Развитие артикуляционного аппарата при помощи английских скороговорок.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме
Отличные упражнения для тренировки артикуляционного аппарата, работаем с дикцией, правильным и четким произношением.
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Предварительный просмотр:
B A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.
B Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.
B-TT The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!
B-TT Betty Better bought some butter. "But," she said, "this butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better."
So she bought a bit of better butter and made her bitter batter better.
Bl-Bee One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue.
Ea Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
F There was a young fisher named Fisher who fished for a fish in a fissure.
F The fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in; now they're fishing the fissure for Fischer.
Fl A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
M-N-G Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
Oi-Oy What noise annoys an oyster most?
A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.
Ow Clowns grow glowing crowns.
Pe-Pi Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
R-Wh Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.
S-Sh The soldier's shoulder surely hurts!
S-W-Ch There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.
Sh Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.
Sh-S-Sl She sees seas slapping shores.
Si-Sea Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.
Si-Sh The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
Si-St Six stick shifts stuck shut.
Sl-Sh I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.
St-Sk-Th A skunk sat on a stump and thunk (thought) the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
Sw Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan!
T The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.
T-W-Ch If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
Tw Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.
Tw-Th A twister of twists once twisted a twist.
and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist.
now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist,
would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists.
W-Ch-Sh-Ck Which witch wished which wicked wish?
W-One One-One was a racehorse; Two-Two was one, too.
When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.
W-Th Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We'll whether the weather,
whatever the weather,
whether we like it or not.
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