“Phraseological units containing proper names”
проект по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Our work is devoted to the English phraseology and its theme is “Phraseological units containing proper names”
According to our theme we defined the following tasks:
- to examine English Phraseological units and their classifications in common;
- To learn and to classify proper names according to their meaning;
- to study Phraseological units containing proper names;
- to compare some English and Russian Phraseological units containing proper names
- to define the spheres of there usage in different styles of speech;
The goal of our research is learning of Phraseological units containing proper names in different spheres of their usage.
The leading idea of our research is that Phraseological units are closely connected with a culture and History of the people speaking the given language that’s why knowledge of Phraseological units influences the formation of the second-language person greatly
At the first stage of our research we studied different definitions of Phraseological unitsd there classificationfferent deffinitions istory of the people speaking the given language there classifications and sources, so we made a conclusion that many of them contained proper names of different meanings.
Proper names is an important source of information, so at the second stage of our research we learnt proper names and their classifications.
At the third stage , to achieve the aim of our research, we began learning Phraseological units containing proper names, so we chose 75 Phraseological units, studied them from different points of view and divided them into several groups according to the origin of the proper names.
The material of our work has a practical value and can be used by teachers, at the lessons of English, and also by everybody who is interested in the English lexicology.
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