Олимпиада по английскому языку для 5 класса (4-ый год обучения)
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Рябенко Елена Михайловна

Задания  построены по типу Use of English и могут быть использованы для подготовки мотивированных учащихся к тестированиям олимпиадам.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада по английскому языку для 5 класса

(4-ый год обучения)

Use of English 

Part 1 
Read the text. Choose the right words to fill in the gaps.

Books aren't only for learning at school, but you know that!
How do you choose a book?
 (1) ……………........... you look at the pictures? Some people do. Some are exciting, some we find boring and stop reading. Many books are very old. Some fat ones (2) ………………........... long stories or many short stories in (3) ………………........... .
(4) ………………........... us like reading in bed, warm under the blankets, but it is nice on the beach too. Many grown-ups take their books on trains to read (5) ………………........... they're going to work. Choose well what you read and where you read so you can enjoy it!


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Part 2 

Выбери правильный ответ.
ВНИМАНИЕ!  Каждый вариант ответа может быть отмечен только один раз.
Pleased to meet you. 

Выберите ответ: 
 It doesn’t matter.
 Never mind.
 Nice to meet you too.
 I’d love to.
 Yes, of course. Turn right here and go straight.
 No, thanks.

2) Could you tell me the way to Leicester Square, please?

Выберите ответ: 
 It doesn’t matter.
 Never mind.
 Nice to meet you too.
 I’d love to.
 Yes, of course. Turn right here and go straight.
 No, thanks.

3) Would you like to come with me?

Выберите ответ: 
 It doesn’t matter.
 Never mind.
 Nice to meet you too.
 I’d love to.
 Yes, of course. Turn right here and go straight.
 No, thanks.

4) Would you like a cup of tea?

Выберите ответ: 
 It doesn’t matter.
 Never mind.
 Nice to meet you too.
 I’d love to.
 Yes, of course. Turn right here and go straight.
 No, thanks.

5) Thank you for your help.

Выберите ответ: 
 It doesn’t matter.
 Never mind.
 Nice to meet you too.
 I’d love to.
 Yes, of course. Turn right here and go straight.
 No, thanks.

Part 3

Choose the right word for each sentence.

“This new mall is huge”, said Anna. ”Yes”, said Aunt Jemma. “It’s
(1)__________ than the old mall and it’s nicer, too. (2)__________ are four escalators and a lift. It opened yesterday. It’s very exciting”.
“I need a new computer disc”, said Uncle Bob. “Stay 
(3)__________ Aunt Jemma, Anna. We mustn’t lose you”. He (4)__________ into the computer shop.
Anna looked around. There
(5)__________ lots of people. She looked  on the floor. Suddenly she saw a small grey ring. She picked up the ring and put it in her pocket.
When Uncle Bob came back they went to the clothes shop. Aunt Jemma looked in the mirror. “Oh no!” she said. “My earring is missing. We
(6)__________ go back to the computer shop”.
They looked on the floor outside the shop. Then Anna heard a sob.
(7)__________ to her was a small boy. “Oh, dear. What’s the matter?” asked Anna. “I dropped my new car”, said the boy. “I lost a piece and now it doesn’t go”. He (8)__________.
“Did you lose the ring?” Anna asked. “Yes”, said the boy. “I found this on the floor but it isn’t mine”. The boy had a shiny silver ring in his hand.
“That’s Aunt Jemma’s earring!” Anna took out the grey metal ring. “Is this
(9)__________?” she asked. “Yes, thank you”, he said.
Aunt Jemma was very happy. “Now let’s have a nice cup of tea in the café”, she said. “Just a minute”, said Uncle Bob. ”My new disc. It’s in the clothes shop”.
“Oh, no!“ said Anna. “Everyone is
(10)__________ things today!”


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Выберите ответ: 

Part 4 

Read the text and choose the best answer.

Fred is talking to his friend Sue.
Fred: Do you want to go to the cinema after?

Выберите ответ: 
 No, I’m not hungry now.
 Yes, let’s.
 No, we haven’t.

Fred: Would you like to see the new Red Rabbit film?

Выберите ответ: 
 Yes, I do.
 Yes, I did thank you.
 No, sorry. I saw it last Friday.

Fred: Did you enjoy the film?

Выберите ответ: 
 So did I.
 Yes, the actors were funny.
 I hope I do.

Fred: Let’s not go to the cinema then. I’d like to play a game.

Выберите ответ: 
 Me too.
 I can’t kick the ball.
 Yes, I can.

Fred: How about playing a computer game after our snack?

Выберите ответ: 
 OK, good idea.
 I love snacks.
 Yes, I can.

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