Презентация к уроку "Cadet friendship"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Once upon a time
There lived a funny guy.
He always lived next door to me
With him was very fun to be.
I often turned to him for help –
He always gave a helping hand.
He stood by me no matter what,
We both were going in for sport.

We talked our problems through together
And found what to do in any weather.
I knew that he’d betray me never
And that it would be so forever


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Слайд 1

Once upon a time There lived a funny guy. He always lived next door to me With him was very fun to be. I often turned to him for help – He always gave a helping hand. He stood by me no matter what, We both were going in for sport. We talked our problems through together And found what to do in any weather. I knew that he’d betray me never And that it would be so forever.

Слайд 2

The topic of the lesson is “Friends and friendship” Т he aim is to make a portrait of an ideal friend to the end of lesson.

Слайд 3

F “A true friend is a person…” “A false friend is a person …” “Friendship is a thing…”

Слайд 4

R Can you give the examples of literature characters that may be called true friends?

Слайд 5

"Prostocvashino" I

Слайд 6

E 1-Night, everyone was asleep in the barracks, commander hears two voices are talking. What is the reaction of friend s ?

Слайд 7

E 2- The cadets are on the march. At this moment their friend is running, he f a ll , tucked his leg. The reaction of the children what are they doing?

Слайд 8

E 3-Cadets clean area, there is a small puppy. What can they do?

Слайд 9

E 4- Cadets march on the parade ground. One cadet is lame. He rubbed the corn. The commander cries on Cadet that he did not go to the hospital.? The reaction of the children what are they doing? The reaction of the commander what is he doing?

Слайд 10


Слайд 11

D Let s sing a song!

Слайд 12

S Take a literary translation: With A Friend I can talk with a friend and walk with a friend and share my umbrella in the rain I can play with a friend and stay with a friend and learn with a friend and explain I can eat with a friend and compete with a friend and even sometimes disagree I can ride with a friend and take pride with a friend A friend can mean so much to me!

Слайд 13

S Take a literary translation : Friends We've joined together as classmates as the new year begins... A year full of learning while we become friends. We'll share and be kind as we work and play. And our friendship will grow with each passing day.

Слайд 14


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