THE PLACE WE LIVE IN part 2,part 3
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме


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CHERTKOVO-NOWADAYS PART II made by: Cristina Zinchenko , Yevgeny Baltyonkov , Roman Ruban , Vitaly Gas’kov , Vladimir Krasyukov .

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CHERTKOVO - a small settlement on the border of two states RUSSIA and UKRAINE.

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The railway station and the square in front of it is one the beautiful places. Here you can see the monument to the founder of the settlement-the count CHERTKOV .

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THE VICTORY SQUARE Every year on the 9 TH of May we come here to remember those who didn’t come back and thank our veterans for their courage during the Great Patriotic War.

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THE MUSEUM OF LOCAL LORE It tells you about the history of our district, region and the nature of Donskaya Land from the distant past to nowadays. Many interesting exhibits you can see here.

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THE GORKY PARK One of the favourite places for the rest. Citizens and the guests of our settlement enjoy to come here to dance, to listen to music or walk along the beautiful paths .

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The Future Of Our Settlement . Made by: Anton Sedov Svetlana Derevyankina Olya Zhykovskaya Inna Letucheva Oxana Goncharova Part III

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Year 2125 Chertkovo becomes a city, a big industrial centre. The new factories, plants, beautiful shops, clubs, cafes have appeared… the underground and the airport.

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THE UNIVERSITY The citizens are proud of our university. Now students not only from Russia come study in it, but from different countries too .

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Our Museum of Local Lore becomes the large cultural centre . Not far from it the new picture gallery was opened. The best works of our Artschool leavers are exhibited there. People from various places of Russia come to us.

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The buildings are new, high and beautiful, with glass external lifts, and the helicopter platforms on the roofs. But there are also wooden houses with the beautiful ornament. These decorations of the houses were made by our local skillful masters

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The overseas miracle plants with huge leaves and bright colors are everywhere in our beautiful city.

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