Языковой материал
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Числова Татьяна Николаевна

Презентация и раздаточный материал для тренировки лексики и лексического словообразования


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

1. The problem will be discussed in the ___________ chapter. (FOLLOW) 2.She faced her death with great __________. (DIGNIFY) 3.What’s the __________ between these two computers? (DIFFER) 4. Children seldom show any ____________ for what their parents do for them. (APPRECIATE) 5. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable __________ for one so young. (ACHIEVE)

Слайд 2

1. It's a school for ________ gifted children. (MUSIC) 2. The meeting was a complete _________ . (FAIL) 3. It's a competent essay but it lacks _________. (INDIVIDUAL) 4. I have a __________ for sweet food over spicy. (PREFER) 5. It was his first __________ on television as president. (APPEAR)

Слайд 3

1. She continues to lead a __________ life. (RESPECT) 2. Sitting home alone would be __________ to spending an evening with Janice. (PREFER) 3. The company will come to a _________ shortly. (DECIDE) 4. It is __________ that not everyone got the chance to vote. (FAIR) 5. Polly’s face burned with _____________. (INDIGNANT)

Слайд 4

1. If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a ______ man. (REASON) 2. I was shocked by his ________ towards his family. (BEHAVE) 3. We need to have a ___________ about your school work. (DISCISS) 4. Now he thinks quite __________ about it. (DIFFER) 5. The job gave her an opportunity to gain __________ experience. (VALUE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

1. It's a school for ________ gifted children. (MUSIC) 2. The meeting was a complete _________ . (FAIL) 3. It's a competent essay but it lacks _________. (INDIVIDUAL) 4. I have a __________ for sweet food over spicy. (PREFER) 5. It was his first __________ on television as president. (APPEAR)

Слайд 2

1. Have you come to a ___________ yet? (DECIDE) 2. Emily is completely __________ from her sister. (DIFFER) 3. I do my best to treat all my children __________. (FAIR) 4. This part of the city has become quite __________ in the last ten years. (RESPECT) 5. These antiques are extremely __________. (VALUE)

Слайд 3

1. It’s extremely __________ to expect them to pay so much. (REASON) 2. Scientists are studying the __________ of the new gas. (BEHAVE) 3. We want to do things _____________. (DIFFER) 4. His ____________ pastimes were hunting and golf. (FAVOUR). 5. After the accident, I felt I had lost my __________. (DIGNIFY)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

Task 1.

1. confusing

а. to separate people or things into smaller groups or parts

2. a prayer

b. in a very ordinary or plain way

3. compulsory

c. how good or bad something is

4. to divide

d. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge

5. quality

e. the words that someone says when they are speaking to God

6. to belong

f. happened or existed before the one that you are talking about

7. simply

g. not easy to understand because it is complicated or not well organized or explained

8. to define

h. must be done because of a rule or law

9. previous

i. to describe clearly and exactly what something is

10. intelligent

j. to be owned by someone

Task 2.

1. The problem will be discussed in the ___________ chapter.    (FOLLOW)

2.She faced her death with great __________.  (DIGNIFY)

3.What’s the __________ between these two computers? (DIFFER)

4. Children seldom show any ____________ for what their parents do for them. (APPRECIATE)

5. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable __________ for one so young. (ACHIEVE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 2

Task 1.

1. expectation

а. a number of connected names written or printed, typically one below the other

2. actually

b. with a very pleasant taste or smell

3. a list

c. to choose someone or something from a group

4. to offer

d. to cause a particular situation to happen

5. delicious

e. the belief that something will happen

6. amount

f. an amount of money that an organization gives to someone so that they can study at a particular school or university

7. to select

g. different from someone or something else

8. scholarship

h. in fact or really

9. to result

i. a collection or mass especially of something which cannot be counted

10. unlike

j. to let someone know that you are willing to do something for them

Task 2.

1.  It’s extremely __________ to expect them to pay so much. (REASON)

2. Scientists are studying the __________ of the new gas. (BEHAVE)

3. We want to do things _____________. (DIFFER)

4. His ____________ pastimes were hunting and golf. (FAVOUR).

5.  After the accident, I felt I had lost my __________.  (DIGNIFY)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 3

Task 1.

1. reason

а. again, often in a new or different way

2. to mean

b. to say something during a conversation, but not discuss it much or give many details

3. anew

c. the interest or thought that you give to something you are listening to or watching

4. separate

d. a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get when you, or someone connected with you, have achieved something special

5. attention

e. a fact, situation that explains why something happened, why someone did something, or why something is true

6. a variety

f. very interested in something or excited by it

7. to mention

g. strongly limiting someone's freedom to behave as they wish, and likely to punish them if they do not obey

8. enthusiastic

h. a collection or number of people, things, ideas etc that are all different from one another

9. pride

i. to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact

10. strict

j. not together, or not joined to something else

Task 2.

1. It's a school for ________ gifted children.  (MUSIC)

2. The meeting was a complete _________ . (FAIL)

3. It's a competent essay but it lacks _________. (INDIVIDUAL)

4. I have a __________ for sweet food over spicy. (PREFER)

5. It was his first __________ on television as president. (APPEAR)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 4

Task 1.

1. to rate

а. relating to people who lived thousands of years ago, and to their way of life

2. a bit

b. very, or extremely

3. discipline

c. knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity

4. ancient

d. a strict set of rules that controls an activity or situation

5. terribly

e. to grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form

6. for a change

f. feeling sad and alone because you are far from home

7. experience

g. to assign a standard or value to something according to a particular scale

8. homesick

h. contrary to how things usually happen or in order to introduce variety

9. to develop

i. a male teacher who is in charge of a school

10. headmaster

j. a small amount of something, a little

Task 2.

1. Have you come to a ___________ yet? (DECIDE)

2. Emily is completely __________ from her sister. (DIFFER)

3. I do my best to treat all my children __________. (FAIR)

4. This part of the city has become quite __________ in the last ten years. (RESPECT)

5. These antiques are extremely __________. (VALUE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 5

Task 1.

1. overnight

а. contrary to how things usually happen or in order to introduce variety

2. schoolmate

b. having learned a lot at school or university and having a good level of knowledge

3. to contribute

c. very, or extremely

4. educated

d. feeling sad and alone because you are far from home

5. to allow

e. a friend who is at the same school as you at the same time

6. for a change

f. to grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form

7. experience

g. to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people

8. homesick

h. knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity

9. to develop

i. during the night, or from one evening until the next morning

10. terribly

j. to give someone or something the time or opportunity to do something

Task 2.

1. She continues to lead a __________ life. (RESPECT)

2. Sitting home alone would be __________ to spending an evening with Janice. (PREFER)

3. The company will come to a _________ shortly.  (DECIDE)

4.  It is __________ that not everyone got the chance to vote. (FAIR)

5. Polly’s face burned with _____________. (INDIGNANT)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 6

Task 1.

1. experienced

а. very, or very much

2. definition

b. to feel sad about someone because they are not with you any more

3. to miss

c. very unpleasant

4. particularly

d. to have a particular illness or physical problem

5. to afford

e. a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase

6. horrible

f. at the back of someone or something

7. average

g. to receive money for work that you do

8. to suffer

h. the amount, level, standard that is typical of a group of people or things

9. to earn

i. having skill or knowledge because you have done something many times

10. behind

j. to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time

Task 2.

1. If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a ______ man. (REASON)

2.  I was shocked by his ________ towards his family. (BEHAVE)

3. We need to have a ___________ about your school work. (DISCUSS)

4. Now he thinks quite __________ about it. (DIFFER)

5. The job gave her an opportunity to gain __________ experience. (VALUE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 7

Task 1.

1. a newcomer

а. to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something

2. experienced

b. to learn something so that you remember it perfectly

3. to assess

c. to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time

4. particularly

d. a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase

5. to memorize

e. having skill or knowledge because you have done something many times

6. stressed

f. without any doubt

7. to afford

g. to feel sad about someone because they are not with you any more

8. definitely

h. someone who has recently started to live or work somewhere, or who has just arrived in a place

9. to miss

i. worried and nervous

10. definition

j. very, or very much

Task 2.

1. If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a ______ man. (REASON)

2.  I was shocked by his ________ towards his family. (BEHAVE)

3. We need to have a ___________ about your school work. (DISCUSS)

4. Now he thinks quite __________ about it. (DIFFER)

5. The job gave her an opportunity to gain __________ experience. (VALUE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 8

Task 1.

1. schedule

а. a boy or girl who lives at a boarding school

2. discipline

b. to show that something will happen, is true, or exists

3.to participate

c. a course of study that you choose to do, rather than one that you must do

4. a boarder

d. a small amount of something, a little

5. ancient

e. a plan of activities or events and when they will happen

6. to indicate

f. relating to people who lived thousands of years ago, and to their way of life

7. elective

g. a strict set of rules that controls an activity or situation

8. terribly

h. to assign a standard or value to something according to a particular scale

9. a bit

i. very, or extremely

10. to rate

j. to take part in something

Task 2.

1. The problem will be discussed in the ___________ chapter.    (FOLLOW)

2.She faced her death with great __________.  (DIGNIFY)

3.What’s the __________ between these two computers? (DIFFER)

4. Children seldom show any ____________ for what their parents do for them. (APPRECIATE)

5. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable __________ for one so young. (ACHIEVE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 9

Task 1.

1. definitely

а. someone who has recently started to live or work somewhere, or who has just arrived in a place

2. to suffer

b. without any doubt

3. stressed

c. very unpleasant

4. a newcomer

d. to learn something so that you remember it perfectly

5. to assess

e. worried and nervous

6. horrible

f. to receive money for work that you do

7. behind

g. to have a particular illness or physical problem

8. to memorize

h. the amount, level, standard that is typical of a group of people or things

9. average

i. to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something

10. to earn

j. at the back of someone or something

Task 2.

1. It's a school for ________ gifted children.  (MUSIC)

2. The meeting was a complete _________ . (FAIL)

3. It's a competent essay but it lacks _________. (INDIVIDUAL)

4. I have a __________ for sweet food over spicy. (PREFER)

5. It was his first __________ on television as president. (APPEAR)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 10

Task 1.

1. educated

a. a course of study that you choose to do, rather than one that you must do

2. to allow

c. a male teacher who is in charge of a school

3. schedule

d. a boy or girl who lives at a boarding school

4. overnight

e. a friend who is at the same school as you at the same time

5. a boarder

f. to show that something will happen, is true, or exists

6. headmaster

g. to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people

7. schoolmate

h. a plan of activities or events and when they will happen

8. elective

i. during the night, or from one evening until the next morning

9. to contribute

j. to give someone or something the time or opportunity to do something

10. to indicate

b. having learned a lot at school or university and having a good level of knowledge

Task 2.

1. She continues to lead a __________ life. (RESPECT)

2. Sitting home alone would be __________ to spending an evening with Janice. (PREFER)

3. The company will come to a _________ shortly.  (DECIDE)

4.  It is __________ that not everyone got the chance to vote. (FAIR)

5. Polly’s face burned with _____________. (INDIGNANT)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 11

Task 1.

1. enthusiastic

а. to let someone know that you are willing to do something for them

2. a variety

b. the belief that something will happen

3. to select

c. strongly limiting someone's freedom to behave as they wish, and likely to punish them if they do not obey

4. to mention

d. a number of connected names written or printed, typically one below the other

5. actually

e. a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get when you, or someone connected with you, have achieved something special

6. to offer

f. very interested in something or excited by it

7. expectation

g. to say something during a conversation, but not discuss it much or give many details

8. pride

h. to choose someone or something from a group

9. a list

i. a collection or number of people, things, ideas etc that are all different from one another

10. strict

j. in fact or really

Task 2.

1. If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a ______ man. (REASON)

2.  I was shocked by his ________ towards his family. (BEHAVE)

3. We need to have a ___________ about your school work. (DISCUSS)

4. Now he thinks quite __________ about it. (DIFFER)

5. The job gave her an opportunity to gain __________ experience. (VALUE)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 12

Task 1.

1. amount

а. to separate people or things into smaller groups or parts

2. compulsory

b. with a very pleasant taste or smell

3. to belong

c. how good or bad something is

4. to divide

d. to cause a particular situation to happen

5. quality

e. not easy to understand because it is complicated or not well organized or explained

6. to result

f. an amount of money that an organization gives to someone so that they can study at a particular school or university

7. delicious

g. different from someone or something else

8. scholarship

h. must be done because of a rule or law

9. confusing

i. a collection or mass especially of something which cannot be counted

10. unlike

j. to be owned by someone

Task 2.

1.  It’s extremely __________ to expect them to pay so much. (REASON)

2. Scientists are studying the __________ of the new gas. (BEHAVE)

3. We want to do things _____________. (DIFFER)

4. His ____________ pastimes were hunting and golf. (FAVOUR).

5.  After the accident, I felt I had lost my __________.  (DIGNIFY)

Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 13

Task 1.

1. a prayer

а. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge

2. reason

b. the interest or thought that you give to something you are listening to or watching

3. intelligent

c. to describe clearly and exactly what something is

4. simply

d. happened or existed before the one that you are talking about

5. attention

e. not together, or not joined to something else

6. previous

f. a fact, situation that explains why something happened, why someone did something, or why something is true

7. separate

g. to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact

8. to mean

h. again, often in a new or different way

9. to define

i. the words that someone says when they are speaking to God

10. anew

j. in a very ordinary or plain way

Task 2.

1. Have you come to a ___________ yet? (DECIDE)

2. Emily is completely __________ from her sister. (DIFFER)

3. I do my best to treat all my children __________. (FAIR)

4. This part of the city has become quite __________ in the last ten years. (RESPECT)

5. These antiques are extremely __________. (VALUE)

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