Разработка внеурочного мероприятия по английскому языку «Halloween» («День Всех Святых») для учащихся 6-го класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Цель проведения:
- познакомить учащихся с традициями Англии на примере празднования 31 октября праздника Всех Святых;
- заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка, как средства знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
- активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника;
- воспитывать умение работать в коллективе.
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Разработка внеурочного мероприятия по английскому языку «Halloween» («День Всех Святых»)
для учащихся 6-го класса
Комментарии: Подготовка к празднику проходит заранее – учащиеся готовят соответствующие костюмы и маски. Мероприятие проводится во внеурочное время. Кабинет английского языка украшается плакатами с тематикой праздника, пауками с паутиной, выполненными учащимися фонарями из тыквы.
Мероприятие проводится в виде соревнования, поэтому учащихся необходимо заранее поделить на 2 команды.
Звучит таинственная и устрашающая мелодия, которая заканчивается с началом представления.
За участие в представлении и конкурсах, за приготовленные костюмы учащиеся награждаются призами.
В конце вечера все присутствующие получают сувениры.
Цель проведения:
- познакомить учащихся с традициями Англии на примере празднования 31 октября праздника Всех Святых;
- заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка, как средства знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
- активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника;
- воспитывать умение работать в коллективе.
Ход мероприятия
- Организационный момент. Приветствие.
Учитель: Good evening, boys and girls! Welcome to our Halloween party! Today is 31st of October and we are here to celebrate. Join in our circle and try not to be afraid of witches, wizards, skeletons, vampires, ghosts…
Ученик 1 (читает стихотворение):
This is the night of Halloween
When all the witches might be seen;
Some of them black, some of them green;
Some of them like a turkey bean.
- Знакомство с традициями праздника “Halloween”.
Ученик 2: Halloween, or “Holy Eve”, is celebrated on October, 31. It is the eve of the festival of all saints, but many of the beliefs connected with it came long before the Christian Era: 1) The ancient Druids lit bonfires to drive to be away spirits of the dead; 2) In ancient Rome, the festival of Romona, goddess of bruits and gardens, occurred at about this time of year. Nuts and apples were roasted in front of huge bonfires.
Ученик 3: Even after November, 1 became a Christian feast, peasants clung to the old pagan customs. Halloween become a night of mystery and fun-making. Folk came to believe that they could foretell the future on that night by jumping over lighted candles. In the British Isles great bonfires blazed. Laughing bands of “guise”, young people disguised in grotesque masks and carrying lanterns carved from turnips, gathered in each village.
Ученик 4: Halloween celebration today keeps many of these customs unchanged. Yong and old still gather to duck for apples bobbing in a tube of water. Grinning pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, rustling corn-stalks and white – sheeted figures create an air of mystery, and black paper witches and cats are used for party decorations. It’s a favourite “special day” for school celebrations, when young people hold costume parties, play old-fashioned games, and give pageants based on the ancient customs.
Ученик 5: Halloween Games are very old. Many centuries Halloween celebrations provide friends, relatives and good neighbours with a possibility for some fun. On this evening, according to ancient Celtic beliefs, the spirits of all things are liberated and free to roam the world. The “Holy Eve” is an ideal time for fortune-telling.
Ученик 6: In resent years, children dressed in white sheets, knocked on doors at Halloween and asked if you would like a “trick” or a “treat”. If you give them something nice, a “treat”; they go away. However, if you don’t, they play a “trick” on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep!
- Инсценировка пьесы “Rodrigo from Brazil”.
На импровизированную сцену выходят герои пьесы:
Mrs. Brown: Where are you going tonight, Nick?
Nick: To the party. My friend Sam will come to me at seven o’clock.
Стук в дверь
Mr. Brown: Somebody is knocking at the door.
Mrs. Brown: Come in. Oh, it’s your friend Rodrigo.
Mr. Brown: My friend from Brazil!!! How are you?
Rodrigo: Just fine. I went to London 2 hours ago.
Jane: Have you ever been to England?
Rodrigo: No, I haven’t.
Mrs. Brown: I can see you are wearing the light clothes.
Rodrigo: You are right. The weather was warm and dry.
Jane: But today is rainy and windy.
Nick: It’s nice day today!
Rodrigo: Why do you think so?
Nick: On the 31st of October English people celebrate a nice holiday -Halloween.
Rodrigo: I’m afraid I don’t know much about this holiday.
Mr. Brown: People dress up in strange costumes and pretended they are ghosts or witches.
Rodrigo: Oh, are you sure I’m going to like it? It’s very unusual.
Mrs. Brown: It’s a holiday for children. They dress up in funny clothes and go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”
Rodrigo: Trick or treat! What do you mean?
Nick: Nothing dangerous. If people give us a treat – some sweets, nuts or cakes – we’ll say “thank you” and go away, but if they don’t we’ll play a trick on them.
Jane: People put pumpkins on the window still. They draw eyes, noses and mouths on the Pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face.
Стук в дверь. Заходят 3-4 детей в костюмах.
Children: Trick or treat! (мистер Браун дает детям яблоки)
Trick or treat! (миссис Браун дает детям конфеты)
Trick or treat! (Детям ничего не дают. Они быстро вытаскивают воздушный шар и неожиданно хлопают его. Хозяева дают детям орехи и они уходят).
- Проведение игр.
Учитель: It’s nice, funny and tasty holiday, isn’t it? Let’s play games now?
“Bobbing for the apples”
Stand in two lines and when I say “Go!” one by one run to the bowls with water and apples and try to take the apple out of the water. Don’t use your hands! You can only bite the apples. Those who will manage to get the apples out of the water first will be the winners. One, two, three…go!
“Collect a skeleton”
Which team will manage to collect a skeleton quicker? Throw the dice and stick the part of skeleton’s body on the board with the help of magnets. Each skeleton’s bone has a number. A “1” is needed to start because number “1” is a skeleton’s body.
“Wrap up like a mummy”
Use toilet paper and wrap one or two members of your team in it. Whose mummies will be better? You have 10 minutes for this task.
“The Witch’s Cauldron”
The witch sits in a dim room before a cauldron, under which there is a real or an artificial fire. She has a lighted candle. There should be as many fortunes as there are guests. The fortunes are written on slip of paper, folded with the writing inside. These are placed in the cauldron. One at a time the guests approach, put their hands in the cauldron and draw out a fortune. When a guest opens the paper, and there is nothing there, the witch says she can read the apparently blank paper. She holds it above the candle, with the invisible writing nearer the flame. Slowly the words, which have been written in milk, become readable as the flame scorches the milk. The paper mustn’t be held too close to the flame, of it will burn.
“Halloween words”
Ученики делятся на команды по 3 человека. Каждой команде дают по листку со словом Halloween. За 5 минут каждая команда должна написать как можно больше слов, состоящих из букв, которые есть в слове Halloween.
- Парад-конкурс костюмов. Итог мероприятия.
Наряженные “страшилки” выстраиваются в ряд и под музыку проходят круг почета. Ребята комментирует костюмы и выбирают лучший персонаж.
Учитель: Well, I am very glad to see your happy faces. But our party has come to the end. Now we are going to award you for hand – made articles and the costumes you have prepared.
Звучит финальная песня “Ангел хранитель мой”, под которую все участники выходят на сцену.
Учитель: We leave all bad and unkind things, our fear in this hall and leave it without any scare and doubts, and only with good, kindness. See you soon! Good Bye!
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