At the Zoo, топик для 3 класса
материал по английскому языку по теме
Опубликовано 18.05.2014 - 22:11 - Заурова Александра Владимировна
Предварительный просмотр:
3. At the Zoo
- A lot of people like to go to the Zoo.
- I like to go to the Zoo, too.
- Last summer my parents and I went to the Zoo.
- We saw a lot of animals there: tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares.
- We saw a lot of different birds, too.
- I watched the monkeys.
- They were so funny.
- They jumped, ran and made funny faces.
- I wanted to give a banana to the monkeys, but the zookeeper didn’t let me feed the animals.
- He looks after them every day and he knows when and what to give them to eat and to drink.
- I’m never going to do it again.
- We had a good time at the Zoo.
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