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презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Similar idioms and phasal verbs in Russian and English
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Introduction Memory is the heritage of previous generations, having been handed down. Memory keeps the experience and knowledge, that people have been saving for hundreds of years. It can’t be separate, belonging to one country individually. No matter how far Russia and Britain are situated, their cultures have been influencing each other till nowadays. This influence and interconnection can be seen in following directions: British and Russian Heritage Traditions & festivals Epos, myths, fairy tales & characters Language: proverbs, Idioms, cliché
Traditions & festivals “ Maslenitsa ” Eastern Slavic religious and folk holiday I t is celebrated during the last week before Great Lent People eat pancakes and say goodbye to winter. “ Pancake day” (Shrove Tuesday) The first day of Lent (47 days before Easter Sunday) "pancake races" are held in villages and towns
“ May day” “ 1 May ” Celtic festival - pagan festival People celebrate the coming of - the festival of spring and summer flowers May pole dancing - meetings, picnics, gardening Long poles decorated with flowers, streamers and ribbons
“ Midsummer’s day” (June,24) The longest day of the year A very old custom of Druids at Stonehenge “ Ivan Kupala Day” Slavic religious belief youth jump over the flames of bonfires Girls float wreaths of flowers often lit with candles on rivers
Literature & characters Merrow (mermaid) Dragon (Vasilisk) Witch Lazy Jack Русалка Змей Горыныч Баба Яга Иван - дурак
Animals as symbols Dog FAITHFULNESS Ants, horse INDUSTRY Pig UNTIDINESS Dog HUMILITY Rook CUNNING Goose STUPIDITY Wolf CRUELTY Dog Bees,ants Pig Sheep Fox,snake Donkey Wolf
Language: proverbs & idioms Direct translation Take the bull by the horn. Взять быка за рога. 2. All is well that ends well. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. 3. It’s a small world. Мир тесен. Indirect translation Never buy a pig in a pock. Не покупай кота в мешке. 2. The cow knows not the worth of her tail till she loses it. Что имеем не храним, потерявши плачем.
Idioms With the same meanings Over my dead body Save your skin Not to be able to see the wood of the trees Только через мой труп Спасай свою шкуру За деревьями леса не видать With different meanings Out of the blue One is as weak as a cat The lid is off something Гром среди ясного неба Еле-еле душа в теле Тайное становится явным
CLICHE To be busy as a bee To fly off the handle Dissappeared as if by magic It rains cats and dogs Just what the doctor ordered To take oneself in hand Вертеться как белка в колесе Выйти из себя Как рукой сняло Льёт как из ведра То что доктор прописал Взять себя в руки
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