Дидактический материал для 4 класса
учебно-методический материал (английский язык) по теме
Содержание заданий соответствует образовательной программе, ориентированной на использование УМК "Enjoy English" (4 класс) авторов М.З.Биболетовой, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубаневой, издательства "Титул" Обнинск, 2012.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Задания к тексту «Two Ducks and the Frog».
1. Соедините английское предложение и его перевод.
1. She can chat from morning till night. 2. They don`t like winter. 3. It`s cold, cloudy and windy. 4. The children see the ducks in the sky. 5. The Frog falls down from the sky. | А.Дети видят уток в небе. В.Она может болтать с утра до вечера. С.Лягушка падает с неба. D.Они не любят зиму. E.Холодно, облачно и ветренно. |
2.Найди и запиши слова по-английски.
Река, добрый, друзья, осень, лето, зима, палка, лететь, небо, часы.
3. Выбери правильный вариант.
a) She (can, must, likes to) chat from morning till night.
b) Autumn (comes, came, doesn`t come).
c) They (like, likes, don`t like) winter.
d) The children (don`t see, sees, see) the ducks in the sky.
e) What (have, do, haven`t) the ducks got?
4. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Where does the Frog live?
2) What season does the Frog like?
3) Where does she want to fly?
4) What season is in the text?
5) What seasоn do you like?
5.Выбери и докажи одно из утверждений:
1) Summer is the brightest season of the year.
2) Autumn is the most colorful season.
3) Winter is a magic season of the year.
*6. Какие вопросительные слова пропущены? Впишите их.
How? How old? What? What colour? Where? |
- - ……………….have you got? - I have got a frog.
- - ………………is Tom? - He is nine
- - ……………….is Kate? - She is fine.
- - ……………….is the duck? - It is in the forest.
5.………………is the tree? - It is green.
Задания к тексту «The Donkey`s Favourite Season».
1. Соедините английское предложение и его перевод.
1) It`s cold and snowy. 2) I can`t walk in the park. 3) In summer I will dive and swim. 4) In autumn I will eat apples and carrots. 5) It`s cloudy and rainy. | А) Летом я буду нырять и плавать. В) Облачно и дождливо. С) Осенью я буду есть яблоки и морковь. D) Холодно и снежно. Е) Я не могу гулять в парке. |
2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Is the Donkey happy in winter?
2) Where is the Donkey in spring?
3) Does the Donkey like spring?
4) Is it cold and snowy in summer?
5) What has the Donkey got to eat in autumn?
3. Найдите в тексте глаголы в будущем времени, назовите их и переведите на русский язык.
4. Используя предложения из текста, опишите главного героя рассказа и ответьте на вопрос: «Has the Donkey got any favourite season?»
5.Прочитайте и скажите – верно или неверно (true or false).
1) The Donkey hasn`t got any green grass in winter.
2) Spring comes. It`s rainy and cloudy.
3) In summer the children dive and swim.
4) The Donkey likes summer because it`s very hot.
5) In autumn the Donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat.
6. Помоги ослику выбрать любимое время года. Опиши:
- зиму;
- весну;
- лето;
- осень.
*7. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1) She … visit her friends tomorrow.
a) doesn`t b) won`t c) isn`t
2) They … work tomorrow.
a) want b) will c) are
3) You … busy.
a) will b) be c) will be
4) I … late.
a) am not b) don`t c) isn`t
5) I won`t be … tomorrow.
a) late b) come c) come late
6) … snowy today?
a) It is b) is it c) It
7) Next September I … fifteen.
a) am b) will c) will be
8) What … make tomorrow? – A dress.
a) she will b) she won`t c) will she
9) – When … they write a dictation?
- Next Monday.
a) will b) do c) are
10) Alice can … English books.
a) read b) to read c) reads
Задания к тексту «The Big Secret» ( Part 1).
1. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.
1) Она живёт на ферме.
2) Он любит кататься на лошади, запускать воздушного змея.
3) Сегодня плохая погода.
4) Бабушка занята.
5) Саймон не хочет читать или рисовать.
2. Прочитайте и скажите – верно или неверно (true or false).
1) Simon`s grandmother lives in a flat.
2) Simon helps his granny in the house.
3) Simon likes to ride a horse and fly a kite.
4) Sometimes Simon plays hide – and – seek with his mother and father in their house.
5) Granny goes shopping in the morning.
3. Закончите предложения.
In summer Simon…
There are three bedrooms…
When it is hot and sunny, Simon…
Today the weather…
He doesn`t want…
4. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) How many rooms are there in Granny`s house?
2) What does Simon do to help his granny?
3) Why is Simon sad?
4) What does he want to do?
5) What do you do to help your mum and dad?
5.Выбери и докажи одно из следующих утверждений.
Simon`s granny has got a big house.
Today the weather is bad.
Granny is busy.
*6. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. Mrs. Smith has got two …
a) baby b) babies c) baby`s
2. … toys have you got?
a) How b) How old c) How many
3. Mr. Brown`s sons are …
a) doctor b) doctors c) doctor`s
4. There aren`t … carpets in the house.
a) some b) any c) the
5. There … a sofa in the kitchen.
a) is no b) aren`t c) isn`t
6. What … in the kitchen?
a) are there b) is there c) are
7. It … cloudy.
a) isn`t b) doesn`t c) won`t
8. There are … there.
a) book b) a book c) some books
9. It … be cloudy.
a) isn`t b) doesn`t c) won`t
10. … in the box.
a) There is no pen
b) No pen is
c) There is the pen
Задания к тексту «The Big Secret» ( Part 2).
1. Соедините английское предложение и его перевод.
1. There is a round table in the middle of the room. 2. There is a big armchair next to the fireplace. 3. In the middle of the room there is a box. 4. Then he sees two black eyes. 5. They will play hide-and –seek together. | 1. А затем он видит пару чёрных глаз. 2. В середине комнаты стоит круглый стол. 3. Они будут играть в прятки вместе. 4. Рядом с камином находится большое кресло. 5. В середине комнаты стоит коробка. |
Рядом с камином; в середине комнаты; на полу; между диваном и креслом; под столом; в левом углу; в правом углу.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
Who is Simon`s new friend?
What is there in the living-room?
What is there in the middle of the kitchen?
Where is Simon looking for the cat?
4.Найдите и расскажите о том, как Саймон ищет кота:
- в зале
- в своей комнате
- в кухне
*5. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. The dog`s … are white.
a) tooth b) teeth c) house
2. … pets have you got?
a) How b) How old c) How many
3. What colour … your cat?
a) does b) are c) is
4. There are … in the box.
a) doll b) a doll c) some dolls
5. … in the basket.
a) There is no tomato
b) No tomato is
c) There is the tomato
6. What … on the shelf?
a) are b) is there c) are there
7. It … be windy.
a) isn`t b) doesn`t c) won`t
8. It … cold.
a) isn`t b) doesn`t c) won`t
9. There … armchair in the bedroom.
a) is no b) aren`t c) isn`t
10. There … a carpet near the fireplace.
a) is no b) aren`t c) isn`t
Задания к тексту «The Green Garden» .
1. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.
( ) The little children haven`t got any place to play.
( ) Miss Chatter and the little children fly kites and play hide-and-seek.
( )“Dear children! Let`s grow a nice garden together!”
( ) In autumn Miss Chatter comes to visit the town.
( ) The people of the town like to have picnics in the garden.
( ) The weather becomes cold and windy. But they continue to work.
( ) Now all the people are happy in the town.
2. Прочитайте и скажите – верно или неверно (true or false).
1. There is only one long street in a small town.
2. The people are happy in their town.
3. In winter Miss Chatter comes to visit the town.
4. The weather is cold and windy.
5. In spring the days are cloudy and rainy.
3. Найдите прилагательные в тексте и назовите их 3 степени сравнения.
4. Закончите предложения.
There is only one long street in …
There are no trees and flowers in …
In autumn Miss Chatter comes to …
Spring comes and …
Miss Chatter and the little children …
5.Выбери и докажи одно из следующих утверждений.
The people aren`t happy in the town.
Miss Chatter helps the children in the town.
Al the people are happy in the town.
*6. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. … cassettes are new.
a) That b) This c) These
2. I haven`t got … brother.
a) a b) the c) ---
3. This book is … than that book.
a) worse b) the worst c) bad
4. He is … teacher in that school.
a) the best b) best c) better
5. Can you see those nice …?
a) shelf b) shelves c) flower
6. … a lot of toys in this shop.
a) They are b) These are c) There are
7. They … busy.
a) aren`t b) don`t c) can`t
8. The bird is funny but the cat is ….
a) funny b) funnier c) funniest
9. It is … oldest toy in the museum.
a) an b) the c) ---
10) Our school is better … their school.
a) than b) then c) ---
Задания к тексту «The Wolf And The Sheep» .С. 59 №. 31.
1. Соедините английское предложение и его перевод.
1. You have made the water dirty. 2. I didn`t put my feet into the water. 3. Then it was last year. 4. How could I put my feet into the river? 5. The Wolf fell into the water. | a) Тогда это было в прошлом году. б) Волк упал в воду. в) Ты испачкал воду. г) Я не лез в воду ногами. д) Как я мог зайти в реку ногами. |
2. Поставьте глаголы в настоящее время и переведите.
… - did
… - came
… - shouted
… - made
… - put
… - was
… - could
… - jumped
… - ran
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Did the Wolf want to drink water?
2. Was the Wolf angry?
3. Did the Sheep make the water dirty?
4. Did the Sheep shout at the wolf?
5. Was the Sheep brave?
4.Заполните пропуски, пользуясь текстом.
A Wolf wanted …
The Sheep didn`t put its …
The Wolf jumped …
The Wolf fell …
The Sheep … … years old.
5. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.
The Wolf drank the dirty water.
The Sheep made the water dirty.
The Wolf met the Sheep before.
The Sheep came to the river a year ago.
6. Придумайте новый счастливый конец истории о волке и ягнёнке. Используйте выражения:
- ran away
- ran after him
- saw the hunters
- shouted
- help me, please
- came and helped.
*6. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. He … buy the book yesterday.
a) didn`t b) doesn`t c) wasn`t
2. She didn`t … the song.
a) likes b) like c) liked
3. … a cassette in the box yesterday.
a) There is b) There were c) There was
4. … the present?
a) Did she like b) Did she liked c) She liked
5. Sam … in Moscow last year.
a) is b) was c)were
6. Bill … a letter yesterday.
a) sent b) send c) sends
7. It is … beautiful room in the house.
a) more b) most c) the most
8. What … in the bag?
a) there is b)is it c) is there
9. I think they … happy there.
a) will b) be c) will be
10. The day was cold. It was … rainy and cloudy.
a) --- b) a c) the
Задания к тексту №11 стр.68.
1. Переведите на английский язык.
1. М-р Уилсон купил много бананов и конфет, красных яблок и конфет.
2. Она испекла большой пирог.
3. Они увидели машину, которая остановилась возле их дома.
4. Джеймсу было 6 лет.
5. Они были счастливы.
2. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.
( ) “Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice-cream”
( ) They opened the door.
( ) “It`s time to get up. We`ve got visitors later today.”
( ) He put on his best blue shirt.
( ) Mrs Wilson made a big cake.
( ) He came to see his grandma and grandpa.
3. Составьте вопросы.
1. On Saturday Mrs Wilson got up early in the morning.
When …..?
2. Mr Wilson put on his best shirt.
What …?
3. He came to the country to see his grandma.
Where …?
4. Jason was six years old.
How old …?
5. She made a big cake.
Who …?
4.Расскажите, что делали М-р и М-с Уилсон с утра. Используйте таблицу.
кто | что делал(а) | что | когда |
Mrs Wilson | in the morning | ||
bought | |||
Mrs Wilson | a big cake | ||
put on | |||
Mr Wilson | put on | ||
They | the door | ||
Jason | to the country | ||
They | happy |
5. Перескажите историю от имени:
- Mrs. Wilson;
- Mr. Wilson;
- Jason.
*6.Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. Alan … at the Zoo last Sunday.
a) were b)is c) was
2. They … at school.
a) were b) is c)was
3. What … in the box?
a) there is b) is it c) is there
4. She … see the film yesterday.
a) didn`t b) doesn`t c) wasn`t
5. I think Jerry … late tomorrow.
a) will b) be c) will be
6…. a box on the table.
a) There are b) There were c) There was
7. It is … interesting story in the book.
a) more b) most c) the most
8. He didn`t … his car.
a) washes b) wash c)washed
9.I went to the forest … last Sunday.
a) --- b) a c) the
10. … in the park?
a) Did she skate b)Did she skated c)She skated
Задания к тексту № 29 стр.75.
1. Ответьте на вопросы.
Where did Jane and her mother live?
Did Jane help her mother?
What did Jane`s mother want to make?
Did Jane help her mother?
Did Jane eat the apple pie?
2.Заполните таблицу глаголами из текста.
Present Simple | Past Simple | |
+ | - | |
live do … | lived did … | didn`t live didn`t do … |
3. Представь, что Джейн теперь не ленивая. Она помогает маме. Вчера она помогла приготовить пирог. Составь предложения о том, что она делала, используя фразы из текста: go to the garden, bring some apples, go to the shop, buy some sugar, make the pie.
Example: Jane went to the garden.
She brought …………..
4. Скажи, как ты помогаешь маме по дому. Эти фразы помогут тебе:
Clean the rooms
Do the washing up
Feed the pet
Water the flowers
Go to the shop
*5. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
a) old b) older c) the oldest
2. I think the children … happy to get the present.
a) will b) be c) will be
3.There … a bird in the box.
a) was b) were c) are
4. What … on the table?
a) there is b) is it c)is there
5. Tom … go there last week.
a) doesn`t b) wasn`t c)didn`t
6. I saw Oleg … last Wednesday.
a) --- b) a c) the
7. Ann … the toy yesterday.
a) made b) make c) makes
8. Jane … in London last year.
a) is b) was c) were
9. Where … him?
a) did you see b)did you saw c) saw
10. Mr Brown … them.
a) didn`t invited b)didn`t invite c) not invited
Задания к тексту«Baby Elephant And His New Clothes». C.88 № 11.
1. Переведите.
Играть в школьной футбольной команде; футболка; купить новую одежду; сшить новые носки; заплатить за носки.
2. Прочитайте и скажите – верно или неверно (true or false).
Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in America.
Baby Elephant wanted to have a pet.
Father Elephant and Baby Elephant came to Mrs Lion`s shop.
The Little Lions made ugly green socks for Baby Elephant.
Baby Elephant was very glad.
3. Составьте предложения.
Father Elephant Baby Elephant The Little Lions Mrs Lion | came made wanted paid for went was | to buy new socks the socks home to Mrs Lion`s shop to play in … to buy … to Mrs Tiger`s shop very glad |
4. Закончите предложения.
Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in …
Father Elephant and Mother Elephant had…
One day Father Elephant saw….
Baby Elephant wanted …
Father Elephant and Baby Elephant went to …
The Little Lions made …
5.Поставьте предложения в настоящее и будущее времена.
Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in Africa.
They came to Mrs Lion`s shop.
The Little Lions made new socks for Baby Elephant.
Father Elephant paid for the socks.
Baby Elephant was very glad.
6. Разыграйте диалог между:
- Father Elephant and Baby Elephant;
- Father Elephant and Mrs. Lion.
*7. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. The trousers are very small. Don`t buy…
a) it b) they c)them
2. She never … his toys.
a) take b) takes c) doesn`t take
3. Don`t give him … sweets.
a) some b) any c) no
4. I don`t like … jeans.
a) this b) these c) that
5. I like the trainers. How much …?
a) is it b) are they c) are there
6. You must eat oranges. … good for you.
a) They are b) There are c) Are there
7. The clothes … in the box.
a) is b) are c) was
8. …five oranges in the basket.
a) They are b) there are c) Are there
9. Yesterday he … football in the yard.
a) plays b) played c) play
10. “Why …you sad, my little baby?”
a) is b) are c) was
Задания к тексту «The Best Time For The Apples».
1. Прочитайте и скажите – верно или неверно (true or false).
The children were at the lesson at a city school.
In spring it`s cold and it snows.
In autumn there are a lot of flowers.
In summer it`s hot and there are a lot of flowers in the trees.
John didn`t listen to the teacher and talked at the lesson.
2.Заполните пропуски. Вставьте вопросительные слова Where, Why, What.
1) … did John study?
2) … did the teacher tell his pupils?
3) … did the teacher ask John?
4) … did John answer?
5) … is your favourite season?
3. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.
() The children were at the lesson.
() The teacher asked John what the best time for apples was.
() John didn`t listen to the teacher.
() The teacher told about four seasons in a year.
() John gave the wrong answer.
4. Соедините предложения.
In summer In winter In spring In autumn | It`s cold and it snows. There are a lot of red and sweet apples. It`s hot and there are a lot of flowers. It`s warm and the trees are green. |
5. Заполни таблицу прилагательными из текста и переведи их.
Положительная степень | Сравнительная степень | Превосходная степень |
warm good … | warmer better … | the warmest the best … |
*6. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. I didn`t buy … clothes.
a) that b) this c) these
2. How … butter have you got?
a) many b) much c) old
3. What … funny trousers!
a) a b) the c) ---
4. I have … friend in London.
a) a b)the c) ---
5. There isn`t … ham in the lunch box.
a) some b) any c) no
6. I don`t ask him … questions.
a) some b) any c) no
7. Are there many … there?
a) fish b) mouse c) cat
8. There is … jam in the jar.
a) a b) some c) the
9.He doesn`t … English every day.
a) has b) have c)had
10. – They were in the toy shop.
- Who … in the toy shop?
a) were b)was c) is
Задания к тексту «The King And The Cheese». C. 109 № 38.
1. Переведите.
- жил – был;
- самый лучший сыр на земле;
- каждый мог почуять запах сыра;
- король позвал всех мудрецов;
- как избавиться от мышей;
- это легко.
2. Вставьте буквы.
Co …ntry, pal…ce, che…se, co...ld, ever…one, sm…ll, fr…end, m…ce, e…sy, br…ught, b…gan, w…se, ch…se.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
Where did the king live?
What could everyone smell in the palace?
Who ran to the palace?
What did the mice do in the palace?
What did the wise men bring into the palace?
4. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.
( ) The king called his wise men to help him.
( ) The mice lived in the palace and the king`s cheese.
( ) Everyone in the country could smell that cheese.
( ) “That`s easy,” the wise men said.
( ) Once upon a time there lived a king.
( ) He lived in a beautiful palace and he liked cheese.
( ) He asked, “How can I get rid of these mice?”
5. Построй предложения.
1) the cheese, smell, Who, in the, palace, could?
2) to the, mouse, palace, ran, Every, in the country.
3) work, They, good, did, very.
4) out of, the mice, did, the palace, Why, ran?
5) called, to help, The king, him, the wise, men.
6. Выбери и объясни смысл выражения:
- It`s very important to eat with nice manners;
- Even little mice can win the battle with the king;
- There is always a way to get along with each other.
*6. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.
1. They … use the textbook next year.
a) don`t b) aren`t c)won`t
2. Who is… lady over there?
a) this b) that c) a
3. Let`s ask him … question.
a) this b)these c) those
4. The shorts are nice. Do you want to look at …?
a) it b) they c) them
5. There … some honey in the jar. Who took it?
a) is b)are c) was
6. Tom was the … pupil in his school.
a) good b) better c) best
7. I … home at 3 o`clock yesterday.
a) come b) came c) will come
8. – Would you like some sweets?
- No, I don`t want …
a) some b) any c) no
9. What … under the chair?
a) is there b) it c) are
10. She never … me any questions.
a) ask b) asks c) doesn`t ask
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Дидактический материал. 8 класс
Дидактический материал по подготовке к контрольной работе по теме "Первоначальные химические понятия" 8 класс...

Поурочный дидактический материал 10 класс общая биология
Тематический поурочный дидактический контроль знаний изученного материала....
Past Indefinite Дидактический материал 5 класс
Упражнения для первичной отработки использования видовременной формы Past Indefinite...

КСО дидактический материал 7 класс
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Дидактический материал .7 класс. русский язык.
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