Презентация к уроку "История Американского флага"
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Матершева Елена Вячеславовна

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Слайд 1

Flag Day In the United States Flag Day is celebrated on June 14.

Слайд 2

It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777 . The United States Army also celebrates the Army Birthday on this date; Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congres .

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13 stripes symbolize the 13 British colonies that formed the independent state (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island). Blue symbolizes kryzh Union. The number of stars in the blue kryzhe corresponds to the number of states (currently there are 50). The red color symbolizes endurance and courage, dark blue - hard work, justice, vigilance, white - innocence and purity. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 10:19. According to legend, sewed the first American flag the seamstress from Philadelphia - Betsy Ross About the flag

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Слайд 5

Star flag etiquette

Слайд 6

Salute the flag when it is from you in six steps. Should be saluted for as long as the flag is not removed from you in six steps. S alute to the flag

Слайд 7

Carrying the flag On the march - the flag should be held right in the procession and a parade. If there are other flags, the national flag is placed front and center .

Слайд 8

If you are carrying the flag, hold it at a small angle. You can carry it with one hand, relying on right shoulder.

Слайд 9

Hanging the flag outdoors On the vehicle - Attach the flag to the antenna or attach staff on the right wing. Do not put the flag on the car.

Слайд 10

On the building - a flag on the staff or hung on a rope over the sidewalk, and the canton with stars is from the street, not at the wall.

Слайд 11

Above the street - canton with stars looks at the east on the streets, going from north to south, and north on the streets, going from east to west.

Слайд 12

Above other flags - the flag should be fixed above all other flags, placed on the same staff.

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Other flags are on separate staffs - all flags are on the same flagstaffs. The national flag of the United States is placed at the right side (left for the viewer), first raised and lowered last.

Слайд 14

In the window - a flag exposed vertically, so that the canton with stars was left to looking at it from the street.

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Half-staff flag- a symbol of mourning. The flag is raised to full height of the flagstaff and then lowered to the middle. Before then lower the flag, it should again raise to the top of the flagstaff at the end of the day.

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Inverted flag - a signal of distress .

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Hanging the flag indoors Several staffs- if you expose flag on the staff with other flags, place it in the center and above the others. When crossing staffs put the national flag at the top and to the right with respect to the flag.

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Behind the speaker - the flag is stretched on the wall behind the speakers. Tribune, or table is not decorated with flags, it uses fabric colors of the flag.

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Next to speaker - a flag is placed to the right of the speaker. The same applies to the religious service.

Слайд 20

In the corridor or vestibule - flag hung vertically in front of the main entrance so that the star is on the left for the incoming.

Слайд 21

On the coffin - the flag is placed so as to cover canton head and left shoulder of the deceased. Do not lower the flag to the grave.

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