Урок по теме "Victory Day in Russia"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
По книге “The Eastern Front in photographs”, Professor John Erickson
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Предварительный просмотр:
Шиховцева Мария Ивановна,
учитель английского языка
МАОУ СОШ № 67 с углубленным изучением
отдельных предметов, г. Екатеринбург
Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе
на тему "Victory Day in Russia"
Цель: Развитие навыков устной речи по теме "War"
- Активизировать фонетические и лексические навыки.
- Развивать навыки чтения.
- Воспитывать патриотизм и чувство гордости за свою Родину.
Материалы к уроку:
Книга Professor John Erickson, “The Eastern Front in photographs”, 2001; аудиозапись песни “Roads to Moscow”, Al Stewart http://www.alstewart.com/music.html ; карточки с текстами; фотографии.
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент:
Good morning, boys and girl! Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?
Today our lesson is devoted the great holiday Victory Day in Russia and we are going to talk about the Great Patriotic War.
The German-Soviet War was a conflict without precedent. Hitler’s aim to “crush Russia with a quick campaign” reckoned without the implacable will of the Soviet Union’s man of steel: Stalin. In the course of the ensuing war, it is estimated that more than twenty million Russians lost their lives along with ten million Germans.
II. Фонетическая зарядка:
You have cards on your desks. Listen to the song about the war “Roads to Moscow”, Al Stewart, use the text.
These words can help you to understand the song:
Border – граница;
Dawn – рассвет;
Gunfire – пальба, стрельба;
Slip – скользнуть, исчезать;
Silhouetting - изображать в виде силуэта; вырисовываться;
Crest – гребень (горы, плотины, дамбы, борозды);
Glowing - накаляться докрасна или добела; светиться;
Stagger – идти шатаясь, шататься, покачиваться;
Avenger – мститель;
Stirring - шевелиться; двигаться; перемешивать;
Outposts - сторожевое охранение; военный аванпост
Amber – янтарь;
Hum - рокотать, гудеть, мямлить;
Flicker – мерцание;
Flame – пламя;
Gun – ружье;
Damp – влажный, сырой;
Sullen – угрюмый, сердитый, печальный;
Skies - климат, погода.
Roads to Moscow
They crossed over the border the hour before dawn
Moving in lines through the day
Most of our planes were destroyed on the ground where they lay
Waiting for orders we held in the wood - word from the front never came
By evening the sound of the gunfire was miles away
Ah, softly we move through the shadows, slip away through the trees
Crossing their lines in the mists in the fields on our hands and our knees
And all that I ever was able to see
The fire in the air glowing red silhouetting the smoke on the breeze
All summer they drove us back through the Ukraine
Smolyensk and Viyasma soon fell
By autumn we stood with our backs to the town of Orel
Closer and closer to Moscow they come - riding the wind like a bell
General Guderian stands at the crest of the hill
Winter brought with her the rains, oceans of mud filled the roads
Gluing the tracks of their tanks to the ground while the sky filled with snow
And all that I ever was able to see
The fire in the air glowing red silhouetting the snow on the breeze
In the footsteps of Napoleon the shadow figures stagger through the winter
Falling back before the gates of Moscow,
Standing in the wings like an avenger
And far away behind their lines the partisans are stirring in the forest
Coming unexpectedly upon their outposts, growing like a promise
You'll never know, you'll never know
Which way to turn, which way to look, you'll never see us
As we're stealing through the blackness of the night
You'll never know, you'll never hear us
And the evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming
The morning road leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming
Two broken Tigers on fire in the night flicker their souls to the wind
We wait in the lines for the final approach to begin
It's been almost four years that I've carried a gun
At home it'll almost be spring
The flames of the Tigers are lighting the road to Berlin
Ah, quickly we move through the ruins that bow to the ground
The old men and children they send out to face us, they can't slow us down
And all that I ever was able to see
The eyes of the city are opening now it's the end of the dream
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Now you can taste it in the wind, the war is over
And I listen to the clicking of the train wheels as we roll across the border
And now they ask me of the time
That I was caught behind their lines and taken prisoner
"They only held me for a day, a lucky break", I say;
They turn and listen closer
I'll never know, I'll never know
Why I was taken from the line and all the others
To board a special train and journey deep into the heart of holy Russia
And it's cold and damp in the transit camp, and the air is still and sullen
And the pale sun of October whispers the snow will soon be coming
And I wonder when I'll be home again and the morning answers
And the evening sighs and the steely Russian skies go on forever
III. Речевая разминка:
Boys and girls let’s find out how much do you know about the Great Patriotic War. Please answer my questions.
1. When did the Great Patriotic War start?
2. When did World War II begin?
3. What do you know about the Great Patriotic War?
4. Which of the countries were occupied during the war?
5. How many people were killed in the war?
6. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany? Adolf Hitler.
7. What was the Great Patriotic War for our country? - The cruelest war/million of people died/time of our great victory/defeat of Nazis.
8.When is Victory Day? - 9 May.
9. What anniversary of Victory Day do we celebrate this year? - 69th anniversary.
IV. Развитие лексических навыков:
It’s time to study new words. Please look at the blackboard and repeat after me.
Remarkable – знаменательный;
Commemorate – праздновать, отмечать, ознаменовать.
Nazi – немецко-фашистский;
Parade – парад;
Flamboyant – яркий, пышный;
Invader – захватчик;
Grieve – огорчать; печалить; горевать;
Ancestor – предок;
To be proud of – гордиться;
Write the words into your vocabularies, please.
V. Развитие навыков чтения:
We should read and translate the text about Victory Day. The words on the blackboard will help you.
One of the most remarkable public events in my country is the Victory Day. It is traditionally celebrated on the 9th of May. This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany. Every year in honour of this day in all cities across the country lots of cheerful parades and celebrations are held. Despite the fact that the holiday is celebrated in a flamboyant way, May 9 is a sad day for the majority of our population. Many people have lost their loved ones and close relatives during this ruthless war. From one hand everyone is happy that the country wasn't occupied by the fascist invaders, from the other hand everyone grieves over their loss. On this day we are grateful to our saviors, to those who sacrificed their lives for us. That's why we try to celebrate this day with honours. Some part of younger generation doesn't understand the importance of this event, which I think is disrespectful. In my opinion, the Victory Day is one of the greatest holidays during the year. Some of my ancestors also took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1945, and I'm proud of them.
На каждой парте лежат карточки с текстом и книги с фотографиями.
VI. Итоги
It’s time to say “good-bye”. You worked well during the lesson. Thank you for your job! Your marks are… Our lesson is over. Good-bye!
Домашнее задание:
Write the composition “Victory Day in my life”.
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