КЛАССНЫЙ ЧАС — auction
классный час по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Классный час подобного типа может проводиться в любом классе в зависимости от закрепляемой лексики.
На доске написаны следующие слова и выражения:
auction — аукцион; to sell by (at) auction — продавать на аукционе
to put up to auction — продавать на аукционе (амер.);
auctioneer — 1) (п) аукционист; 2) (v) — продавать с молотка (амер.)
Т: Do you like to buy things? And sell? I suggest you an auction. I think it’ll be interesting for you. Be attentive. You have possibility to buy a very necessary or beautiful thing for yourself or for your flat, for example. Where is our auctioneer?
A: I am here. Please, lot 1: an old blue and white bowl and cover. Lot 1, there it is, being shown down the bottom, is it? Yes? Don’t be shy! There it is. Who’ll give me a couple of pounds for it? Two pounds somewhere, for the little blue and white?
PI: Two I have!
A: O’key! Two one, two two.
P2: Three!
A: Oh three somewhere? Three. Four? No? Three with the gentleman down there. Are you all done? Sold. ( The knock of a hammer). (To an assistant) Write down his name. Thank you. Now, small bedroom chair. Lot 2. There it is being shown, very nice indeed. Who’ll give me a couple of pounds for it? Nice little chair.
P3: One pound!
A: Pound on my left.
Р4: Two pounds.
A: Two anywhere? May be three?
P5: Three!
A: There, it’s all right. It’s yours in the doorway at three, yes. Four anywhere? Please, against the lady sat down. Are you all done at three? Finished? (Hammer). Name, madam? Holtby? Well, can you pay now? O’key. Now, lot 2; portable light, in excellent condition, it says. There we are! Probably don't believe — there’s two of those, is there, or one? (Two). Two of them, my goodness gracious me. Who’ll give me a five for them, then? Five pounds these two small lights with the glass shades, three then. Nobody wants them at three pounds?
P6: I’ll give you three pounds!
A: All right! Three pounds one, three pounds two . . .
P7: Four!
A: Well four pounds one, four pounds two. Five anywhere? Four pounds...
P8: Five!
A: Five, I see, sit down. Sorry, it’s at the front that I saw First. Six anywhere? Well, five just you are at the front. Six anywhere? All done at five? What is your name? See, two boxes of wood, lot 3. Samples being shown. Who’ll give me a pound for that lot? One pound, please!
P9: Two pounds!
A: Two pounds one. Three anywhere? Two pounds two . . .
P10: Three!
A: Three all right. Who will give more? Five anywhere?
PI I: Six!
A: Six pounds. All done at six? Six — one, six — two, six — three. Sold! (Hammer).
T: It was very interesting today. I want to thank our auctioneer and his assistant. They were wonderful. From my point of view an auction is a very interesting thing for everybody. Today you have bought a lot of necessary things. Next time we’ll go with you to the auction of pictures by famous artists. Be ready for this auction and good luck to you.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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