Положение и материал к конкурсу инсценированной сказки на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Данную разработку можно использовать в рамках проведения Недели английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Зам.директора Директор МБОУ «Большеалексеевская общеобразовательная
по УМР __________О.В.Ефимова школа» ___________________С.А.Баскакова
Руководитель ШМО
гуманитарного цикла_________С.А. Даудова
протокол №_____
от «__»_______2013 г. «__»________2013г.
Положение к конкурсу сказок на английском языке:
Цель: - знакомство с народным фольклором на английском языке;
- расширение знаний лексико- грамматического характера
- развивать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка
- Дата проведения: 22 ноября 2013 г.
- Время: 12.30
- Место проведения: актовый зал
- Участники: учащиеся начальных классов и 5 классов
- Жюри: ученики 7-8 классов
- Гости: администрация, классные руководители начальных класса, родители
Оборудование: музыкальный центр, декорации для сценок костюмы,.
Ведущий: Hello dear friends! Today is the contest of English fairy tales. I hope you like them and know lots of them. The pupils of the form 3 will act the story about a red little hen that is very hardworking. You will see the performance of the pupils of the class 4 “Three little pigs” and you will enjoy the fairy tale of Andersen “Swineherd and princess” acting by the pupils of the form 5. Here is a very competent Jury that will judge our contest. Let’s start our performance.
Story-teller: Good morning! I am from London. I have a nice story with you. It is a story about a Little Red Hen. In spring one day, a Little Red Hen found some seed.
Little Red Hen enters.
Little Red Hen: How do you do! I have some seed! Look at it! It is a wheat seed.
Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat enter.
Little Red Hen: hello, Cat! Hello, Dog! Hello, Sheep! Hello, Goat!
Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat: Miaow! Bow-wow! Baa! ma-maa!
Little Red Hen: Who will sow this seed?
Cat: Miaow! Not I!
Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!
Sheep: Baa! not I!
Goat: ma-maa! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will.
All go out.
Story-teller: And she did. She sowed the seed and it began to grow. Many days passed. Spring passed. Summer passed. Now autumn is here. It is time to cut the wheat.
Little Red Hen enters.
Little Red Hen: my wheat is yellow. My wheat is ripe now.
Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat enter.
Little Red Hen: It is time to cut the wheat. Who will cut the wheat?
Cat: Miaow! Not I!
Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!
Sheep: Baa! not I!
Goat: ma-maa! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will cut it.
All go out.
Story-teller: And she did. She cut the wheat. Now it is time to thresh the wheat.
Little Red Hen enters.
Little Red Hen: it is time to thresh the wheat.
Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat enter.
Little Red Hen: Who will thresh the wheat?
Cat: Miaow! Not I!
Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!
Sheep: Baa! not I!
Goat: ma-maa! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will thresh the wheat.
All go out.
Story-teller: And she did. Now it is time to make the wheat into flour.
Little Red Hen enters.
Little Red Hen: It is time to make the wheat into the flour.
Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat enter.
Little Red Hen: Who will make the wheat into the flour?
Cat: Miaow! Not I!
Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!
Sheep: Baa! not I!
Goat: ma-maa! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will.
All go out.
Story-teller: And she did. She made the wheat into flour. Now it is time to make the bread.
Little Red Hen enters.
Little Red Hen: The flour is white and good.
Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat enter.
Little Red Hen: Who will make the bread?
Cat: Miaow! Not I!
Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!
Sheep: Baa! not I!
Goat: ma-maa! Not I!
Little Red Hen: Then I will.
All go out.
Story-teller: And she did. She made the bread.
Little Red Hen comes in with a loaf. Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat come in and stop around Little Red Hen and her loaf.
Little Red Hen: the bread is ready. Who will eat the bread?
Sheep: I will! I will!
Little Red Hen: No, no, you lazy-bones! You shall not eat the bread. I will eat it.
All go out.
Story-teller: And she did. She ate the bread all by herself.
STORYTELLER: There was once a Prince, who wanted to marry the King's daughter.
PRINCE: These are presents for the King's daughter. She is pretty and kind, and I think I shall marry her. This rose is so beautiful! And it smells so sweet! And this nightingale is the best singer in the world.
PRINCE: I have some presents to the most beautiful Princess in the world.
PRINCESS: Ah, I think these must be lovely presents! Perhaps it's a little pussy-cat!
1st LADY-IN-WAITING: Oh, it is a rose!
2nd LADY-IN-WAITING: A very fine rose!
3rd LADY-IN-WAITING: And it smells so sweet!
KING: Indeed, the rose is not bad.
PRINCESS: Fie, Papa, it is a real one!
LADIES-IN-WAITING (together): Fie, it is a real one!
KING: Well, let us see the other present.
1st LADY-IN-WAITING: Oh, it's a nightingale! What a beautiful bird!
2nd LADY: It can sing such sweet songs!
3rd LADY: Such a nice little bird!
PRINCESS: Is it a real one?
PRINCE: Yes, it is a real one!
PRINCESS: No, no! I don't like your presents! Let us go and play!
STORYTELLER: Then the Prince painted his face black, put a plain cap on, his head, and knocked at the door.
KING: Come in!
PRINCE (comes in): Good morning, Your Majesty. Can I get some work?
KING: Well, let me see. Your face is dirty. Ha, ha! Would you like to be the King's swineherd? I have a lot of pigs, and you can look after them.
STORYTELLER: So the Prince looked after the King's pigs. One day he got some clay and he worked hard all day long. By the evening he made a small pot.
PRINCE: Now it is ready!
Oh, my dear Augustin, Augustin, Augustin! Oh, my dear Augustin, Augustin, Augustin!
PRINCESS; Oh, do you hear the song, ladies? Why, I can play it myself with one finger. It is beautiful!
PRINCE: Good evening, my beautiful ladies! Have a look at my pot!
LADIES: Oh, how fine! How fine! What a beautiful little pot!
PRINCE: It is a magic pot. You can see what all the people in your town have for dinner.
PRINCESS: Oh, I want to have the pot! I like to know what my people have for dinner. It is so interesting! Go and ask him what he wants for his pot.
1st LADY: Hm... hmm... listen, young man, how much do you want for the pot?
PRINCE: I must have ten kisses from the Princess.
1st LADY: Good heavens!
PRINCE: I won't take less.
PRINCESS: Well, what does he say?
PRINCESS: He is a fool! Let us go away!
PRINCE (sings):Oh, my dear Augustin, Augustin, Augustin!
PRINCESS: Oh, what a wicked boy! Then you will have to stand round me, so that no one may see. Tell him to approach!
2nd LADY: Come here, please!
PRINCE: Now you may have your pot. Good-bye!
PRINCESS: Now we shall know everything about the dinners in our town.
2nd LADY: Cabbage soup and pancakes, roast beef!
3rd LADY: How interesting! The pot is very useful.
PRINCESS: Yes, but don't tell Papa! Don't tell anybody!
LADIES: No, no, we won't tell.
STORYTELLER: Next the swineherd — that is the Prince —made a musical box. It. played all the waltzes, polkas and mazurkas in the world.
PRINCE; Let us play a waltz. And now a polka.
PRINCESS: How lovely! What fine music! Go and ask him what he wants for his box.
2nd LADY: Good afternoon, sir! What will you have for your musical box?
PRINCE: I want a hundred kisses from the Princess and no less!
2nd LADY: A hundred kisses!
LADIES: A hundred kisses! A hundred kisses!
PRINCESS: He must be mad! Let us go away and play! But the music is so beautiful! And you will stand round, like yesterday, so that nobody may see us when he kisses me! And you must count the kisses! No more than a hundred!
LADIES: One, two, three, four, five... ten... twenty... twenty-five... thirty... fifty... eighty-five...
KING (comes out): What is that I see? Why, there are the ladies-in-waiting! Is that a new game? I must go and see! What's all this? What's all this?! Get out! Get out of my Kingdom!
PRINCESS: Oh, what shall I do? I am so unhappy! And where is the Prince now?
PRINCE: I am here. I thought you were pretty and kind, but now I know you are not. You did not want to have the rose, but you kissed the swineherd! I don’t want to marry you! Good-bye forever!
PRINCESS: Oh, forever! Oh, dear! I am so unhappy!
Three little pigs are brother. They live in the forest. They want to build three houses.
“Let’s build our houses here,” says Percy.
“Yes,” says Peter.
“That’s a good idea,” says Patrick.
But a big bad wolf lives in the forest. Every day the wolf watches the pigs. He is hungry and wants to eat them. He looks at the house of straw and he says:
“I can smell a little pig. I want to eat him for my dinner”
He goes to the house of straw and he knocks on the door.
“Can I come in, little pig? I’m not very big!”
“Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big bad wolf, you horrible thing.” says Percy.
The wolf blows and the house falls down. Now he runs to the house of wood. He knocks on the door.
“Can I come in, little pigs? I’m not very big!”
“Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big bad wolf, you horrible thing.” say Percy and Peter.
The wolf blows and blows and the house falls down. Now he runs to the house of bricks. He knocks on the door.
“Can I come in, little pigs? I’m not very big!”
“Go away! You can’t come in. You’re the big bad wolf, you horrible thing.” say Percy, Peter and Patrick.
The wolf blows and blows and blows and blows again but the house doesn’t fall down. It’s a house of bricks and it’s very strong.
The wolf sits down and thinks:
“I can wait.”
“Oh, no! We can’t go out! What can we do?” says Peter.
“It’s OK.” says Patrick, “Listen and watch…”
He goes to the door and shouts:
“The wolf is waiting. He is not very clever. He can come down the chimney and eat us.”
“That’s a good idea.” he thinks. “ I’m a clever wolf I don’t want to wait. I want to eat the pigs”
Волк падает в трубу.
“Let’s make a new house of bricks says Patrick.
“Oh, yes! Straw and wood aren’t very good.” says Peter.
“We don’t want this house to fall down!” says Percy.
Three little pigs build a new big house. It’s very strong. They make a fence and they paint it red. They sing:
“We are not afraid of wolf, of grey wolf, of grey wolf.
“We are not afraid of wolf, grey and stupid wolf.”
Слово жюри.
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