Знаменитости англоговорящих стран
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Полезный материал по страноведению, способствует расширению кругозора учащихся
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Предварительный просмотр:
- what city is the capital of the USA? (Washington)
- what river is the capital situated on? (Potomac River)
- who discovered America and when? (Christopher Columbus. 12 October, 1492)
- what are the 1st English settlers who came to America in 1620 called? (The Pilgrim Fathers)
- what state is the largest in the USA? (Alaska)
- what is the name of the American flag? (Stars and Stripes)
- what is the main figure in the national emblem of the USA? (The Bald Eagle)
- who is the head of state and government ? (President)
- give the nickname of the of the USA government? (Uncle Sam)
- what is the largest city in the USA? (New York)
- what sport is very popular in the USA? (Baseball)
- what university is the oldest one in the USA? (The Harvard university, 1636)
- what is the monetary unit in the USA? (The dollar = 100 cents)
- name the 1st President of the USA? (Washington)
- who presented the Statue of Liberty to the people of America? (France)
Вопросы основного тура игры.
1. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of the state:
a) Colorado b) Alaska c) California
2. The name of the man who wrote the text of the Declaration of Independence is:
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Jimmy Carter
3. The portrait of ………… we can see on 100$ banknote.
a) Bill Clinton
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) George Bush (sin)
4.…. was the youngest president of the USA.
a) George Bush (jr)
b) John F. Kennedy
c) Bill Clinton
5. … was the first president of the USA.
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) George Washington
c) Ulysses S. Grant
6. The name of great American writer London was:
1.John 2.Jack.
3. Joey 4.Jim (2)
7.«The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn» was written by:
1.Ray Bradbury 2. Lous Stevenson
3.Ernest Hemingway 4.Mark Twain (4)
8.Stephen Spielberg is the most successful:
1.Director 2.Writer
3.Artist 4.Actor (1)
9.The husband of Eleonor Rooswelt was:
1. The first president 2.Тhe second president
3. Тhe thirty second president 4.Тhe twenty second president (3)
10. Elvis Presley was born in
1. Memphis 2. Mississippi
3. New Orleans 4. Boston (2)
11. Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first
1. Telephone 2. Car
3. Computer 4. Airplane (4)
12. Ernest Hemingway wrote
1. «Farewell to Arms» 2 «Jungle Book»
3. «The Call of the Wild» 4. «Othello» (1)
13. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the USA was born in:
1. Virginia 2. Georgia
3. Washington 4.Alabama (1)
14.The US Capitol building was designed by
1. Frank Lloyd Wright 2. Sir Christopher Wren
3. Thomas Jefferson 4. John C. Portman Jr. (3)
15.The career of Louis Armstrong began in the streets of
1.Chicago 2. New Orleans
3. Hollywood 4.Washington (2)
16.Abraham Lincoln, the 16-th president of the USA was elected the president in
- 2. 1916
3. 1816 4.1860 (4)
17.Harriet Tubman was fighting for the equal rights of
1. The black slaves 2. Women
3. White farmers 4.Children (1)
18.. The first president of the USA was
1. Thomas Jefferson 2. Abraham Lincoln
3.George Washington 4. Franklin Rooswelt (3)
19. Walt Disney was a great
1. Actor 2. Architect
3. Film Producer 4. Illustrator (3)
20 Henry Ford established the Ford
1. Air American Company 2. Navy Company
3. Motor Company 4. Telephone Company (3)
21. Barbra Streisand became a major star after film
1 «Funny Baby» 2 «Funny Boy»
3. « Funny Daddy» 4. «Funny Girl» (4)
22. Louis Armstrong, ‘The King of Jazz’ played
1. The Piano 2. The Trumpet
3. The Violin 4. The saxophone (2)
23. Elvis Presley died in
1. 1975 2. 1978
3.1977 4.1987 (3)
24. Benjamin Franklin was a son of
1. Book maker 2. Candle maker
3. Worker 4. Writer (2)
25. American remember and love Abraham Lincoln for his
1.Friendship 2. Attention
3. Honesty 4. Kindness (3)
26. Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed delegate to
1. The Soviet Union 2. The United Nations
3. The United States 4. The Intelligence Service (2)
27. Frank Lloyd Wright was the greatest American
1. Architect 2. Actor
3. Artist 4. Ambassador (1)
28. There is a Monument to a national hero in Boston. This is a monument to:
1. Paul Revere 2.Peter Smithsonion
3. David Copperfield 4. Paul Peterson (1)
29. Robert Lee Frost was:
1. A painter 2. A writer
3. A poet 4. An inventor (3)
30. Ernest Hemingway is the author of:
1. «The Old Man and the Sea» 2. «Moby Dick»
3. «The Pioneer» 4. «Winnie-The-Pooh»
31. Chuck Jones was a popular American:
1. Illustrator 2. Animator
3. Photographer 4. Actor (2)
32. Norman Rockwell illustrated the books of:
1. J.London 2. M. Twain
3. E. Hemingway 4. R.Bradbury (2)
33. Emily Dickinson was one of the greatest poets of:
1. 20th century 2. 18th century
3. 17th century 4. 19th century (4)
34.Elvis Presley appeared in…
1. 33 films 2.23 films
3. 43 films 4. 67 films (1)
35 The work of Chuck Jones was mostly influenced by:
1. Mark Twain 2. Ansel Adams
3. Norman Rockwell 4. Emily Dickinson (1)
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