Language Lab: Everyday British Things (quiz for the 5th form)
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Акмаева Елена Олеговна

Language Lab: Everyday British Things (quiz for the 5th form)


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Предварительный просмотр:

                               Language Lab: Everyday British Things (quiz for the 5th form)

                                   Учитель: Акмаева Е.О., ГБОУ СОШ №629 г.Москвы

    You often hear things listed below mentioned in Britain. Do you know what they are? Match them with their explanations.

  1. The Union Jack
  2. The British Empire
  3. The British Parliament
  4. The Strait of Dover
  5. The Queen
  6. Downing Street, 10
  7. The political center of London
  8. Buckingham Palace
  9. Trafalgar Square
  10. The City
  11. Oxford Street

  1. the real power in the country
  2. the head of state
  3. the residence of the Prime Minister
  4. the flag of the UK
  5. Britain and its colonies
  6. the nearest point to Europe
  7. the residence of the Queen in London
  8. Wesminster
  9. business center of London
  10. the geographical center of London
  11. the best place for shopping in London













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