Обучение поисковому чтению на примере художественного произведения ("Lady Windermere's Fan” by Oscar Wilde)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Поисковое чтение направлено на нахождение в тексте специфичной информации для ее последующего использования в определенных целях. Овладение навыками поискового чтения аутентичной литературы призвано повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка, качественно изменить отношение к этому предмету у старшеклассников, подготовить их к дальнейшему обучению в вузе, развить навыки самостоятельной работы с оригинальной литературой.
Следует признать, что в настоящее время проблема использования аутентичных текстов при обучении поисковому чтению в старших классах средней школы с углубленным изучением английского языка недостаточно полно описана в методической литературе. Именно это послужило причиной выбора нами вышеуказанной темы.
Мы представили систему упражнений и заданий, формирующих навыки поискового чтения старшеклассников при чтении аутентичной литературы. Представленные задания для уроков домашнего чтения для старшеклассников основаны на материале пьесы Оскара Уальда «Веер лэди Виндермир» (акт 1).
Предварительный просмотр:
Обучение поисковому чтению на примере художественного произведения в старших классах (Lady Windermere's Fan” by Oscar Wilde).
Предлагаем фрагменты уроков домашнего чтения по произведению Оскара Уайльда «Веер Лэди Виндермир» (акт 1), которые были проведены в старших классах средней школы и были направлены на развитие навыков поискового чтения аутентичной литературы.
Уроки домашнего чтения целесообразно проводить раз в неделю. С текстом для домашнего чтения учащиеся знакомятся дома, в классе же происходит обсуждение прочитанного и выполнение различных заданий.
Обсуждение длилось два урока: первый урок был посвящен выполнению предтекстовых упражнений, отработке активного словаря и контролю понимания содержания текста. На втором уроке были проведены обсуждение проблем рассказа, контроль понимания смысла и более детальный анализ первого акта произведения.
Вначале урока мы предлагаем рассказать о произведении Оскара Уальда «Веер лэди Виндермир», о времени его появления, о темах пьесы. Такое вступление погружает учащихся в ту среду, в которой происходило действие:
“Lady Windermere's Fan” is a four act comedy by Oscar Wilde, first produced 22 February 1892 at the St James Theatre in London. The play was first published in 1893. Like many of Wilde's comedies, it is a biting satire on the morals of Victorian society, particularly marriage.
The story concerns Lady Windermere who discovers that her husband may be having an affair with another woman. She confronts her husband but he instead invites the other woman, Mrs Erlynne, to her birthday ball.
Numerous characters draw their names from the area, Lady Windermere from the lake Windermere, the Duchess of Berwick from Berwick-upon-Tweed, Lord Darlington from Darlington.
The play has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations and a musical adaptation.
Для того, чтобы вызвать у учащихся интерес, заинтриговать их, сообщаем, что заголовок произведения можно воспринимать в двух смыслах ( одно из значений слова «fan» - веер, опахало; другое же – фанат, любитель; здесь – поклонник).
The fan in the title can refer to both the physical object—which Lord Windermere buys for her as a 21st birthday present—and to her admirer, Lord Darlington—who pays her deeply flattering compliments and eventually reveals his love for her.
Следующим этапом работы может стать работа со словарем.
Exercise 1. Find English equivalents to the following expressions:
- Весь вечер вы преподносили мне комплименты один замысловатее
другого - you kept paying me elaborate compliments the whole evening.
- если оставить в стороне людей корыстолюбивых - setting aside
mercenary people.
- Не признаете никаких исключений? - You allow of no exceptions?
- Разумеется, они говорят это только за моей спиной. - Of course they
only say it behind my back.
- Снизойдете к моему скудоумию? - Do, as a concession to my poor wits?
- Какое это имеет отношение ко мне?- And what has she to do with me?
- Нет ничего лучше природы, ничто не может сравниться с
природой - there is nothing like Nature, is there?
- Мы поженились по любви. - Windermere and I married for love.
- Не принимай близко к сердцу этот мимолетный каприз.- Don't take this
little aberration of Windermere's too much to heart.
- Мне не нравится, когда шпионят за мужем. - I think it wrong that a wife
should spy on her husband.
- Тебе очень дорога честь мисс Ерлин. - You are very jealous of Mrs.
Erlynne's honour.
- Напрасно ты упоминаешь ее имя рядом с моим. You should not mention
this woman and me in the same breath.
- Ну. Это уже наглость с ее стороны! - How impertinent of her!
- Если женщина и в самом деле раскаивается.. - If a woman really
- Если эта женщина переступит порог моего дома, я ударю ее по лицу.-
If that woman crosses my threshold, I shall strike her across the face with it.
16. Ты не оставил мне выбора. - You leave me no choice.
Exercise 3. Ответьте на поставленный вопрос. Find the answer to the question:
What does the story begin with?
Why might Lady Windermere announce that she is available to all visitors when Parker tells her Darlington has come to call?
Why does Lady Windermere warn Darlington about his flattering statements? Why does Darlington pretend to be "bad?"
Why does Lord Darlington suggest that Lady Windermere may need a friend some day?
Describe the Duchess of Berwick's character. Why does the Duchess claim to feel totally secure at the Windermeres' house?
What did Lord Darlington propose to Lady Windermere?
Lady Windermere likes compliments, doesn’t she?
Is she an orphan?
Does she think that there should be the same laws for men as there are for women? What is Lady Windermere s opinion of Lord Darlington?
Find out the most funny extracts from the speech of Duchess of Berwick.
What does the duchess come for to lady Windermere?
What is the purpose of her duty call?
What does the whole London talk about?
What did she tell Lady Windermere about her husband?
Did Lady Windermere believe her? What was Lord Windermere s request?
How has the duchess found out that Lord Windermere is infatuated about Mrs Erlynne?
What is Mrs Erlynne like from the duchess point of view?
What made the duchess accept her future husband s proposal of marriage?
What happened to the duchess after her honeymoon?
Why did she have to keep her husband?
What advice does she give to Lady Windermere to keep her husband, to make him come back to her?
Why does Lord Darlington say he wants Lady Windermere to take him seriously?
What does Lady Windermere believe about her mother?
Exercise 4. Найдите в тексте, кому принадлежат эти слова. Find out in the text whose words are these:
1.I'm of age to-day.
2.Nowadays we are all of us so hard up, that the only pleasant things to pay
are compliments. They're the only things we can pay.
3.I sometimes think you pretend to be worse.
4.If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend
to be bad, it doesn't. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.
5.Nowadays people seem to look on life as a speculation. It is not
a speculation. It is a sacrament. Its ideal is Love. Its purification is sacrifice.
6.People are either charming or tedious.
7.I can resist everything except temptation.
8.Our husbands would really forget our existence if we didn't nag at them
from time to time, just to remind them that we have a perfect legal right to do so.
9.I think that life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it.
10. What a charming, wicked creature! I like him so much.
11. Though I am bound to say he never gave away any large sums of money to
anybody. He is far too high-principled for that!
12. All men are monsters.
13. I want you to send her an invitation for our party to-night.
14. Won't you help a woman who is trying to get back?
15. If that woman comes here, I shall insult her.
16. The shame would kill her.
Exercise 5. Проверьте свое понимание текста, выбрав верное утверждение. Check up your comprehension of the story choosing the right variant:
red and white red and pink red and yellow pink and yellow |
Cecil Graham Lord Windermere Dumby Lord Darlington |
they have photographic evidence they made him confess to them they kept records of his movements they never talk scandal |
40 25 21 30 |
Yes, mama. Oh, no! It is out of the question! |
Agatha Margaret Eliza Anna |
In the morning room of Lord Windemere's house. In the breakfast room at Lord Darlington's house. In the ball room at Lord Darlington's house. In the ball room at Lord Windemere's house. |
Mrs Erlynne Lord Augustus Lord Parker. Lord Windermere |
Important people. Good people. Vile people Bad people. |
It came from London It is her uncle s present It came from China It is Lord Windermere's present |
Sending her out for tea. Sending her out to look at the sunset. Sending her home to dress for the party. Sending her to Mrs. Erlynne's house. |
Join with her in refusing to accept Mrs. Erlynne in society. Applaud her for refusing to invite Mrs. Erlynne to the ball. Be horrified by Lord Windermere's behavior. Condemn her for refusing to invite Mrs. Erlynne to the ball. |
Lord Darlington's daughter. The Duchess of Berwick's daughter. Mrs. Erlynne's daughter. Lady Windermere's daughter. |
Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps:
1.I would have covered the …. in front of your house with flowers for you to walk on. They are made for ….
2. Well, you kept paying me …. the whole evening.
3. I don't like compliments, and I don't see why a man should think he is …. when he says to her a whole heap of things that ….
4. But I shouldn't like you at all if I thought you were what …. Believe me, you are better than most other men, and I sometimes think you…..
5. Oh, nowadays so many conceited people go about Society pretending to be …., that I think it shows rather a sweet and modest disposition to pretend….
6. She was stern to me, but she taught me what the world is forgetting, the difference that there is between what is …. She allowed of no …. I allow of….
7. The men want to know if they are to put the …. on the terrace for to-night, my lady?
8. I am afraid that good people do a great deal of …. in this world.
9. Most women, for instance, nowadays, are rather …..
10. Do you think that there should be the same …. for men as there are for women?
11. The most …. people seem to go everywhere. They certainly come to my parties - the men get quite …. if one doesn't ask them.
12. Our husbands would really forget …. if we didn't nag at them from time to time, just to remind them that ….
13. Nowadays to be intelligible is to be ….
14. Ah! you are beginning to reform me. It is a dangerous thing to …. Lady Windermere.
15. Many a woman has a past, but I am told that she has at least …., and that they all ….
Exercise 7. Translate the word. Find the sentence from the story where the word was used and read it: a) Speculation, sacrament. b)Temptation. c) Exceptions.
d) Wicked. e) Trivial.
Exercise 8. Do people in high society must pretend, must conform to the social norm in order to maintain their position? Give the reasons from the text.
Exercise 9. Выберите правильный ответ (проверьте по тексту). Test. Circle the correct answer.
1. The dance at Lady Windermere's home is in honor of: a) Her wedding. b) Her son's birth. c) Her anniversary. d) Her birthday.
2. Lord Windermere claims that Lady Windermere's refusal to accept Mrs. Erlynne will: a) End their marriage. b) Ruin Mrs. Erlynne. c) Destroy their chance of being accepted by Mrs. Erlynne. d) Ruin them.
3. Lady Windermere claims that people do not rule life, but rather: a) Life rules people. b)People rule only themselves. c) People rule one another. d) Life tricks people.
4. The Duchess first heard the rumor about Lord Windermere from: a) Her daughter. b) Her nieces. c) Parker. d) Dumby.
5. Lady Windermere says she believes: a) Her husband is untrue to her.
b) Her husband is true to her. c) Her husband and Mrs. Erlynne are good friends.
d) Her husband doesn t know Mrs.Erlynne.
6. Why doesn't Lord Windermere explain his reasons for spending time with Mrs. Erlynne? a) He wants to make a surprise to her. b) The shame would kill Margaret. c) He doesn t spend time with Mrs.Erlynne. d) Margaret would divorce with him.
7. If Mrs. Erlynne comes to her home, Lady Windermere claims she will:
a) be very glad to see her. b) go away. c) strike her across the face with her fan. d) tell her to go away immediately.
8. Lord Darlington claims he can resist everything but: a) temptation. b) speculation. c) vanities. d) compliments.
9.When Lord Darlington learns it is Lady Windermere's birthday, he says:
a) He would have covered the whole street with flowers. b) He would have covered the whole street with fruits. c) He would have covered the whole street with jewelry. d) He would have covered the whole street in gold.
10. Lady Windermere does not approve of Darlington's flattery because she
believes he is: a) Ironic. b) In love with another woman. c) Insincere. d) Irritating.
11. What does Lady Windermere believe about her mother? a) That she would some day return to Lady Windermere. b) That she died when Lady Windermere was a child. c) That she left Lady Windermere when she was a child. d) She knows nothing about her mother.
Exercise 10. Find English equivalents to the following expressions relating to appearance, character, feelings and emotions:
- Самодовольные люди (Сonceited people).
- Если муж поступает подло, жене тоже нужно поступить также? (Because the husband is vile--should the wife be vile also?)
- Люди либо очаровательны, либо скучны (People are either charming or tedious).
- Вы притворяетесь безвольным, это сейчас модно ( You have the modern affectation of weakness).
- Я не стану вас знакомить с дочерью, вы слишком испорченный человек ( I won't let you know my daughter, you are far too wicked).
- Как вы порочны! ( How thoroughly depraved you are!).
- Просто несерьезно! ( So trivially!).
- Непутевый братец (Disreputable brother).
- По уши влюблен в нее ( He is completely infatuated about her).
- О том, что ее принимают в обществе, не может быть и речи ( She is absolutely inadmissible into society).
- Очень уж он был впечатлительным ( He was so extremely susceptible).
- Это несовместимо с его принципами (He is far too high-principled for that).
- Совершенно безнравственный ( Excessively immoral).
- Миловидная, порядочная девушка ( A most pretty, respectable girl).
- Низкая женщина ( Wicked woman).
- Я чувствую себя опозоренной, меня точно в грязи вымазали ( I feel degraded, I feel stained, utterly stained).
Необходимо отметить, что предложенные задания вызвали большую заинтересованность у учащихся при их выполнении. Старшеклассники с большим энтузиазмом отыскивали в тексте необходимую информацию. Им были интересны разные виды заданий: тестовые задания, ответы на вопросы, множественный выбор и др. Все время занятия в классе царила рабочая атмосфера, и поэтому мы успели сделать очень многое.
Подобные занятия очень уместно вставлять в контекст традиционных уроков, так как они «разгружают» учащихся, переключают их внимание на интересные для них жизненные темы.
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