Stonehenge Презентация на английском языке
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Презентация на английском языке по теме "Стоунхендж" для 10 класса (УМК NME-10)
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Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in England, about 13 km north of Salisbury. This circular arrangement of large stones was probably built in three stages about 3000 BC. This site was added to the UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites in 1986. It is owned by the Crown. The function of the monument remains unknown. Once believed to be a temple for Druids, Stonehenge is now often thought to have been either a temple for sun or ancestor worshippers or a type of astronomical clock or calendar. It is also very likely to have been a domain of the dead from its beginning to its zenith in the third millennium, as there are many cremation burials around it. Some facts about Stonehenge
Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones enclosed by a ditch. Originally, 30 sarsen stones formed a circle 33 m in diameter. These stones were over 4 m high, 2m wide and weighed about 25 tons. They may have been collected on the chalk downs, closer to hand. There were 30 lintel stones, finely worked, resting on top. In the inner circle stood 5 trilithons of bluestone arranged in a horseshoe shape with its open end facing N-E. These huge stones were around 6 – 7 m tall, and weighed up to 50 tons each.they were thought to have been transported by humans from the Preseli Hills, 250 km away in Wales. Another theory is that they were brought much nearer to the site as the glacial erratics by the Irish Sea Glacier.
Verbs for indicating the movement of things To tow - буксировать To sling - подвешивать To slide - скользить To sink - тонуть To load sth into sth - погрузить To transport – транспортировать, перевозить To drag - тянуть, волочить
1 What was the experiment designed to investigate? … how the huge stones were transported 240 miles from the Preseli Mountains to the Stonehenge site. 2 Who did it? A team of volunteers and some helpers. 3 What did they do? They dragged a 3-ton stone 12 miles from Preseli Mountains to the coast of west Wales, loaded it on a wooden platform, slung it between two rowing boats and started to cross the channel, but the sea turned rough, the ropes around the stone became loose and the stone sank. 4 What was the result? They failed because of bad weather in the middle of winter. 5 What did they feel? They were a bit disappointed but found it an enjoyable experience. 6 What are their future plans? They will try again next spring and they still believe they can do it.
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