Урок английского языка Animals in Britain
видеоурок по английскому языку по теме
Урок содержит комплекс упражнений, который разработан к видео Animals in Britain видеокурса “Window on Britain” (Richard Mac Andrew, Oxford University Press). Упражнения способствуют развитию навыков, необходимых при выполнении экзаменационной работы в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Animals in Britain.
Цель: развитие навыков говорения по теме “Animals in Britain”.
- На доске картинка с изображением животного . Guess about what we are going to speak today?
What should we do? (to speak \tell about British animals)
- What are the most popular pets in Britain? What are the most common farm animals? What wild animals are there? Watch the video, listen and divide into 3 columns + fill in the gaps with numbers.
Farm animals | Wild animals | Pets |
__________ million cows _________ million pigs ________ and half million sheep
________ __________ million farm birds ___________ thousand different kinds of farm animals
- Работа с незнакомой лексикой \вставить слова
Watch the video and fill in the gaps with words. Обрати внимание на формы слов easy (простой), small (маленький), large (большой)
Animals are very important for the British: at home, in wild and on the farm.
______________ are easier to see especially early in the morning and in the evening. This is a ___________ - the early British animal, too. 5 ________ usually live in a country side. As more and more country side is disappearing (исчезать) some foxes are learning have to live in towns. However (тем не менее), not all animals are so good for changes (изменять) their habits (привычка). Some animals need protection (защита) from others. This is a Red __________.Two hundred years ago the Red Squirrel lived all over in Britain. Then in 19 century the Grey Squirrel came to Britain from The North America. The Grey Squirrel is a little bit bigger than the Red Squirrel and it is much better finding food. Nowadays you can only find the Red Squirrels in Scotland and in some parts in England. The Golden ________ also needs protection but from humans (человек). It’s one of the rarest (редчайший) British animals. There are just over eight hundred eagles left in wild. They are one of the largest British birds and one of the most beautiful.
| Cow Pig Sheep Turkey Deer Bird Duck Chicken Mouse Badger Rabbit Fox Squirrel Eagle Horses Hedgehog |
- Read the text and give the translations.
Самый большой ___________________ самый красивый ___________________________
Самый привлекательный ___________________ самый маленький _______________________
Самый редкий _____________________ самый простой ____________________________
- Read the text and find the English equivalents.
Такие как
Жить во всей Великобритании
Сельская местность
Менять привычки
Нуждаться в помощи
19 век
Контролировать поведение толпы
- Чтение \соотнести заголовки с абзацами
- They need protection
- The smallest and the largest wild animals
- Attractive animal
- Farm animals
- Animals for sport and fun
- Night and morning animals
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
- Проработать тему в парах\тройках\четверках
Give a talk about British animals. Remember to say:
- What British farm animals you know;
- What British wild animals you know;
- What British animals need protection;
- If British people have pets? What pets?
- If you have a pet? What pet?
H\t: make your topic about animals in Britain.
Animals in Britain.
- What are the most popular pets in Britain? What are the most common farm animals? What wild animals are there? Watch the video, listen and divide into 3 columns + fill in the gaps with numbers.
Farm animals | Wild animals | Pets |
__________ million cows _________ million pigs ________ and half million sheep
________ __________ million farm birds ___________ thousand different kinds of farm animals
- Watch the video and fill in the gaps with words. Обрати внимание на формы слов easy (простой), small (маленький), large (большой)
Animals are very important to the British: at home, in wild and on the farm.
______________ are easier to see especially early in the morning and in the evening. This is a ___________ - the early British animal, too. 5 ________ usually live in a country side. As more and more country side is disappearing (исчезать) some foxes are learning have to live in towns. However (тем не менее), not all animals are so good for changes (изменять) their habits (привычка). Some animals need protection (защита) from others. This is a Red __________.Two hundred years ago the Red Squirrel lived all over the Britain. Then in 19 century the Grey Squirrel came to Britain from The North America. The Grey Squirrel is a little bit bigger than the Red Squirrel and it is much better finding food. Nowadays you can only find the Red Squirrels in Scotland and in some parts in England. The Golden ________ also needs protection but from humans (человек). It’s one of the rarest (редчайший) British animals. There are just over eight hundred eagles left in wild. They are one of the largest British birds and one of the most beautiful. 6 __________ are very important in Britain. We ride them and sport such as racing and polo or just for fun. The police also use the horses to control crowds (толпа). | Cow Pig Sheep Turkey Deer Bird Duck Chicken Mouse Badger Rabbit Fox Squirrel Eagle Horses Hedgehog |
- Read the text and give the translations.
Самый большой ___________________ самый красивый ___________________________
Самый привлекательный ___________________ самый маленький _______________________
Самый редкий _____________________ самый простой ____________________________
4 Read the text and find the English equivalents.
Такие как
Жить во всей Великобритании
Сельская местность
Менять привычки
Нуждаться в помощи
19 век
Контролировать поведение толпы
- Чтение \соотнести заголовки с абзацами
- They need protection
- The smallest and the largest wild animals
- Attractive animal
- Farm animals
- Animals for sport and fun
- Night and morning animals
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
6 Give a talk about British animals. Remember to say:
- What British farm animals you know;
- What British wild animals you know;
- What British animals need protection;
- If British people have pets? What pets?
- If you have a pet? What pet?
H\t: make your topic about animals in Britain.
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