План-сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Santa's Club" для 4-х классов
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку по теме
Christmas is a mysterious holiday when evryone expects the Wonder to happen... It is the time for Dreams and Fairy-tales... And if some day we imagine that we are all a little bit ... Santa Clauses...
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Предварительный просмотр:
Звучат фанфары…на сцене ведущие в костюмах
Santa1-- Attention! Attention!
Santa 2 -- Dear guests! Teachers! Pupils and Parents!
Santa1-- It is the end of December! The New Year holidays are coming!
Santa 2 -- People decorate their houses and put the New Year tree!
Santa1-- Today! You are lucky to be present at the Santa’s Club Party!!!
Santa 2 -- Listen if you can hear!
Santa1-- Watch if you can see!
Santa 2 -- Enjoy if you love English!!!
Santa1-- So, Here we go!!!
На сцену выбегают участники
Now is here --
A fine new start
For a whole new year.
The snow comes down
In the dark of night.
When we awake
The world is white.
In January
When there's snow,
We get our sleds
And away we go.
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The New Year Tree!
Winter Time
Winter time is full of light,
Winter time is big and bright,
Winter time is full of fun,
Winter time has lots of sun.
New Year Day, happy day!
We are glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day
Santa 2 -- Dear friends, we cannot start without the host of our Club!
Santa1-- Do you know him?
Santa 2 -- Who gets into the house through the chimney???
Все вместе: -- Santa Claus!!!
Santa1-- Who puts presents under the Christmas tree???
Все вместе: -- Santa Claus!!!
Santa 2 -- Who comes to children on New Year???
Все вместе: -- Santa Claus!!!
Santa1-- Who is arriving to our party now???!!!
Все вместе: -- Santa Claus!!! Santa Claus!!! Santa Claus!!!
Появляется Santa Claus
Santa 2 -- What is your name?
SANTA CLAUS --I am Santa Claus!
Santa 2 -- Where is your home? Not very close?
Is it here behind the wall?
SANTA CLAUS --No, it is far in the North Pole!
Santa1-- Santa Claus is very old
Santa Claus’s land is cold
In his sleigh with two reindeer
He brings presents every year!
SANTA CLAUS --New Year Day!
New Year Day!
Let us sing
And let us play!
I am Santa, I bring many toys
For you, good girls and good boys!
Happy New Year!!!
- песня: “S-A-N-T-A”
Santa 2 -- Sh!!! I hear somebody is coming! Do you know the best friend of Santa Claus?
Santa1-- He is made of snow!
Santa 2 -- He has got a carrot nose!
Santa1-- He helps Santa in everything!
Santa 2 -- It is SNOWMAN!
Santa1-- Here he is!!!
Под музыку выходит Снеговик
SNOWMAN: -- Hello everybody! Happy New Year!
Стих: I am a little snowman, short and fat,
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
When the jolly sunshine comes to stay
Then I slowly smile and melt away! :)))
Музыка. Снеговик удаляется. Выбегают Снежинки.
Snowflakes are nice,
Snowflakes are white.
They fall by day,
They fall at night.
See the pretty snowflakes
Falling from the sky;
On the wall and housetops
Soft and thick they lie.
Nothing is quite so quiet and clean
As snowflakes that fall in the night,
And isn`t it great to jump from bed,
And find the whole world white?
So softly come the snowflakes down
That no one hears in all the town.
And right-side up they landed too,
As parachuting elves would do.
So when the morning comes – surprise!
The world is white before your eyes!
- Танец снежинок “LITTLE SNOWFLAKE”
Снежинки удаляются
Santa1-- All the members of our SANTA’s CLUB are really wonderful!
Santa 2 -- Yeees! But not all of them are here yet!!!
Santa1-- Dear guests, meet … the greenest , the most wooden and holiday decorated !!!... our YULE TREE !!!
YULE TREE: --Do you know why the pine trees
Stand so straight and tall?
How do they keep their branches
stiff and straight
And never stoop at all?
It really is a secret,
Which the north wind told to me
That every pine tree hopes some day,
To be a Christmas tree!
- Песня: “DECK THE HALLS” +танец ЕЛКИ
YULE TREE: --Nice to see you at SANTA’s CLUB! I am the YULE TREE and all my decorations are here with me!
Santa 2 –Ladies and gentlemen!!!! NEW YEAR STAR !!!!!!
NEW YEAR STAR:--I am the New Year Star,
I wish you joy and light!
May your year be bright
And your smile be wide!
Santa1-- Our Santa’s CLUB is the centre for happiness, joy, fun, merriness and smile!!!
Santa 2 -- Let us meet Miss SMILE !!!
Выходит Мисс УЛЫБКА
- Танец счастья ”Laughter”
MISS SMILE:--Glad to meet you! I am Miss SMILE. I hope the New Year brings joy and happiness in your life! Happy New Year !!!
Santa1-- There is no holiday without wonder, miracle and fairy-tale!
Santa 2 -- Miss FAIRY-TALE !!!
- исполняет танец «РИО»
Santa1—I f you love holidays and enjoy making fun…,
Santa 2 -- If you adore presents and like meeting friends….
Все вместе:-- Welcome to our Holiday SANTA’s CLUB !!!
Финальная песня:
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