Презентация г.Кемерово
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
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Kemerovo children's railway . Kemerovo regional drama theater . Mem о rial "Memory to miners of Kuzbass " Ernst Neizvestnogo's works . Kemerovo regional museum of local lore. AND it is a lot of others. Sights Kemerovo :
Here how many many sights in my city but there is more to come now. I will show you them in pictures.
The Kemerovo regional drama theater began the history since 1934 when on November 1 the first theatrical season of the Kemerovo theater opened performance "Death of a squadron" according to Korneychuk's play. At theater there began the career many known actors. In 1951 there was a performance according to the novel A.Voloshina "Earth Kuznetsk".
The monument "Memory to miners of Kuzbass " sculptor Ernst Neizvestnogo was open on August 28, 2003 in Day of miners, on the Red hill. The unknown so defined the main idea of the work: "This monument not to victims. Self-denying, sacrificial work? Yes. But the main pathos here - resistance. Heroics of the hardest and most dangerous work which not for nothing equate to the military."
Znamensky cathedral. Znamensky cathedral of the city of Kemerovo. Was under construction from 1990 to 1996. It is consecrated in 1991. Znamensky a cathedral after its construction took at once an all-important place in a city landscape, having become its most beautiful sight. Unconditional architectural good luck is that the cathedral was created at once in uniform ensemble with buildings of a temple complex, its people around.
Kemerovo children's railway. The Kemerovo children's railway «The childhood road» was created at the initiative of the governor of the Kemerovo region A.G.Tuleyev and is open in the autumn of 2007. The road goes from a building of the Kuzbass office of the Russian Railway (the Art. Pioneer) to the lake Red (the Art. City), its extent makes 3,8 km. It is the first railway in Kuzbass , modern on equipment.
Kemerovo regional museum of the fine arts. The Kemerovo regional museum of the fine arts is one of the largest art centers of the Kemerovo region. The beginning of a collection of a museum was necessary transfer of exhibits from the Ministry of culture of RSFSR, the largest museums of Kyrgyzstan and Belarus. In a museum collection over 5000 works of an iconography, painting, graphics, a sculpture, decorative.
Kemerovo regional museum of local lore. The Kemerovo regional museum of local lore - the center of methodical, research and local history work of the area, the largest storage of nature sanctuaries and history of Kuzbass . Funds of a museum total more than 100 thousand units of storage (from them - 62 thousand units of fixed assets), among which paleontologic , geological, archaeological, ethnographic, numismatical collections, material, graphic and documentary primary sources
The end.
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