Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по теме: "Space!"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
В данном материале предоставлен конспект внеклассного мероприятия, посвященному Дню Космонавтики. К конспекту так же прилагается раздаточный материал. Внеклассное мероприятие направлено на учащихся среднего звена общеобразовательной школы. Желаем успеха в проведении тематического мероприятия.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект внеклассного мероприятия
Класс 5-7 | Дата | Продолжительность 45 мин. | Количество учащихся 27 человек | |||
Цели урока: Формирование навыков устной речи по теме “SPACE EXPLORATION” Задачи урока: активизировать лексику по теме развить познавательный интерес к теме провести практику речевой деятельности уместно использовать современные информационные технологии на уроке. Воспитательный аспект: Привить интерес к достижениям современной науки в освоении космоса, в особенности отечественной космонавтики Развивающий аспект: Развитие познавательного интереса, развитие способностей к догадке, логическому изложению, способность работать с различными видами упражнений. Учебный аспект: Контроль основных навыков и умений речевой деятельности, владение лексическим материалом. | ||||||
Используемые материалы: доска, раздаточные материалы | ||||||
Этап урока | Действия учителя | Действия учащихся | Время | |||
1. Орг. момент |
| 2 | ||||
Matching | Look at the blackboard please. Your task is matching. Match the Russian equivalents with the English. *приложение №1
| Ученикам дается время 5минут на выполнения этого задания в команде. Команда по очереди зачитывают свои результаты. За каждый правильный вариант получают 1бал | 6 | |||
3. On the Moon.
| Let’s go further . Now your task is to put sentences in the correct order to make the text about the Moon. | Ученикам дается время 7минут на выполнения этого задания в команде. Команда по очереди зачитывают части текста .За безошибочное выполнение задания команда получает 3 балла. On the Moon. P.1: In 1969 the first astronauts from the Earth landed on the Moon. They had prepared for the trip for a long time and knew that their mission involved doing things that had never been done before.
P.2: The astronauts wore special heavy boots to prevent them from floating off into the space.
P.3: On the moon they had time to collect Moon rocks before returning to the Earth. It was a challenge.
P.4: Those brave people and others after them are responsible for much of the knowledge we now have, about how the Moon was formed.
P.5: It is likely, that scientists will continue to learn more about how the Galaxy was formed by studying the data back from the Moon. | 9 | |||
4 | Now we’ve got a small work. I’ll give some shits of papers, You must put the sentences in a chronological correct order. You’ve got 6 min to do this work. Which team will be the first get 5 points. Let’s start Приложение №2 | Ученики выполняют задание. Team1. 1- 8, 2- 3, 3- 4, 4- 5, 5- 6, 6- 2, 7- 10, 8- 1, 9- 9, 10- 7. | 6 | |||
5 grammar game | The next competition for you is the grammar game. You’ll get sentences with some interesting facts connected with the Space. Your task is to find some grammar mistakes and correct them. You’ve got 6 min to do this task. Приложение№3 | Ученики выполняют задание. T.1:Man began to think of space travel in the second century A.D. T.2:The famous Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei looked through his telescope and told people about the other worlds which he had seen. T.1:he German astronomer Kepler gave a detailed description of the Moon. T.2:The first man who wrote about a rocket as a spaceship was the Frenchman Cyrano de Bergerac. T.1:The French novelist Jules Verne wrote the story “From the Earth to the Moon”, in which he tried to show the scientific principles of space travel. T.2:H.Wells the English author wrote “The First Men on the Moon” about a new era in the development of air travel and conquering outer space. | 7 | |||
6 Speaking | Now we’ve got competition witch you’ve prepared at home. Your task was to find some interesting facts according to our topic. | Учащиеся по очереди рассказывают подготовленную ими заранее информацию согласно заданной тематике. P1: Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born on the 9th of March, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in the Smolensk region. Yura was an active, brave and curious boy. His parents, Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin and Anna Timofeyevna Gagarina, were peasants, they worked on a collective farm. Soon the Great Patriotic war began. Yuri Gagarin and his mother, father, brother and sister left their house and had to live in a dug-out. After the war Gagarins family moved to Gzhatsk. P2: In 1951 Gagarin graduated from a vocational school in Lyubertsy near Moscow. Yuri Gagarin attended an aeroclub and began to fly when he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov. In 1955 he entered a school for pilots. Then he became a pilot and joined the first group of cosmonauts. In 1960 Gagarin began to prepare for the flight into space. P3: On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into space and spent 108 minutes there. The rocket flew around the Earth and then came back to the orbit. It was the first time in history that the Russian spaceship Vostok -1 with the man on board was in space. Gagarin said „Up we go!" and with this words he became the first man of our planet. After his flight he visited 30 countries and saw millions of people. P4: Gagarin became a Hero of our country. He died in 1968, but people always remember the first Russian cosmonaut. Today the Gjatsk city where the first cosmonaut spent many years has been renamed to Gagarin. Also the crater on a backward side of the Moon and the asteroid №1772 carries his name. Lots of streets, squares and prospects were named after him. And the 12th of April – the day when the first man flew to space - is a holiday. This is the day of Cosmonautics. | 14 | |||
7 the crossword | Ok children and our last task is to make a crossword. Приложение №4 We’ve got a key word. What is it?? | Учащиеся без подготовки выполняют кроссворд получая заключительные баллы. T.1: circled T.2: opened T.1: minutes T.2: name T.1: countries T.2: Gagarin T.1: character T.2: studied T.1: history T.1/T.2: cosmonaut | 2 | |||
. Подведение итогов урока. | Учащиеся познакомились с песней, научились задавать вопросы. |
Приложение №1
satellite shuttle fuel spacesuit aircraft vehicle space weightless environment device probe manned spaceship essential problems interplanetary flight zero gravity | топливо транспортное средство условия невесомости зонд основные проблемы спутник космический корабль с человеком на борту отсутствие гравитации самолет, летательный аппарат скафандр космос межпланетный полет корабль многоразового использования средство, приспособление |
Приложение №2
Put the sentences in a chronological correct order: The S.U. and U.S. cooperated in their first joint space mission “Soyuz-Apollo”. U.S. astronaut Neil A.Amstrong stepped out of the Apollo 11 lunar module, “Eagle”. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to circle the earth A Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, orbited the earth in a spaceship. Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman-cosmonaut to make a space flight. A.Leonov achieved the first “space walk” The probe was sent for exploring the Mars Tsiolkovsky put forward several ideas about space travel The first space station was built The Russians actually hit the Moon with Luna 2, and Luna 3 flew round the Moon and sent back the first photographs of the far side. |
Correct the mistakes:
Man begin to think of space travel in the second century A.D.
The famous Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei looked at his telescope and told people about the other worlds which he had seen.
The German astronomer Kepler gave a detailed description of a Moon.
The first man whom wrote about a rocket as a spaceship was the Frenchman Cyrano de Bergerac.
The French novelist Jules Verne wrote the story “From the Earth to the Moon”, in which he try show the scientific principles of space travel.
H.Wells the English author wrote “The First Men on the Moon” about a new era in the development of air travel and conquering outer spaces.
Приложение №4
1. He ... the globe in the spaceship “Vostok”
2. Gagarin’s flight ... the gate into the universe
3. Those 108 ... were a turning point in history.
4. Yuri Gagarin’s ... has become a legend.
5. He visited 30 ... .
6. … became a Hero of our country.
7. The words “Gagarin’s ... have become a symbol of will-power, fearlessness and purity.
8. He taught others and ... himself.
9. His name will remain immortal in the ... of mankind
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