Контрольные работы 10 класс
материал по английскому языку по теме
Итоговые тесты по всем разделам учебника (УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И,В.Михеева- 10 класс)
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10 класс Контрольная работа №1 « Человек-творец»
1.Make the right choice.
1. Mathematics…… an exact science.
A is B are C do
2. The sunlit …… look wonderful.
A rooves B roofs C roof
3. Bad news…….. people happy.
A don`t make B doesn`t make C makes
4.There ….. a lot of sheep in the field.
A is B are C –
5.The outskirts of Moscow…… not polluted area.
A is B are C look
6. Brown gloves…. .. go with your black coat .
A do not B does not C isn`t
7.Her earnings ….. reduced.
A has been B have been C been
8. Oh.! I`ve broken my watch. You should buy……….
A. the new one B new ones C a new one
9.Are the potatoes expensive?- ………. in the nearest market are not.
A. Ones B The ones C One
10.The species of dodoes died ….. many years ago.
A. away B out C down
11.Mark was feeling rather pleased with……….
A. his B. him C himself
12.The young actors enjoyed……..playing at the theatre.
A. themselves B. themself C. them
13.The Tretyakov Gallery presents a great ……… of famous ………
A. exhibit / paints B. exhibition / paintings C.exhibiter / painters
14.They achieved such results ……. sheer luck.
A. with B. by C. on
15.We painted the room……….
A. us B. our C. ourselves
16.Your trousers ………. in the wardrobe.
A. is B. have C. are
17.Success in your job is not worth the …….. of your family.
A.victims B. sacrifices C. injured
18. All his life he lived in the…… of his mother.
A. shadow B.shade C. affection
19. Everything she does is just an………..
A. affection B. affectation C. effect
20.The orange sofa was……., it didn’t match the furniture in the room.
A. discordant B. discord C.accord
21.We can`t arrange a meeting…. the parents.
A. with B. for C.to
22.The countries haven`t come to a final ……..
A. arrange B. arranged C. arrangement
23.I wanted to buy my son a white shirt for Christmas, but he`s got…….already.
A.one B. ones C. anyone
II.Write the plural of the following nouns.
Celebrity- zoo-
Woman- datum-
Sky- passer-by-
Means- sister –in – law-
Ox- leaf –
News- forget –me-not -
III. Translate the words.
Airs- ashes - scales –
Staff - species- crew-
Looks - gang- stairs-
Earnings- the cattle- brains-
Outskirts - the minority - gasp -
IV.Form the words and write.
Well stricken
Hand paid
Easy written
Curly haired
Old washing
White fashioned
Poverty going
Fast making
Progress developing
V. Express the statements in English.
1.Художник изображает городской пейзаж.
2.Художник демонстрирует реальный талант и настроение момента.
3.Этот шедевр имеет доминирующий цвет.
10 класс Контрольная работа №2 «Человек верующий»
I.Complete gaps 1-8 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
1.My father nodded me in ………………& I left the room CONFIRM
with the sigh of relief.
2.In medieval all the …………….were carried out publicly. EXECUTE
3.Oh, my friend Is always trying to prove smth to smb, he is a real ……..of truth! SEEK
4.She was not guilty but hardly could persuade Judge Simpson in her ……… INNOCENT
5.The view of the accident was a truly ………………..sight. AWE
6.Nowadays the audience at the theatre is very ………. DEMAND
7.Working in your garden has turned out to be very…………… I’m very tied, TRIAL
as I have been slaving all day.
8.His look was so …………….that I hadn’t even tried to move. MENACE
II. Rewrite the sentences using the verb to carry:
- Two much paperwork is preventing police officers from doing their duties.
- He moved to London to continue his work.
- In the end, her passionate belief in justice helped her to overcome all the difficulties.
- The young scientist continued his father’s research & completed it.
- Walk as far as the bank, turn left & go straight on till you see a big store on your right.
- Mike was the only person in the office who could cope with filling in numerous forms.
- The investigation was conducted within the shortest possible time.
- It was my friends’ support that helped me to cope with my problems.
- The building work was done by a new developer.
III. Complete the sentences using prepositions in, to, for, on, of:
The busy road is a menace …… the children’s safety.
The child is ……awe …….his new bicycle.
The travelers lost & sought …….shelter from the rain.
The company demanded loyalty & discipline …………its employers.
My parents’ words confirmed me …….my determination to become a lawyer.
The law court decided that he should be sentenced ……life imprisonment.
He took the car ………..trial & now I have to get to my work by bus.
The company claims ………..produce more cars than any other company all over the world.
The behavior of this child is a real trial …………his parents.
IV. Complete the sentences using the words in the right form.
1.Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead & appeared to his pupils/ disciples to show everyone that there is another life after death.
2.In synagogues men are demanded/ are required to cover their heads.
3.What are you looking for/ seeking for? – My keys.
4.In spite/ despite of being hungry Sally didn’t have enough time to have dinner & she had to leave .
5.Where are you going to have your wedding meal/ feast?
6.During the strike all the employers demanded/ required better working conditions.
7.All customers are demanded/ are required to take shopping trolleys or baskets with them.
8.In spite/ despite dull weather we are going to the theatre, we’ll take our umbrellas just in case.
9.It is required / demanded to have 5 feasts/ meals a day.
10.Every country has its own bank holidays/ feasts & Russia is not an exception.
10 класс Контрольная работа №2 «Человек верующий»
I.Word Order
1.Last week I met a man/brilliant/tall/young ....................................................................
2.In the middle of the room there was a wooden/small/table/round ……………………………
3.My father studied at the medical/German/school/famous ……………………………………
4.I’d like to cover the floor with a carpet/Chinese/green/large…………………………………
5.We live in a new/house/tall/brick ……………………………….
6.Take that cotton/beautiful/Chinese/kitchen towel………………………………………
7.What a tie/bright/modern/silk! ……………………………………….
8.These are my jeans/favourite/American/old …………………………………………….
II.Give the English Equivalents:
Normally…………………………… Evidently………………………………….. Generally………………………………..Frankly…………………………….. Clearly…………………………………….. Honestly………………………………..
Hopefully…………………………. Briefly……………………………………..
III.Complete gaps 1-16 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
1.Oh, you are growing very quickly! You have ……all your clothes again! GROW
2.It was ……to give me such a difficult test. FAIR
3. A lot of Arabians took part in …………… demonstrations, they want to be AMERICAN
4. Teenagers……because they protest against strict rules at schools. BEHAVIOUR
5. He made all his best & …………his competitors during the race-horse last week. RUN
6. ……….apples always drop & become rotten in our garden. RIPE
7. When they arrived, they got out their car & ……their child. FAST
8. She prefers to buy luxurious ………clothes in exclusive department stores. WEAR
9.Parents usually …of their children coming home late in the evening. APPROVE
10. The main purpose of the Russian Government is to ……….the Caucuses areas. ARM
11. The generation gap means …between the parents & their children. UNDERSTAND
12.You should ……….all the new words in the following sentences. LINE
13.Some …African countries need for food & medical care. DEVELOP
14.As for me I prefer ……….meat? it tastes a lot more terrific. DO
15.While visiting Oxford University we made friends with many …., some of GRADUATE
them wanted to work in Russia: it was amazing.
16.In 1977 the river Tom …………its banks & all the buildings along it were badly destroyed. FLOW
IV.Complete the sentences:
1.The people who worship together are (прихожане)_____________.
2.Religious communities observe (ритуалы, обряды)____________________
3.People seek ( благословения, исцеления и спасения )____________________________
in the church.
4.Nuns live in the( женский монастырь)___________________
5.Monks live in ( мужской монастырь)____________________
6.Traditional places of worship are ( церкви,соборы, часовни,мечети,синагоги, храмы)
7.Places of worship may be decorated with ( фрески, мозаика, иконы, витражи, свечи,люстры, статуи) ______________________________________________________________________
8.Tradition of ( паломничество)_______________ is going to some holy places.
9.Some people consider themselves to be ( атеисты или неверующие)._________________________________
10.People ( служат, богу молятся, исповедуются, слушают проповеди, поют псалмы ) in the church.
11.The Christian places of worship have the following elements ( алтарь, хор, кафедра, иконостас, распятие, могилы).______________________________________________________________________
10 класс Контрольная работа №3 « Человек - дитя природы»
I.Complete gaps 1-8 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
1.My friend is quite a ……………person, we share the same business. DECENCY
2.In the morning there were some deep ………….on the door of my new car. SCRATCH
3.I have failed my entrance exams, the results will be ………….for my parents. DISTRESS
4.He looked ………….as it was rather difficult to make such a decision. HESITATE
5.His ……….was excellent, we were satisfied with his Perkin duck! TREAT
6.Every ………….in a public place will be punished. DISTURB
7.Tory had a …………over whether to join them now or later? HESITATE
8.After 70 years of …………… Russian people became rebellious. OPPRESS
II.Use a proper phrasal verb:
to rub
1.to rub it in –
2.to rub off –
3.to rub along –
4.to rub against smth/ smb –
5.to rub down –
Ex.13, p.47 (WB)
III.Choose the best variant:
1.After brooding/ reflecting for a time she decided not to go there.
2.The fees/ salaries were so high that we decided to cancel the appointment with the lawyer.
3.He can stay/remain for hours in front of the window reflecting/ brooding on life.
4.My granny became fat/ stout & stayed/ remained at home most of the time.
5.It’s waste of time reflecting/ brooding over what happened. You’d better find a n experienced lawyer.
6.Mr.Brown is a pretty/very unpleasant fat/ stout man, I hate talking to him.
7.It’s pretty/very frosty today, it’s rather difficult to breathe deeply.
8.I spent my holiday in Sochi.- Where did you stay/ remain- at the hotel or with your relatives, I know they live there.
9.Environmental pollution stays/ remains a serious problem in our country.
10.Miners’ labour is pretty/ very hard but after many years of such work some of them still remain/ stay healthy.
IV.Give the English equivalent:
Воздух свеж, чист, прозрачен
Солнце светит ярко
Лес пронизан солнечными лучами
Дует легкий ветерок
Морозец пощипывает нос
Слегка подмораживает, и мягкие снежинки подают на землю
Легкий туман
Все деревья в зеленых нарядах
Крошечные листочки появляются
Идет дождь, капли дождя падают на землю
Вода в лунном свете
Рассвет и закат выглядят зрелищно и восхитительно
Море спокойно, вода кристально чиста
10 класс Контрольная работа №4 « Человек в поисках счастья»
Use the necessary phrasal verb:
To stick to smth- ………………………………………………………………….
To stick with smb - ………………………………………………………………
To stick up for smth - ……………………………………………………………
To stick together - ………………………………………………………………
To stick to smth – 1……………………………………..2……………………………………………….
1. I have made my choice & I’m going to stick …………………..it.
2. I don’t understand people who stick ………………..a diet.
3. My younger brother is pretty strong , he can stick …………………..himself in a difficult situation.
3. We have been working in this company for a long time & we always stick ……………………
4.While travelling abroad tourists should stick ………………….proper traditions of this or that country.
5. I’m very satisfied as I could stick ………………such a terrible driving test.
6. I am going to stick …………………my old Swedish watch, I got used to it.
7. Well, you are leaving, but in Moscow stick ……………..our relatives & everything will be OK.
- Fill in the necessary preposition:
- Do you object …….my staying here a little longer?
- I dream ……..learning several languages.
- The passengers complained………the flight being delayed.
- I don’t blame her ………spoiling my dress.
- He succeeded ………writing the article about the financial situation in our country.
- I respect people who are capable ……….. telling the truth.
- I really look forward ……going away for my summer holidays: I’m a little tired …… studying.
- I’m not used ……….eating spicy food.
- Nobody could prevent him ………..making such a terrible mistake.
- We apologize ……… missing your birthday party.
- They were tired ……….writing different tests.
- Don’t blame Sam ………what’s happened: he couldn’t stop the child …………going out & losing his way.
- A lot of people believe ……….God.
- Forgive me ………..telling a lie!.
- The noise from our neighbours kept us ………..sleeping.
- A lot of people are more interested ………..sport than ………arts
III.Complete gaps 1-6 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.
1.I could never expect my speech to have such an ………………effect on you. EMBARRASS
2.On ………………he decide not to pass English as an entrance exam. REFLECT
3.On the border between England & Scotland one can see the ………………. of REMAIN
Hadrian Wall built against Scottish tribes.
4.She felt absolutely ……………… by her elder brother’s behavior. EMBARRASS
5.I don’t want to participate in such a ……………………..climb. RISK
6.I was impressed by my …………….in the mirror in my fancy-dress. REFLECT
IV. Give the English Equivalents:
1.По правде говоря, представление было скучным……………………………………………………
2. Для начала мы были очень изумлены. ……………………………………………………………..
3.Возвращаясь к сути дела, я бы хоте6л подчеркнуть, что командировка была изнуряющей. …..
4.Он не общительный, не имеет друзей, и ,честно говоря, в школе над ним часто смеются …….
5. Короче говоря, на вечеринке толстушка Кейт была самой забавной. ……………………………
6.Иначе говоря, наше путешествие в Европу было очень увлекательным (волнующим)…………
7. Честно говоря, мои родители были тронуты этим нищим в изношенной одежде. …………….
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