Weather and Seasons
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Лексические упражнения по теме "Времена года. Погода"
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Write the months to the correct season.
B. Answer the questions. REMEMBER: We use in before the names of the months.
1. When is your birthday? ______________________________________________________________.
2. What is your favorite season? _________________________________________________________.
3. When does your school year begin?______________________________________________________.
4. When is your mom’s birthday?__________________________________________________________.
5. What holiday do we celebrate in December?________________________________________________.
6. What is the coldest season in the year?___________________________________________________.
7. What is the hottest season in the year?___________________________________________________.
8. When can you go to the beach?__________________________________________________________.
9. When can you skate and ski?____________________________________________________________.
C. When do you wear…?
Complete the sentences:
- I wear _____________in winter.
- I wear _____________in summer.
- I wear boots in ______________.
- I wear sweater in _____________.
D. Circle the correct word.
1. You take an umbrella when it is sunny/windy/rainy.
2. The nights are shorter in summer/autumn/winter.
3. You wear boots when it’s wet/warm/dry.
4. The flowers are blooming in winter, autumn/spring.
5. The leaves are falling in autumn/summer/spring.
E. Write some sentences about your favorite season.
Why? What do you wear? What can you do? What is the weather like?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Seasons and the weather
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