Ecological problems
статья (английский язык) по теме

Макарова Галина Александровна

Данная статья посвящена экологическим проблемам.  


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Ecological problems

     Макарова Г.А. учитель английского языка

       МБОУ «Новоубеевская основная школа», село Новый Убей Дрожжановского района Республики Татарстан.

          Since ancient times Nature has served Man. Being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.

          Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The byproducts of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water, we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

            Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

           The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, sign of the ecological crises.

             The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986. About 18 percent of the territory of  Belarus were also polluted with radioactive substances. A great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests and people’s health. The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are tragic for the Ukrainian, Bylarussian and other nations.

               Many countries bury and forget about millions of tons of rubbish every year. It is know that in one year, a European family with two children throws away about 50 kilos of paper (that’s six trees), and about 60 kilos of plastic.

              The Green World reports say that in one year the average person throws away: about 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food and about 70 drink cans.

               But we don’t have to throw away all our waste paper, glass, metal and plastic. We can also burn or recycle a lot of it. In fact waste can be wonderful stuff.

              Many things that we throw away still be useful. In fact it’s possible to recycle 80% of domestic rubbish. We can recycle most kind of paper, glass, metal and plastic. But only 4% of recycling is expensive. But it saves trees and energy and protects the environmental from pollution.      

               Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.

               Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries – members of the UNO – have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conference have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.

              But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.            

 To solve ecological problems people should/shouldn’t…:

  • Should create national parks.
  • Should pass antipollution laws.
  •  Should recycle wastes.
  • Shouldn’t leave fire in forests.
  • Shouldn’t smoke, take alcohol, junk food.
  • Shouldn’t cut down trees. 
  • Should display signs saying “Protect nature!”.
  • Should take care of nature.
  • Shouldn’t drop litter.
  • Should reduce air and water pollution.
  • Should leave food for birds in winter.
  • Shouldn’t kill animals.
  • Should save electricity and water.

             So we must ask the question: "Are you a friend of the planet?" If so, everyone must follow some   environmental slogans.

-        Please be quiet, leave radios at home.

- Help to keep all water clean. - Protect wildlife, plants and trees. - Do not spoil the gardens- do not leave Utter. - Do not take flowers and plants.

-        Do not damage the banks of the river

- Do not disturb animals.

                                                      List of literature


        2.    http://naexamen.r/english

3.  .Жури на Т.Ю. Английский язык. Тематический сборник для подготовки

к устному экзамену по английскому язык. 9 класс. Дрофа. Москва. 2008.


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