план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
основная общеобразовательная школа № 15
с. Коноково
муниципального образования Успенский район
Урок английского языка 6 кл.
ТЕМА: «Неаlth»
Учитель: Шматко Татьяна Ивановна
- Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
- Совершенствование навыков чтения и письма.
- Воспитание внимательного отношения к своему здоровью.
- Воспитание культуры общения.
Учебные пособия: медицинские инструменты, карточки с пословицами, лекарственные препараты, удочка, макеты рыб, магнитные записи.
I. Организационный момент (Сообщение задач урока)
Т: Good morning dear boys and girls. Today we are going to a trip. As you know "Health is the greatest wealth". But health depends on ecology. Nowadays the problems of ecology become very pressing. Let everybody remember: we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who do not . In order to be healthy we must follow special rules . And today during our trip we shall try to do it.
II. Развитие навыков полилога
T: First of all you should get acquainted with each other. Among you there are correspondents and they will take an interview at the other team. You'll be the first. Who is the correspondent in your team? You are welcome. (По одному человеку от каждой группы берут интервью у противоположной команды. Они узнают имена, возраст, хобби, любимые виды спорта у противоположной команды.)
Р: What is the aim of your trip?
P: What is the name of your team?
P: How old are you?
P: What are your hobbies?
P: What are your favourite sports?
P: What are your names?
III. Совершенствование навыков письма (составление заметок)
Т: You've taken interview and now write articles in your newspapers. (Ученики пишут заметки в газету о противоположной команде.)
Sensation of the 20th Century
Awaited for a long time trip of two teams made a sensation. It this short article I'd like to tell you about the members of the trip and their interests. The name of one of the teams is «Healthy Children». The middle age of them is 13 years old. Their names are Tom, John, Sam, Mary and Ann. They have hobbies for example Tom is fond of reading, Mary and Sam are fond of swimming. All of them like sports. Their favorite sports are football, swimming and tennis. The aim of their trip is to become healthy, wealthy and wise.
IV. Совершенствование навыков чтения
T: You've written articles and now read them, please, (корреспонденты зачитывают свои заметки.)
V. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
Т: Before going to the trip you should consult a doctor. Here are some situations. Make up your own dialogues. (Ученики составляют диалоги по ситуациям.)
Ситуация. You have come to visit a doctor. You have a sore throat and want the doctor to help you.
P: Good morning!
D: Good morning! Come in! Sit down, please! What's the matter?
P: I've got a sore throat and a headache.
D: Have you got a temperature?
P: Yes, I have got.
D: Open your mouth. I want to look at your throat. Oh, it looks sore.
D: Can you give me pills?
Р: An injection is better than pills.
D: Will I recover, doctor?
P: Yes. If you rest today.
D: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
P: Good-bye.
VI. Брейн-ринг
T: You should be not only healthy but wise. Now we'll have brain-ring. (Учитель называет слово по теме, ученики дают его определение.)
Т: Hospital.
Р: A place where we get medical help.
T: Pill.
P: Small round things that we take to recover.
T: Doctor.
P: A person who gives us medical help.
T: Prescription.
P: A sheet of paper with the help of which we take medicine at the chemist.
T: Health.
P: A state of being well.
Т: Ambulance.
Р: А саг that takes a patient to the hospital.
T: An eye.
P: A part of a body that helps us to see the world.
VII. Совершенствование навыков чтения
T: You must be friendly and help each other in difficult circumstances. Here are some proverbs. Some of you will get the beginning of the proverb and the other - the end. You must find your pair. (Ученики ищут свою пару, составляют пословицу, затем ее читают.)
- Health a) and enjoy life as it is.
- Prevention b) is the greatest wealth.
- The wealth c) is better than cure.
- An apple a day d) is health.
- Eat at pleasure, e) keeps the doctor away, drink with measure
VIII. Физкультминутка
T: Let's begin our trip. In order to be merry let's sing a song «If You are happy». (Ученики исполняют песню.)
IX. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: During our trip you may get into some accident. So you must take some medicine with you. In order to know what medicine is good listen to some advertisements. (Ученики делают рекламы лекарств.)
Р: Dear ladies and gentlemen! If you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise you should use «Unicap». Take it twice daily, each time 30 ml. Use it half an hour before meals.
X. Повторение грамматического материала (употребление модального глагола should/should’t)
Т: Let's make Health Code. Here are some cards. (Ученики прикрепляют на фланелеграф карточки с предложениями, разграничивая модальные глаголы should/should't).
- You ... eat vegetables and fruit.
- You ... drink hot milk and honey.
- You ... eat unfresh food.
- You ... sleep 8 hours a day.
- You ... get wet in rainy weather.
XI. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: Now we'll go fishing. Here is a lake and fish with different diseases. You must get a fish and your friends will give you some advices. (Ученики при помощи удочки с магнитом ловят рыб, на которых написаны названия болезней. Другие дают им советы).
Р: I have a headache.
Р: You should consult a doctor.
Р: You shouldn't watch TV too much.
XII. Физкультурная минутка
T: Now let's have a rest and sing a song «I don't want». (Ученики исполняют песню.)
XIII. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: We have shoot films and now we have some time to watch them and to sound them. (Каждая из групп показывает немой фильм, противоположная команда озвучивает его.)
S: Oh, Robert, I'm looking for you.
R: What's happened?
S: We need a doctor badly, Bernard Berg, a writer from Switzerland, is feeling bad.
R: Should I go and see him just now?
S: The sooner the better.
R: What does he complain of?
S: He has a headache and a pain in the heart.
B: So what's your advice, doctor?
R: My advice is that you have as much rest as you can.
B: Thank you very much doctor. Good-bye.
XIV. Заключительный этап
T: The first day of our trip has come to an end. Let's make the conclusion to our work. You have shown us your knowledge in the sphere of medicine. You can have a talk with a doctor, you can sound mute films, you know some proverbs and some medical definitions. And we hope that you will take care of your health not only at the lessons but also in everyday life.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
- Совершенствование навыков чтения и письма.
- Воспитание внимательного отношения к своему здоровью.
- Воспитание культуры общения.
Учебные пособия: медицинские инструменты, карточки с пословицами, лекарственные препараты, удочка, макеты рыб, магнитные записи.
I. Организационный момент (Сообщение задач урока)
Т: Good morning dear boys and girls. Today we are going to a trip. As you know "Health is the greatest wealth". But health depends on ecology. Nowadays the problems of ecology become very pressing. Let everybody remember: we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who do not . In order to be healthy we must follow special rules . And today during our trip we shall try to do it.
II. Развитие навыков полилога
T: First of all you should get acquainted with each other. Among you there are correspondents and they will take an interview at the other team. You'll be the first. Who is the correspondent in your team? You are welcome. (По одному человеку от каждой группы берут интервью у противоположной команды. Они узнают имена, возраст, хобби, любимые виды спорта у противоположной команды.)
Р: What is the aim of your trip?
P: What is the name of your team?
P: How old are you?
P: What are your hobbies?
P: What are your favourite sports?
P: What are your names?
III. Совершенствование навыков письма (составление заметок)
Т: You've taken interview and now write articles in your newspapers. (Ученики пишут заметки в газету о противоположной команде.)
Sensation of the 20th Century
Awaited for a long time trip of two teams made a sensation. It this short article I'd like to tell you about the members of the trip and their interests. The name of one of the teams is «Healthy Children». The middle age of them is 13 years old. Their names are Tom, John, Sam, Mary and Ann. They have hobbies for example Tom is fond of reading, Mary and Sam are fond of swimming. All of them like sports. Their favorite sports are football, swimming and tennis. The aim of their trip is to become healthy, wealthy and wise.
IV. Совершенствование навыков чтения
T: You've written articles and now read them, please, (корреспонденты зачитывают свои заметки.)
V. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
Т: Before going to the trip you should consult a doctor. Here are some situations. Make up your own dialogues. (Ученики составляют диалоги по ситуациям.)
Ситуация. You have come to visit a doctor. You have a sore throat and want the doctor to help you.
P: Good morning!
D: Good morning! Come in! Sit down, please! What's the matter?
P: I've got a sore throat and a headache.
D: Have you got a temperature?
P: Yes, I have got.
D: Open your mouth. I want to look at your throat. Oh, it looks sore.
D: Can you give me pills?
Р: An injection is better than pills.
D: Will I recover, doctor?
P: Yes. If you rest today.
D: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
P: Good-bye.
VI. Брейн-ринг
T: You should be not only healthy but wise. Now we'll have brain-ring. (Учитель называет слово по теме, ученики дают его определение.)
Т: Hospital.
Р: A place where we get medical help.
T: Pill.
P: Small round things that we take to recover.
T: Doctor.
P: A person who gives us medical help.
T: Prescription.
P: A sheet of paper with the help of which we take medicine at the chemist.
T: Health.
P: A state of being well.
Т: Ambulance.
Р: А саг that takes a patient to the hospital.
T: An eye.
P: A part of a body that helps us to see the world.
VII. Совершенствование навыков чтения
T: You must be friendly and help each other in difficult circumstances. Here are some proverbs. Some of you will get the beginning of the proverb and the other - the end. You must find your pair. (Ученики ищут свою пару, составляют пословицу, затем ее читают.)
- Health a) and enjoy life as it is.
- Prevention b) is the greatest wealth.
- The wealth c) is better than cure.
- An apple a day d) is health.
- Eat at pleasure, e) keeps the doctor away, drink with measure
VIII. Физкультминутка
T: Let's begin our trip. In order to be merry let's sing a song «If You are happy». (Ученики исполняют песню.)
IX. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: During our trip you may get into some accident. So you must take some medicine with you. In order to know what medicine is good listen to some advertisements. (Ученики делают рекламы лекарств.)
Р: Dear ladies and gentlemen! If you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise you should use «Unicap». Take it twice daily, each time 30 ml. Use it half an hour before meals.
X. Повторение грамматического материала (употребление модального глагола should/should’t)
Т: Let's make Health Code. Here are some cards. (Ученики прикрепляют на фланелеграф карточки с предложениями, разграничивая модальные глаголы should/should't).
- You ... eat vegetables and fruit.
- You ... drink hot milk and honey.
- You ... eat unfresh food.
- You ... sleep 8 hours a day.
- You ... get wet in rainy weather.
XI. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: Now we'll go fishing. Here is a lake and fish with different diseases. You must get a fish and your friends will give you some advices. (Ученики при помощи удочки с магнитом ловят рыб, на которых написаны названия болезней. Другие дают им советы).
Р: I have a headache.
Р: You should consult a doctor.
Р: You shouldn't watch TV too much.
XII. Физкультурная минутка
T: Now let's have a rest and sing a song «I don't want». (Ученики исполняют песню.)
XIII. Развитие навыков монологической речи
Т: We have shoot films and now we have some time to watch them and to sound them. (Каждая из групп показывает немой фильм, противоположная команда озвучивает его.)
S: Oh, Robert, I'm looking for you.
R: What's happened?
S: We need a doctor badly, Bernard Berg, a writer from Switzerland, is feeling bad.
R: Should I go and see him just now?
S: The sooner the better.
R: What does he complain of?
S: He has a headache and a pain in the heart.
B: So what's your advice, doctor?
R: My advice is that you have as much rest as you can.
B: Thank you very much doctor. Good-bye.
XIV. Заключительный этап
T: The first day of our trip has come to an end. Let's make the conclusion to our work. You have shown us your knowledge in the sphere of medicine. You can have a talk with a doctor, you can sound mute films, you know some proverbs and some medical definitions. And we hope that you will take care of your health not only at the lessons but also in everyday life.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждениеосновная общеобразовательная школа № 15 с. Коноково муниципального образования Успенский район...