Презентация "Русский романс"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
История русского романса от истоков зарождения до наших дней. 9-11 классы
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The President resolved to hold a Year of Culture in Russia to focus the public’s attention on issues of cultural development, preserving cultural heritage and the role of Russian culture in the world.
More than that the British Council and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced 2014 the UK-Russia Year of Culture to foster cultural exchange between people and governments.
Singing is one of the core elements of any culture and Russia is no exception. It is hardly possible to count how many Russian songs there are and how many genres they span from centuries-old folk songs to rap.
And, of course, Russian songs are a treasure trove of Russian culture, both traditional and modern.
Our project is intended to present the remarkable phenomenon of world culture - Russian classical romance.
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The term "romance" has a centuries-long history. It originates from Spain and means a civil song in the Roman language versus a religious one in Latin.
A romance as a genre in Russian music was formed at the beginning of the 19th century.
The leading Russian composers such as Al. Alyabyev, Al. Varlamov, Al. Gurilyov developed the French variety of the romance into a sentimental category of Russian art song.
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The first Russian truly significant composer created 83 romances. He chose texts from various poets including the greatest, like A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Zhukovsky.
He had a pleasant tenor voice and performed his own compositions.
Now you can listen to a short extract of his world famous romance "I Remember a Wonderful Moment". (music)
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The other great Russian composer who contributed much to the development of this genre was Mily (Милий) Balakirev (1837-1910).
His romances unlike many of the earlier composers' works were written in folk tradition.
P.I.Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) also composed romances throughout his career. Among his more than 100 compositions the most famous are still popular now.
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At the turn of the century F.I. Shalyapin (1873-1938) began his singing career. Now he has become one of the symbols of Russian culture.
Please, enjoy his "Dark Eyes", a visit card of him and our country. ( music)
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The beginning of the 20th century was named the golden age of a Russian romance, when the top performers Alexander Vertinsky, Anastasiya Vyaltseva, Nadezda Plevitskaya contributed to the genre.
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The gypsy who were highly talented began singing a Russian romance and brought to it a spirit of freedom, their own language ( such words as " nari-nari-na"), and specific manner of exaltation. Thus, a Gypsy romance was born.
The greatest admirers of a Gypsy romance were A.Pushkin, L.Tolstoy, I.Turgenev, and others.
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After the 30s romance enters the period of tango influence and provokes even more popularity. Thanks to the radio and gramophone a romance appears in every home and the names of Ivan Kozlovsky, Sergey Lemeshev, Klavdia Shulzhenko, Izabella Yuryeva were known all over the country and abroad.
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During the second half of the 20th century Russian composers turned their attention to a romance in the cinema and theatre. This genre helped create the atmosphere of certain periods of Russian history. Here are a lot of examples where a romance does it:
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A new generation of singers emerged in the 1970s and later.
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What is so important for the romance to be successful?
Critics say that an emotional impact of a romance upon the audience depends on:
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In 1997 an International Contest of Russian Romance "Romansiada" among the young performers took place in Moscow. Since then it has been held annually as an alternative to aggressive pre-dominance of pop-music culture.
As for us, we really enjoy romance and would like to present you our favourite one.
Предварительный просмотр:
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The President resolved to hold a Year of Culture in Russia to focus the public’s attention on issues of cultural development, preserving cultural heritage and the role of Russian culture in the world.
More than that the British Council and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced 2014 the UK-Russia Year of Culture to foster cultural exchange between people and governments.
Singing is one of the core elements of any culture and Russia is no exception. It is hardly possible to count how many Russian songs there are and how many genres they span from centuries-old folk songs to rap.
And, of course, Russian songs are a treasure trove of Russian culture, both traditional and modern.
Our project is intended to present the remarkable phenomenon of world culture - Russian classical romance.
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The term "romance" has a centuries-long history. It originates from Spain and means a civil song in the Roman language versus a religious one in Latin.
A romance as a genre in Russian music was formed at the beginning of the 19th century.
The leading Russian composers such as Al. Alyabyev, Al. Varlamov, Al. Gurilyov developed the French variety of the romance into a sentimental category of Russian art song.
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The first Russian truly significant composer created 83 romances. He chose texts from various poets including the greatest, like A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Zhukovsky.
He had a pleasant tenor voice and performed his own compositions.
Now you can listen to a short extract of his world famous romance "I Remember a Wonderful Moment". (music)
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The other great Russian composer who contributed much to the development of this genre was Mily (Милий) Balakirev (1837-1910).
His romances unlike many of the earlier composers' works were written in folk tradition.
P.I.Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) also composed romances throughout his career. Among his more than 100 compositions the most famous are still popular now.
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At the turn of the century F.I. Shalyapin (1873-1938) began his singing career. Now he has become one of the symbols of Russian culture.
Please, enjoy his "Dark Eyes", a visit card of him and our country. ( music)
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The beginning of the 20th century was named the golden age of a Russian romance, when the top performers Alexander Vertinsky, Anastasiya Vyaltseva, Nadezda Plevitskaya contributed to the genre.
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The gypsy who were highly talented began singing a Russian romance and brought to it a spirit of freedom, their own language ( such words as " nari-nari-na"), and specific manner of exaltation. Thus, a Gypsy romance was born.
The greatest admirers of a Gypsy romance were A.Pushkin, L.Tolstoy, I.Turgenev, and others.
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After the 30s romance enters the period of tango influence and provokes even more popularity. Thanks to the radio and gramophone a romance appears in every home and the names of Ivan Kozlovsky, Sergey Lemeshev, Klavdia Shulzhenko, Izabella Yuryeva were known all over the country and abroad.
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During the second half of the 20th century Russian composers turned their attention to a romance in the cinema and theatre. This genre helped create the atmosphere of certain periods of Russian history. Here are a lot of examples where a romance does it:
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A new generation of singers emerged in the 1970s and later.
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What is so important for the romance to be successful?
Critics say that an emotional impact of a romance upon the audience depends on:
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In 1997 an International Contest of Russian Romance "Romansiada" among the young performers took place in Moscow. Since then it has been held annually as an alternative to aggressive pre-dominance of pop-music culture.
As for us, we really enjoy romance and would like to present you our favourite one.
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