Проект по английскому языку: "Путешествие во времени (Лондон вчера и сегодня)".
проект по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Проекты – личностно ориентированный вид работы. Проекты предполагают активизацию учащихся: они должны писать, вырезать, наклеивать, рыться в справочниках, разговаривать с другими людьми, искать фотографии и рисунки и даже самостоятельно делать записи на аудиокассету. Ученик, который еще недостаточно хорошо говорит по-английски, может прекрасно рисовать. Выполнение проектов дает возможность на практике использовать знания и методы, взятые из других областей. Основной залог успешной работы над проектом – его тщательная подготовка и организация. Важным стимулом для развития личности учащихся является степень их творчества и оригинальности при выполнении проекта.
Человек находится в настоящем,а о прошлом может иметь только представление. Создать представление о прошлом Лондона. Создать многоуровневую шкалу времени.
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Olympic games 2012 The political coup (1688 -1689) Black death (1348 - 1352) Tower bridge 1894 St. Paul's Cathedral 1708 Westminster Abbey (1245 - 1745) Portrait of a lady in blue (1770) Dogs and forty (1740) The infant Hercules strangling snakes (1786 - 1788)
Black death he black death (black pestilence, from the Latin. atra mors) - the pandemic of plague, flowed mainly in the bubonic form, which was held in mid XIV century in Asia, Europe (1346-1353), Northern Africa and the island of Greenland. Also known as the second pandemic». Likely to spread from the natural focus on the territory of the Gobi desert, an abrupt climate change in Eurasia, caused the little ice age. Covering first, China and India, has penetrated into Europe together with the Mongolian armies and trade caravans. In total from the Black death in two decades killed at least 60 million people (in many regions - from one-third to half of the population). Although on a smaller scale, the pandemic circulated in 1361 (the «Second plague»), in 1369, («Third plague») and a few more times. The pandemic has demonstrated a complete helplessness of medieval medicine and impotence of the religious institutions in the fight against the plague, the consequence of which was the revival of pagan worship and superstition, the persecution of potential «poisoning» and «distributors plague poison», as well as a surge of religious fanaticism and religious intolerance. The black death has left a huge mark in the history of Europe, by putting a mark on the economy, psychology, culture, and even the genetic composition of the population. Infectious agent epidemic was the plague Bacillus Yersinia pestis, confirmed that genetic research of the remains of victims of the Black death, the report of which was published in 1998. Previously there had been other hypotheses on the causative agent.
The Olympic games in London 2012 2012 summer Olympic games (eng. 2012 Summer Olympics, FR. Jeux Olympiques d été de 2012, officially called the Games of the XXX Olympiad) - thirties summer Olympic games held in London, capital of Britain, from 27 July to 12 August 2012. London was the first city, which hosted the games for the third time (before that they were there in 1908 and 1948). The mascots of the games - Venlock and Mandeville. Reception of applications for candidate cities was completed on 15 July 2003. By this moment the desire to host the Games expressed 9 cities: Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Moscow, new York, Paris and Rio de Janeiro. on may 18, 2004, the international Olympic Committee after evaluation of all submitted bids chose 5 cities, which had to make a choice at the 117th IOC session in July 2005 in Singapore, this is Madrid, Moscow, new York, Paris and London. The candidacy of London was chosen on 6 July 2005. The only head of government, who personally represented the application of their country, was in Singapore's then Prime Minister Tony Blair. On the next day after the announcement of the capital of the Games in London terrorist act occurred.
Tower bridge Tower bridge (eng. Tower Bridge) - bascule bridge in Central London over the river Thames, close to the tower of London. Sometimes it is confused with London bridge to the upstream. Opened in 1894. Is also one of the symbols of London and Britain. In the second half of the XIX century, due to the increased equestrian and pedestrian traffic in the port area in the East End, the question on construction of a new crossing East of the «London bridge». Laid in 1870 tunnel tower of the subway as metro served for a short time and eventually became only be used for pedestrian traffic. In 1876, a Committee was established to develop a solution to the problem. A competition was organized, which were given more than 50 projects. Only in 1884 was declared the winner and decided to build a bridge, proposed by the member of the jury, Jones. After his death in 1887 construction led John Wolfe-berry. Construction work started on 21 June 1886 and continued for 8 years. 30 June, 1894, the bridge was inaugurated by the Prince of Wales Edward and his wife Princess Alexandra. Soon, the pedestrian galleries bridge purchased the «glory» of the place of gathering of pickpockets. For this reason, in 1910 galleries were closed. Were opened, they just 1982 and used as a Museum and a viewing platform.
Westminster Abbey The collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster, almost always called Westminster Abbey - Gothic Church in Westminster, London, West of the Palace of Westminster. Built intermittently from 1245 by 1745 years, but the shape saves Gothic. The traditional place of coronation and burial of the monarchs of great Britain. Along with the nearby Church of St. Margaret Abbey belongs to the world heritage. Edward the Confessor founded the Benedictine Abbey in 1065 on this place, overlooking the square of the Parliament. Presumably, the first English king to be crowned here was Harold, in January 1066. Defeat him at the battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror was crowned here in the same year, and the first record in the Abbey witnessed it. The tradition of the coronation of preserved to our times. Early English Gothic structure of the building of the Abbey in a greater degree is obliged to Henry III, than any other rulers, although many architects, including K. Rena, contributed to the appearance of the Abbey. In the beginning of the Central galleries are the icons made Russian icon painter Sergei Fedorov .
Portrait of a Lady in blue «Lady in blue» (eng. Portrait of a Lady in Blue) - portrait of the English painter Thomas Gainsborough. Written about the year 1780, the peak period of his artistic skill. Is located in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (the only work of the artist in the museums of Russia). According to some researchers, the portrait depicts a daughter of Admiral Boskuen Elizabeth, married name Duchess of Beaufort, which then must be about 33 years (born 28 may 1747). This version is not indisputable, however, an alternative name for a picture with the French variant of the title «Portrait of the Duchess de Beaufort» is often used in art history. If this version is correct, then it is interesting to note, that the mother of Elizabeth Francis Боскауэн too, was renowned as one of the most active supporters of lady Montagu and participant of the group «blue stocking»
Dogs and forty The English artist John Wootton was one of the founders of the characteristic of Britain sports genre involving image of hunting dogs, thoroughbred horses, scenes of hunting and sporting events. Contemporaries favorably spoke about the ability of Wootton «represent in painting horses and dogs, which he drew and splash with consummate skill, passion and honesty». On the paint on the canvas presented eight of hound dogs, impatiently waiting for the signal to hunting. Each animal is endowed with its own character and peculiarities of the coloring. Wootton with love prescribes smooth flown fur. Black and white forty - bird of prey, restless chirping which warns of intruders in the forest. Paintings with scenes of the hunt were extremely popular in England, and ordered a wealthy aristocrats to decorate their поместьев. According to the magazine: the Museums of the world
Conclusions. 1. We have astral travelled to London and learned a lot. 2. In London there is no place and person which you can dedicate especially. There are all different but have their historical significance in the life of the English people and they are important for them. 3. We have learned some interesting information about kings, queens and sights of London. But, of course, you couldn’t know what might find in London itself or rather in its museums and monuments, rivers and parks. 4 . London is a city with many faces.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Olympic games 2012 The political coup (1688 -1689) Black death (1348 - 1352) Tower bridge 1894 St. Paul's Cathedral 1708 Westminster Abbey (1245 - 1745) Portrait of a lady in blue (1770) Dogs and forty (1740) The infant Hercules strangling snakes (1786 - 1788)
The political coup In the summer of 1688, testing distrust of Catholicism James II and the fear of his political ambitions, the mighty the English aristocracy organized a successful coup. It is noteworthy that the aristocrats was supported by the merchants of the city. The conspirators called Dutch stahueder William III of orange conquer England. Jacob II was expelled. Almost bloodless “Glorious revolution” usually represent a political event, has finally British freedom and constitutional monarchy. However, these events can be interpreted as a merger of the firms. William III of orange actually became the new Executive Director of England, and the Dutch businessmen are the main shareholders of the English East India company. People, who organized the “Glorious revolution”, realize that they do not need to teach the Dutch part of religion or policy: the British were already Protestantism and the Parliament. However the Dutch can teach their Finance. The Anglo-Dutch merger 1688 gave the British a lot of important financial institutions created by the Dutch. In 1694 For currency regulation and management of government borrowing was established by the Bank of England, almost similar to the successful Amsterdam Bank (.Amsterdam Wisselbank ), based eighty-five years earlier. London responded to the Dutch system of government debt to be serviced through the stock exchange, where you can easily buy and sell long-term bonds. This allowed the English government to make significant borrowing at low interest rates and facilitated the implementation of large-scale projects, such as the conduct of the war. Insightful Defoe quickly realized that could give the country a cheap credit: Credit is waging a war and concludes peace agreements, supplements army equips fleets, independent of the battle, besieging the city. In one word, call the muscles war fairer it, and not Loan money... make a soldier to fight for no wages army - go without food... he is impregnable fortress... he throws the paper money... and on-demand packaging Treasury and banks as many millions.
Black death he black death (black pestilence, from the Latin. atra mors) - the pandemic of plague, flowed mainly in the bubonic form, which was held in mid XIV century in Asia, Europe (1346-1353), Northern Africa and the island of Greenland. Also known as the second pandemic». Likely to spread from the natural focus on the territory of the Gobi desert, an abrupt climate change in Eurasia, caused the little ice age. Covering first, China and India, has penetrated into Europe together with the Mongolian armies and trade caravans. In total from the Black death in two decades killed at least 60 million people (in many regions - from one-third to half of the population). Although on a smaller scale, the pandemic circulated in 1361 (the «Second plague»), in 1369, («Third plague») and a few more times. The pandemic has demonstrated a complete helplessness of medieval medicine and impotence of the religious institutions in the fight against the plague, the consequence of which was the revival of pagan worship and superstition, the persecution of potential «poisoning» and «distributors plague poison», as well as a surge of religious fanaticism and religious intolerance. The black death has left a huge mark in the history of Europe, by putting a mark on the economy, psychology, culture, and even the genetic composition of the population. Infectious agent epidemic was the plague Bacillus Yersinia pestis, confirmed that genetic research of the remains of victims of the Black death, the report of which was published in 1998. Previously there had been other hypotheses on the causative agent.
The Olympic games in London 2012 2012 summer Olympic games (eng. 2012 Summer Olympics, FR. Jeux Olympiques d été de 2012, officially called the Games of the XXX Olympiad) - thirties summer Olympic games held in London, capital of Britain, from 27 July to 12 August 2012. London was the first city, which hosted the games for the third time (before that they were there in 1908 and 1948). The mascots of the games - Venlock and Mandeville. Reception of applications for candidate cities was completed on 15 July 2003. By this moment the desire to host the Games expressed 9 cities: Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Moscow, new York, Paris and Rio de Janeiro. on may 18, 2004, the international Olympic Committee after evaluation of all submitted bids chose 5 cities, which had to make a choice at the 117th IOC session in July 2005 in Singapore, this is Madrid, Moscow, new York, Paris and London. The candidacy of London was chosen on 6 July 2005. The only head of government, who personally represented the application of their country, was in Singapore's then Prime Minister Tony Blair. On the next day after the announcement of the capital of the Games in London terrorist act occurred.
Tower bridge Tower bridge (eng. Tower Bridge) - bascule bridge in Central London over the river Thames, close to the tower of London. Sometimes it is confused with London bridge to the upstream. Opened in 1894. Is also one of the symbols of London and Britain. In the second half of the XIX century, due to the increased equestrian and pedestrian traffic in the port area in the East End, the question on construction of a new crossing East of the «London bridge». Laid in 1870 tunnel tower of the subway as metro served for a short time and eventually became only be used for pedestrian traffic. In 1876, a Committee was established to develop a solution to the problem. A competition was organized, which were given more than 50 projects. Only in 1884 was declared the winner and decided to build a bridge, proposed by the member of the jury, Jones. After his death in 1887 construction led John Wolfe-berry. Construction work started on 21 June 1886 and continued for 8 years. 30 June, 1894, the bridge was inaugurated by the Prince of Wales Edward and his wife Princess Alexandra. Soon, the pedestrian galleries bridge purchased the «glory» of the place of gathering of pickpockets. For this reason, in 1910 galleries were closed. Were opened, they just 1982 and used as a Museum and a viewing platform.
St. Paul's Cathedral St. Paul's Cathedral (eng. St Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican Cathedral, dedicated to St. Paul. Is located in the upper part of Ладгейт hill, the highest point in London, and is the seat of the Bishop of London. The official date of the opening of the Cathedral is considered to be 20 October 1708 - birthday architect Rena (the day he was 76 years), but in fact the service in the Cathedral began on 2 December 1697. During the design Renou had actually three times completely change project. The first project involves the construction of a large Church on the Foundation of the burnt fourth Cathedral. This project was rejected almost immediately - apparently the authorities wanted something more ambitious. The second project involved the construction of a Church, which has in plan view of a Greek cross. This project was elaborated in detail, suffice it to say that until now remained executed in scale 1:24 layout of the Council, which is now on display in the Cathedral of St. Paul. However, this project was also rejected as too radical. The third project Rena assumed the construction of a rather large Church with a dome and two towers, belfries. This project was approved in June 1675 construction work began soon thereafter, however, king Charles II once again claimed project, and ordered to make changes in it, which he described as decorative. Exactly such decorative changes and was attached to the main project, the dome of St. Paul, who has formed an existing image of a Cathedral and has become one of the biggest attractions of London. It is generally accepted that the dome Cathedral largely repeats the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Under the dome Cathedral has three galleries: internal whispering gallery and exterior stone and Golden gallery. Whispering gallery owes its name is not envisaged by the architects of the features of its acoustics: the word even spoken in a whisper, in one end of the gallery is reflected many times its walls, with the result that whisper may hear the person on the other end of the gallery. In the bell tower Cathedral is 17 bells, 13 of them - in the North-Western tower and 4 (including bells Large Floor (eng. Great Paul) and Large Volume (eng. Great Tom) - in the South-West tower.
Westminster Abbey The collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster, almost always called Westminster Abbey - Gothic Church in Westminster, London, West of the Palace of Westminster. Built intermittently from 1245 by 1745 years, but the shape saves Gothic. The traditional place of coronation and burial of the monarchs of great Britain. Along with the nearby Church of St. Margaret Abbey belongs to the world heritage. Edward the Confessor founded the Benedictine Abbey in 1065 on this place, overlooking the square of the Parliament. Presumably, the first English king to be crowned here was Harold, in January 1066. Defeat him at the battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror was crowned here in the same year, and the first record in the Abbey witnessed it. The tradition of the coronation of preserved to our times. Early English Gothic structure of the building of the Abbey in a greater degree is obliged to Henry III, than any other rulers, although many architects, including K. Rena, contributed to the appearance of the Abbey. In the beginning of the Central galleries are the icons made Russian icon painter Sergei Fedorov .
Portrait of a Lady in blue «Lady in blue» (eng. Portrait of a Lady in Blue) - portrait of the English painter Thomas Gainsborough. Written about the year 1780, the peak period of his artistic skill. Is located in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (the only work of the artist in the museums of Russia). According to some researchers, the portrait depicts a daughter of Admiral Boskuen Elizabeth, married name Duchess of Beaufort, which then must be about 33 years (born 28 may 1747). This version is not indisputable, however, an alternative name for a picture with the French variant of the title «Portrait of the Duchess de Beaufort» is often used in art history. If this version is correct, then it is interesting to note, that the mother of Elizabeth Francis Боскауэн too, was renowned as one of the most active supporters of lady Montagu and participant of the group «blue stocking»
Dogs and forty The English artist John Wootton was one of the founders of the characteristic of Britain sports genre involving image of hunting dogs, thoroughbred horses, scenes of hunting and sporting events. Contemporaries favorably spoke about the ability of Wootton «represent in painting horses and dogs, which he drew and splash with consummate skill, passion and honesty». On the paint on the canvas presented eight of hound dogs, impatiently waiting for the signal to hunting. Each animal is endowed with its own character and peculiarities of the coloring. Wootton with love prescribes smooth flown fur. Black and white forty - bird of prey, restless chirping which warns of intruders in the forest. Paintings with scenes of the hunt were extremely popular in England, and ordered a wealthy aristocrats to decorate their поместьев. According to the magazine: the Museums of the world
the infant Heracles strangling the serpents Infant Hercules strangling the serpents" - one of the best mythological tracks wizard. It was created at the order of Catherine II in 1786-1788 years. The choice of subject, as pointed out by the artist himself, was not accidental. Speaking about the supernatural power of Hercules, Reynolds reminded of the power of Russian Empire. A similar reception and handling of the ancient images are characteristic of the artist-classic. Plot of this work is borrowed Reynolds in the ancient Greek poet Pindar. The Queen of Alcmene from Zeus is born the son of Hercules; a jealous Hera, wife of Zeus decided to deal with him and sent to him a serpent. Reynolds portrays the proselyte from above the clouds. Vainly awaiting the goddess of the realization of the conceived revenge. In vain in the excitement rushes to the son of Alkmena. Mighty baby confidently strangling snakes. Affected, stood at the cradle of Oracle Tiresiy husband Alcmene-king of Amphitryon, his entourage and the soldiers. The picture is magnificent and monumental. Reynolds uses it many techniques characteristic of the Baroque art (rapid movement, position of the pieces in two or three layers, sharp contrasts of light and shadow and so on).
Оглавление Аннотации к проекту: Проблема : Человек находится в настоящем , а о прошлом и будущем может иметь только представление. A person is located in the present and may have only a presentation of the past and the future. Проектная идея : Создать представление о прошлом Лондона. To create new ideas about the past . Цель проекта : Создать многоуровневую шкалу времени. To create a multi-level scale of time. Задачи : 1. Изучить прошлое, настоящее и будущее Лондона. 2. Выявить наиболее значимые события в этот период. 3. Составить многоуровневую шкалу времени. 1 ) To study the past, the present and the future of London. 2 ) To identify the most significant events in this period 3 ) To make the multi-level scale of time
План реализации проекта 1 этап: Подготовительный 2 этап: Разработка проекта 3 этап: Оформление результатов 4 этап: Подготовка к защите проекта 5 этап: Защита проекта The Background Of The Project 1) The Story Begins: The Thames William the Conqueror The Great Fire 2) London’s Development: London ’s Ups and Downs Old and New Kings and Queens 3) A Great City: Shop, Shop, Shop ! London Underground London Between the Pages
The Thames Thames - a river in southern Britain. Length - 334 km, basin area - 15.3 thousand km2. Originates in the Cotswold hills, proceeds in the precincts of London, flows into the North sea, forming the estuary. The width of the river within the London 200-250 m, width of the estuary from 650 m (near the Eastern outskirts of London) to 16 km (near the mouth). Power rainy. The average water flow in the lower reaches 260 m3/s with a maximum in winter. Freezing is observed only in very cold winters. The lower reaches of the Thames influenced by tides (their height in London to 6-6,5 m), which reach the city Teddington (where the channel of the river Thames real barrier dam). To protect adjacent to the Thames areas from flooding Bank of the lower reaches of the river and estuary strengthened by dams, and in towns embankments. Navigable for most of its length; the small barge reach the city Lechleyd (311 km from the mouth). To London rise vessels of up to 800 tons, and ocean vessels reach the city Tillberi. On the Thames - the capital of the UK city of London, city of Oxford, reading.
William the Conqueror In 1066, William the Conqueror came to England. William was the Duke of Normandy in France. He won the Battle of Hastings and he became King of England. William lived in London but he was afraid of the people of London. He built the White Tower to feel safe. Now it s the tallest part of the Tower of London. Many tourists visit the Tower of London every year. The Crown Jewels - the Queen's gold and jewels - are kept there. All the Kings and Queens of England lived in London. It was the biggest town in England. By 1600, there were more than two hundred thousand people living in London.
Great Fire of London Naming overtook the Central areas of London Sunday, 2 September to Wednesday, September 5, 1666. The fire was subjected to the territory of the city of London, inside the ancient Roman city wall. The fire threatened the aristocratic district of Westminster (modern West End), the Palace of Whitehall and the majority of suburban slums, however, he could not achieve these districts. The fire burned 13500 houses, 87 parish churches (even St. Paul's Cathedral), most of the government buildings. It is believed that the fire was deprived of shelter 70 thousand people, when then-population of Central London in 80 thousand. It is not known exactly how many people died in a fire, there is information about several victims, but many of the victims were not recorded. In addition, the fire could cremate many, leaving the unrecognizable remains.
London ’s Ups and Downs London's ups London's downs 1558 – 1603 - Elizabeth 1 was queen. At this time - in "Elizabethan England" - the country's capital city was rich and strong, with more and more people and more buildings. 1348 -A very bad illnes hit the people of London. Half of all londoners died. 1605 - Guy Fawkes and his friends did not want James 1 to be king, so they destroy the government building at Westminster. The government caught and killed them. Today British people remember this day, November 5th, with parties and fires in their gardens. 1649 -War begin in 1642. Oliver Cromwell and his followers won, and in 1649 they killed King Charles I. After the King lost his head, there was no king or queen from 1649 to 1660. 1660 -When Oliver Cromwell died, there was a new king. Charles II was the son of Charles I. Londoners could dance and go to the theatre again. 1665 -Illness come to London again. At the end of 1665, 80,000 Londoners were dead. The King and many rich people left the city, so they did not die. 1666 -After the fire, the people of London started to build their city again. Christopher wren (1632 - 1723) built some of the city's most beautiful and famous buildings. St Paul's Cathedral was one of his buildings. 1666 -A fire started on a hot September day in a shop near London Bridge. In six days, the Great Fire of London destroyed most of the old city. When it ended,100,000 Londoners had no home. Today -London is changing. People are putting a lot of money into areas near the river. Old buildings are coming down or changing. There a new offices, shops. restaurants and flats. 1941 -World war 2 (1939 - 1945) was a difficult time for London. The city lost many of its houses and famous buildings in the war. After the war, London had to start again. But the people of London were ready - in 1948, the Olympic Games came to city. The Olympics are coming again in 2012.
Old and New Old Buildings New Buildings The Great Fire of London, in 1666, destroyed the old church of St Paul's. The government asked Christopher wren for a new church. He started St Paul's Cathedral in 1675. In 1707, when he was seventy-five, two towers on the building. With its round top, St Paul's Cathedral Is one of London's most beatiful buildings. People round the world know Big Ben . It stands next to the British government buildings at Westminister . But Big Ben is not The name of the clock or the tower. It is the name of the bell inside St Stephen's Tower. Builders finished the bell tower in 1858, but there were problems. After two months , Big Ben broke. Later, in 1949, the bell sounded four and half minutes later because there were a lot of birds on the clock. On January 1st 1962, the clock was slow again because there was snow on it. It also stopped in 2005. For British people, the New Years starts when they hear the sounds of Big Ben in the streets of London or on their television or radios. The British fought Napaleon's ships in 1805 and won. The city wanted to remember this, so in 1841 they built Trafalgar Square . Today, you can find a lot of visitors - and birds! - in the square. Telecom Tower was new in 1965. The tower was for television and radio, but it also had a restaurant at the top. The restaurant closed in 1970. Canada Tower is London's tallest building. It is also the tallest office building in Europe. It has a red light at the top, so aeroplanes can see it. A meat company, OXO, built the OXO Tower by the river in 1928. At that time, companies could not write their names in lights on the city's buildings. But the builders had an idea. They wrote the word OXO in the windows at the top of the building. Then they put a strong light behind the windows, so people outside could read the word. Today there is a restaurant at the top of the tower. The London Eye is not a building,but it is fourth tallest thing in the London sky. From the top of the London Eye, visitors can see for kilometers across the city. You go up and dawn again in twenty minutes.
Kings and queens in England Queen Matilda (1102 -1167) Queen Mary I Tudor ( 1516 - 1558 ) Queen Victoria (1819-1901) King John Lackland (1167-1216) King Jacob I (1566-1625) King Richard I the Lionheart (1157-1199)
King Richard I the Lionheart Richard I the Lion heart (born Richard the LionHeart , Fr. Richard Cœur de Lion, September 8, 1157 - April 6, 1199) - English king of the Plantagenet dynasty. Son of King Henry II Plantagenet and his wife, Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine. He also had another nickname (not as well-known as the Lionheart) - Richard Da -and-Out ( oks . N Oc -e-No), which meant that it could easily sway in one direction or another. Titles: Duke of Aquitaine (1189 - 1199), Count of Poitiers (1169-1189), King of England (1189-1199), Duke of Normandy (1189-1199), Count of Anjou and Manx (1189-1199).
King Jacob I Yaakov (Jacob ) VI Scottish aka Jacob I of England (born James, Lat . Iacobus; June 19, 1566 , Edinburgh, Scotland - 27 March 1625, Theobalds Palace ( Theobalds House ) , near Chezenta , Hertfordshire , England ) - King Scotland (from July 24, 1567 - under the tutelage of regency council , with the March 12, 1578 - alone ) and the first king of England of the Stuart dynasty to the March 24, 1603 ( the proclamation of the King in Edinburgh March 31, 1603 ) . James I was the first monarch who ruled at the same time both the kingdoms of the British Isles . The UK as a single power was still not legally exist, England and Scotland were a sovereign state, had common monarch.
King John Lackland John ( John ) Landless (born John Lackland; December 24, 1167 , Oxford - October 19, 1216 , Newark ) - King of England from 1199 and Duke of Aquitaine of the Plantagenet dynasty , Jr. ( fifth) son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine . His reign is considered one of the most disastrous in the history of England - it began with the conquest of Normandy by the French king Philip II Augustus and ended the civil war , almost toppled him from the throne ( for his defeat, he received another nickname " Soft Sword », Softsword ). In 1213, he admitted England vassal of the pope to end the strife with the Catholic Church , and in 1215 the rebellious barons forced him to sign the Magna Carta , for which John most of all and became known . Some historians believe that the reign of John was no better and no worse than the reigns of Richard I and Henry III. Nevertheless , the reputation of John is that since no English monarch called his heirs the same name (which later became regarded as unlucky as the ruling dynasties of Scotland and France).
Queen Victoria Victoria (born Victoria, the name at baptism Alexandrina Victoria , Eng . Alexandrina Victoria; May 24, 1819 - January 22, 1901) - Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 , the Empress of India from May 1, 1876 ( the proclamation in India - January 1, 1877 ) , the last of the Hanover dynasty on the throne of Great Britain . Victoria stayed on the throne for more than 62 years - longer than any other British monarch . Victorian era coincided with the industrial revolution and the period of greatest prosperity of the British Empire . Numerous dynastic marriages of her children and grandchildren to strengthen ties between the royal dynasties of Europe and increased the influence of Great Britain on the continent ( it was called " Grandma Europe" ) . Her birthday is still celebrated as a holiday in Canada (usually the same day , May 24 , celebrated in Canada and the official birthday of the reigning monarch ) .
Queen Mary I Tudor Mary I Tudor (February 18, 1516-1558) - the first crowned Queen of England from 1553, the eldest daughter of Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Also known as Bloody Mary (or Bloody Mary, Eng. Bloody Mary), Mary Catholic. This queen did not put a single monument at home (there is a monument to the homeland of her husband - in Spain), its name is synonymous with massacres, the day of her death (and also the day of accession of Elizabeth I) in the country celebrated as a national holiday.
Queen Matilda Matilda, or Maud (born Matilda, Saxon form of the name - Maud or Maude, 1102 - September 10, 1167 ) - The Queen of England in 1141 , the daughter and heir of King Henry I. Matilda removal from the throne after the death of Henry I in 1135 caused a prolonged civil war in England between supporters of Matilda and Stephen Bluaskogo . In 1141 Matilda managed to briefly seize the English throne , but keep the power in their hands, it could not. The civil war ended in 1154 the coronation of Matilda 's son Henry II Plantagenet . Due to the fact that the first spouse Matilda was the Holy Roman Emperor Henry V, she became known in England under the name of the Empress Matilda (born Empress Matilda).
Shop, shop, shop Probably, food shop & in Fortnum Mason - three centuries Department store in Piccadilly, is the most visited London Gastronome. Exotic food and wine from all over the world, sweets, cakes and biscuits, caviar, pates, rare chops. many types of mustard, honey, sauces, chocolate and tea. And all this is served by a well-known employees Fortnum, dressed in tuxedos. In Fortnum even have their own bee apiary. Honey of the best hives London (Fortnum's Bees' Piccadilly Honey) can be bought, since the spring. On the upper floors Fortnum selling Souvenirs and accessories for men, women at home, but only commissary Department Department store has its own unique history and, of course, has the sense to visit first. Harrods is the most famous Department store England, which owns Mohammed al Fayed is the father of Dodi Файеда and member of the Royal family. In a Department store you can find: Luxury goods, jewelry with diamonds and fashionable designer clothes; Unbelievable "Egyptian" hall; "Place of worship" Dodi and Princess Diana; Department for just about anything you can think of, including real estate, banking services and tourism; Endless departments of perfume and cosmetics; A number of legendary food departments that cannot be missed. Half wood, stucco decorations, handmade, Liberty building on Regent Street is one of the finest Department stores in London. Liberty like a fairytale oak with a chest of treasure, full of eclectic fashion collections, jewelry, home furnishings and decorative items. Petticoat-Line (Petticoat Lane Market) - is the most famous market of East London, East London. In English the petticoat - means underskirt, this market 0000 в London is so called because once, very long ago, here masterminded the merchants of old clothes. Now here , as the famous Department store Hardos " you can buy everything, only much cheaper. The market is located near the station at Liverpool street.
London Underground London underground is one of the largest in the world, its network consists of 11 lines with a total length of 402 km, 45 % of which runs underground. The total length of the lines of the subway takes the fourth place in the world after Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai. London underground has 270 stations. London underground is the oldest in the world. The first line, which was called the Metropolitan reyluey , opened in 1863. She linked the two major train station with the city. In 1890, the London underground was one of the first railway systems, where they began to operate trains on electric. In the years of the Second world war by a subway station served as a refuge for tens of thousands of civilians in time of the bombings. 18 November 1987 on one of the stations a strong fire broke out, which claimed the lives of 31 people. 7 July 2005 London underground became a target for terrorists. As a result of threefold attack killed 39 people.
Список информационных источников: Литература: 1) С. Д. Зайцева «Англия в далёком прошлом» 2) Philip Browse « This is London » 3) Vicky Shipton « London » 4) Журнал для изучающих английский язык « Speak out » Сайты: 1) http://ru.wikipedia.org 2) http://yandex.ru
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Путешествие по Лондону" для 3 класса.
ОТКРЫТЫЙ УРОК В 5 КЛАССЕПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУУчитель английского языка: Гайтанова Инна АнатольевнаМОУ «СОШ № 3» г. НовомосковскТема урока: «A trip to London».Цели урок...
Урок английского языка "Путешествие в Лондон"
Материал представляет собой план-сценарий урока, целью которого является ознакомление учащихся с достопримечательностями столицы изучаемого языка – города Лондона....
Мероприятие внеурочной деятельности по предмету английский язык «Путешествие в Лондон»
С целью совершенствования учебно - методического обеспечения учебного процесс и повышения качества знания учащихся предлагается сценарии мероприятия «Путешествие в Лондон». Данная разработка пре...

Технологическая карта урока английского языка «Путешествие в Лондон». 5 класс
Мастер-класс. Технологическая карта урока английского языка «Путешествие в Лондон». 5 класс...

Технологическая карта урока английского языка «Путешествие в Лондон». Презентация. 5 класс
Мастер-класс. Технологическая карта урока английского языка «Путешествие в Лондон». Презентация. 5 класс...
Презентация к уроку английского языка "Путешествие по Лондону"
Презентация о Лондоне на английском языке...
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Путешествие по Лондону"
Урок разработан по УМК «Enjoy English / Английский с удовольствием» для 5 класса Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н....