Тесты для 7 класса 1 вариан
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге:
The child (to care) for.
A) Were cared.
B) Have been cared.
C) Is care.
D) Is cared.
E) Are cared.
2 Выберите предложение с Past Participle:
A) It was snowing the whole day.
B) The man standing at the door helped the old lady.
C) He is reading the book at this moment.
D) The house built in 1789 was the oldest building in the town.
E) Seeing that he was late he took the taxi.
3 Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста:
The majority of the British population live in small houses built close together. A typical house of this kind is built with two floors.
The front door, which faces the street, opens into a hall with two rooms, one on each side of the hall. One of them is the dining-room, the other is the sitting-room.
The rooms upstairs are bedrooms. They are often small.
Often the dining-room is the most comfortable room in the house and the one that is used all the time.
Very many houses of this type were built in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today the land on which they stand has become very valuable so the houses are very expensive.
Ответьте на вопрос:
Where do the majority of the British people live in?
A) In comfortable flats.
B) In the country.
C) In small houses.
D) In big houses.
E) In small towns.
4 Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
The members of the House of Commons are chosen by the … .
A) Prime Minister
B) Queen
C) Electors
D) House of Lords
E) Queen and the House of Lords
5 Образуйте новое слово от “ to eat “, выбрав верный суффикс:
A) y
B) able
C) tic
D) al
E) ful
6 Вставьте пропущенное местоимение:
All sentences consist of words and … of letters.
A) these
B) this
C) them
D) that
E) they
7 Выберите правильный вариант вопросительного местоимения:
… of you speaks English?
A) Whose.
B) Whom.
C) What.
D) When.
E) Which.
8 Выберите словосочетание с существительным множественного числа в притяжательном падеже:
A) Yesterday’s newspapers.
B) My daughter’s toys.
C) My sons’ cars.
D) The doctor’s sons.
E) The dog’s legs.
9 Выберите верный модальный глагол:
He … go to the dentist because he has toothache.
A) Should
B) Have
C) Was able to
D) Mustn’t
E) Ought
10 Выделенное слово является Gerund в предложении:
A) Be careful at the street crossing.
B) He was fond of reading books about travels.
C) The reading of the article took him only a few minutes.
D) He took part in the second meeting.
E) There was a lot of snow lying on the ground.
11 Выберите правильно построенное предложение:
A) They thought I should work in the garden at that moment.
B) They thought I should have been worked in the garden at that moment.
C) They thought I should be working in the garden at that moment.
D) They thought I should have worked in the garden at that moment.
E) They thought I should worked in the garden at that moment.
12 Вставьте в предложение глагол в соответствующей форме:
Nick used (live) alone.
A) live
B) having lived
C) living
D) to live
E) to be living
13 Выделенное слово является Participle 1 в предложении:
A) I saw a new building in the street.
B) That morning was clear and sunny.
C) I saw a bookshop near the turning.
D) She ate her supper watching a film on TV.
E) The book is very interesting.
14 Допишите предложение.
The novel “Treasure Island” was written by …
A) Somerset Maugham.
B) Robert Stevenson.
C) Robert Burns.
D) Alan Marshall.
E) Mark Twain.
15 Переведите “To be keen on ”
A) Находить удовольствие.
B) Обладать хорошим слухом.
C) Страстно желать, увлекаться чем-либо.
D) Быть честным.
E) Держать на уровне.
16 Найдите правильный вариант глагола.
He… when he fell over and broke his leg.
A) skies
B) has been skiing
C) skied
D) were skiing
E) was skiing
17 Найдите правильный вариант глагола.
She said she … just … dinner.
A) had cooked
B) cooks
C) is cooking
D) has cooked
E) cook
18 Выберите правильный перевод предложения в страдательном залоге:
Ему показали дорогу.
A) Him was shown the way.
B) He was shown the way.
C) He was show the way.
D) He was showed the way.
E) He showed the way
19 Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму:
David used to work at the factory.
A) David doesn’t used to work at the factory.
B) David used to didn’t work at the factory.
C) David not used to work at the factory.
D) David don’t used to work at the factory.
E) David didn’t use to work at the factory
20 В данном предложении герундий является:
Before having dinner you must wash your hands.
A) дополнением.
B) именной частью сказуемого.
C) обстоятельством.
D) определением.
E) подлежащим.
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