafalgar-... (Nelson)
75. It's been a fortress, a palace and a zoo. Now it's a museum. (The Tower)
76. What is a double-decker? (A bus)
Ведущий: And at last we are almost at the end of our intellectual game. Now you'll have the following task: each of you chooses one of 3 topics: History, Geography or Literature. Each topic has its own colour: for example, History is blue; Geography is red and Literature is green. Then here on the screen you'll see a table with 35 boxes. You should remember the location of your boxes with your colour. Then this table will be changed for another one, without any colours. You will name the number of boxes that you remembered and answer my questions according to your chosen topic.
For each correct answer on the question of your topic you'll get - 2 points, on the question of your competitor - 3 points and if you answer the general question - you'll get 1 point. Is it clear? Let's start.
Из Зх финалистов предлагается на 3 темы (карточки с темами содержатся в приложении). Участник выбирает понравившуюся ему тему. Каждой теме соответствует свой цвет. История - синий, География - красный, Литература - зеленый. Затем на экране появляется таблица с 35 ячейками. Финалисты должны запомнить расположение ячеек, цвет которых соответствует выбранной ими теме. Кроме ячеек с цветами 3-х тем, в таблице также есть серые ячейки. Таблица демонстрируется 30 секунд. Затем ее сменяет таблица с номерами не цветная. Участники по памяти называют номера ячеек, и отвечают на вопросы ведущего.
За каждый правильный ответ на вопрос своей темы, участник получает 2 балла. За каждый правильный ответ на вопрос темы соперника, участник получает 3 балла. При ответе на общие вопросы, участник получает 1 балл.
For each correct answer you get 2 points.
2 Under what king did the Knights of the Round Table gather together? (King Arthur)
7. Whose wife was Princess Diana? (Prince Charles ')
8. What was the original name of the British capital? (Londinium)
11. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. Who are they? (The ravens)
20 The men who guard the Tower are called. . . (The Warders or Beefeaters)
26 Who built the tower of London? (William the Conqueror)
29 The queen whose reign was the longest in British History. (Queen Victoria)
35 What is the surname of the present English Queen? (Windsor)
4 What city does the 0 meridian pass through? (Greenwich)
9 What is the longest river in Great Britain? (The Severn)
13 In what part of Britain is Ben Nevis situated? (In Scotland)
15 How many islands does UK include? (Around one thousand islands)
18 Name the prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire erected around
2200 BC (Stonehenge)
23 What links the UK with France beneath the English Channel (Channel Tunnel ("Chunnel"))
27 What ocean separates Great Britain from the continent? (The Atlantic Ocean)
31 How do the British people refer to the southern part of Great Britain? (The Lowlands)
3 Who is the author of the literary treasure "Alice in Wonderland"?(L. Carroll)
16 Where is the Poets'Corner situated? (In Westminster Abbey)
19 Who wrote the story about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends? (Alan Milne)
21 What British writer wrote the novels "Oliver Twist" and "David Copperfield"? (Charles Dickens)
22 What is the name of the old lady, the main character of Agatha Christie's detective novels?
(Miss Marple)
25 Who is the most popular hero of English ballads? (Robin Hood)
30 Name the famous Shakespeare's play where the main character is a Danish prince. (Hamlet)
33 Who was the national poet of Scotland? (Robert Burns)
General Questions
For each correct answer you get 1 point
1 What does the word "Albion", the poetic name of Great Britain mean? (White)
5 What is the most important airport in Great Britain? (Heathrow Airport)
6 What is the official religion in the United Kingdom? (Protestantism)
10 What two animals can we see on the British Royal Coat of Arms? (The lion and the unicorn)
1 2 Where does the British Premier live and work? (At 10 Downing Street)
14 What is the Scottish national costume for men? (The kilt)
17 What is a bagpipe? (A musical instrument)
24 Who was the British monarch before Elizabeth II? (George VI)
28 How do the British call the London Underground? (The Tube)
32 What country gave the Statue of Liberty as a present to the USA? (France)
34 How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? (Two)
Во время ответов учащихся, одному из членов жюри необходимо вести подсчет баллов. Другой член жюри вычеркивает номера вопросов в специальном вопросов, которые уже были выбраны, избежать повторов. Как только будут полностью разыграны все вопросы одной из тем - жюри называет имя победителя (при условии, что количество его баллов превышает число баллов других участников)
Ведущий:So, there are no more questions left in this topic. The Jury will now announce the name of the winner. And the winner is... I would like to thank all the participants! All of you are very bright and smart. But the cleverest pupil among you is... Let's congratulate him/her. (Storm of applause)
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