материалы школьной олимпиады по английскому языку 6 класс
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материалы школьной олимпиады по английскому языку 6 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку               6 класс

Раздел 1 Аудирование

Прослушайте текст дважды и отметьте буквой T информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F –не соответствующую тексту.

Hello, my name is Helen Brown. Only yesterday I was nine and today I’m ten because today is my birthday. And I’m glad that today is Sunday and not Monday or Friday because on Sundays I don’t go to school. But my school friends are coming to my birthday party. It’s 1 o’clock now and my birthday party begins at 2 o’clock. But my friend Kate will come at 3. She and her parents went to see Kate’s grandmother. I already got my present from my parents. It wasn’t a dress like last year or a CD player like the one they gave my brother for his birthday. It’s a bicycle. I like to ride my bicycle. I also like to read. I know that my school friends will give me books with some of my favourite stories. I like books better than videos or music.

  1. The girl’s name is Mary Brown
  2. She is nine
  3. Se doesn’t like to go to school.
  4. Her birthday party begins at 2 o’clock 
  5. Her friends didn’t come to her birthday party, because they were at school.
  6. Her  parents’  present  was  a CD player 
  7. Helen likes to ride her bicycle.
  8. She likes books better than videos or music.

Раздел II.        Чтение

Dear Fred,

How are you? Thank you for your letter.  You want to know   about school in England. Let me tell you. My school is open all day.   Well, school starts at nine o’clock when we all have to come together in the school hall for Assembly.   At Registration, our Form Teacher makes sure that everyone   is there.   We have Morning Registration at   9.15 and   Afternoon Registration at 2 o'clock.

Each teacher has her own classroom that she always   teaches in.    Some of the rooms look very interesting. We don’t get much homework.   We usually get   homework   in two subjects each day.    We only   have real   tests at the end of the   school year, in June.   Then wе do tests in every   subject.   This is not bad,   really.   In History   you usually get 15 or 20 questions and you only have to answer 2 or 3 of them. But in   some subjects, like Maths and   Physics, there is usually one important question   that everyone has to answer.   French is different again.   We get quite a Lot of grammar   and vocabulary questions that everyone has to answer

I’m in Form   3W.   This means that I’m In the Third    Year and   the first   Letter of my form teacher's   name is „W"   He's   called Mr. Walker and   he's   OK.   He teaches us History.

I am in the   school   swimming   team.   There   are competitions   in all   thе  other  important sports.

Are  things  very  different at your school ?

Best   wishes,                                                            


  Choose the correct answer.

                                                               a) his school day.

1)  Bob    writes about:                        b) his favourite subjects,

                                                         c) his school.

                                                                a) 9 o'clock.

2)   His school day begins at:                 b) 9.15.

                                                                 c) 2 o'clock.

                                   a) have

3)  The students:         b) will have             morning registration at 9.15 every day.

                                    c) had                     

                                            а)  History.

                                            b) Maths.

4)   He   has   tests               c) Physics.

in:                                     d) all the subjects,

                                             e) French.

5)    a) Bob doesn't get homework.

       b) Bob gets homework in all the subjects.  

        c) Bob gets homework in 2 subjects each day.

III. Лексика и грамматика

Выбери правильный вариант ответа:

1. She .................. a letter at the moment.

a) is writing      b) writes     c) has written

2. They haven’t seen each other .............. they left school.

a) after            b) since           c) for

3. I think Holland ............... win the World Cup.

a) is going to     b) will           c) shall

4. She  plays tennis twice  ............

a) days     b) a week       c) week

5. You can see the letter …. is about London in the book.

a) who       b) what            c) which

6. The windows  ........ by my mother yesterday.

a)  cleaned     b) have been cleaned    c) were cleaned

7. I hate driving my ............ car.

a) father’s     b) fathers     c) fathers’

8. They always arrange a date of competition, …..?

a) aren’t they      b) didn’t they      c) don’t they

9. I think Sam is …… than Bob.

a) responsibler    b) more responsible    c) responsible

10. Have you seen “Adams Family 2” .......?

a) already    b) yet       c) just

11. He .................. his leg, so he can’t play football today.

a) has broken    b) breaks    c) is breaking

12. Chinese ….. not only in China.

a) is spoken      b) speaks     c) was spoken

13. I ............... to Paris.

a) have never been  b) was never   c) am never

14. ................. breakfast every morning?

a) Are you having         b) Do you have         c) Have you had

15. My bag is ................... than hers.

a) heavier    b) heaviest     c) the heavier

16. They met at a party a year .......... .

a) since             b) for            c) ago

17. I think ……. French are polite and romantic.

a) a                    b) the            c) –

18. People …… millions of bars of chocolate every day.

a) eat                 b) are eating      c) ate

19. I ….. get up very early now.

a) must             b) have to           c) should

20.   Our kitten washes ….. every day.

a) him               b) himself          c) itself

21. My brother Nick is very good ….. Maths.

a) at                   b) in                   c) on

22. The next meeting …. on the 14th December.  

a) is held        b) will be held       c) holds

23. The boy …… looks like his father is my brother.

a) who              b) what                c) which

24. We visited ……Lake Como in Northern Italy last year.

a) -                    b) the                   c) a

25. How long ….. it take you to do your homework two days ago?

a) does              b) did                  c) has

26. Last year more than a million cars ….. .

a) stole              b) are stolen        c) were stolen

27. There is a small house …… the street.

a) across           b) opposite          c) at

28. She never enjoys ……. cartoons.

a) watching      b) to watch          c) watch

29. Everybody …. go to the dentist at least once a year.

a) must             b) should             c) has to

30. They ….. Britain in three weeks.

a) visit              b) will visit         c) visited

Раздел IV    Письмо

Прочитай  письмо  и  напиши  ответ.

Dear  friend,

My   name   is   Elizabeth   or   Beth.   I'm   ten.   I   go   to   school. I   live   in   London.   I   like   to   dance   and   listen   to   music.

Last  summer   I   was   in   the   country.   I   had   a   good   time  there. I   swam   and   helped   my  grandpa.   I   fed   the   animals  and  took the   horse  for  a   walk.   I   can   ride   a   horse   now.

I   have   a   parrot.   Its   name   is  Jimmy.  Jimmy   is   green   and yellow.  Jimmy  can   speak   and   play.   It's  funny.

Soon   it  will   be   Christmas.   I   asked   Santa   Claus   to   give   me roller   skates.

And   what  about  you?   What's  your   name?   How  old   are you?   What  do   you   like   to   do?   Do   you   like   summer?   Do  you have   a   pet?   Where  were   you   last  summer?   What  did   you   do there?  What  present  would   you   like  for  New  Year?

Please  write   back.

Yours,   Beth

Раздел V      Говорение

Опиши свою классную комнату, расскажи о любимых предметах, перечисли, что ты делаешь на уроках.

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