Тесты для 6 класса 2 в
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
September 6 класс
Variant 2
1. Who is working in the study?-……..
a) I have .
b) I do.
c) She has.
d) I am .
e) I is.
2. Summer …………….spring.
a) follows
b) follow
c) is following
d) are following
e) am following
3. Pete……..a magazine now.
a) read
b) reads
c) reading
d) is reading
e) are reading
4. Sometimes she……new books in this shop.
a) buys
b) buy
c)is buying
d) are buying
e) buying
5. I……..him.
a) am not understanding
b) don’t understand
c) doesn’t understand
d) am not understand
e) don’t understanding
6. They….tennis at the moment.
a) play
b) are playing
c) plays
d) is playing
e) am playing
7. He…..to speak to you now.
a) is wanting
b) want
c) wants
d) is want
e) are wanting
8. What goes round the Earth? – The Moon…. .
a) is
b) has
c) are
d) do
e) does
9. Who is working in the garden?- We….. .
a) are
b) do
c) is
d) have
e) does
10. Where….my sisters travelling now?
a) have
b) do
c) are
d) is
e) has
11. The antonym for the verb “to turn on” is….
a) turn at
b) turn in
c) turn of
d) turn off
e) turn into
12. When it is cold in the room, my father turns on….. .
a) gas
b) hot water
c) washing machine
d) central heating
e) vacuum cleaner
13. When it is dark outside we turn on……. .
a) electricity
b) gas
c) cold water
d) vacuum cleaner
e) washing machine
14. A piece of furniture to sit at and work is a….
a) sink
b) table
c) chair
d) sofa
e) cupboard
15. A piece of furniture to wash up in is a…. .
a) sink
b) table
c) chair
d) sofa
e) cupboard
16. Things you may hang on the window are…… .
a) lamps
b) fires
c) pictures
d) curtains
e) carpets
17. Choose the correct question to the underlined word. (Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову)
They seldom write letters to their friends.
a) What do they write?
b) Who writes letters?
c) How often do they write letters to their friends?
d) What do they do?
e) When do they write letters to their friends?
18. She is singing my favourite song.
a) What is she doing?
b) Who is singing?
c) What is she singing?
d) Where is she singing?
e) Is she singing my favourite song?
19. She usually comes home late.
a) Who comes home late?
b) What does she usually do?
c) When does she usually come home?
d) Does she usually come home late?
e) Where does she usually come?
20. Tom and Jane…….to spend this summer in the country.
a) wants
b) are wanting
c) wanting
d) is wanting
e) want
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