School Discipline
презентация к уроку (английский язык, 7 класс) на тему

Презентация на тему "Школьная дисциплина"


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Слайд 1

We are not ideal students, are we? School Discipline

Слайд 2

Look at these examples of bad behaviour in school. How would you classify them? Very serious / serious / quite bad / not bad behaviour Chewing gum or eating sweets in class Playing truant (not coming to school/not telling parents) Smoking in the school building (in the toilets?) Swearing (using bad language) Swearing at a teacher or insulting a teacher Not doing homework Cheating in exams (copying from secret notes or another pupil) Shouting and making noise during lessons Running in the corridors Writing on walls, desks and other school property Stealing from other pupils pockets or bags Calling a teacher or another pupil bad names (bullying) Carrying a dangerous weapon (gun, knife, penknife) Hitting other pupils or teachers Not listening/paying attention in lessons Wearing unsuitable clothes for school Kissing boys/girls during the lesson or in the corridor Leaving the classroom without permission

Слайд 3

Detention: a pupil is detained/asked to stay at school at the end of the school day. The pupil must work for 30 minutes or an hour more before they are allowed to leave the school. Exclusion: a pupil is excluded from the school and cannot come back. The pupil has to find a new school or a different method of education (home tutor, special centre for difficult pupils ) Suspension: when a pupil is suspended they cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about their case. Suspension can last from 1 to 45 days in a school term. The school usually gives work to do at home with a tutor (special teacher ). Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times (100 times) on a sheet of paper: An example sentence: I must not shout in class. This punishment is sometimes given during detention too. Punishments in UK schools

Слайд 4

Read and find out What is detention? What did Freya do when the school gave her detention? What two reasons does Freya give for her actions? What is a home school contract? Why do you think schools give these contracts to parents?

Слайд 5

Detention : What do you think ? Some pupils from UK schools give their opinion on detention. Is it a useful punishment? Is it fair? What do you think? Do you agree with them? I have had a lot of detentions for not doing my homework. It isn't fair and it wastes teachers' time. Kelly Watson 14. I had detention once last year and it made me think again. My parents were mad at me and I missed the last bus home. I am very careful now. Detention is a good thing and more pupils should be given detention! Barry Shapiro 15. We get detention for swearing or fighting and I agree with that. But we also get it for not doing homework. That's stupid! Lisa Brown 13. It is not really a punishment. We used to spend half an hour copying words from a dictionary. What's the point in that? It didn't make me behave any better! Mark Summers 17.

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